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Why did nobody answer me?

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I posted questions about Yogi Bhajan's high charges for attending his

workshops and nobody responded. I decided to do a little research and I

found out a ton of information.

I was introduced to Yoga and to Kriya Yoga through my OBE interest.

I was very discouraged that people on this list, and many yogis in general,

view OBE's as an 'occult power.' In Tibetan dream and sleep yoga, lucid

dreaming is used to bring enlightenment, and we all know that lucid dreaming

and OBE's are very similar.

I am quitting my yoga training for many reasons.

One reason is the excess of false swami's. go to www.rickross.com and search

for Yogi Bhajan and you can find some startling and TRUE information about

the 3HO organization and about its Kundalini Yoga.

I will go back to having OBE's and trying to learn as much as I can from the

beings I meet. It is better than following false swamis and doing stretches

we learned in 3rd grade and calling it Kundalini Yoga.


Josh Miers

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Hi Josh,


I for one cannot speak for this list but I do recall seeing a few responses to


questions. I also have read all of your posts and Josh they all carry an

negative air to them

and perhaps that is the reason for your limited responses. I personally welcome

life each day

as positively and as happy as possible, knowing what life has to offer on a

daily basis. If

you hunt for the negatives in anything you will probably find something negative

about it and

visa versa when you keep an open, positive mind. Since, Yogi Bhajan has touched

us all in a

positive way, that is how we feel about him and his teachings. Perhaps, you need

to make some

inner adjustments to your attitude, I do know but good luck either way.


Sat Nam!



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I have to sympathize with you, I have the same feelings towards my ex

who is still on the outskirts of my life, very hard.

He just insulted me the last time I saw him, he puts people down all the

time especially was good at it with me.

I'm much wiser now so it's best to get myself away from him as soon as I


Surround yourself with positive people.

Lillian Glass Ph. D.

has a tape program and two good books on this subject.

"Attracting Terrific People" and

"Toxic People"

Both these books among many has helped me a lot to see where I want to go

from here.

It's best to spill all the anger, etc. in therapy or to a safe person who

will not judge you.

It's also very easy to blame others for our anger when it may not be


I felt your pain as I read your post.

Put the past behind and look for your future with people who will

appreciate the wonderful woman you have become. We grow through our pain.

(This from an empty nester, broke two bones in my wrist last August, at a

crossroads as to what to do with my "new" life...

Thank goodness for my Tipsoo and two cats, my children who keep in touch

even though they are far away, and my healed hand and fingers.

I turned to yoga and meditation to help me cope. I appreciate all the

help I have gotten from this list.

Deanna D Take care!


What's interesting about relationships is that study after study has

shown the ability to sustain

healthy connections is a major predictor for longevity. HEALTHY CONTACT


MEDICINE! It improves our self-esteem, our sense of ourselves, & if you

don't have the

skills to be in a relationship, YOUR HEALTH IS APT TO BE AT RISK. ~Dr. C


Mehtab Kaur, sending sunshine! Deanna @@@&:-)




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If I may?

First and foremost I think the issue at hand is connecting to All That Is. In

doing so, it is a very personal choice. What is good and right for one is not

good and right for another. We must all seek our individual path and uplift

one another in doing so. We are all here creating, sharing, growing, learning


Each of us is born with our own Inner Being, that part of us that made a

prearranged deal before coming to the physical. This Inner Guidance touches

and guides us via our emotions. Our emotions, we own them. Sometimes we do

not listen to this inner being because we seek outside approval, or are

afraid of hurting someone. The point is your life is just that, your life.

What happens to you today is a result of the thoughts you had yesterday. Just

as what happens to you tomorrow is a result of thoughts from today. Do what

makes your cork float and mind your own business. We did not come here to

save the Earth and all of its creations, nor do they want to be saved by us.

What we judge in others is what we judge in ourselves.

It is much easier to point the blame outward on circumstances, people, events

then it is to see it for what it really is, a disconnection from self. It is

none of our business what path another chooses, how they live their life,

etc....... it is their experience, we do not know what lessons they chose in

the nonphysical. We may uplift and offer solutions but we must never

interfere, judge, criticize, condemn, or critique.

