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The Monkey - Inner Talk and Fear

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Since I was very young, until now (I'm 48), I've had

anger feelings like if an independent entity that

lives inside me suddenly appears taking control,

blinding my consciousness, and making a disaster, and

after those anger expressions when I get calmed,

my consciousness is back and sad feelings appear.


In the last 10 years I've called this part of me

"the monkey" , ... this monkey knows how and when,

and never stops, it's always there, lives in the

senses and the inner talk, always watching, waiting,

inciting, showing a false reality.


This inner talk is "his" favorite weapon, it's always

repeating the same things, and in this way holds my

world. And as Pieter wrote on one of his postings;


--"the predispositions towards certain behavior in

acting and reacting to situations that arise, which

behaviour become more and more solidified as an

identity that all actions and reactions are built

around, such that the continued emergence of the True

Man and True Woman (the Possible Human) becomes more

and more restricted and bound."--


When I am centered , and my consciousness is on, I can

see clearly that what pulls the trigger and makes this

monkey alive is: FEAR


Fear is the real enemy, and what gives life to this

monkey, what makes it strong through the inner talk,

and finally what lets him take control.

I've watched myself after an anger episode, and always

fear is hidden behind.


Gururattan wrote a few days; --"fear, anger and

sadness are the lions that block the gates to the



¿Are these 3 negative emotions related to the lower



¿Could someone post the chakras involved in these 3

emotions in order of influence?

ie, The first chakra has the same influence than third

on fear issues?


Peace and Light to All,

















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Sat Nam Carlos,


<< Are these 3 negative emotions related to the lower



Yes, the dormant energy that resides at the base of the spine, the serpent

power or pure

energy or Shakti as opposed to Shiva, pure consciousness; and it is the

meeting of the

of Shiva and Shakti, energy and consciousness, that is the aim of all yoga

practice. Kundalini Shakti is the power of the Goddess, the synthesizer of

the forces while the soul is within a physical body.


¿Could someone post the chakras involved in these 3

emotions in order of influence?

ie, The first chakra has the same influence than third

on fear issues? >>



The Indian rishis have identified three knots or granthi which tend to create

obstructions to the process of unification. These knots are located in the

lower abdomen, at the heart and between the eyebrows, each having its root

within the spinal cord. The first knot is the Brahma Granthi, the knot of

Brahma, who is known as the Creator. It is related to the

physical body and the material world, the world of name and form, that we can

grasp with the five senses, desires and ambitions. Untying this knot is said

to free us from the bonds of attachment to the material world, be it

possessions, sex, to security.


The second knot is the knot of Vishnu. This knot concerns our emotional


Vishnu is the god of preservation. Devotion, faith ad love are the qualities

of the heart

chakra. Emotional attachment includes attachment to compassion, attachment to

helping others, attachments that become a bond that prevent personal

evolution. It must be

untied by knowledge, wisdom and true discrimination. This is a knowledge or

breadth of vision which is able to see the real purpose of the universe, the

divine plan behind all

traditions. It is also regarding detachment from deep-seated patterns within

the individual,

possibly the inherited patterns within the genetic code.


Finally, the third knot is the knot at the brow centre, the knot of Rudra or

the Knot of Shiva. This is the Ajna chakra, where the Ida and Pingala, the

two nadis, meet. It is seen beyond duality, beyond the distinctions of the

five elements(water, air, fire, metal and

wood), beyond the confines of time and space. It is related to the causal

body and the world of thought, ideas and visions. In yoga, the knot that

must be untied is the one

atached to intuitive vision and psychic powers.


At each level it is the very mechanism of growth and development that must

be left

behind in order to move on. These three knots correspond to the second,

fourth and sixth chakras. In understanding their interdimensional nature, we

can understand the true

mechanisms of healing. I will post more on all the chakras, as soon as I am

done with them...


Blessings to you,

Sat Nam,


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Sat Nam Chama,


Thank you so much for your response, sometimes I find

a little hard to put words to my inner life.


