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When Will Something Good Happen???

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Hi Everyone,


I have been doing KY 45 minutes daily for 2 months now. The only

indication I have that anything at all is happening is that I am

really tired all the time (not exactly what I was hoping to get

from doing KY!) When am I gonna get these "signs" like heat rising,

and better intuition, and more balance in my life? My life has

actually gotten a bit WORSE since I started KY. I want to give it a

fair try but I had someone tell me they did KY a couple hours a DAY

for THREE YEARS and nothing at all happened to them to indicate

KY was doing anything beneficial. So, I would just like to

know what different people's opinion and experiences are with

this and how long I should continue doing KY to give it a fair



Thanks a lot,



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you shouldn't be discouraged. It is different for everybody as to when they

physicaly feel signs of 'something happening'. perhaps someone here can

elaborate since I am knew to this KY myself sort of.I am not sure what your

background is or if you have metatated before this time, but it is different for

everyone.I have often meditated before though. When I breath in and even think

about the kundalini rising I physicaly feel it go up my spine. I have heard from

some it takes a long time and for others it is instant. keep in mind PLEASE the

whole purpose as to why we are performing these disciplines in the first place.

and in doing so, you have to just remain calm, with a still mind, and with right

intent and the peace will come. then..........the kundalini. as far as being

tired from it I am not sure as I allways feel energised when I do any kind of

yoga. perhaps you are doing some of the exersises too strenuously. take it with

ease brother and enjoy the experience.

may you find peace in your search toward God.




On Sat, 08 September 2001, supertriangel wrote:


> Hi Everyone,


> I have been doing KY 45 minutes daily for 2 months now. The only

> indication I have that anything at all is happening is that I am

> really tired all the time (not exactly what I was hoping to get

> from doing KY!) When am I gonna get these "signs" like heat rising,

> and better intuition, and more balance in my life? My life has

> actually gotten a bit WORSE since I started KY. I want to give it a

> fair try but I had someone tell me they did KY a couple hours a DAY

> for THREE YEARS and nothing at all happened to them to indicate

> KY was doing anything beneficial. So, I would just like to

> know what different people's opinion and experiences are with

> this and how long I should continue doing KY to give it a fair

> try.


> Thanks a lot,


> Steve



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Dear Steve,


Do you relax, feel and integrate the energy equal to the time that you do

the exercises? If not try being present to your body, relaxing, receiving

and allowing between exercises and be sure to do a deep relaxation at the

end. The effects happen during relaxation. Otherwise we just wear

ourselves out. You have to be present to be aware of your intuition.

Cultivation of these feminine aspects of being are often more difficult than

the physical exercises because you have to feel what you are feeling and

allow those feelings and sensations to move through your body. It has taken

me years and hours of practice, so don't get discouraged. How old are you?

Make your first goal to feel good and then move on from there. Please try

the above and then let us know. I think it is the way you are practicing.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Hi Steve, just thought I'd share a few things with you and the group here

concerning what you were saying. I actually dont do alot of yoga, some is a

little too hard for me to do and I dont find the time. However I do meditate,

it feels more natural to me...I do active meditations such as dancing and the

such...I just basically let my body tell me what it feels most comfortable with.

Anyway, kundalini was actually a spontaneous experience for me, I never even

knew about it until I started reading and being part of this list. There

could've been a number of possibilities for my rising of K but what I can tell

you that will help you is that it's a surrender that comes from deep inside

yourself. Spiritual discipline or exercise is a complement to that.

Love light peace,





melanie myers <meljomyerrs wrote: steve,

you shouldn't be discouraged. It is different for everybody as to when they

physicaly feel signs of 'something happening'. perhaps someone here can

elaborate since I am knew to this KY myself sort of.I am not sure what your

background is or if you have metatated before this time, but it is different for

everyone.I have often meditated before though. When I breath in and even think

about the kundalini rising I physicaly feel it go up my spine. I have heard from

some it takes a long time and for others it is instant. keep in mind PLEASE the

whole purpose as to why we are performing these disciplines in the first place.

and in doing so, you have to just remain calm, with a still mind, and with right

intent and the peace will come. then..........the kundalini. as far as being

tired from it I am not sure as I allways feel energised when I do any kind of

yoga. perhaps you are doing some of the exersises too strenuously. take it with

ease brother and enjoy the experience.

may you find peace in your search toward God.




