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FW: [conflight-l] Day of Truth by Kiara

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Karin Stenius [karinstenius]

Wednesday, September 12, 2001 10:54 PM

Confederation of Light List

[conflight-l] Day of Truth by Kiara






A couple months ago I became aware of a symbolic calendar built into the

measurements of the Great Pyramid. This calendar spoke eloquently of

the birth of Jesus Christ, the development of the atom bomb, and the two

world wars of the last century. This calendar ends on September 17,

2001. Could this have anything to do with what we experienced in the

Twin Towers tragedy in New York?


According to Moira Timms, author of 'Beyond Prophecies and Predictions',

this date reprensents a shift in the Earth's relationship with the Sun,

the completion of long range karmic cycles, and a major planetary



How do the events of September 11 relate to this Calendar in Stone? This

date represents humanity's arrival at the doorway of the King's Chamber,

the Threshold of Initiation. As anyone on the journey of life is aware,

the path of initiation is not always easy, and usually involves a test

of our readiness to step through the doorway. No less is this true as we

approach the Doorway of Planetary Initiation.


Tragic as these recent events may seem, could we perhaps look at them

from a larger perspective, and see in them an opportunity for cleansing,

renewal, and human awakening? IT IS NOT THE EVENTS THEMSELVES BUT OUR


confusion of human emotions generated by such an event, do we hold our

balance, recognizing that it is time to move beyond war, terrorism, and

hatred in all its forms, or do we choose to retaliate in kind, thus

fueling yet another round of karma, pain and suffering? As Gandhi so

graphically stated, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".


If we are to end long range karmic cycles, we need to recognize our own

part in this drama as well. Can we lift ourselves to a vibratory

frequency where we can acknowledge the tyrant and the terrorist within

each of us? Without condoning the act, can we also place ourselves in

the shoes of the "terrorist" next door and acknowledge their own

desperate need to be heard and understood for their own equally

important grievances? And finally, can we release ourselves from this

entire karmic cycle as we shift into an attitude of compassion and

healing? In doing so, we invoke the law of grace, and can finally step

beyond the need for karma into an Age of Truth.


There is an astrological Star of David formed over Giza in the early

morning hours of September 17. This Star of David represents the

descent of the Aquarian energies of higher awareness, and the healing of

the wounded feminine within our collective psyche. This time translates

for New York (EDT) as 7:30 pm on Sunday, September 16. Perhaps we could

use this time as an opportunity to step through the Doorway of



The following proposal for a global "moment of truth" recognizes that we

are on the verge of a planetary spiritual awakening, and is a call for

deep self-examination. It is also a recognition that we are connected

with a vast array of beings who can assist us if we call for it

collectively. There are four things each of us can do as we move towards

this event. If this message reaches you after this event, and you still

wish to participate in some way, simply link in to the energies of this

Star of David.


1. Take time before this date to personally examine our own lives and

priorities as citizens of Earth in this time of transition. This is a

wake-up call. As the shock waves of tragedy sweep the Earth, it is time

to ask ourselves, do we truly want healing for all peoples, or will we

remain forever trapped in patterns of war, hatred and suffering?


2. Come together in small and large groups, taking responsibility for

our shadows, fears and denials, and how this impacts the larger whole.

Discuss how we have been denying our light as well as our darkness. You

might wish to do a ceremony of releasing these patterns of denial by

writing them down on a piece of paper and burning them. With great

compassion, allow yourselves to make new choices.


3. Call for accountability from our governments, businesses, industries

and media. The same applies to efforts worldwide to address human

rights, cetacean rights, and Earth rights. Let this day be the beginning

of a new global commitment to honor the rights of all living beings,

including the Earth!


4. Put forth a unified call for assistance from the ascended masters,

our star families, angels, avatars, saints, boddhisatvas, and nature

kingdoms. These magnificent beings are always ready to assist but will

not do so without permission.


The Dalai Lama was once asked, "When will Tibet be free?" His response:

"Tibet will be free when China is free." As we stand at the threshold of

our own planetary initiation, compassion is the key that opens the door.

Rather than talk of retaliation and revenge, may compassion and balance

be the message that we send out to the universe as we prepare for the

dawning of an Age of Light.


Kiara Windrider

(please check www.hoep.org for more information on the Day of Truth, and

upcoming book, Doorway to Eternity)








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