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grounding and containment

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Dear Gururattan Kaur,

I read your mail on the prosperity meditation and

paradigm shift. I've been wanting to write for a long

time, but could not for some reasons.

I was particularly interested in your talk about

grounding and magnetism. Especially because after

reading it i realized that this is what i lack

tremendously,that i am not at all present to the

present and to my body, and that I run too much after

things I "want". Thereafter, i tried to 'ground'

myself - by trying to be present to the sensations in

my body. Though you mentioned about being present to

emotions also, i found that a little difficult.

I have very short attention spans and experience

difficulty in doing work that reqiures sustained

mental effort. Grounding turned out to be a great

exercise to keep myself aware, present to myself, and

be able to concentrate. The only problem is.. I find

it extremely difficult to do it all the time, to

remain in that state all the time. and that's very

discouraging. But i keep trying.


I have been doing the spinal flexibility set not so

regularly, often though, and have just started doing

the Inner Anger set. I have a few doubts.

1)As I said I experience difficulty in being present

to my sensations and emotions. I do it for a few

seconds and then it goes. I find it difficult to get

back. Do you have any suggestions. Also, how do i

start. I mean should I start just like that, like I do

now, or should I start with some kind of affirmation

or mantra at the beginning of the day, something that

will help me maintain in through the day..in bits and

peices if not in total continuity.


2)what should be the duration of the moolbandh after



3)While doing the cobra strech, i cannot pull my navel

in much doing the moolbandh.Is this okay?


4)I experience stress in my neck while doing cat cow



5)I feel like resting/ sleeping again after finishing

the set due to slight exhaustion.


6)In the Inner Anger set- I'd like to know what is Sat

Kriya and the celibate Pose.Is it vajrasana?


7)Also, in the inner anger set. The poses with keeping

legs in the air 6 inches above etc are to be

mainteined for 2 minutes and similar..I can do it for

barely 10 to 15 seconds! Is this normal?



Your lessons and mails are very helpful..I am really

keen on grounding and containing myself. If there's a

special way to go about it , please tell me.I am

enjoying doing KY. I have been meditating,trying to

connect, surrendering to the zone. As soon as start

remaiing silent i hear a lingering sound , which I

could hear even when i closed my ears. I guess this

is the inner voice, but i find it hard to surrender to

it , coz it's not very attractive!....once i heard a

subtler sound other than this ringing lingering sound

that i usually hear..but it was so subtle that i soon

lost it. Wondering which one's "the sound". Just

wanted to share my experience.


Thanks again.


Sat Nam







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Dear Preeti,



> grounding and magnetism. Especially because after

> reading it i realized that this is what i lack

> tremendously,that i am not at all present to the

> present and to my body


Congratulations for realizing this. This is good.


i tried to 'ground' myself - by trying to be present to the sensations in

my body. Though you mentioned about being present to emotions also, i found

that a little difficult.


At first I found this very difficult. That you even try is very good.


> I have very short attention spans and experience

> difficulty in doing work that reqiures sustained

> mental effort. Grounding turned out to be a great

> exercise to keep myself aware, present to myself, and

> be able to concentrate. The only problem is.. I find

> it extremely difficult to do it all the time, to

> remain in that state all the time.


I find it difficult to do all the time too. So I just keep working at it.


and that's very discouraging. But i keep trying.


That is what it takes. Slow, patient training.


> I have been doing the spinal flexibility set not so

> regularly, often though, and have just started doing

> the Inner Anger set. I have a few doubts.

> 1)As I said I experience difficulty in being present

> to my sensations and emotions. I do it for a few

> seconds and then it goes. I find it difficult to get

> back. Do you have any suggestions.


Find another sensation to be present to for variety.


Also, how do i start. I mean should I start just like that, like I do now,

or should I start with some kind of affirmation or mantra at the beginning

of the day,


Start with a sincere intention to be attentive to yourself which means that

you will gently love yourself and what you are feeling without a story about



> 2)what should be the duration of the moolbandh after

> exercises.


Depends. Experiment and see what works for you. It can be different at

different times. Make it gentle and feel the energy that it produces.



> 3)While doing the cobra strech, i cannot pull my navel

> in much doing the moolbandh.Is this okay?


Yes, try pulling the abdominal muscles up a bit.


> 4)I experience stress in my neck while doing cat cow

> exercise.


Do it slower or slow enough so you can relax your neck. Do neck rolls

afterwards to relax neck.



> 5)I feel like resting/ sleeping again after finishing

> the set due to slight exhaustion.