On Sat, 08 September 2001, supertriangel wrote:


> Hi Everyone,


> I have been doing KY 45 minutes daily for 2 months now. The only

> indication I have that anything at all is happening is that I am

> really tired all the time (not exactly what I was hoping to get

> from doing KY!) When am I gonna get these "signs" like heat rising,

> and better intuition, and more balance in my life? My life has

> actually gotten a bit WORSE since I started KY. I want to give it a

> fair try but I had someone tell me they did KY a couple hours a DAY

> for THREE YEARS and nothing at all happened to them to indicate

> KY was doing anything beneficial. So, I would just like to

> know what different people's opinion and experiences are with

> this and how long I should continue doing KY to give it a fair

> try.


> Thanks a lot,


> Steve



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By Yogi Amrit Desai


Every time you finish a yoga posture, allow yourself to enter into

celebration of deep release. This period that follows the actual

performance of posture holding is the other half of the posture. If you

miss it, no matter how well you have performed, you have gone only half

way. Your integrative process is most active in the interim period when

you may think you have already finished. Guide the released energy from

unconscious holding patterns to the light of consciousness. At the

conclusion of each posture pause, relax and focus your inward gaze and

attention on the third eye. Guiding the energy released from body blocks


the third eye is a very important part of the yoga posture.

Integration continues regardless of where you are - while actively

engaged in moving into or holding the posture, in transition, at rest,

or in a complementary posture. When you are engaged in integrative

consciousness, you are in a spiritual posture that transcends your

physical posture.

Feel your im-paired body-mind relationship being made whole,

becoming one. There is time for pose and there is time for repose. In

repose, even when your body is deeply relaxed and restfully non-active,

you are in active integration. This integration is triggered during the

active conscious practice of posture and consolidated at all other

stages of your practice of yoga. There is no conclusion to the posture

when you are established in a posture of consciousness.






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Sat Nam,

Results will vary for different people (that's a given) but one thing is for

sure. It's like putting away a little money every week. If you

maintain a practice despite how you might feel about it and keep doing the

"being part of it", one day when you've been beaten down perhaps by

life or maybe just the opposite, something equally overwhelming but positive

happens to you. That reserve that you may have not been keeping tabs

on will suddenly shown the rewards. You will be carried in ways that only the

future can know.

It also helps to stick with one set for a minimum or 40 days. Take your cold

shower beforehand (there are specifics on this), tune in and do

it. A good way to get some idea of what you should be doing in terms of a set

is to look at your numerology. Go to www.3HO.org and find the link

for numerology. Then search that same site or www.kundaliniyoga.com for a good

set. The other option is to ask Yogi Bhajan for a set. Of course,

that depends on your relationship with him.

It is very important to meditate afterwards or do pranayam to integrate the

effects and train the mind. This is where I get ripped! Try it. A good

one is at kundalini yogakyt14.html

All in all, you are the most qualified person on the planet to figure this out.

You just need to listen deeply.......and that ain't always easy.

It can be like a hall of mirrors without an external guide.

Sat Nam,



P.S. What part of the world/country are you in?



supertriangel wrote:


> Hi Everyone,


> I have been doing KY 45 minutes daily for 2 months now. The only

> indication I have that anything at all is happening is that I am

> really tired all the time (not exactly what I was hoping to get

> from doing KY!) When am I gonna get these "signs" like heat rising,

> and better intuition, and more balance in my life? My life has

> actually gotten a bit WORSE since I started KY. I want to give it a

> fair try but I had someone tell me they did KY a couple hours a DAY

> for THREE YEARS and nothing at all happened to them to indicate

> KY was doing anything beneficial. So, I would just like to

> know what different people's opinion and experiences are with

> this and how long I should continue doing KY to give it a fair

> try.


