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Message: 5

Tue, 7 Aug 2001 13:47:43 -0700 (PDT)

Agali <agali_2000

Spontaneous Awakening


I'd appreciate if someone could explain what

Spontaneous Awakening is. What it depends on when and

how it is going to happen?

Thank you,





All awakenings are the spontaneous awakening of the True Self, which

suddenly "hears" the Truth and relinquishes the illusion of notion of the

identity between the sense of "I" with the sensations of the body and the

thoughts and impressions of the mind. With this awakening the use of the

mind is given up in the same way that one awakens from the illusion of a

movie at the theater, when the lights come on at the end of the show - and

you abide in single pervasive being consciousness without conditions.


Here in Bangkok, all classes begin with a brief and practical explanation of

the possible experiences and emergence of the True Self through the practice

of Kundalini Yoga, followed by instruction and several helpful approaches to

"get into" the practice and basic experience of yoga breathing - Long Deep

Breathing and Breath of Fire, and the use of locks (Bhandas) in directing

the easy flow of energy along the nerves and to various centers.


Thereafter, a Set of Kundalini Yoga exercises is practiced. The combination

of asanas (postures) special yoga positions, movements and locks put

pressure on the various centers along the spine and brain, which when

combined with powerful breathing generates a purification and charging of

the blood that saturates these areas resulting in their also becoming

purified and themselves building a greater and greater charge with each

progressive session.


Laya Yoga and Shabad mantras and chants, combined with locks, mudras and

certain kriyas are also taught effecting the vibration and opening of the

centers, systems and force fields.


Each session focuses on a different center and systems.


Regular practice results is the overall electromagnetic balance of the

body-mind, and a progression from numbness in the first classes as toxins

discharge, to coolness as nerves purify, to heat and the centers begin to

charge and electromagnetically communicate and align with eachother, to the

ever increasing experience of electricity - all in a matter of weeks to a

few months.


As this charge builds a pranic (bio-electric) pressure is created that

triggers the opening of the main force fields in the body-mind

1/ the evolutionary force located in the area between the navel and 4th

vertebra - the Kandal, which regulated the energy of the body, known in

martial arts as "chi"

2/ the involutionary force located an area in the brain behind the ajna

(pituitary) and below the crown (pineal), which opens through the crown

(10th gate) and regulates the inflow of cosmic energy

3/ the dissolusionary force, located in the spiritual heart (hrdayam -

literally: That which sucks in everything), where we point when we say "I,"

the Self, which when awakened, dissolves the identity of the sense of "I" in

relation to the body sensations, thoughts and impressions, such that the

distinction between the sense of "I" or Self in the body and the Universal

Consciousness is lost, just like the distinction between the air in a jar

and air outside of the jar is lost once the jar is opened, and they are

realized to be "not-2."


What begins to emerge is the realization of the Possible Human - the True

man and True Woman unfettered by the limiting use of the senses and mind.






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