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Friday, September 14, 2001 12:36

Transcribed Yogi Bhajan Lecture, 09/11/01





Dear 3HO Family,


Sat Nam,


Attached is the official KRI transcript of Yogi Bhajan's class in Espanola,

September 11, 2001.


May this world be blessed with peace.


Sat Kirpal Kaur, Sikh Dharma

Nam Kaur, KRI


(Ra Ma Da Sa CD by Gurunam Singh available from the Yoga Technology store -





You must have watched the tragedy, right? So it comes true, that it

takes one thought to make an enemy and a friend. It is the thought of

animosity against the openness of the United States. We do not know how many

people have died, but America is under attack. This is the first time in the

world civilians have been attacked (in this way).


Every rule has been crossed. They have attacked our symbol of trade; they

have attacked our symbol of strength. Had that plane not fallen apart, they

would have attacked the White House so that there's no might, there's no

superpower. A handful of people when they put their life at stake can do all

this. Don't be amazed at what reaction there will be tomorrow. I personally

feel that the world at large does not understand America or Americans, her

grit and her consolidated strength. When we wake up, there will be a very


tragedy to face for the people who have done this.


It is true that we have a collective responsibility. That is why Guru

Nanak gave credit to sangat. We are one. We will also suffer as one and

we'll act as one. All these people who died had not even a thought. Their

only crime was that they were Americans. Do you understand? It was a

well-planned attack, hijacking our own civilian planes full of gasoline

going a long distance and diverting them into the act of terrorism. Now you

figure it out, that when I'm crying that the Age of Aquarius is coming, this

is a period of insanity in between. Do you believe it? No, you don't.


See what has happened, and many more things are expected. It's a tragedy we

have to face. Tomorrow when they count everything it will be a bigger

tragedy than it is today. What we can offer is one minute of prayer. In our

silence, with our heads bowed to the Almighty seeking His protection,

kindness and compassion for those left behind. Seeking the healing energy

for those who are injured. Let us pray from our hearts to God Almighty.


We know America will react. Let there be no doubt about it. But our

prayer is, "let America react systematically." It is natural that the

language which terrorists understand is not the language of a civilized

person. Now you understand what happened in Punjab? There was paid

terrorism. And people used to ask me, why don't I declare? I didn't declare

anything because at that time it was a paid movement.


There are a lot of things I know more than you do. It has taken me all these

years to play dumb, and I do it very well. What do we know? What do I know?

We know. Intelligence reports are very accurate.


But there should be a patience, though America was patient so far. They knew

all this, but they never knew that four planes would be hijacked at the same

time. Our planes, our flights. Now you understand how important security is?

And they took all those flights, which have maximum gasoline, so they can do

what they're out to do. Attacking the Pentagon was attacking the symbol of

strength of our

Army. Blowing up the World Trade Center was to just let us know that we are

also open to danger.


Now it is up to us not to react but to root it out. Sometimes it is better

to root out the tooth. By filling the cavity, the temporary pain will go

away, but the danger shall still be there. In World War II, it was Japan who

attacked Pearl Harbor. We could have pocketed it, but we didn't.

That's what I'm trying to tell you, it's the faculty of every American to

keep on pocketing a lot of things until it goes over the line. Then we

won't pocket anymore. That is the way America will go. Pearl Harbor brought

World War II, and made us participate. Our whole lifestyle changed. We were

not the same again and we are not going to be the same again. Similarly,

this attack has done it. This attack is going to change our lifestyle.


America will never be the same. You will have to go at least two hours

earlier to the airport. Things will look rough. But where the policy in the

domestic world will be changed and everything within the domestic policy

will be searched out, similarly in the foreign world everything will be

changed that way.


That is what religion is all about. Search your inside, give yourself a

chance, eliminate your fantasies and your imaginations. Don't live in a

dream world. Things can happen, and that is what has happened. When the

Trade Center was attacked a couple of years ago it was not much of a damage,

but the method was not very sophisticated.


So, they have been planning. Remember that the enemies do plan all the time.

You have to defend a thousand times; the enemy wants one chance, which they

got today.


