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ajna chakra pain

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Dear Glenn,


> During last

> month, the sensations in the area of the temples became more intense to

> the point where it felt like my head was in a vice. After my

> meditations I often will now have a headache, sometimes a very intense

> one in the area of my left frontal lobe that will last for hours.


This is a sort of bad news - good news situation. The bad news is that this

won't stop until the Kundalini "pierces" the ajna chakra (the energy center

located between the eyebrows). You might feel intense pressure in that area,

and also in your eyes and ears. You might also find that even though the

pressure is heavy you are not able to come out of meditation as quickly as

you may want. That is all the bad news.


And now for the good news... this is fantastic! You are truly blessed. Your

symptoms correspond exactly to a very active Kundalini. There are three

"knots" in the body that stop one's spiritual evolution: one at the

muladhara chakra at the base of the spine, one at the heart, and one at the

ajna chakra between the eyebrows. You have arrived at the last gate. It is

said that below the muladhara chakra one cannot even be called human. From

the muladhara to the ajna chakra one is a true human being. Above the ajna

chakra is the domain of divinity. You are just in between the two - where do

you want to go from here? It is your decision - hint: go up : )!


> I am hoping this is not what you called, the other the day, a Kundalini

> horror story or at least not the beginnings of one.


No, not at all. The pain you feel is just the Kundalini working to break the

ajna chakra knot. For some people the pain is more intense than for others.

This is just a temporary stage. Imagine paying the admission into the

kingdom of divinity. You will never look back after this so just go through

it. You don't have to meditate for too long. 30 minutes once a day is fine

at this stage. Let whatever needs to happen, happen.


Many blessings,

Satsang Kaur

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