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Prayers For Peace

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Dear friends,


We pray for all living beings that they should live as brothers and sisters

mutually helping and supporting each other. Prayers for world peace must

start with peace in our own hearts as we send healing and blessings to this

troubled world.


May all living beings be free from sorrow.


Gob bless everyone with peace.


We have put the prayers for peace from many different religions of the world

on website. Given below are two of the prayers. You can read

the rest by clicking below.




The Prayer of Saint Francis


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred ... let me sow love

Where there is injury ... pardon

Where there is doubt ... faith

Where there is despair ... hope

Where there is darkness ... light

Where there is sadness ... joy

Divine Master,

grant that I may not so much seek

To be consoled ... as to console

To be understood ... as to understand,

To be loved ... as to love

For it is in giving ... that we receive,

It is in pardoning ... that we are pardoned,

It is in dying ... that we are born to eternal life




Jainist Prayer for peace



Peace and Universal Love is the essence

of the Gospel preached by all

Enlightened Ones.

The Lord has preached that equanimity

is the dharma

Forgive do I creatures all,

and let all creatures forgive me.

Unto all have I amity, and unto none enmity.

Know that violence is the root cause of

all miseries in the world.

Violence, in fact, is the knot of bondage.

"Do not injure any living being."

This is the eternal, perennial, and unalterable

way of spiritual life.

A weapon, howsoever powerful it may be,

can always be superseded by a superior one;

but no weapon can, however,

be superior to non-violence and love.



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