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Auspicious star alignemt

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This was forwarded to me by a fellow yoga teacher and I wanted to share

the information witht all those on the list.


love to all

Avtar Kaur




January star alignment

Dearest Seekers of the Sacred,

A very auspicious time will soon be upon us, as a magnificent &


star alignment moves into position & unleashes its impact upon spiritual


This letter is written that as many souls as possible might benefit from

this celestial

event. It is for this reason that I also ask that you make every effort

to spread the word.

I have just returned home to the US from a 7-week journey, most

of which

was spent in the monasteries, temples, & ashrams of India & Nepal. This

trip was

extraordinary, & represented a major transit in my own progression of


Feeling reborn into a new state of being, I am eager to immediately pass


on to each of you through the transmission of light & love that the

Teachings of Wisdom

offer us.

One of the significant revelations that I received is the

occurrence of the upcoming

star alignments that will herald a major gateway of spiritual progression

for initiates &

seekers worldwide.

This gateway will take place for one week from January 14th

through January 21st.

For tens of thousands of years, this gateway has been awaited &

prophesied by the Vedic

sages. It is an opening that will make manifest the turning of the Great

Wheels of Time,

as we move beyond the dark influences of the Kali Yuga & emerge from the

grasp of past

solar karma.

As the sincere seeker offers up the open book of the human heart

for healing

& ascension into the higher realms of being, divine response will be



This spiritual gathering of all gatherings, the Maha-gathering of

our time... will soon

commence. A great congregation of our planets true illuminaries will

occur as the sages,

masters, yogis, pundits, & nirmankayas come down from their sacred abodes


the Himalayas. Some will come by foot, traversing the high passes of the

Himalayan range,

descending from the most remote regions of India, Tibet, Nepal, Burma,

Bhutan, & Sikkim.

Some will teleport & simply appear out of the ethers, seemingly emerging

from thin air into

the crowds that will be gathered. Entire groups of nirmankayas will

suddenly appear,

manifesting through their lightbodies. Together this mighty & majestic

conclave will move

into the rhythm of the Vedic chants & ceremonies of the ancient of days

on the banks of the

revered Ganges, at the convergence of three sacred rivers, in the holy

city of Varanasi, India.

The three sacred rivers represent the causal spiritual streams of Shiva,

Vishnu, & Brahma,

the three aspects of God Consciousness through which enlightenment and

co-creatorship is

achieved. Untold numbers of holy men and women are expected to gather,


more than half a million. The Himalayas are now literally buzzing in

anticipation as representatives

from all the mystic traditions in the East, prepare to join together in a

massive invocation for

enlightenment and liberation.

The Ascended Masters of the Brotherhood of Light will be

represented in full force, as the

Divine Corridor is ignited at levels of manifestation never before

attained. This gathering of

illumined saints & sages in Varanasi happens every twelve years on a

smaller scale, however

this year represents a specific and extraordinary star alignment that

occurs only once each 144

years. The sequence of 144 years is occultly significant in & of itself.

This most powerful high holy week is called Maha Siharshrum Kumba

Shalela. In the beauty

& perfection of divine synchronicity, I was guided over a year ago to

schedule our upcoming Sacred

Arts Institute session in Hawaii to begin exactly on the same date as the

commencement of this

most auspicious star alignment. I made this decision even though concern

was expressed to


me that these dates were too close to the holidays & that I should

reconsider. Now the significance

of my decision has been revealed to me. Our Sacred Arts Institute

session in January will indeed

be one that will long be remembered. To be gathering at this specific

time, in spiritual invocation

& unification, with our planets Masters and Illuminaries will be nothing

less than phenomenal.

If ever there was a fertile moment in history to gather together

in group formation this is it!

Astrologically, the sun will be making a transit from the south node to

the north node, which

energizes the progression from the past to the future at solar levels of

karma. This is big, much

grander in the cosmic scheme of things than we can really understand. It

has to do with everything

that humanity is or ever will be.

The south node represents where we have come from & what we have

learned from that

journey. The north node represents what we aspire to & where we seek to

be. Many sages of

the eastern traditions resolutely believe that gathering in conclave

during this star alignment

assures enlightenment in this lifetime. The fact that it is seven days in

length is occultly significant

as well, regarding the attainment of all seven dimensions of human divine


During this most auspicious gateway, the mantle of planetary

guardianship will be passed \

from the East to the West for externalized manifestation.

The Oath of the Nirmankaya will be taken by many, many souls as

an undeniable fact of

planetary progression.

The initiates of the West will now be made ready to fulfill their

destiny. The

time is now!

This celestial gateway will provide the impact of cosmic impulse

at a level of power & light that

can truly penetrate the density that has hampered the progression of the

human spirit.

