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I have just started looking into yoga and first would like to say thanks for the

opportunity to be a part of this enlightening group. I have been lurking for

some time and have very much enjoyed listening to and learning from you. My

question is: what is the difference is between ashtanga yoga and kundalini


Blessed Be, FaeGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :





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Ashtanga yoga refers to the "eight-limbed" path of "Raja Yoga" as outlined by

Patanjali in his excellent Yoga Sutras. Kundalini Yoga is a more specialized

branch, one could say, of this Path. The bandhas and mudras are generally found

in the classic text Hatha Yoga.

Buddy Carl Pounds


Fae Moonrae <FaeMoonrae wrote: I have just started looking into yoga

and first would like to say thanks for the opportunity to be a part of this

enlightening group. I have been lurking for some time and have very much

enjoyed listening to and learning from you. My question is: what is the

difference is between ashtanga yoga and kundalini yoga.

Blessed Be, FaeGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :











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I was told, or thought Kundalini Yoga is the "Mother

of all Yogas", hence its like an umbrella with the

other yogas being derived from it.


How is it specialized?


I do know what Kundalini means, and the energy

traveling up the spine. I personally prefer it to



Also, Why is bekkram yoga so popular, is it b/c Mr.

bekkram started in hollywood and all the stars got

into it...or is it an LA thing. I've heard several

things about it, but mainly thought it was good for



Also, everywhere I go, all the yoga studios teachers

at least, profess to their yoga being the one which

will lead to the fastest results, or heal the



Do worry, I'm still a big KY fan; I love the Mudras

and Meditations between the Asanas.


Anyone want to enlighten me?


thanks...and take care



--- bud d <buddylbs wrote:


> Ashtanga yoga refers to the "eight-limbed" path of

> "Raja Yoga" as outlined by Patanjali in his

> excellent Yoga Sutras. Kundalini Yoga is a more

> specialized branch, one could say, of this Path. The

> bandhas and mudras are generally found in the

> classic text Hatha Yoga.

> Buddy Carl Pounds

> buddylbs

> Fae Moonrae <FaeMoonrae wrote: I have

> just started looking into yoga and first would like

> to say thanks for the opportunity to be a part of

> this enlightening group. I have been lurking for

> some time and have very much enjoyed listening to

> and learning from you. My question is: what is the

> difference is between ashtanga yoga and kundalini

> yoga.

> Blessed Be, FaeGet more from the Web. FREE MSN

> Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







> Make a great connection at Personals.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







Make a great connection at Personals.


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Joel Floyd wrote:


> I was told, or thought Kundalini Yoga is the "Mother

> of all Yogas", hence its like an umbrella with the

> other yogas being derived from it.


This is just to get the discussion going. Yoga is divided into the Hatha (purely

physical) and the Raja (the mental) schools. Kundalini has taught

by Yogiji covers both quite neatly and you're doing both at the same time.

Kundalini also has it's roots in the ancient, ancient Upper Nile. Yup,

even Yogiji has said it is a Black science meaning the Nubians were codifying

this art way back. Check out the drawings in the Egyptian Pyramids.

There are many depictions of the "serpent fire". Back in that time, the postures

honored the inner temple, and the infinite. The Pyramid paintings

depict the progression of the fire through the Temple being. It was much more

than something physical or peripheral to your life. It was a way of

being within yourself, in relation to your community and in your posture to the

GOD....o it is much more about what you do once you leave your

yoga mat.




> How is it specialized?


> I do know what Kundalini means, and the energy

> traveling up the spine. I personally prefer it to

> others.


Kundalini is energy of Spirit. It is beyond words and definition. Yes, a person

can feel it in their body but to me it is too simple to say it is

in my spine. After 24 years of practice I've had many experiences but nothing as

dramatic as an "energy" moving up my spine. I did once, in

therapy, writhe like a snake and this was thoroughly unconscious on my part.




> Also, Why is bekkram yoga so popular, is it b/c Mr.

> bekkram started in hollywood and all the stars got

> into it...or is it an LA thing. I've heard several

> things about it, but mainly thought it was good for

> detoxification.


Popular? That's a judgment. I do it when the winter comes around because I dig

the intensity. Just staying consciously focused in 99 to 109

degree heat is an accomplishment. You're sweating before you even start.




> Also, everywhere I go, all the yoga studios teachers

> at least, profess to their yoga being the one which

> will lead to the fastest results, or heal the

> quickest.