About this "monkey" on endless movement, is a way that

I've found to add some humor to those requests

that come through the inner talk and the five senses,

like desires and ambitions, that most of the time

become automatic, until one stops and says,

"¿who really is asking for this?"

"¿do I really need it?" ... and then I realize what

is going on, and say to myself;

"oh, the monkey wants this, the monkey wants that".


Through yoga, I've been able to experience that one,

really needs very few things to live and to be happy,

beyond to the perception of life through the five

senses and the inner talk.

When this inner talk together with the five senses

stop, even for a few seconds, one can experiment being

in contact with something that has no words to be



Light and Peace to You,





--- chamarel28 wrote:

> Sat Nam Carlos,


> << Are these 3 negative emotions related to the

> lower

> triangle?


> Yes, the dormant energy that resides at the base of

> the spine, the serpent

> power or pure

> energy or Shakti as opposed to Shiva, pure

> consciousness; and it is the

> meeting of the

> of Shiva and Shakti, energy and consciousness, that

> is the aim of all yoga

> practice. Kundalini Shakti is the power of the

> Goddess, the synthesizer of

> the forces while the soul is within a physical body.



> ¿Could someone post the chakras involved in these 3

> emotions in order of influence?

> ie, The first chakra has the same influence than

> third

> on fear issues? >>



> The Indian rishis have identified three knots or

> granthi which tend to create

> obstructions to the process of unification. These

> knots are located in the

> lower abdomen, at the heart and between the

> eyebrows, each having its root

> within the spinal cord. The first knot is the

> Brahma Granthi, the knot of

> Brahma, who is known as the Creator. It is related

> to the

> physical body and the material world, the world of

> name and form, that we can

> grasp with the five senses, desires and ambitions.

> Untying this knot is said

> to free us from the bonds of attachment to the

> material world, be it

> possessions, sex, to security.


> The second knot is the knot of Vishnu. This knot

> concerns our emotional

> attachments.

> Vishnu is the god of preservation. Devotion, faith

> ad love are the qualities

> of the heart

> chakra. Emotional attachment includes attachment to

> compassion, attachment to

> helping others, attachments that become a bond that

> prevent personal

> evolution. It must be

> untied by knowledge, wisdom and true

> discrimination. This is a knowledge or

> breadth of vision which is able to see the real

> purpose of the universe, the

> divine plan behind all

> traditions. It is also regarding detachment from

> deep-seated patterns within

> the individual,

> possibly the inherited patterns within the genetic

> code.


> Finally, the third knot is the knot at the brow

> centre, the knot of Rudra or

> the Knot of Shiva. This is the Ajna chakra, where

> the Ida and Pingala, the

> two nadis, meet. It is seen beyond duality, beyond

> the distinctions of the

> five elements(water, air, fire, metal and

> wood), beyond the confines of time and space. It is

> related to the causal

> body and the world of thought, ideas and visions.

> In yoga, the knot that

> must be untied is the one

> atached to intuitive vision and psychic powers.


> At each level it is the very mechanism of growth

> and development that must

> be left

> behind in order to move on. These three knots

> correspond to the second,

> fourth and sixth chakras. In understanding their

> interdimensional nature, we

> can understand the true

> mechanisms of healing. I will post more on all the

> chakras, as soon as I am

> done with them...


> Blessings to you,

> Sat Nam,

> Chama






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Hi Carlos

Did you read the first lesson (or maybe the second) where the

Gururattan described that while attending an ashram she had to get up

very early in the morning 4.00, that she realized she had to just do

it instead of remaking the decision and have lengthy internal

dialogues with herself every morning. Sometimes this is the best way

to deal with annoying inner dialogue.



There is a Zen Buddhist story

A forester was in the wood and he came to a glade. There was a

strange animal that he had never seen before. The animal looked at

him and said "I know what you are thinking, you are thinking what a

strange animal I am and you have never seen a creature like me



The woodsman was amazed and thought this talking animal is amazing,

if I could catch it I could become rich.