Now, it is upon the nation to respond. If America does not respond, these

kinds of things will be repeated. It's very unfortunate for those people who

have done this that whole country is not divided at all, because everything

has been glued together. America will act with one voice, with one

determination, and with one strength, which is huge. This is called "wrong

calculated act." Those who have done it have been very successful, but our

spirit of America does not lie in those towers, and that side of the

Pentagon. Those are symbols, which have been disturbed. Now there is a time

for reaction. That's why the concept, which was given of saints and

soldiers, come in handy. Now do you understand? People used to say, "What do

we have to be a soldier for?" We have to be a soldier for this insanity.

And we have to be a saint for this kind of insanity. What Guru Gobind Singh

laid down was not a joke. All he said was that there can be a possibility

where you have to defend yourself in a very saintly, firm way. I am not

criticizing anybody, but there are a lot of religions who say if somebody

hits your left cheek, turn your right. And I used to say, if somebody hits

your left cheek, hit his right cheek so there should be no cheek. Otherwise,

some other poor fellow will get it.


We must have a planned spiritual strength. It is called "applied

spiritual strength." And now you have to give up your "etc., etc., etc."

activities. Time is on us, and we are walking into that time where we have

to relate to our inner and outer strength both. I understand you'll be

hearing a lot of talk about it in the next few days, but I can assure you

from the information we have that they are planning quite a big number. And

don't get into your hippie mood. They'll put you behind bars such that you

will never be heard from again. Some of us have long big tongues and big

egos and I don't know where they come from. Everything is on candid camera;

every word said will be seen.


Television cameras were at the Albuquerque ashram today. They were

questioning us. So I'd like you to be very cautious. Learn in sympathy that

life is a commanded sense of coordination, cooperation, and projection. You

have to survive as an individual, and you have to survive as a collective

individual. When you, in-between yourself, do not find the cohesiveness,

exclusiveness, and strength, you can't survive. These circumstances which

are going to face us will tell us really that the world has changed. You can

learn it the hard way, or you can learn it by the collective way. It is up

to us whether we have peace of mind and we can face the tragedy and live

collectively to face the tragedy, or we will be shattered individuals. My

feeling is that this is a very condemnable act. But when you leave tomorrow

for your offices or for work or to sit down and talk with your colleagues,

keep your spirits high and be effective.


At this time with the sorrow there is a great anger. Throughout the

world there is a frustration and this act has triggered that frustration.

Sometimes, being naive, we start talking about something, which is not

responsible. Please avoid such conversations and discussions. It will not

benefit you; rather, it may put you into jeopardy. This whole thing has hurt

every American. Whether we like it or not, there shall be a reaction.


Don't become victim to that reaction. It has to happen. World shall act

insane. There's no sanity in what has happened. Nobody among you could

believe that this would happen. Still it has happened. You understand what I

am saying? Achinte baaj pae (The hawk suddenly attacked?Baba Farid, Siri

Guru Granth Sahib). Unknowingly, people are attacked personally,

collectively, and nationally for no reason. We should send the healing

energy to those who are still in pain like a fried fish. We should show our

oneness of that heart. Let us fold our hands and close our eyes. Put that

tape "Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hung (by Gurunam Singh, New York)." One act I

want?very sincere, very devout, and solid.


[The meditation begins in full voice, singing along with tape, for

eleven minutes. Then for five minutes in a whisper, and one minute in

silence.] Inhale deeply. Give this breath to those who need it. Exhale. Let

us sing "God Bless America" together. We owe our thoughts to the land we

live in. Many times we may have differences between our concepts, but when

the time comes, we must stay together. This is not a small tragedy. A bunch

of terrorists can attack a superpower in such a diverse way and plan to the

extent that there is no second to it. The state we live in, if that could

have been attacked, it could cause the entire world's annihilation. Sometime

you don't have any understanding of who you are. I feel the time has come

when you trust that the insanity is around the corner and we have to act

right, fearlessly, being alert. We have to face the terrorist enemy.


Please write a letter to your Senators and Congressmen. Ask them to act to

root out the possibility of this cowardly act, and prove it to us as voters.

The pressure from your side will make them answerable. And nobody should be

a coward not to write a letter. Send a letter with your feeling.


And do me a favor. Each one of you should write a letter to the President.

They need help at this time to understand the will of the people. Don't

hesitate. We have missals, and we have jethadars of the missals, so every

individual has to write an individual letter, not collectively, but if

somebody does need guidance people will be available for that.


Thank you. Bless you.

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