Anytime a teacher can teach from a level where he/she can lift another and

deliver that person to their higher consciousness and to a taste of

their own Soul, than that teacher has helped that student raise their Kundalini.

The technology of Kundalini is more specialized to doing this but

if the teacher is an asshole and more into delivering their students to the

teacher's ego rather than to "The Guru" or some experience of

themselves in union with the Infinite, than that Yoga scene is lacking.




> Do worry, I'm still a big KY fan; I love the Mudras

> and Meditations between the Asanas.


> Anyone want to enlighten me?


> thanks...and take care

> joel


> --- bud d <buddylbs wrote:

> >

> > Ashtanga yoga refers to the "eight-limbed" path of

> > "Raja Yoga" as outlined by Patanjali in his

> > excellent Yoga Sutras. Kundalini Yoga is a more

> > specialized branch, one could say, of this Path. The

> > bandhas and mudras are generally found in the

> > classic text Hatha Yoga.

> > Buddy Carl Pounds

> > buddylbs

> > Fae Moonrae <FaeMoonrae wrote: I have

> > just started looking into yoga and first would like

> > to say thanks for the opportunity to be a part of

> > this enlightening group. I have been lurking for

> > some time and have very much enjoyed listening to

> > and learning from you. My question is: what is the

> > difference is between ashtanga yoga and kundalini

> > yoga.

> > Blessed Be, FaeGet more from the Web. FREE MSN

> > Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Make a great connection at Personals.

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

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Joel Floyd <calistoga_water wrote:

I was told, or thought Kundalini Yoga is the "Mother

of all Yogas", hence its like an umbrella with the

other yogas being derived from it.


How is it specialized?


I do know what Kundalini means, and the energy

traveling up the spine. I personally prefer it to



Also, Why is bekkram yoga so popular, is it b/c Mr.

bekkram started in hollywood and all the stars got

into it...or is it an LA thing. I've heard several

things about it, but mainly thought it was good for



Also, everywhere I go, all the yoga studios teachers

at least, profess to their yoga being the one which

will lead to the fastest results, or heal the



Do worry, I'm still a big KY fan; I love the Mudras

and Meditations between the Asanas.


Anyone want to enlighten me?


thanks...and take care






When Kundalini-Shakti becomes active, the Intelligence-Wisdom of the Shakti

Knows what must be done within each individual to clear energy blockages, etc.

My experience with a simple meditation technique thirty years ago led to

bandhas, mudras, and pranayama and profound meditative states happening

spontaneously when I sat for meditation, and I did not have a clue about what

was happening until I began exploring Yoga trying to find an answer. I am

guessing that millenia ago these phenomena were observed spontaneously, and

scientifically explored, and found that deliberately practicing these

spontaneous occurances led to the same meditative/samadhi states, because they

do. Once Shakti becomes active, She will do the work necessary. The Shakti can

activate the Awakening, and the deliberate practices can activate the Shakti.

I hope this makes sense.




Buddy Carl Pounds










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> hello, Buddy,

i read about your experience. it must be great to just

have something spontaneosly happening like this!!!i'm

amaazed. becasue i am trying so hard to just do a

simple meditation regulaly for 40 days and i am unable

to...do you or any one for that matter have any

suggestions or help on being regular?i know this is

spoon feeding but i just can't seem to be regular and

keep breaking the flow!

would like to hear moire from you.

Sat Nam!


> When Kundalini-Shakti becomes active, the

> Intelligence-Wisdom of the Shakti Knows what must be

> done within each individual to clear energy

> blockages, etc. My experience with a simple

> meditation technique thirty years ago led to

> bandhas, mudras, and pranayama and profound

> meditative states happening spontaneously when I sat

> for meditation, and I did not have a clue about what

> was happening until I began exploring Yoga trying to

> find an answer. I am guessing that millenia ago

> these phenomena were observed spontaneously, and

> scientifically explored, and found that deliberately

> practicing these spontaneous occurances led to the

> same meditative/samadhi states, because they do.

> Once Shakti becomes active, She will do the work

> necessary. The Shakti can activate the Awakening,

> and the deliberate practices can activate the

> Shakti.

> I hope this makes sense.


> Namaste,


> Buddy Carl Pounds


> buddylbs








> Find a job, post your resume on Careers.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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preeti mishra <preetims wrote:

Hello Preeti,


Thanks for your note. In my experience, "expectations" for something to happen

seemed to hinder my deeper experience. Do your practices regularly until you get

the "habit" of meditation formed. You will begin to look forward to the peace

and break from the chronic inner monologue we usually carry within ourselves.

