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skin problems

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In a message dated 11/24/2000 12:05:15 PM W. Europe Standard Time,

m-c writes:


> does anybody know anything that can help with skin problems like

> psoriasis and exema?


Yoga has helped me a lot with psoriasis. I am fairly new (six months)

to kundalini yoga so I can't speak to specific things kundalini yoga

might offer for the problem... I hope someone else on the list can

speak to this. My background is in hatha yoga. Still, I will share what

has worked for me from my current understanding.


What helped me was first to learn that one way of understanding

psoriasis is as a automimmune

problem, related to having an overreactive

immune system that

attacks one's own skin/self. My body overproduces killer T cells in times of

stress/threat; and my body does not make enough of another kind of

white blood cell whose job it is

to act as a check/balance and absorb the killer immune cells.

So lacking anything better to do, my excess killer immune cells go after

my skin and joints.


I had a dream not long after gaining this understanding of

psoriasis, of living in a rough wooden

house that was burning all around me. In the dream, I

grabbed a fire extinguisher and began methodically dousing the

burning timbers with blasts of flame retardant, putting the fire out.


Presto! There was my healing visualization for my psoriasis

(and my inflammatory arthritis, which is somewhat similar but

involves my joints).


When my psoriasis and/or arthritis flare up (usually during times

of life stress) I add in visualizations to the meditation parts

of my yoga routines. I imagine

dousing the flames of my immune system in the particular

areas of the body where I am experiencing symptoms with a little

fire extinguisher. Sometimes I add in a temperature aspect to the

visualization, imagining that the flame retardant blasts are gently cool.


My partner has sensitive skin and skin problems, and he started

doing snow visualizations for his skin... imagining snowflakes

falling on the affected areas. This strategy has worked as well for

him as mine has for me.


During severe flareups, I will do this visualization 5-6 times a day.

Less doesn't turn the autoimmune reaction around.

My partner gets relief doing visualizations only 3-4 times a day

for a couple of days.


Usually my psoriasis/arthritis

flares end with 2 days of this regime, and my skin commences

normal healing. If my acute life stress continues, then I usually

must keep up the visualizations until life is calm again, but

at a much lesser level (even once a day).


Probably once upon a time, evolutionarily speaking, it made much

sense for the body to produce copious killer immune cells whenever

we felt threatened... since we might well be getting

physically injured and thus we'd be needing

those extra immune cells to fight off infection. But in contemporary life,

most threats are more abstract that physical

and my body isn't really helping me

by gearing up for war against germs.


For some reason, jogging/brisk aerobic exercise stimulates my immune

system (maybe my bodymind fears I'm running for my life from some

sharp-toothed predator!)

and I found that doing this kind of exercise was triggering

psoriasis outbreaks. So I started doing a post-exercise visualization as well.


When I get lazy and slack off on the visualizations, my psoriasis returns

so there is a pretty quick feedback loop on my efforts.


Best wishes.


Angie Reed

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sat nam all,


does anybody know anything that can help with skin problems like

psoriasis and exema?

doctors never really know what is it from, stress or psychological

problems, alimentation, or wathever,

and they cant really help. I know that a lot of people have thoses

kind of skin problems and nobody really know

why and what to do. I'v read that it could be the nerves at the

surface of the skin that doesnt get enough oxygen.


Im also searching for informations about headache and migraines, what

caus them and what can we do to avoid them.


Anybody can give me some info/advice would help,


blessing to all,




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Sat Nam m-c:


Here is a posting on skin issues that you might find helpful:




And here is a pointer to one on the subject of migraines:




In addition to what was said in that one is some advice from Ravi

Singh on headaches (some of the causes are tension which reduces

blood flow to the brain or a toxic condition in the body). Here is a

sequence to try:


1. Shoulder shrugs - inhale the shoulders up, and release them down -

powerfully for 1 minute


2. Neck rolls, taking 8-10 seconds per complete turn, 7 times, and

repeat in the other direction.


3. Press the thumbs hard under the cheekbones for 1 minute.


Other rememdies: soak your feet in cold running water (this works

great for me!), drink lots of water during the day, get lots of fresh



Another cause of headaches/migraines is the accumulation of mucus in

the body, particularly the mucus that gathers in the back of the

throat overnight, which is why we recommend brushing the back of the

tongue every morning until you gag, enabling you to spit out the

collected mucus.


This is exactly as much fun as it sounds - but it is very good for

you. I'm not sure which I like more, this or the cold showers...




Love & blessings,


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For SKIN PROBLEMS. reply from Janardhanan.K

this skin problem generally comes when your digestive system and breathing

system doesnot work properly.

Your chakra at stomach and throat are faulty.

You will not have regular motion from the stomach ; and lot of toxin will be

creating in your body.

Another thing most of the time you will be having cold and other breathing


If you can rectify this ;your skin problem will vanish.

For this you have do two things.

1) For stomach:- Drink minimum 3 glasses( 1 to 1.25 liters) of water

immedaitely after you wake up.The water should be at normal temperature.

For first week it is difficult to drink 3 glasses.If you reduce the

quatntity of water this treatment will not work.So quantity of water is

important which will creat a water pressure in your stomach which will clear

your waste.

Take breakfast or anyfood only after one hour.Try to have some exercise /yog

for stomach if possible.


2.For Breathing:- Take half glass warm water.Put some salt (sodium chloride)

in that and stir.Do "Jaladhara" with that in the nose- Take a spoon or a

filler and pour this salt water in the left nose and then after that pour

little salt water in the right nose also.Remaining water you gargle in the

mouth. This should be done just before you go to sleep; and donot wash your

mouth or nose after that.When you pour water in the nose try to breath

through mouth only.First three days it will be very unpleasant.

I have treated many people in India and most of them are quired now.


Regarding head ache etc i can show how to remove majority of head aches and

other problems .I donot charge anymoney from any body-total free service

only in Mumbai and Kerala





Click here for Free Video!!




"m-c" <m-c

<Kundaliniyoga >

Friday, November 24, 2000 3:04 PM

skin problems

> does anybody know anything that can help with skin problems like

> psoriasis and exema?

> doctors never really know what is it from, stress or psychological

> problems, alimentation, or wathever,

> and they cant really help. I know that a lot of people have thoses

> kind of skin problems and nobody really know

> why and what to do. I'v read that it could be the nerves at the

> surface of the skin that doesnt get enough oxygen.


> Im also searching for informations about headache and migraines, what

> caus them and what can we do to avoid them.


> Anybody can give me some info/advice would help,


> blessing to all,



> m-c




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