A full eclipse in the sign of Capricorn will also take place

which will offer a primal surge of

influences that bring thought, aspiration, and all manner of spiritual

longing into manifestation. There

will be no better time in this century to move forward on the path & to

put into vitalized motion your souls

higher purpose.

This will be a potently auspicious time to seed and sanctify new

creations, projects, & endeavors

of both personal and collective intention. I cannot find words to truly

emphasize the spiritual opportunity

that the Maha Siharshrum offers us. The words simply cannot sufficiently

take form upon my lips. I can

only convey to you the significance of this gateway in the fullness of

its importance through silent transmission.

Our Sacred Arts Institute gathering will be a time of major

progression for all who join together

in the sincerity of the seeking heart. The Rods of Initiation will be in

full ignition, as I am given permission

to sweep in the descent of the major rays of co-creation. Initiatory

ascent in the revelation of the higher thresholds of consciousness will

be at an optimum. An all new level of manifested personal life mastery

will be my primary emphasis.

Group initiation into 5th and 7th dimensional alignments of

planetary service will also be opened,

as the Divine Plan is unveiled to greater numbers of initiates. I too,

will be unveiling myself to you in a

divine demonstration of pure & unmodulated light, as my purpose on the

Path of Solar Logos is

officially launched into manifestation during this star alignment. My

intention is to supersede all

previously conceived personal soul potential, breaking open & freeing the

Indwelling Light of God

from the seed thought of I to the greater being of the full I Am

Presence. I am ready to claim my full

divine destiny. I am ready to teach & serve from the omnipresence that is

the unchangeable, causal

force behind all creation. I am ready to do what I came here to do.

And so it is from this proclamation that I send forth the call! I

beckon each & every one of you,

that this letter reaches, to be present. Let nothing deter you. Let no

test or challenge, great or small,

prevent you from attending & receiving what is now yours to receive.

Listen carefully to your souls light & wisdom & respond without

hesitation. Let people know

that our session is taking place. Encourage receptive friends & family

members to attend. Help their

higher selves to understand the significance of this time period. Prepare

yourselves as you are

guided. With this session, The Sacred Arts Institute is moving into its

manifested world purpose. I

call you to be present and be counted. No sacrifice is too great! In

fact, be willing to sacrifice everything,

and thus your spiritual merit will leap forward, advancing your karmic

wheel accordingly.

In truth, the only things that can ever be sacrificed, are the

illusions & false perceptions that have

held you back throughout the ages, & clouded your souls ultimate purpose

for incarnation. I will tell

you true & straight, When all is given of the small self unto the great

self, all is then received... all

wisdom, all love, all bounty, and abundance. That is the law of divine

response. My call & my purpose

will support your every step as you ready yourself to take part in our

SAI gathering in Hawaii. I will

remain in full presence & response, having issued forth all necessary

divine decrees to remove

the obstacles from your path, to assure your ability to attend. As you

trust, so you create.

My focus is now locked on to its ultimate goal, the full descent

of the Solar Angel of the Presence

into human incarnation. By the year 2012, the Solar Priesthood of

Planetary Guardianship is called into

full externalization among the nations of the world. May my life and

service to you all steadily support

& make way for the light of the sacred upon Earth, through all those that

give their heart to love of God.

Let us rise up together... as one heart...as one voice in invocation,

reaching a zenith of unity that rings

clear throughout the ethers, in demonstration of the choice for

liberation & service to the sacred.

In reverence and in love, I look forward with joy to join with

you once again.

As One,




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Hi Amanda,


Well, I KNOW I'm not going to Hawaii, or anywhere else ! For myself, I

intend to intensify my yoga practice during that time, and try to

initiate as many good things as possible in my life. Guarding one's

thoughts is always a good thing, but I plan to make a special effort to

be postive in my thinking.


Last night I was reading some of YB lectures and he said we should always

ask if something is noble, good for us, and a contributor to our

development. If not, run from it, whatever it may be. I feel this

applies very much to our thoughts as well as the things that come into

our lives. It's a tall order for most of it, but to practice such

positivity for a week shouldn't be so impossible. And from the sounds of

it, the results should be more than worthwhile !


I also hope to get together with other yoga practioners to do some group



If anyone else has any other ideas I'd love to hear them.


Love and Blessings,




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I have a question about that post about the astrological events of jan

14-jan 21.


First of all, that post was pretty vague.


> Astrologically, the sun will be making a transit from the south node to

> the north node


That is a pretty meaningless statement. The nodes are in opposition,

and so the Sun is always transiting from one to the other, and not very

quickly either. It takes about a half of a year to do so.