I believe that if your belief is of a world that will exploit you, then so

shall it be because you are drawing that energy to you. That which is like

unto itself is drawn.

I too lived in my own prison with a very abusive man. That was my choice. I

drew him to me because our energy vibrations were a match. We were on the

same level so to speak. Although I wasn't physically abusive to him, I was

very abusive to myself. I had very little self-worth, esteem, confidence, or

respect. That it what I drew to me. Because I felt that way about myself, I

attracted a man that felt that way not only about me, but himself as well.

We must all face some kind of contrast in order to know what it is we want.

We should bless this contrast, for it is giving us valuable information about

ourselves. How can you ever truly know what it is you want, if you have never

experienced what it is you do not want?

I am sorry that you or anyone else had to suffered at the hands of someone

else. Forgive both yourself and the party (parties) concerned and live and

learn. Life is a blessing. We wanted to be here in order to grow and

experience what has been created for us. It really was a blessing to come

here, we just seem to forget. May love and light surround you, protect you,

and guide you.

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Sat Nam Josh:


The term "occult powers" is essentially straight from Patanjali's

Yoga Aphorisms, a summary of ancient yogic knowledge that forms a

traditional basis of every form of yoga practiced, as I understand

it. And I don't see it as a negative judgement, just a term of

categorization - telepathy, clairvoyance, etc, are all considered

part of this category.


That other forms of yoga use these powers, or other things as part of

their paths is true. Certain Tantric forms use sexuality as part of

the path to enlightenment. And so on - every path is different, and

it is important to find the path that works for you.


Something to remember about yoga is that you don't have to take on

anybody's beliefs. YB has said that you should only believe what you

experience - good advice, I think.


The advice that I take from Patanjali is not that OBE's are "bad".

They are just another experience. The point is that chasing the

powers for the sake of the powers tends to support the desires of the

ego, which does seem to get in the way of enlightenment.


Rather than giving up on yoga, perhaps you should simply keep looking

for a path or teacher whose form is more aligned with your particular

goals and needs.


On your other subject, I haven't found that the prices for 3HO events

are unreasonable - compare them to similar events from other groups.

The money goes to 3HO, which is a non-profit, and you can deduct them

on your taxes.


Love & blessings on your journey,

Sadhant Singh

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This is a very new experience for me. I came across the word "Kundalini" by

browsing some sites on Islam. About awaking your inner self. So if I say

something out of the way, forgive me. I am just trying to understand and

gain some wisdom. And eventually have the experience, if I already haven't.

Going by some the experiences listed by others, I have some of the same

"insights," if you will, as the others. But I just took it as a gift. I

did not know one could nurture it, and make it become stronger. I know

about chi, but never related the two. So please, give me guidance in all

forms of Kundalini so that I can experience those great pleasures that I may

pass it on to others.

J.L. Davis



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Dear Deborah,


I am very sorry for all the pain you suffered - I too spent many years in

a terrible , damaging marriage. I would respectfully suggest though that

just because someone has practiced a disipline like KY for many years

doesn't mean they are particularly advanced. It depends on what point

they started from and how sincere they really are. I have met many so

called spiritual people in my life who have turned out to be anything

but. I feel we need to develop our own powers of discernment so we can

recognise such people. I know my years of unhappiness taught me many many

things but I certainly found it very hard to see that at the time. Life's

lessons can be anything but easy.


I wish you every happiness...


love and Sat Nam,




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To Deborrah,


I relate and emphatise with you. I am myself a punjabi sikh and married my

ex just because he is a sikh. 8 years and 2 children later, I am going

through a bitter divorce but I can't run ast enough from him.After my

initial anger with God,Guru and all I realised that who my ex is has nothing

to do with sikhism or him being a man. The yogic community here in Vancouver

has been my only support,,, my own family isn't there for me. So we have

both learned the hard lesson to not marry someone just because of spiritual

beliefs. It is healthy to be skeptic but one man doesn't make the religion

or path. One man doesn't make KY bad. It is for you to discover for






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