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Heat and Fatigue Continued

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Sat Nam,


I found the posts on this topic relevant to what I've been experiencing lately:

I find myself feeling heat in my upper back and shoulder area a lot along with

tiredness. Does this correspond to any special gland or organ deficiencies?

Would any teas be helpful? I practice KY sets 3-4 times a week and try to do


sadhana a few days a week as well.


I think releasement from the different tape loops and inner dialogues is what

really matters oin a spiritual path but I did want to learn more about this to

understand it. I thinkYogi Bhajan has said about different effects that they are


something to really focus on but "glitter at the base of the ladder".






"Pieter Schoonheim Samara" <pietersa

Re: Digest Number 838


Intense Internal Heat and fatigue


Over time - as one's body gets older, the nerves in these areas, i.e., the

various centers (chakras) and related systems (circulatory, nervous, lymph,

etc) have lost some of their unified potential to fire (carry a balanced

charge) completely, which in turn results in their related glands and organs

loosing their natural voltage and healthy function. Without their natural

voltage, these organs and glands begin to accumlate toxins that crystalize

in the capilaries solidifying the weakness in those areas.


These various weaknesses relate to the predispositions towards certain

behavior in acting and reacting to situations that arise, which behavious

become more and more solidified as an identity that all actions and

reactions are built around, such that the continued emergence of the True

Man and True Woman (the Possible Human) becomes more and more restricted and



With the continued practice of KY the nerve groups are made to fire and the

pressure on the organs and glands causes the capillaries to open and the

toxins to be discharged.


The result of this is that the body feels fatigued and aching. Therefore,

it is suggested that one drinks a lot of water and other purifying teas and



This fatigue and numbness and aching gives way to a coolness in the nerves,

which indicates the nerves beginning to become purified.


Coolness gives way to heat. This is, as described, an insatiable heat. As

one continues to practice the various KY sets, the centers begin to build a

charge, like batteries. The organs and glands begin to come to their normal

voltage, function and inherent identity or recognition of their inherent

function in relation to the centers glands and organs of the rest of the

body systems. As the voltage increases in these centers (as batteries), the

nerves begin to carry this higher voltage and become heated in the process.


This also passes, as with continued practice of the KY sets, the heat gives

way to the experience of electricity of a greater and greater voltage, in

particular in the major nerves, such as the ida and pingala and sushumna,

both the silver cord along the spine and the gold cord between the ajna and

crown, certain centers and the power centers, such as the Kandal (between

the navel and 4th vetebra) and Sahasrara (between the ajna [pituitary] and

crown [pineal]).


The electric currents gradually expand throughout the body field so that one

feels a sort of a etheric sensation in which there is somewhat of a loss as

to the distinction between the inside and outside of the body, as one

experiences oneself as a field of consciousness.


As an example of this, when one has completed a KY set and begins a Laya

yoga chant or KY mantra, the body is felt to be hollow and te entire body

field reverberates in all the effected centers and throughout the magnetic

field from the sound of the mantra and chant.


Eventually, the overall electromagnetic balancing of the body field causes a

dissolving of the prior action reaction orientation to changing

circumstances and the balanced field effects all ones suroundings in a

manner that neutralizes and purifies and opens one to spontaneous awareness

of possibilities that were blocked previously.

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