> A full eclipse in the sign of Capricorn will also take place

> which will o


I just looked at two different ephemereses, and there is a new Moon in

Aquarius, but no eclipse. Even if you are using the Sidereal zodiac

which puts the new Moon in Capricorn, there is still no eclipse.


By the way, what is Nirmankaya.


I am assuming that this is some type of special Khumba Mela, but the

article really doesn't tell us why?




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Dear Amanda,


> Wow. what can I do by myself to prepare for this auspicious event?


Buy the Triple Mantra CD we now have on www.yogatech.com and meditate to it.

This is one of the most powerful mantras to remove all obstacles and clear

the path to make things happen. It is done by one of my very good friends

Gurnam who is a master of Kabballah. He has encoded the Kabballah

principles in the music. I play it all day now that I have a copy.


BTW, what is happening is the transition out of the kaliyuga which was the

age of total darkness, i.e. not much chance for light or enlightenment ( A

few exceptions of course were let in to show us what we were missing out on

and couldn't get in touch with.) It is a cause of great celebration for all

of us. It will gradually be easier and easier to meditation and tune into

our spiritual selves.


SAt Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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where do I get the music Cd again. I would like to get one. thank you.

Nancy Buxton


"Gururattan K.Khalsa" wrote:


> Dear Amanda,


> > Wow. what can I do by myself to prepare for this auspicious event?


> Buy the Triple Mantra CD we now have on www.yogatech.com and meditate

> to it.

> This is one of the most powerful mantras to remove all obstacles and

> clear

> the path to make things happen. It is done by one of my very good

> friends

> Gurnam who is a master of Kabballah. He has encoded the Kabballah

> principles in the music. I play it all day now that I have a copy.


> BTW, what is happening is the transition out of the kaliyuga which was

> the

> age of total darkness, i.e. not much chance for light or

> enlightenment ( A

> few exceptions of course were let in to show us what we were missing

> out on

> and couldn't get in touch with.) It is a cause of great celebration

> for all

> of us. It will gradually be easier and easier to meditation and tune

> into

> our spiritual selves.


> SAt Nam,


> Gururattan Kaur



> eGroups Sponsor




> - Yogi Bhajan


> You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the eGroups Member Center (My

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> Kundaliniyoga-


> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



> kundalini yogaclasses.html


> Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Practical books on Kundalini Yoga,

> Meditation, Chakras, Womens' Empowerment. Meditation & Mantra CDs.





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I have had such a bad week I did not see the answer was on this page

when I sent this letter the first time. I found the page thank you all

for seeing my silly question. Nancy B.


R & N Buxton wrote:


> where do I get the music Cd again. I would like to get one. thank you.


> Nancy Buxton





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check out the one book , the veil , on this web, looks really interesting

om shanti , <>ISIS-ATMA<>




"Gururattan K.Khalsa" <rattanak

<Kundaliniyoga >

Wednesday, January 10, 2001 8:40 PM

Re: Auspicious star alignemt



> Dear Amanda,


> > Wow. what can I do by myself to prepare for this auspicious event?


> Buy the Triple Mantra CD we now have on www.yogatech.com and meditate to


> This is one of the most powerful mantras to remove all obstacles and clear

> the path to make things happen. It is done by one of my very good friends

> Gurnam who is a master of Kabballah. He has encoded the Kabballah

> principles in the music. I play it all day now that I have a copy.


> BTW, what is happening is the transition out of the kaliyuga which was the

> age of total darkness, i.e. not much chance for light or enlightenment

( A

> few exceptions of course were let in to show us what we were missing out


> and couldn't get in touch with.) It is a cause of great celebration for


> of us. It will gradually be easier and easier to meditation and tune into

> our spiritual selves.


> SAt Nam,


> Gururattan Kaur




> - Yogi Bhajan


> You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the eGroups Member Center (My

Groups), or send mail to

> Kundaliniyoga-


> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



> kundalini yogaclasses.html


> Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Practical books on Kundalini Yoga,

Meditation, Chakras, Womens' Empowerment. Meditation & Mantra CDs.




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Dear Gururattan,

You wrote:

[bTW, what is happening is the transition out of the kaliyuga which

was the

age of total darkness, i.e. not much chance for light or

enlightenment ( A

few exceptions of course were let in to show us what we were missing

out on

and couldn't get in touch with.) It is a cause of great celebration

for all

of us. It will gradually be easier and easier to meditation and tune


our spiritual selves.]


And I am wondering what this is based on? My understanding is that

the Kali-yuga ends at the 4th millenium....that Kali-yuga (the age of

quarrel) started 5,000 years ago (3,102

B.C.) and is scheduled to last a total of 432,000 years, leaving


years to go. Is there a site where I can get information on this?








