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confusion and pain

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Hi Everybody,

Im not very good at posting on here but with all this talk of getting

through the tough parts we face in the beginning of our yoga practice I would

like to add my thoughts to the list . My little inside voice told me it was

wrong for me to ask of you advise and not give back to you even if it is

small, so this is my effort to help with my 2 cents. Please feel free to

correct me on anything that is not right, these after all are my opinions. I

will take any criticism with love, light and an open mind...


You know how we are made up of energy? Right? Energy before mass. The

human energy field is a manifestation of universal energy that is intimately

involved with human life. It is a luminous body that surrounds and

interpenetrates the physical body, emits its own characteristic radiation and

is usually called the "aura." The aura is a part of any and all objects. The

'human aura' is divided into several layers. These layers are sometimes

called 'energy bodies'. These bodies interpenetrate and surround each other

in successive layers. Each succeeding energy body is composed of finer

substances and higher vibrations than the energy body that it surrounds and



There are seven layers of the human energy body. Each layer appears

different and has its own particular function. Each layer has its own

function and is associated with a chakra. The 1st layer is associated with

the 1st chakra , the 2nd with the 2nd and so forth. (You can identify easily

your symptoms with which part of your field that you are clearing.)


1st layer and 1st chakra( Etheric body) are associated with physical

functioning & sensation, feeling pain or pleasure and autonomic function.

2nd (Emotional body)=emotional aspects of being human. it is the vehicle

through which we have our emotional life and feelings

3rd ( Mental Body)= linear thinking

4th (Astral Body)= heart, vehicle through which we love, not only our mates

but humanity in general it is the chakra where we metabolize the energy of


5th( Etheric Template)=level associated with a higher will, more connected

with the divine will. it is the power of words, speaking things into being.

listening and taking responsibility for our own actions

6th(Celestial Body-'3rd eye')=celestial love, the love that extends beyond

the human range of love and encompasses ALL life. It is the caring and

support for the protection and nurturing of all life. It holds all life forms

as precious manifestations of God.

7th( Ketheric Body)= associated with higher mind, knowing & integrating of

our spiritual and physical makeup.


the first 3 make up our Physical plane

the 4th by itself is our astral plane bridge

the last 3 are our spiritual plane


As we live on the earth in this human condition we forget who we really are.

It is our condition to forget and to find the light of God again. We are

truly made in the image of God. Flawless we are ... perfect images of God.

Projections of the Creator into these physical earth bound bodies. Holograms

if you will. We are still connected to God at all times.


As we live and go about our 'normal lives' which aren't true reality at all!

We naturally feel human emotions and thought patterns that go against the

universal law which is "Love." Love is a very high frequency pattern.

Anything that is not love is a low frequency pattern. As children we are all

loving. As we grow from children into adults we become darkened and clouded

by these negative thought patterns which vibrate at a low frequency-they are

called blockages. Feeling like a victim is a prime example of putting in a

heart blockage. We are masters of our own destiny, no reason to feel like a



As we fill our energy body with these blockages we snuff out our luminous

energy field that we had as babies and move farther and farther away from

enlightenment, from God. When our energy bodies need to release some of this

negative build up something will automatically happen in our lives to piss us

off or make us feel sick or depressed mad or sad. We will spontaneously

"release" the black clouds of low frequency by becoming emotional or getting



You can also release through yoga-same feelings just a different avenue. It

is hard to understand sometimes when you feel emotional or physical pain like

this for no apparent reason. You are suppose to feel better when you do yoga,

right? Well, your spirit does feel better.

Only If we can do this and not feel like a victim- by being loving even

of the person that has made you mad or caused the problem, can we actually

begin to permanently "clear our energy field" of the blockage. Our body

tries to clear itself naturally. We naturally want to be closer to God. God

is our home, we naturally want to be there. Everybody wants to simply go

home. Once you have an open heart nothing can stop you from becoming

enlightened. Kundalini yoga is a wonderful tool for moving out the low

frequency blockages, but most of all opening and clearing the heart chakra.

Each energy field naturally clears itself from the bottom layer out until you

are completely clear and outrageously illuminated...enlightened.


Enlightened is basically coming from the darkness into the light of God.


People who make us mad or cause us trouble are only a catalyst for us to

examine ourselves, they will help us to become clear by initiating the

release process. These are the people we should thank everyday.

They help us to reach our goal. This is what is so hard for many people to do.


As we do our yoga faithfully, our energy fields clear themselves of these old

negative patterns that don't belong. The emotional and even the physical pain

will surface and cause you to feel these emotions over and over again. To

clear the energy field, the physical body becomes a tool for the release.

One must be extremely careful not to fall back into these old patterns for

they will put the blocks right back into place. Clearing the heart is a

wonderful place to start-it will set the wheel in motion for the rest to

happen on its own. It is after all our destiny to be happy.


If we are constantly throwing ourselves against a wall of circumstantial

problems that seem to stack up against us and we constantly feel victimized

we will not find Gods love. The farther we go down that road, the worse

things will become. The darker a person gets ... the more they need to

release so, more problems will find that person. This pattern of hard knocks

is not a pretty one. If your heart is not clear for universal love (which

includes love for your enemy) and completely open to metabolize the universal

love energy...well darkness will simply prevail. No good days will find you

in this darkness.


As Kundalini awakens and moves pure energy through your body there is no

room for negativity and these feelings of being lost will spontaneously move

out... if you keep an open heart. Feelings of negativity and confusion are

sure signs that you are on your way to becoming a clear bright light. Keep

moving in that direction.


Embrace your pain, name it, recognize it so you don't need it any more, and

then let it pass through your body and field like a puff of smoke. It will

never return unless you let it. Release here is the key.


Doing KY helps to keep all of these blockages from backing up on you and

blowing your personality completely out of the water. The release is so much

easier when you are grounded from good old KY and have a clear understanding

what it is all about. Kharma is a seriously deep life pattern. Release it

openly right from the top, don't allow yourself to swallow your emotion, it

will spirt out from every where else and hurt.It will manifest in body pain

and problems. It will come out somehow. Keep yourself grounded and sure in

your soul intent to be free.


This will lead you to true happiness. Don't forget that your body will stop

you from reaching your true destiny if you let it. These emotional and trying

times are just patterns releasing from your spirit, they are not feelings of

your true spirit, they are not who you are. Your spirit is perfect, constant

and forever pure.


Even the most evil seeming person is still a true reflection of God. They are

only caught up in this human condition, plowing through their own personal

trials and tests. No one should judge another for we are all the same

reflection, we are only set up here on this planet with different human



Never forget that you are spirit FIRST and physical body second. It will all

be clear soon if you keep an open heart, trod forward dear friends, the

reward is heaven.


Sat Nam, Miesha

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