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Morning yoga routine

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Hello, All.


Well, yet another few questions:


I have been trying to work out a morning routine with some success.

However, I am all over the map. It seems like every day my attitude is

different, thus, what I have worked out the day before doesn't always seem

to work.


I have included a probably overly-detailed description of what my "typical"

(this is a funny word) routine is at the end of this email. I call it the

"do 2 hours of yoga in the space of 4 hours" routine. :)


The questions:


How do others negotiate an acoustically challenged existence with beings on

different morning paths?


Also, is there anything others might recognize as counter-productive in my

practice? I am curious because my energy levels have been so widely

variable. I need a mirror. ;)


Lastly, I am a relative newcomer to KY and have progressed beyond what

feels in retrospect to have been the "introductory offer" of several months

of practicing one way. Now I'm in a weird space of that old practice not

fitting, but not having developed a new practice. I have two solid,

definite hours to work with daily. During one hour, I would like to

meditate (has to be silent or very quiet - see way below)... still trying

to figure out what to focus on. During the second hour, I would like to

continue practicing Sat Kriya and Spinal Energy Set and leave flex room for

experimentation (hatha or kundalini). I also do the Wake-Up Series daily.

The core question I have is: are there other KY fundamentals I should be

aware of and perhaps practicing?


I have included a probably overly-detailed description of what my "typical"

(this is a funny word) routine is at the end of this email. I call it the

"do 2 hours of yoga in the space of 4 hours" routine. :)


Thanks for any and all feedback!


Sat Nam,



4:00 am I wake up without alarm clock. If I sleep through this time, I take

it as a sign that I need to sleep through it. Go To 5:30am.


Record body temperatures.


Scrub & oil-massage skin, luke-warm shower, then cold. (P.S. Gururattan,

I do the oil before the luke-warm anyway, as it seems to help my skin stay

softer... even if I use glycerine soap for cleansing.)


Journaling... recording dreams, state of mindbody, etc.


4:30 am P.S. I don't know about your neck of the woods, but 4-6 am is

anything but quiet in mine. That's when the street cleaners, parking garage

cleaners, and trash trucks make the rounds!


Wake-up series from Transitions to a Heart-Centered World.


Meditation: Anything I do at this time must be silent or very quiet in

order not to disturb my sleeping husband or dogs. So, I have tried

combinations of: extremely deep diaphragm breathing, alternate nostril

breathing (knowledge meditation), the meditations given by Gururattan in

the NMBing newsletters, green energy meditation...


Relaxation: 5-10 minutes if at all... sometimes I skip it and figure I

will be relaxing during the "Material World" Break (see below) and later in

the morning.


5:30 am "Material World" Break: husband wakes up to alarm clock at this

time and we have snuggle time together and with the dogs. This can be a

strange time because we are both in different energy worlds... he is a slow

waker, and by this time in the morning, I am buzzing and ready to do 100

push-ups. So, I have been trying to make this a mindful moment... and

almost like a meditation, be present with him and the dogs.


6:00 am Take the dogs out for a brief walk, help feed them, hustle husband

back to his routine. This is also a tricky time because the dogs want to

decide whether or not to eat, the husband wants to decide whether or not to

keep moving, and I'm in a loft with no sound privacy wanting to get

centered and do yoga. Help!


6:30 am... sometimes 6:45 or even 7:00! Spinal set, Sat Kriya, sun saluts,

and corpse. If I am lucky, the dogs don't lick me to make sure I'm not in

pain while I'm doing breath of fire (panting=pain in dogspeak), the dogs

don't go tip-tapping all over the place, and the husband takes an

extra-long shower. I really enjoy this time when it works.


by 8:00 I'm getting ready for work. Depending on what is happening in the

evenings, sometimes I find time to briefly meditate or do yoga... and I may

have finally eased my husband into doing this with me sometimes. Weekly, I

attend two KY classes and a Flow class.


SO, FINALLY, THE QUESTIONS: How do others negotiate an acoustically

challenged existence with beings on different morning paths?


Also, is there anything others might recognize as counter-productive in my

practice? I am curious because my energy levels have been so widely

variable. I need a mirror. ;)


Lastly, I am a relative newcomer to KY and have progressed beyond what

feels in retrospect to have been the "introductory offer" of several months

of practicing one way. Now I'm in a weird space of that old practice not

fitting, but not having developed a new practice. I have two hours to work

with daily. During one hour, I would like to meditate (has to be silent or

very quiet)... still trying to figure out what to focus on. During the

second hour, I would like to continue practicing Sat Kriya and Spinal

Energy Set and leave flex room for experimentation (hatha or kundalini).


Isn't it odd how it takes 4 hours to do 2 hours of yoga in my house? Heh!

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Dear Nina,


> SO, FINALLY, THE QUESTIONS: How do others negotiate an acoustically

> challenged existence with beings on different morning paths?


The best we can. And with acceptance and allowing. Try not to resist and

concentrate your attention on yourself.



> Also, is there anything others might recognize as counter-productive in my

> practice? I am curious because my energy levels have been so widely

> variable. I need a mirror. ;)


My energy levels vary widely too. I think this is human. Just don't push to

hard if you get the intuitive message not to. And pump up when you feel



> Isn't it odd how it takes 4 hours to do 2 hours of yoga in my house? Heh!


No not with everything you are doing.


I did read your whole program! and Sounds like you are doing great. I

personally always like to include cat cow and leg stretches with breath of

fire. And spinal series is always in my routine. Use your intuitive

guidance to change meditations over time.


Thanks for sharing and many blessings,


Gururattan Kaur

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Dear Nina,


I just wanted to add one thing. Make sure you set your navel point every

am. Sat Kryia will certainly do this. This means that you can feel a pulse

at the belly button. Leg lifts, stretch pose, breath of fire also do this.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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