Relaxed but full attention to your practices, with regularity, will carry you

deeper, gradually, into all the experience you are wanting. If your mind wanders

into the labyrinth of "thinking" during practice, just patiently lead it back to

full attention on the meditation process. Gradually you will ecstatically find

profound Joy in the process.






Buddy Carl Pounds







> hello, Buddy,

i read about your experience. it must be great to just

have something spontaneosly happening like this!!!i'm

amaazed. becasue i am trying so hard to just do a

simple meditation regulaly for 40 days and i am unable

to...do you or any one for that matter have any

suggestions or help on being regular?i know this is

spoon feeding but i just can't seem to be regular and

keep breaking the flow!

would like to hear moire from you.

Sat Nam!


> When Kundalini-Shakti becomes active, the

> Intelligence-Wisdom of the Shakti Knows what must be

> done within each individual to clear energy

> blockages, etc. My experience with a simple

> meditation technique thirty years ago led to

> bandhas, mudras, and pranayama and profound

> meditative states happening spontaneously when I sat

> for meditation, and I did not have a clue about what

> was happening until I began exploring Yoga trying to

> find an answer. I am guessing that millenia ago

> these phenomena were observed spontaneously, and

> scientifically explored, and found that deliberately

> practicing these spontaneous occurances led to the

> same meditative/samadhi states, because they do.

> Once Shakti becomes active, She will do the work

> necessary. The Shakti can activate the Awakening,

> and the deliberate practices can activate the

> Shakti.

> I hope this makes sense.


> Namaste,


> Buddy Carl Pounds


> buddylbs











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Hello Buddy,

thankyou so much for your advice...i din't expect your

reply so soon..r u online right now? if you are then

can we chat if you don't mind.plz mail back asap(as

soon as possible) i will bw wairting for your answer

for about 15 inutes from now.....looking forward to

chat with you,...


thankyou once again.

Sat Nam!


--- bud d <buddylbs wrote:



> Thanks for your note. In my experience,

> "expectations" for something to happen seemed to

> hinder my deeper experience. Do your practices

> regularly until you get the "habit" of meditation

> formed. You will begin to look forward to the peace

> and break from the chronic inner monologue we

> usually carry within ourselves. Relaxed but full

> attention to your practices, with regularity, will

> carry you deeper, gradually, into all the experience

> you are wanting. If your mind wanders into the

> labyrinth of "thinking" during practice, just

> patiently lead it back to full attention on the

> meditation process. Gradually you will ecstatically

> find profound Joy in the process.




> Blessings!


> Buddy Carl Pounds


> buddylbs









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Dear Preeti,



i am trying so hard to just do a

> simple meditation regulaly for 40 days and i am unable

> to...do you or any one for that matter have any

> suggestions or help on being regular?


>From what you said it seems like you are not doing any of the KY exercises.

This is the key to good meditation. It is very difficult to do silent

meditation without first practicing KY. This is the point of the the very

first lesson. Sitting silently is next to impossible. Tuning in makes it

easier and the KY exercises make it possible. Seize the moment after the

exercises and after mantra meditaions and pranayama to have a few moments of

deep silence.


Start with what you can do consistently. 5- 10 minutes. Create success.

Then add to that.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Hello Preeti,

Just a few more suggestions... inner silence and stillness during meditation,

Listening to the Inner Sound, and Relaxing into the Sound. The inner Sound may

begin as a high pitched faint sound. Just Listen to it (the inner Sound is a

great inner Mantra!). Surrender and Relax into the Inner Sound. Don't fight

habitual mental thoughts; just keep returning attention to the act of Listening.

After Pranayama, the Sound becomes more perceptible.


Buddy Carl Pounds



preeti mishra <preetims wrote: Hello Buddy,

thankyou so much for your advice...i din't expect your

reply so soon..r u online right now? if you are then

can we chat if you don't mind.plz mail back asap(as

soon as possible) i will bw wairting for your answer

for about 15 inutes from now.....looking forward to

chat with you,...


thankyou once again.

Sat Nam!







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> Hello Preeti,

> Just a few more suggestions... inner silence and


HI Buddy!

thanks a lot!i'll definitely try it and will be eager

to let you know how it comes...



Sat Nam!






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