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Chakra colors

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We are all familiar with the standard colors given for the chakras. However,

in reading Donna Eden's book (recommended), "Energy Medicine," she says that

the standard colors are not all that standard, that there is variety among

individuals as to what colors their chakras are emanating at any one time.

And since she can see chakras clearly, up to seven layers deep, I tend to

believe her. Her work is very similar to what Barbara Brennan (who also sees

chakras clearly) says in her books.


I wonder what Yogi Bhajan would say??




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It is believed that they can appear dark, murky, sometimes almost black when

there are severe blockages. HEart chakras can be seen as grass green or rose

pink. I believe it is related to the frequency that particular chakra is

vibrating on. The lower the frequency the darker or murkier the color. I also

believe it is correlated to the lessons being learned for that chakra. I

believe we can all view our own or someone else's. You just have to tap in

to the method that works for you. I sense the vibration with my hands and get

physical sensations in my own body. I find it interesting that a vast amount

of women operate on lower frequencies at their throat and heart chakras and

men at their root and solar plexus.




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Sometimes I get an image in my minds eye, sometimes they are physically

shown to me, and sometimes I pick up on the energy with my hands. I can feel

the different vibrations. There are times when I have my hands on someone and

I "feel" what they feel. I get sensations in my body physically or words

pertaining to them pop into my head. I was massaging a client and words like

guilt, jealousy, money, and love kept creeping into my mind. I felt a sense

of longingness and sorrow. I could feel there was a definite decrease in

energy at certain centers. When i arrived at her heart center a heaviness and

feelings of being weighed down came over me so strong I wanted to cry for

her. After te massage my client bursted into tears and began relating her

"troubles" to me. All pertaining to the feelings and words I had picked up

on. At the time I wasn't sure what was going on, it didn't make sense to me.

Now I pay attention to all of those "little" things my mind says or my body

feels. It might not make sense to me at the moment, but I know there is a

bigger picture.




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> I believe we can all view our own or someone else's.



I was wondering how you can see the colours of your chakras? Do you close your

eyes and see them in your "mind's eye"? Or can you look

in a mirror and physically see them?



Sat Nam



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I have a close friend and we get together for energy work often, and yes. She

seems to pick up on what I am feeling and thinking. We make a game of it

some times. I have CD that I play often and it has galloping horses

throughout the CD. One time while she was working on me the horses started

galloping and I felt as if I were on one of them, when we were done she told

me she felt like I left with the horses.

We are all boundless flows of energy, all connected. It would only

make sense that we can pick up on one another. It is like that one part of

you that you hide from yourself, and assumably everyone else. The more you

try and hide that part of you, the more others can see it.




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Chris, regarding:


>I "feel" what they feel. I get sensations in my body physically or words

>pertaining to them pop into my head. I was massaging a client and words like


I was wondering if you have heard of or experienced the reverse happening -

that is, that the client picks up on the bodyworker's energy, memories,

etc.? It seems that a client is potentially in a very vulnerable




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