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Very interesting points, Liz. Well, what I know about it it that it is a

special khumba mela that only comes every 144 years. This is determined by

vedic astrology, which I don't know that much about. That post has really

been around. I have recieved it three or four times already. While it is a

real and major event, I am not so sure that the author of the message

circulating really knew all that much about the details, especially

considering the points you made about it.


Love Always,

littlebird Leslie



> Sr. Lilith [lizgude]

> Wednesday, January 10, 2001 7:41 PM

> Kundaliniyoga

> Re: Auspicious star alignemt



> Hello

> I have a question about that post about the astrological events of jan

> 14-jan 21.


> First of all, that post was pretty vague.


> > Astrologically, the sun will be making a transit from the south node to

> > the north node


> That is a pretty meaningless statement. The nodes are in opposition,

> and so the Sun is always transiting from one to the other, and not very

> quickly either. It takes about a half of a year to do so.


> > A full eclipse in the sign of Capricorn will also take place

> > which will o


> I just looked at two different ephemereses, and there is a new Moon in

> Aquarius, but no eclipse. Even if you are using the Sidereal zodiac

> which puts the new Moon in Capricorn, there is still no eclipse.


> By the way, what is Nirmankaya.


> I am assuming that this is some type of special Khumba Mela, but the

> article really doesn't tell us why?


> Thanks

> Liz







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Sat Nam, all!


There is a website that describes the Kumbha Mela event in India which seems to

form the basis or inspiration for the "auspicious star

alignment" message:




Steve Porter


littlebird108 wrote:


> Very interesting points, Liz. Well, what I know about it it that it is a

> special khumba mela that only comes every 144 years. This is determined by

> vedic astrology, which I don't know that much about. That post has really

> been around. I have recieved it three or four times already. While it is a

> real and major event, I am not so sure that the author of the message

> circulating really knew all that much about the details, especially

> considering the points you made about it.


> Love Always,

> littlebird Leslie


> >

> > Sr. Lilith [lizgude]

> > Wednesday, January 10, 2001 7:41 PM

> > Kundaliniyoga

> > Re: Auspicious star alignemt

> >

> >

> > Hello

> > I have a question about that post about the astrological events of jan

> > 14-jan 21.

> >

> > First of all, that post was pretty vague.

> >

> > > Astrologically, the sun will be making a transit from the south node to

> > > the north node

> >

> > That is a pretty meaningless statement. The nodes are in opposition,

> > and so the Sun is always transiting from one to the other, and not very

> > quickly either. It takes about a half of a year to do so.

> >

> > > A full eclipse in the sign of Capricorn will also take place

> > > which will o

> >

> > I just looked at two different ephemereses, and there is a new Moon in

> > Aquarius, but no eclipse. Even if you are using the Sidereal zodiac

> > which puts the new Moon in Capricorn, there is still no eclipse.

> >

> > By the way, what is Nirmankaya.

> >

> > I am assuming that this is some type of special Khumba Mela, but the

> > article really doesn't tell us why?

> >

> > Thanks

> > Liz

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> - Yogi Bhajan


> You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the eGroups Member Center (My Groups),

or send mail to

> Kundaliniyoga-


> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



> kundalini yogaclasses.html


> Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Practical books on Kundalini Yoga, Meditation,

Chakras, Womens' Empowerment. Meditation & Mantra CDs.


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Dear Liz,


I agree with the points you brought up about the auspicious alignment--

vague, some fuzzy info, but I did hear again that the yogis are coming down

from the mountains to celebrate. I personally think the new moon in

Aquarius Jan 24 is going to bring in some major changes. See my New

Millennium Being newsletter on Uranus which will be out friday or Sat.


SAt Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Dear Gururattan Kaur


I hope I wasn't being too critical about that article, it's just that

sometimes I get irritated by these kinds of writings that are supposedly

telling us lavish, detailed, highly informed factual accounts of what

is going on on the inner planes, when they can't even get a few simple

astrological facts correct.


The link to the web site covering the Kumbha Mela posted earlier is

really wonderful. Unfortunately, I haven't found anyplace on that site

or anyplace else that explains what is going on astrologically that

makes this time so important.


Someone also mentioned earlier something about it being the end of the

Kali Yuga. I read an article about that some time ago, and I believe

what is happening is that we are still in the Kali Yuga for hundreds of

thousands or millions of years, but that we are entering a 10,000 year

golden age, which will indeed be a period of repreive from the evils of

the age.









> Dear Liz,


> I agree with the points you brought up about the auspicious alignment--

> vague, some fuzzy info, but I did hear again that the yogis are coming down

> from the mountains to celebrate. I personally think the new moon in

> Aquarius Jan 24 is going to bring in some major changes. See my New

> Millennium Being newsletter on Uranus which will be out friday or Sat.


> SAt Nam,


> Gururattan Kaur

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