> Thanks a lot,


> Steve




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"Gururattan K.Khalsa" <rattanak@c...> wrote:


"Do you relax, feel and integrate the energy equal to the time that

you do the exercises?" Gururattan Kaur


I have been doing the KY with video tapes from various KY teachers

certified from 3HO. I have read repeatedly that one should rest

at least equal to the time one did the exercise(s) but on these

videos they really do not follow that rule. They will have you

do maybe 5 exercises one right after another and THEN let you

rest for one minute at the MOST when it took maybe 5 minutes to do

the set. Does chanting the Long Ek Ong Kar at the end count

for resting? Maybe I should just stop the video tape and rest

for the time equal to the exercises? The reason I haven't is

because I trust that there is an alchemy built in to the way they

have set up the video tape since these are not just amature teachers

but "big" names in the KY field from 3HO.


I am 38 so I do not over extend myself. If I can't do the posture I

do not force myself. Now that I've been doing it for a couple months

I can do almost everything in the video.


Yesterday, I did my regular KY and felt fine and then like 3 hours

later I started having aches and pains like I was getting the flu

and then slept on and off for the rest of the day and then slept

11 hours last night (thank goodness this happened on the weekend!).

That has not happened since I first started doing KY.

Do you think I should maybe just do KY every other day instead of

every day? Would one get much results from just doing it once a



I am a very objective person. I don't try to imagine that something

is happening if it isn't nor do I discount anything that is happening.

And I realize that things may be happening that I am unaware of

just because I am not sensitive enough to notice them yet.

I do the meditations and pretty much keep focused on the third eye

all the time and the chakras.


What book is it that has a set called "How to Raise the Kundalini

Quickly" or something like that? I don't know why I seem to be

in a hurry for this but I am. It's almost like I feel I have

to meet some kind of deadline.


Thanks so much for all your comments!



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Sat Nam,

Well, all I can say is congratulations on your effort. It sounds like stuff

is happening. Maybe not what you are looking for but definitely stuff! I

heard that aches and pains is a sign that kundaini is untying emotional

knots in the body - I know I have experienced that . Sometimes when there is

stuff to heal it just needs to come to the surface - like cleaning your home

or something like that: you move stuff to clean, you sort and organize in

order to throw away what you don't need, and before you move the furniture

back and throw out the papers - everything looks like a mess! But then you

finish and it's like the air is clearer because it is.

I am not a teacher so this is just my humble opinion. I hope you have fun

and receive blessings for your hard work.


Sat Nam,


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I have lost count of the amount of books I have read on Yoga . All suggest

different methods of breathing.

In my experience, it is when one starts altering breathing patterns, one

runs into trouble.

You don't have to be an expert to realise deep breathing, controlled

breathing , breath holding etc.,

produces different results. Therefore we are eager to try them out,

sometimes with negative outcome. Fatigue. to name but one.

Worse still, once you have experimented, when you are instructed to 'breathe

normally', you may like me , wonder,

"What is normal?".

I would be very grateful if you could explain the correct method of

breathing when practicing Asanas.


Joy and peace to all, Good health and success to Steve.









"Gururattan K.Khalsa" <rattanak


Saturday, September 08, 2001 5:45 PM

Re: When Will Something Good Happen???



> Dear Steve,


> Do you relax, feel and integrate the energy equal to the time that you do

> the exercises? If not try being present to your body, relaxing, receiving

> and allowing between exercises and be sure to do a deep relaxation at the

> end. The effects happen during relaxation. Otherwise we just wear

> ourselves out. You have to be present to be aware of your intuition.

> Cultivation of these feminine aspects of being are often more difficult


> the physical exercises because you have to feel what you are feeling and

> allow those feelings and sensations to move through your body. It has


> me years and hours of practice, so don't get discouraged. How old are you?