The animal said, "You are now thinking that you would like to catch

me so that you can become rich"


The woodsman became afraid - this animal could read his thoughts. It

could get him into trouble, he should kill it.


The animal looked at him and said "Now you want to kill me"

Thereupon the woodsman tried to chase the animal and kill it. But

the animal knew the woodsman's every thought and could anticipate his

every move. The woodsman eventually gave up and returned to felling

a tree. The animal appeared behind him and said.


"I am still here, you are trying to ignore me"

The woodsman went on felling the tree.

"I won't go away, I am watching you."

But the woodsman went on chopping the tree.


Chop, chop, chop and after a while the strange creature disappeared.



It sounds like you might be having trouble with this creature! Your

observations tie in with mine, the key for me is FEAR. I sometimes

try and work out exactly what I am afraid of and then try to face

it. Would it be so bad etc. I am not an expert but as I understand

the lowest chakra is related to fear. The second is related to

sexual/spiritual energy and the third to determination, will and

anger. For me fear is the key emotion and at the source of other

negative emotions - anger/hate etc. There are several meditations

relating to opening the heart. Remember anger is just an intense

energy arising. We tend to try and justify it or feel guilty because

it arises but a baby gets angry when it is hungry. However we need

to learn to hold that energy and not just get lost into it. Take a

few cooling breaths and try to act wisely in the situation. Face the

energy and learn to control it.


Kundaliniyoga, Carlos Giacoman <cclx> wrote:


> Since I was very young, until now (I'm 48), I've had

> anger feelings like if an independent entity that

> lives inside me suddenly appears taking control,

> blinding my consciousness, and making a disaster, and

> after those anger expressions when I get calmed,

> my consciousness is back and sad feelings appear.


> In the last 10 years I've called this part of me

> "the monkey" , ... this monkey knows how and when,

> and never stops, it's always there, lives in the

> senses and the inner talk, always watching, waiting,

> inciting, showing a false reality.


> This inner talk is "his" favorite weapon, it's always

> repeating the same things, and in this way holds my

> world. And as Pieter wrote on one of his postings;


> --"the predispositions towards certain behavior in

> acting and reacting to situations that arise, which

> behaviour become more and more solidified as an

> identity that all actions and reactions are built

> around, such that the continued emergence of the True

> Man and True Woman (the Possible Human) becomes more

> and more restricted and bound."--


> When I am centered , and my consciousness is on, I can

> see clearly that what pulls the trigger and makes this

> monkey alive is: FEAR


> Fear is the real enemy, and what gives life to this

> monkey, what makes it strong through the inner talk,

> and finally what lets him take control.

> I've watched myself after an anger episode, and always

> fear is hidden behind.


> Gururattan wrote a few days; --"fear, anger and

> sadness are the lions that block the gates to the

> heart"--


> ¿Are these 3 negative emotions related to the lower

> triangle?


> ¿Could someone post the chakras involved in these 3

> emotions in order of influence?

> ie, The first chakra has the same influence than third

> on fear issues?


> Peace and Light to All,


> Carlos








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--- css01fr wrote:


> Gururattan described that while attending an ashram

> she had to get up very early in the morning 4.00,

> that she realized she had to just do it instead of

> remaking the decision and have lengthy internal

> dialogues with herself every morning.


Yes ,that's true, taking action is always better than

getting lost dealing with annoying inner dialogue.


> There is a Zen Buddhist story .....

> "I am still here, you are trying to ignore me"

> The woodsman went on felling the tree.

> "I won't go away, I am watching you."

> But the woodsman went on chopping the tree.


> Chop, chop, chop and after a while the strange

> creature disappeared.


A very illustrative history about how this strange

creature is always present in the inner dialogue, and

the more you pay attention to, the more it grasps you.


I think fear is our most primitive emotion, and I've

noticed that most of the time appears through the

inner dialogue with a mask like anger, low self

esteem, sadness, etc.