You are supposed to rest after the set. A healthy workout will give you a

very deep relaxation. If you are not rested after 10 minutes of deep

relaxation or 10-15 minutes sleep if this is how deep you go, then cut back

on the intensity of the exercises. You should not be exhausted for the rest

of the day.


> 6)In the Inner Anger set- I'd like to know what is Sat

> Kriya


Discussed in other lessons and on the site.


and the celibate Pose.


Sitting between the knees and legs instead of on the legs.


Is it vajrasana?


> 7)Also, in the inner anger set. The poses with keeping

> legs in the air 6 inches above etc are to be

> mainteined for 2 minutes and similar..I can do it for

> barely 10 to 15 seconds! Is this normal?


Yes. Work up to what you can do without strain.



> Your lessons and mails are very helpful..I am really

> keen on grounding and containing myself. If there's a

> special way to go about it , please tell me.I am

> enjoying doing KY.


Practice, attention, training yourself. I give all the clues I know in the

KYTraining lessons and NMB. I am writing more and will share them with

everyone. We have to keep exploring and doing the moment by moment training

of our mind, attention to what we are feeling and loving of what is

happening to us.


I have been meditating,trying to

> connect, surrendering to the zone. As soon as start

> remaiing silent i hear a lingering sound , which I

> could hear even when i closed my ears. I guess this

> is the inner voice, but i find it hard to surrender to

> it , coz it's not very attractive!..


Then that is not it.


...once i heard a

> subtler sound other than this ringing lingering sound

> that i usually hear..but it was so subtle that i soon

> lost it.


That must be it. It is very elusive. That is why we have to balance

ourselves out to get in touch with it.


Wondering which one's "the sound".


The one that is peaceful and appealing.


> Just wanted to share my experience.


Thanks for doing so. I am sure others have the same questions. It is great

you are putting so much sincere effort into your practice. This is what it

takes. One day, one session, one moment at a time we become more conscious.


Blessings and Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Thank you Preeti for your very interesting post.


It is hard for anyone to be grounded and aware all the time. The

first thing is to notice that you aren't! Initially I chose small

periods when I would try maintain awareness - making a cup of tea,

going for a walk, taking part in a conversation, doing KY. I find it

helpful to make an intention at the beginning of the day after doing

KY, I do not worry if I fail in my intentions but gradually I have

begun to change. Clues to the fact that you have lost awareness, body

movement - you shift position in your chair, or scratch you nose.

Did you know you were going to do that, usually not!


Sat Nam





Kundaliniyoga, preeti mishra <preetims> wrote:

> Dear Gururattan Kaur,

> I read your mail on the prosperity meditation and

> paradigm shift. I've been wanting to write for a long

> time, but could not for some reasons.

> I was particularly interested in your talk about

> grounding and magnetism. Especially because after

> reading it i realized that this is what i lack

> tremendously,that i am not at all present to the

> present and to my body, and that I run too much after

> things I "want". Thereafter, i tried to 'ground'

> myself - by trying to be present to the sensations in

> my body. Though you mentioned about being present to

> emotions also, i found that a little difficult.

> I have very short attention spans and experience

> difficulty in doing work that reqiures sustained

> mental effort. Grounding turned out to be a great

> exercise to keep myself aware, present to myself, and

> be able to concentrate. The only problem is.. I find

> it extremely difficult to do it all the time, to

> remain in that state all the time. and that's very

> discouraging. But i keep trying.


> I have been doing the spinal flexibility set not so

> regularly, often though, and have just started doing

> the Inner Anger set. I have a few doubts.

> 1)As I said I experience difficulty in being present

> to my sensations and emotions. I do it for a few

> seconds and then it goes. I find it difficult to get

> back. Do you have any suggestions. Also, how do i

> start. I mean should I start just like that, like I do

> now, or should I start with some kind of affirmation

> or mantra at the beginning of the day, something that

> will help me maintain in through the day..in bits and

> peices if not in total continuity.


> 2)what should be the duration of the moolbandh after

> exercises.


> 3)While doing the cobra strech, i cannot pull my navel

> in much doing the moolbandh.Is this okay?


> 4)I experience stress in my neck while doing cat cow

> exercise.


> 5)I feel like resting/ sleeping again after finishing

> the set due to slight exhaustion.


> 6)In the Inner Anger set- I'd like to know what is Sat

> Kriya and the celibate Pose.Is it vajrasana?


> 7)Also, in the inner anger set. The poses with keeping

> legs in the air 6 inches above etc are to be

> mainteined for 2 minutes and similar..I can do it for

> barely 10 to 15 seconds! Is this normal?