> Make your first goal to feel good and then move on from there. Please try

> the above and then let us know. I think it is the way you are practicing.


> Sat Nam,


> Gururattan Kaur





> - Yogi Bhajan


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> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



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> Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Practical Books & Videos on Kundalini Yoga

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Sat Nam Ji Steve:


There are so many kriyas on K Y each one has very specific asanas and time.

I havent seen any of those videos you are talking about because Im from

Mexico, Im a KY instructor. What I want to say is that there are some kriyas

that you have to do one asana after the other without resting, and there are

some kriyas that you must relax right after the asana at least equal to the

time you did the asana.

To get the effect the kriya is looking for, you have to do all the asanas,

you are not supoused to quit an asana or add another one, if you do that you

are not getting the effect.


There are kriyas for advanced students and there are kriyas for begginers,

but an advanced student can practice a begginer kriya and get an advance

effect, and a begginer can practice an advanced kriya (depending of ther

fisical capacity) but for less time and with more relaxing periods.


If you cant do a posture there have to be an opcional one or a pranayama

that you do instead of the excercise. I recommed you look for an instructor

near you and ask.


You probably have to relax after the posture, but I cant tell since I dont

know the video. I suggest you try relaxing once after every posture at least

a minute and then see the difference (as you were a begginer).


Long Ek Ong Kar can function as a period of relaxing, but it depends on the



You keep doing KY regulary, if you have time then do it once a day, is

better, what you have experienced is your own experience, every person has

differente experiences, and is very weird that two persons have the same

one, however it happens. But I can tell you are on the way.


Keep focusing on the third eye but if a posture required to focus on the

breathing, a special par of the body or so the you do that.


Is very, very difficult to not think about nothing (almost impossible) the

mind has a job to do and it is thinking, you try telling your heart not to

beat (it will be almost impossible). Insted of trying that, you accept your

thoughts and let them go, dont get involved with them.


There is no hurry, Yogi Bhajan says "Be patient" it will come for sure. And

remember that every person is different and also their experiences with



I hope this helps and excuse my english.


Satguru S.



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Hi steve,

I would like to share my experience with you.


My husband and myself have been doing KY for about 6 months now. When we

started to practise KY my husband was able to feel the energy in a couple of

days. I felt the energy only a couple of weeks ago. Before that i used to

have a lot of physical pain . I also acted very stupid and confused in the

first 5 months. But, later i changed a lot(both physically and mentally). I

think you should not give up..Keep doing and concentrate more to find a

positive difference in you once you complete your yoga session.

Good luck.

Sat nam





Saturday, September 08, 2001 4:43 PM

When Will Something Good Happen???



> Hi Everyone,


> I have been doing KY 45 minutes daily for 2 months now. The only

> indication I have that anything at all is happening is that I am

> really tired all the time (not exactly what I was hoping to get

> from doing KY!) When am I gonna get these "signs" like heat rising,

> and better intuition, and more balance in my life? My life has

> actually gotten a bit WORSE since I started KY. I want to give it a

> fair try but I had someone tell me they did KY a couple hours a DAY

> for THREE YEARS and nothing at all happened to them to indicate

> KY was doing anything beneficial. So, I would just like to

> know what different people's opinion and experiences are with

> this and how long I should continue doing KY to give it a fair

> try.


> Thanks a lot,


> Steve






> - Yogi Bhajan


> You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the Groups Member Center (My

Groups), or send mail to

> Kundaliniyoga


> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



> kundalini yogaclasses.html


> Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Practical Books & Videos on Kundalini Yoga

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It has been my experience, that feeling tired comes from incorrect

meditation as you are blocking energy flows, rather than taking energy in -

are you tensing your face or neck? are your shoulders humping? are you

comfortable in padmasana? are your bhandas correctly applied - or are you

over tensing? Where is your focus? Ask your teacher to watch you whilst

you meditate.

