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Master's Touch Teacher Training - part two of two

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continuation of part one


7. I mostly chanted silently or as he taught me many years ago to

mouth the chanting being mentally concentrated on the meaning and the

movement of the tough and mouth with a slight vibrating sound.

Concentrated chanting with full awareness!!! Chanting loudly is

great for everyone but for me the chanting dispels my energy. I need

the energy for my meditative work. For my self healing. I know this

is controversial. I am a rebel like YB. His yoga is creative. He

breaks modes. He has created what works for these times. I do what I

know works for me. The time I do chant is when I am in pain doing a

posture- especially at summer solstice. I scream chant my self

through it. No pain no gain. I perspire!! Have lost my voice have

just about passed out. When the 62 minutes were up, people around me

have given me tinctures and massages out of compassion. Bless their

souls. There are no other yoga sessions that I am aware of that

pushes one so much. Maybe that is one of the reasons KY is so

powerful. I believe you are in a safe environment. The staff has

seen it all. They know what to do. Go for it. Push to your limits.

Start tomorrow morning to prepare. Get your self in physical and

mental shape now. Spiritual discipline is hard work period.

Kundalini Yoga is all about chiseling away all those bad habits that

we all have. It requires the effort of an Olympic champion. Only the

prize in my opinion is more valuable, more lasting.


8. Most importantly I had no seminal ejaculation for longer than any

of you would believe. Nanak says continence / self restraint is key.

I avoided several temptations and approaches. The sight of a

beautiful woman makes me so happy. I have learned to instantly see

God in her and know that I feel the beauty because of all the yoga I

do. So it becomes a sacred beauty and then I am free of desire. I was

aware that others did stay in their own beds. As yb says if you

have sex with someone who is a stranger - your auras become clouded

and confused. It takes a great deal of time and energy to clear one s

self of another s spiritual juices. YB says that it takes a great

deal of time for a couple in love to purify together and merge their

souls and auras. Bed hopping, I believe just sets one back.


9. I essentially had no social connections. Some people go through

weird experiences while doing Ky. I have enough weirdness to deal

within myself and need not get tangled up in the oft crazy release

kriyas of others.

On the other hand, at times we were in discussion groups and

structured talk- I contributed whole heartedly. I took the masters

touch very seriously. Nanak says spiritual work is hard work. I was

there to learn how to keep up my consciousness- not to socialize. The

Kundalini process for me is to remove obstacles so light and energy

are released- to remove obstacles to God Consciousness. Obstacles in

my body, mind and spirit were reduced and replaced with a more pure

system more effectively because I was not chit chatting with people.

I believe that the process is speeded up if one is all about one s

yoga business. It is hard work. It is fun work that is hardly hard if

one has their eye on the target of keeping up. Life is short. A

human birth is rare. Masters touch is a once or twice life time

experience. I believe in making the most of it. I remember traveling

in India once. I met a wondering Kundalini power Yogi non YB kind

of guy. I asked him what was the key for him and he wrote on a paper

in Hindi and then his disciple translated for me. First he just

laughed and laughed. The glow in his eyes were transfiguring. He said

the key has been his 30 years of silence and then said I keep my eye

on the target 24/7. How can an archer hit the target if they do not

have their eye on it. He said his target is oneness with Krishna.

So my advice is to keep your eye on the target. your heart on the

target. spend your time wisely. You can communicate on the www when

you get home.


OH made one serious mistake!!! I was enticed to go into town with

the centric staff for an afternoon and to help them with some of

their team issues. When I returned I had lost my mood or my

connection with the spiritual culture - just could not concentrate

or get into meditative spirit in the late afternoon class with yb. I

was just on time so I had to sit in the back of the room. I could not

hear as clearly as when I was up front. I noticed that the people in

the back laughed much less at yb s humor. I believe the more one

stays internal and in communion with the experience the better off

one will be. Some of the others who went to town with me said they

had the same learning or experience of getting disconnected. We were

roaming out into the hustle and bustle of the world. I know why some

of them had trouble. They all had a tummy load of delicate sweet

treats. I would have been sick 24 hours if I had all that junk go in

my body. I did not get on target again until the next morning.


10. I had a private session with yb while others were in the room

but will most likely never reveal what transpired. just say I will

never forget it. I will always remember the experience. he is one of

my human anchored symbols on my life time journey to find what Nanak

found. Thank God for his physical touch that day.


11. I slept very little. Started morning meditation before others

arose. Was awake and ready to go. I always start my day with a

private vigorous ky set.


12. Guru Dev was there and maybe did a pre or post workshop can not

remember. wow!!!!! I witnessed healing of people in the room.

Magnificent!!!! A guys arm was all crooked/deformed and had been that

way for years. He could not make it straight and we all saw it with

our own eyes and GD looked the other way for about ten minutes-

tried to teach us what he was doing and then the guys arm healed or

became un-deformed- all while he was on stage with us. blew my mind.

Good luck. It will be a time of your life. I hope that I have

encouraged you to do just a bit of what YB I believe wants us to do.

He wants us to do our absolute best. To become ten times better than

him. He wants us to give it our all. Sometimes I think he cares more

about us then we do for ourselves.


Post lude: Here are few quotes that I read today from Issue 44 of

Prosperity Paths that Yb alludes to or are made by him.


The art of meditation says Guru Nanak is to control the mind.


Those who have meditated on their inner identity and have taken on

this hard work, Oh Nanak, are bright and beautiful.


You must have control over your mind


Spiritual disciplines are harsh, I agree. But without that chiseling

harshness, the mind does not listen.


Wahe Ru!!!!

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