> Your lessons and mails are very helpful..I am really

> keen on grounding and containing myself. If there's a

> special way to go about it , please tell me.I am

> enjoying doing KY. I have been meditating,trying to

> connect, surrendering to the zone. As soon as start

> remaiing silent i hear a lingering sound , which I

> could hear even when i closed my ears. I guess this

> is the inner voice, but i find it hard to surrender to

> it , coz it's not very attractive!....once i heard a

> subtler sound other than this ringing lingering sound

> that i usually hear..but it was so subtle that i soon

> lost it. Wondering which one's "the sound". Just

> wanted to share my experience.


> Thanks again.

> Love

> Sat Nam

> Preeti






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Thankyou Gururattan Kaur and Frances for your guidance

and suggestions...It feels so much better to know that

I'm not alone and not doing too badly for a



Thanks again...


Sat Nam







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dear preeti,


sorry cannot stop myself from replying allthough I

tried not to but because somehow u r different from

others in this group. I have to reply to U. U wrote in

your own words



"I'm not alone and not doing too badly for a



Well first of all U have to know that u r alone. This

is the truth it may scare u hurt u but truth is not

affected by your belief or disbelief your emotions or

feelings. U r alone preeti. Belive me accepting this

will bring u comfort and peace. Give up the idea that

any person Whether GK or me or anybody can help u. It

is u only u who can help u to be free. Because in

reality u r not bound. It is the mind clinging to the

walls of concept let go of these walls. Let go of the

fear that u if u leave these walls u will fall. U will

fall into eternity itself.


Secondly when u think u r doing bad, not bad or good.

It is not freedom. Freedom does not involve doing or

anything. Just let your mind fall into silence this is

enough. When practices starts meditation starts u r

not really free. To be really free u should be silent


about talking or not talking or spontaneous activity

wont harm u) what I mean is do a thing by knowing that

u r not the dooer. So come out come out of these

foolish concpets while in this life.





























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True, but perhaps you can create the conditons to allow it to happen.

CAn you just say foolish concepts go away? But they can fall of their

own accord under the right circumstances.


Sat Nam



> Well first of all U have to know that u r alone. This

> is the truth it may scare u hurt u but truth is not

> affected by your belief or disbelief your emotions or

> feelings. U r alone preeti. Belive me accepting this

> will bring u comfort and peace. Give up the idea that

> any person Whether GK or me or anybody can help u. It

> is u only u who can help u to be free. Because in

> reality u r not bound. It is the mind clinging to the

> walls of concept let go of these walls. Let go of the

> fear that u if u leave these walls u will fall. U will

> fall into eternity itself.


> Secondly when u think u r doing bad, not bad or good.

> It is not freedom. Freedom does not involve doing or

> anything. Just let your mind fall into silence this is

> enough. When practices starts meditation starts u r

> not really free. To be really free u should be silent


> about talking or not talking or spontaneous activity

> wont harm u) what I mean is do a thing by knowing that

> u r not the dooer. So come out come out of these

> foolish concpets while in this life.



> love

> saurabh


















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Dear Saurabh and Preeti,


Sat Nam.


My heart and soul sing, rejoice, with your sharing. I too paused and left

the computer before replying. *G*


We are on this list because we made a choice to experience something

seemingly specific, but for different reasons. Yes, it is all good, no

matter where we find ourselves on our journey. There is a balance for each

between what they seek and how they observe their "progress". There is a

natural unfolding, and all of it is in perfect "time". KY can bring one to

that place inside where they trust that it is safe to detach totally and Be



I hear you Saurabh. I hear you Preeti. And it is so good this morning

hearing your songs.


A pebble dropped into a pond will be felt by the entire pond. Our choices

are made alone but we do not live alone. We do not vibrate our Being in a



Namaste' and Love,



"...truth is not

>affected by your belief or disbelief your emotions or

>feelings.... Because in

>reality u r not bound. It is the mind clinging to the

>walls of concept let go of these walls. Let go of the

>fear that u if u leave these walls u will fall. U will

>fall into eternity itself."




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Hi Preeti,

Your honest expressions are refreshing.....not foolish concepts.....they are

what they are...

when I read your shared feelings....I do not feel alone....support is

good.....Thanks for sharing

yourself.......continued growth comes from our constant inquisitions.....Sat Nam


preeti mishra <preetims wrote: Thankyou Gururattan Kaur and Frances

for your guidance

and suggestions...It feels so much better to know that

I'm not alone and not doing too badly for a



Thanks again...


Sat Nam







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Dear Saurabh and Preeti,

Just wanted you to know how much I appreciated your

sharing. You are very special people. God bless and keep up.


Sincerely yours

Hari Sant Singh


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