Also I am rather uncomfortable with the idea that you should expect some

reward - that is engaging the ego, which I believe is a negative thing and

not an aim of meditation.





At 07:24 PM 10/09/01 -0700, you wrote:

>About three months after I started KY, I decided to get more serious about

>yoga. I went to my teacher and told him that I wanted to start a sadhana,

>and get deeper into a yoga routine. He helped me out with some kind words,

>and finished that class with a short talk about karma. Until then I didn't

>understand the concept, but I soon found out more. Not one week before I

>started regular KY practice, my girlfriend dumped me out of the blue and

>with few words of explanation; I lost my job plus a month's pay; my car died

>for good; and my friends from whom I rented a room raised my rent by a

>hundred dollars.


>A couple of weeks after that I ran a paper route for my yoga teacher, waking

>up at 2:30 AM and doing about 2-3 hours of yoga a day. All during this time

>I felt not the slightest tingle from any of the exercises I was doing, but I

>was able for a few weeks to operate on about 4-6 hrs of sleep a night. I

>asked my yoga teacher about all the shit that went down in my life once he

>returned from Solstice, and we pretty much agreed that karma was spanking me

>around a bit.


>I would like to tell you that everything got better from then on out; but,

>unlike Job, I have not gotten my multiple comforts returned to me. I can

>only say that, during those first weeks of utter confusion, I think I

>settled a debt of some sort. I may be completely off on this point, maybe it

>was just serendipity; but I don't think so. The entire experience showed me

>that yoga is not exercise. Yoga works out things on other levels than the



>Sat Nam,







>Saturday, September 08, 2001 4:43 PM

> When Will Something Good Happen???



> > Hi Everyone,

> >

> > I have been doing KY 45 minutes daily for 2 months now. The only

> > indication I have that anything at all is happening is that I am

> > really tired all the time (not exactly what I was hoping to get

> > from doing KY!) When am I gonna get these "signs" like heat rising,

> > and better intuition, and more balance in my life? My life has

> > actually gotten a bit WORSE since I started KY. I want to give it a

> > fair try but I had someone tell me they did KY a couple hours a DAY

> > for THREE YEARS and nothing at all happened to them to indicate

> > KY was doing anything beneficial. So, I would just like to

> > know what different people's opinion and experiences are with

> > this and how long I should continue doing KY to give it a fair

> > try.

> >

> > Thanks a lot,

> >

> > Steve

> >

> >

> >

> >


> > - Yogi Bhajan

> >

> > You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the Groups Member Center (My

>Groups), or send mail to

> > Kundaliniyoga


> > WEB SITE: kundalini yoga

> >


> > kundalini yogaclasses.html

> >

> > Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Practical Books & Videos on Kundalini Yoga

>& Meditation. Also Meditation & Mantra CDs.

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

> >

> >

> >

> >





> - Yogi Bhajan


>You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the Groups Member Center (My

>Groups), or send mail to



>WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



>kundalini yogaclasses.html


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>Your use of is subject to


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Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.

-Eleanor Roosevelt

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About three months after I started KY, I decided to get more serious about

yoga. I went to my teacher and told him that I wanted to start a sadhana,

and get deeper into a yoga routine. He helped me out with some kind words,

and finished that class with a short talk about karma. Until then I didn't

understand the concept, but I soon found out more. Not one week before I

started regular KY practice, my girlfriend dumped me out of the blue and

with few words of explanation; I lost my job plus a month's pay; my car died

for good; and my friends from whom I rented a room raised my rent by a

hundred dollars.


A couple of weeks after that I ran a paper route for my yoga teacher, waking

up at 2:30 AM and doing about 2-3 hours of yoga a day. All during this time

I felt not the slightest tingle from any of the exercises I was doing, but I

was able for a few weeks to operate on about 4-6 hrs of sleep a night. I

asked my yoga teacher about all the shit that went down in my life once he

returned from Solstice, and we pretty much agreed that karma was spanking me

around a bit.


