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heart chakra needs work

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Dear Joe:


I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling depressed recently. There are

many things in KY that are helpful for these sorts of feelings -

GKK"S books, particularly "Transitions to a Heart-Centered World",

are loaded with kriyas and meditations that can help you in such

periods. That book has ten kriyas in a section called "Strengthening

the Heart Center", and twelve meditations in the section "The

Positive and Neutral Minds", and another ten in the section

called "The Heart Center", any of which would be helpful.


I have found the kriyas "Heart Opener" and "Heart of Gold" to be very

helpful, as well as the meditations "Smiling Buddha Kriya", and "A

Splendid Experience". I also like the meditation "Laya Yoga for

Ecstasy" in her book "Sexuality and Spirituality".


Whichever things you choose to work on, I recommend that you commit

to at least a 40-day set to allow the benefits of the experience to

truly become part of you.


A good approach (which I use much of the time) is to use the early

morning hours to work on things which you are doing every day, and

then at bedtime you can experiment with different meditations that

strike your fancy.


Practicing the long deep breath, eventually working your way up to

the 1-minute breath, is an excellent way to alter your brain

chemistry and change how you feel immediately.


And speaking of chemistry, the kinds of feelings you are having are

often related to insufficient serotonin levels in the brain. An

excellent way to boost your serotonin levels is with the combination

of St. John's Wort and 5-HTP. St. John's Wort is an herb which has

the functional properties of the class of drugs called SSRI's

(selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) such as Prozac, but this

herb is safe and effective without the the unpleasant side-effects of

the SSRI drugs. 5-HTP is a (natural) amino acid that your body can

turn into serotonin.


Depending on your age, you may also want to look into supplementing

with DHEA or pregnenolone. These are hormones which, as we age, we

produce less and less of (they both are called biomarkers of aging,

which means that the measured levels of these hormones are directly

related to age). Deficiencies of these hormones have a strong

correlation with depression.


Much love, smiles and hugs,


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--- Original Message ---

OpenOne1 Wrote on

Thu, 12 Oct 2000 23:06:49 EDT


sat Nam...

i have been quite depressed and anti social lately ... are there

any kriyas,

pranayams, or other meditations that i could use to strengthen

and open my

heart chakra, thank you





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