But the best part of all this :-) , it's that we are

here in KY, supporting each other with our

experiences, emotions, etc. and definitively we have a

chance to make a change in our lives.


Light & Peace to you,





> A forester was in the wood and he came to a glade.

> There was a strange animal that he had never seen

> before. The animal looked at him and said "I know

> what you are thinking, you are thinking what a

> strange animal I am and you have never seen a

> creature like me before."


> The woodsman was amazed and thought this talking

> animal is amazing, if I could catch it I could

> become rich.


> The animal said, "You are now thinking that you

> would like to catch

> me so that you can become rich"


> The woodsman became afraid - this animal could read

> his thoughts. It

> could get him into trouble, he should kill it.


> The animal looked at him and said "Now you want to

> kill me"

> Thereupon the woodsman tried to chase the animal and

> kill it. But

> the animal knew the woodsman's every thought and

> could anticipate his

> every move. The woodsman eventually gave up and

> returned to felling

> a tree. The animal appeared behind him and said.

> "I am still here, you are trying to ignore me"

> The woodsman went on felling the tree.

> "I won't go away, I am watching you."

> But the woodsman went on chopping the tree.


> Chop, chop, chop and after a while the strange

> creature disappeared.




> It sounds like you might be having trouble with this

> creature! Your

> observations tie in with mine, the key for me is

> FEAR. I sometimes

> try and work out exactly what I am afraid of and

> then try to face

> it. Would it be so bad etc. I am not an expert but

> as I understand

> the lowest chakra is related to fear. The second

> is related to

> sexual/spiritual energy and the third to

> determination, will and

> anger. For me fear is the key emotion and at the

> source of other

> negative emotions - anger/hate etc. There are

> several meditations

> relating to opening the heart. Remember anger is

> just an intense

> energy arising. We tend to try and justify it or

> feel guilty because

> it arises but a baby gets angry when it is hungry.

> However we need

> to learn to hold that energy and not just get lost

> into it. Take a

> few cooling breaths and try to act wisely in the

> situation. Face the

> energy and learn to control it.


> Kundaliniyoga, Carlos Giacoman

> <cclx> wrote:

> >

> > Since I was very young, until now (I'm 48), I've

> had

> > anger feelings like if an independent entity that

> > lives inside me suddenly appears taking control,

> > blinding my consciousness, and making a disaster,

> and

> > after those anger expressions when I get calmed,

> > my consciousness is back and sad feelings appear.

> >

> > In the last 10 years I've called this part of me

> > "the monkey" , ... this monkey knows how and when,

> > and never stops, it's always there, lives in the

> > senses and the inner talk, always watching,

> waiting,

> > inciting, showing a false reality.

> >

> > This inner talk is "his" favorite weapon, it's

> always

> > repeating the same things, and in this way holds

> my

> > world. And as Pieter wrote on one of his

> postings;

> >

> > --"the predispositions towards certain behavior in

> > acting and reacting to situations that arise,

> which

> > behaviour become more and more solidified as an

> > identity that all actions and reactions are built

> > around, such that the continued emergence of the

> True

> > Man and True Woman (the Possible Human) becomes

> more

> > and more restricted and bound."--

> >

> > When I am centered , and my consciousness is on, I

> can

> > see clearly that what pulls the trigger and makes

> this

> > monkey alive is: FEAR

> >

> > Fear is the real enemy, and what gives life to

> this

> > monkey, what makes it strong through the inner

> talk,

> > and finally what lets him take control.

> > I've watched myself after an anger episode, and

> always

> > fear is hidden behind.

> >

> > Gururattan wrote a few days; --"fear, anger and

> > sadness are the lions that block the gates to the

> > heart"--

> >

> > ¿Are these 3 negative emotions related to the

> lower

> > triangle?

> >

> > ¿Could someone post the chakras involved in these

> 3

> > emotions in order of influence?

> > ie, The first chakra has the same influence than

> third

> > on fear issues?

> >

> > Peace and Light to All,

> >

> > Carlos





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