I would like to tell you that everything got better from then on out; but,

unlike Job, I have not gotten my multiple comforts returned to me. I can

only say that, during those first weeks of utter confusion, I think I

settled a debt of some sort. I may be completely off on this point, maybe it

was just serendipity; but I don't think so. The entire experience showed me

that yoga is not exercise. Yoga works out things on other levels than the



Sat Nam,







Saturday, September 08, 2001 4:43 PM

When Will Something Good Happen???



> Hi Everyone,


> I have been doing KY 45 minutes daily for 2 months now. The only

> indication I have that anything at all is happening is that I am

> really tired all the time (not exactly what I was hoping to get

> from doing KY!) When am I gonna get these "signs" like heat rising,

> and better intuition, and more balance in my life? My life has

> actually gotten a bit WORSE since I started KY. I want to give it a

> fair try but I had someone tell me they did KY a couple hours a DAY

> for THREE YEARS and nothing at all happened to them to indicate

> KY was doing anything beneficial. So, I would just like to

> know what different people's opinion and experiences are with

> this and how long I should continue doing KY to give it a fair

> try.


> Thanks a lot,


> Steve






> - Yogi Bhajan


> You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the Groups Member Center (My

Groups), or send mail to

> Kundaliniyoga


> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



> kundalini yogaclasses.html


> Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Practical Books & Videos on Kundalini Yoga

& Meditation. Also Meditation & Mantra CDs.


> Your use of is subject to





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Hi Steve

The results from KY cannot be measured. If you are able to explaing your

experience after KY, it means you did not do the KY. KY is mystical and it only

be experienced. You need to read a lot and also seek for a guru (teacher).

Again the teacher can only show you the path, but he cannot walk for you.

Please do not expect results and do KY. Also you need to have "prapatham"

(destined) to realise KY benefits. There are people who have practicsed for

fifteen years plus, but did not get any benefit. There are people who just got

the experience within a month or so.

It is a divine power and it cannot be achieved by mere practice.

You need to follow certain "Nyamas" before, during and after KY.

Are you following them ? How do you practice KY ?

If you need further info. please contact me




Kovai Ganeshanandha




On Mon, 10 Sep 2001 14:01:50

Gayatri Gowri Shankar wrote:

>Hi steve,

>I would like to share my experience with you.


>My husband and myself have been doing KY for about 6 months now. When we

>started to practise KY my husband was able to feel the energy in a couple of

>days. I felt the energy only a couple of weeks ago. Before that i used to

>have a lot of physical pain . I also acted very stupid and confused in the

>first 5 months. But, later i changed a lot(both physically and mentally). I

>think you should not give up..Keep doing and concentrate more to find a

>positive difference in you once you complete your yoga session.

>Good luck.

>Sat nam







>> - Yogi Bhajan


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>Groups), or send mail to

>> Kundaliniyoga


>> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



>> kundalini yogaclasses.html


>> Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Practical Books & Videos on Kundalini Yoga

>& Meditation. Also Meditation & Mantra CDs.


>> Your use of is subject to






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Kundaliniyoga, "ganesh balasubramanian" <ganesh70@m...>



Hi Steve

The results from KY cannot be measured.




If you are able to explaing your experience after KY, it means you

did not do the KY.




You need to read a lot and also seek for a guru (teacher).




There are people who have practicsed for

fifteen years plus, but did not get any benefit.








I do thank you for your comments!





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Sat Nam Steve:


The results from KY cannot be measured, but you DO can try explain your

experience, lots of people do it and they all are not lying is just that is

not always the same experience, you will have your own experience.


As I say you should try to contact a KY Instructor, but anyway you have

received a lot of comments about how to do your practice, I think they all

are ok.


If you keep your practice you WILL have benefits, KY as taught by Yogi

Bhajan is the faster of all yoga schools you just keep doing it dont give



Keep the good work!



Satguru S.



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