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What is Kundalini Yoga

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What is Kundalini Yoga


Yoga, we are told, apparently means the union between 2 things. But in

reality these 2, which are the individual consciousness and the Universal

Consciousness, are “not-two,” they are already identical, the same. So,

what do we mean by Yoga? We mean a practice or method or system or

understanding through which the illusion that the individual consciousness

is not identical with the Universal Consciousness is removed. This illusion

is called Maya.


The Truth is that the Universal Consciousness pervades the universe in all

its dimensions as the substratum of Being and Light. This Being and Light

manifests in the Heart of mankind as the feeling of “I.” When the mind is

turned towards this self-effulgent light in the Heart, there is a pulsation

of a single “I” that reverberates throughout the body-mind field, dissolving

the identity and attachment to the idea that “I am the body and these

thoughts in relation t a separate world.”


The veiling aspect of Maya is that the Truth is not seen and does not shine

forth. Thus, what Yoga comes down to is the isolation of the seer, the

subject “I.” With the practice of Yoga, the illusion is pierced, and we come

to realize and experience non-dual, all-pervasive consciousness as our

natural state.


Kundalini is simply the Awareness of this Universal Consciousness. In the

body, there are various mechanisms that govern or regulate the flow of this

universal energy. One of these is located in an area called the Kandal,

between the navel and 4th Vertebra; another of these, the Sahasrara, is

located in the area of the hypothalamus, between the pituitary and pineal

glands, and a third is located in the Hrdayam, 1/8th to the right of the

sternum in the synod or pacemaker of the physical heart. The object of Yoga

is to open and release the force that is in these governing centers in order

that the deluded individual will experience his/her True Self.


There are various kinds of yoga practice that have this objective.


Hatha Yoga Practice, which starts with considerable fasting, internal

cleansing, and proceeds with asanas (postures) and then to pranayama,

requires considerable solitude to be ultimately effective.


Raja Yoga combines Hatha Yoga and long periods of pranayama (breathing

exercises) with long hours of solitude study and meditation.


Bhakti Yoga (the Path of Devotion), without presence of a Saint or the

release of the inner Awareness, often degenerates into dogmatic and rigid

beliefs in words without the experience of their meaning, binding the soul

rather then releasing it.


Jnana Yoga (the Path of Knowledge), without the presence of a Saint or

purity of mind, often becomes pure intellectualism or an inner mental game

where discrimination between the Real (the single sense of “I”) and unreal

(the identity of the sense of “I” with thoughts and sensations) becomes an

absorbing trap that binds rather than releases.


Shaktipad Kundalini Yoga requires a guru and disciples, where the Guru

expands the prana in his field (aura), which realeases the flow of prana

that causes the disciples to manifest automatic postures and movements,

which over time purify the body towards a deeper inner awareness.


The Kundalini Yoga of Yogi Bhajan is self-initiating, with advancement

depending entirely on a regular practice of sets of Kundalini Yoga

exercises. While there is the Golden Link to the line of Kundalini Yoga

Masters and Saints, Yogi Bhajan only seeks that students become linked to

their inner identity with the One God - Parbrahm-Akal.


Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, is oriented specifically towards

the practice of a specialized scientific yoga, where various kinds of

powerful breathing that bring about a super charging and vitalizing of the

blood, are combined with postures, movements and angles that put pressure on

different centers, areas and systems of the body, which cause the saturation

of blood to these areas. Within a matter of minutes, as the vitalized blood

circulates into these areas that are under the contracting or expanding

pressure brought about by the postures and movements, the nerves are caused

to fire in a balanced and completely electrified manner and the capillaries

of the organs and glands open to discharge their toxins, cells discharge

backed up waste, and energy is absorbed and accumulated, such that these

centers now begin to carry a greater and greater charge, returnig to their

natural voltage.


As the nerves and centers become charged, the body begins to resonate. Now,

Laya Yoga chants, mantra and Shabad Yoga practices of Kundalini Yoga begin

to become completely effective in balancing and releasing the flow of

energy/consciousness (prana) throughout the body/mind field.


The result of regular practice of these Kundalini Yoga exercises in

specifically designed sets and kriyas is that in a very systematic way the

magnetic field and aura becomes perfectly balanced, both inwardly, as the

inner power of discrimination of the Real dawns drawing the mind inward to

abide in one’s inner Truth, and in relation to the experience of the

all-pervasive Universal Consciousness.


As the aura and magnetic field charge, a pranic pressure builds that begins

to trigger the opening and releasing of the substratum energy or forces in

the Kandal (Evolutionary), Sahasrara (Involutionary) and Hrdayam

(Dissolutionary). With this opening a release, the individual begins to

experience the gradual and sudden emergence of the Totality of their Being.



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hi Pieter,

I am interested in learning more about KY. As of yet I do not have a teacher

and the book I have does not go much into the whole of it so to say. I

enjoyed your email immensely and tried to go on this link at the end of your

letter and it would not work. is it correct?

Sat Nam, www.kindalini-matashakti.com



Pieter Schoonheim Samara

Tuesday, September 25, 2001 2:21 PM



What is Kundalini Yoga


-------With this opening a release, the individual begins to

experience the gradual and sudden emergence of the Totality of their Being.



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