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Digest Number 838

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Silva Mind Control Method


Back in the early 70's a group of students of Yogi Bhajan went to a Silva

Mind Control testing place to check the alpha and theta wave output - alpha

being a still mine, theta being a meditative mind. One of the students was

starting to get into alpha, and Yogi Bhajan came over and waved his hand

over the person's head. Instantly the theta waves went off the chart and

the person went into a deep meditation for some time.

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Intense Internal Heat and fatigue



Sat Nam


I have been practicing KY (physical and meditation) now for almost 6 months.

Over the last couple of days I have noticed a very new experience.


There are sudden discharges of inner heat in my body. I used to have this

earlier, but the intensity is way more high now. This normally happens when

my attention is not diverted by any activity. In fact the heat is so intense

that I actually measured my temperature this morning to ensure that I was

not running a flu. My temperature reading was absolutely normal. Over the

weekend I slept very long hours (9-10 hours) and still feel a little drowsy.


Also over the last couple of days I have been feeling weak. My flexibility

in practising my asanas seems to have reduced. What I mean is a stretch that

I could do easily takes conscious effort over the last couple of days. I

have subtle body aches including a very slight headache/nasal allergy.


I am not sure if this related to my practice. Could you please advise?


Sat Nam


An overview of the manifestation of fatigue and heat in KY practice as a

possible answer:


All this is quite normal.


In KY the various positions combined and movements put pressure in certain

specific areas causing these areas to become saturated with blood, such that

when combined with correctly performed powerful breathing, such as Long Deep

Breathing - LDB and Breath of Fire - BF and related variations, and the

proper use of locks (bhandas), the blood saturating these areas becomes

supercharges with energy and vitality.


Over time - as one's body gets older, the nerves in these areas, i.e., the

various centers (chakras) and related systems (circulatory, nervous, lymph,

etc) have lost some of their unified potential to fire (carry a balanced

charge) completely, which in turn results in their related glands and organs

loosing their natural voltage and healthy function. Without their natural

voltage, these organs and glands begin to accumlate toxins that crystalize

in the capilaries solidifying the weakness in those areas.


These various weaknesses relate to the predispositions towards certain

behavior in acting and reacting to situations that arise, which behavious

become more and more solidified as an identity that all actions and

reactions are built around, such that the continued emergence of the True

Man and True Woman (the Possible Human) becomes more and more restricted and



With the continued practice of KY the nerve groups are made to fire and the

pressure on the organs and glands causes the capillaries to open and the

toxins to be discharged.


The result of this is that the body feels fatigued and aching. Therefore,

it is suggested that one drinks a lot of water and other purifying teas and



This fatigue and numbness and aching gives way to a coolness in the nerves,

which indicates the nerves beginning to become purified.


Coolness gives way to heat. This is, as described, an insatiable heat. As

one continues to practice the various KY sets, the centers begin to build a

charge, like batteries. The organs and glands begin to come to their normal

voltage, function and inherent identity or recognition of their inherent

function in relation to the centers glands and organs of the rest of the

body systems. As the voltage increases in these centers (as batteries), the

nerves begin to carry this higher voltage and become heated in the process.


This also passes, as with continued practice of the KY sets, the heat gives

way to the experience of electricity of a greater and greater voltage, in

particular in the major nerves, such as the ida and pingala and sushumna,

both the silver cord along the spine and the gold cord between the ajna and

crown, certain centers and the power centers, such as the Kandal (between

the navel and 4th vetebra) and Sahasrara (between the ajna [pituitary] and

crown [pineal]).


The electric currents gradually expand throughout the body field so that one

feels a sort of a etheric sensation in which there is somewhat of a loss as

to the distinction between the inside and outside of the body, as one

experiences oneself as a field of consciousness.


As an example of this, when one has completed a KY set and begins a Laya

yoga chant or KY mantra, the body is felt to be hollow and te entire body

field reverberates in all the effected centers and throughout the magnetic

field from the sound of the mantra and chant.


Eventually, the overall electromagnetic balancing of the body field causes a

dissolving of the prior action reaction orientation to changing

circumstances and the balanced field effects all ones suroundings in a

manner that neutralizes and purifies and opens one to spontaneous awareness

of possibilities that were blocked previously.


EWith the expandin ergy flows balancintrughout the body field, the emergence

of the True Man and true Woman becomes possible.


As the electric/etheric pressure builds, the overall voltage of the body

increases to the point where is begins to match the voltage of the Kandal,

which regulates the energy flows (prana) within the body field.


At that time, the root lock comes up automaticaly and an electric charge is

released downwards, which in turn triggers a release of a drop of

bioelectric energy (sexual fluid) into the spinal cord, which immediately

comes up to the 4th and 3rd ventricals of the brain.


The flow of this energy to the brain has mostly to do with the charge built

up in the brain that requires this fluid to carry a greater voltage.


As one practices KY, the nerves in the various areas begin to carry a

greater and greater charge, which in turn causes the pumping mechanism

related to the discharge of sexual fluids to pump upwards into the heart and

from there throughout the circulatory system to all the nerves that are

carrying a higher voltage. This enables the nerves to sustain that voltage

and continue to build a charge in their related and interrelated areas.


When the charge in the brain becomes great enough, there is the demand for

the direct reception of this vital fluid (Shakti).


All the higher centers are related to the longing for God and abiding in His

Wisdom and Truth, such that as these experiences of longing and desire to

know the Truth begin to fill the mind the higher centers open and cause a

continued flow of the energy from the Kandal (Kundalini Shakti). Then the

lower circle of centers unites with the upper circle of centers to create

the great symbol of infinity.


At any stage the purpose of yoga might be achieved, which is the sudden

isolation of the seer. The seer is the True Self, which suddenly hears It's

Truth and dissolves with a tremendous force the ideas of identity of the

sense of "I" to the sensations of the body and images, impressions and

thoughts of the mind. This is the "sundering of the hrday granthi." This

dissolusion is felt as a pulsing of "I" in the atma nadi (a extension of the

sushumna) between the hrdayam (2 digits to the right of sternum, where we

point when we say "I") and the Sahasrara, and the combination of both inward

pulling of the "I," as uncaused and unconditioned beyond time, and

incadescent radiation that entirely outshines the body field and verious

force centers and chakra. Thereafter, the Atman abides as Brahman, infinite

and all-pervasive.


All this to say that internal heat and fatigue are part of the cleansing

process, and those that practice KY regularly will experience various

aspects of numbness, fatigue, coolness, heat, electricity, which gives way

to the further evolution from below and involution from above, and eventual

release and abiding Truth.


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