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A response to your need with cancer

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My heart goes out to you. I have had yoga students die of cancer.

One who knew it was absolutely terminal, refused the drugs. I

encouraged her to do the drugs but she had done enough of her own

research to know what she wanted to do. She lived longer than they

said she would with the chemo theraphy.


She fasted on wheat grass and prayed and did meditation or focused

her mind on Prakriti round the clock. Prakriti is the primal cause

behind all subtle objects. page 83 from How to know God- Aphorisms of

Patanjali. The book that yb says is a must read for all.


Yes – it was hard but at times she just sat and went with the

flow. Sometimes just starred into space in tears. She did as much

breathing as she could. When she was healthy, she became known as

the best ballroom dance instructor in Minnesota. I can still see her

from the sidewalk dancing by her self on her south mpls sun porch,

one day when i went to when i went to visit her. She did so every

day right up to the end. I had taught her the breathdance

based on yb's Breathwalk. She did god focus with mind while

doing yogic breathing while dancing. She died happy and holy. She was

only about 31.



Sivananda as he was dying in tremendous pain and too ill to speak

wrote om om on his leg with his fingers all his last hours. The

movement of his fingers helped him stay targeted on GOD. It helped

him forget about the pain- it helped him transcend the pain. He said

pain is God sending you a personal telegram.


Personally I would put on the new cd by Sada Sat Kaur and play it as

many hours per day as I could stand it. Her voice is as close to the

sound of pure consciousness as I have ever heard in a cd or tape.

www.sadastkaur.com I would dance to the CD with all my might. Then I

would do intential relaxation. I would use all my will power to move

to the music no matter how bad I felt. Every time I heard her sing

kundalini in the Adi Shaki I would yell kundalini- and remember that

all the ky teaching you did has blessed you and many others.


You might want to put play your favorite mantras over and over. Play

them in your sleep.


Ramakrishna died of throat cancer in ecstasy with his mind focused on



I think i remember this right: Gurushabd was keeping vigil many years

ago when Yogi Bhajan was in the hospital for something. YB was with

immense pain. YB still did his early morning prayers with vim and

vigor. Sill woke up early early. Nothing could stop him from his

prayers. -- So it is a little hard. Life is not a bowl of cherries.

Life is given us to become ONE with GOD.


YB says doing ones spiritual discipline is hard. YB says that


mind does not listen without some harshness. Hey you have it easy.

God has your attention. Enjoy all the attention!! Do what we all

should be doing but have not gotten the telegram yet. Become ONE in

mind with GOD.


You say you do not feel like you use to when you were in higher

states of consciousness. You still are in high consciousness –


body is not aware of it. No matter what I felt – I would see my

challenge as that of thinking positive. I would say God I am happy

and holy. I am one but one with you. I would say it over and over and



Personally I would just think, sing, say wahe ru over and over. The

god of ecstasy is light. I would visualize the light in my minds eye

with powerful concentration. wahe ru would be my target.


Now if you know it is not terminal and you can heal yourself –do

so. One of my clients is the top cancer clinic in the midwest. I

had forgotten but now remember my yoga student mentioned above was an

intern with me at this cancer clinic. I hear modern medicine is

discovering new treatments weekly. I am hearing that some people mix

traditional and natural healing.


If I had cancer, beginning or advanced - i would advance my self to

the Hippocrates institute pronto: I would put my hands in their

doctors. Here is some info on them from the www.


"Since 1956, the Hippocrates Health Institute has been the

premiere leader in the field of natural and alternative health care

and education. Deemed the world's number one medical spa in the year

2000 by Spa Management Group, this historic and viable center was

founded by visionary and humanitarian Ann Wigmore and is currently

under the leadership of Brian Clement. The Institute has taught

generations to draw from their vast inner resources the power to

transform the quality of their lives. The Institute's goal is to

reawaken the total consciousness within ourselves and allow us to

realize that good health and free will is every person's birthright,

and that a life free of disease and needless pain is our human

legacy. The Hippocrates philosophy is dedicated to the belief that a

pure enzyme-rich diet, complemented by positive thinking and non-

invasive therapies, are essential elements on the path to optimum



Hippocrates Health InstituteTM

1443 Palmdale Court

West Palm Beach, FL 33411

1+ (561) 471-8876

Reservations: 1+ (800) 842-2125

Fax: 1+ (561) 471-9464



am back again.... hang in there. I would do ky as many hours a day

as i could. i would keep my mind targeted on god 24/7. A kundalini

yogi in India told me that one can not hit the target if one is not

focused on it. My teenaged daughter tells me that "One becomes




Know i have never faced such a serious challange as you now have so

what do i know but I can appreciate that it is hard for you to do

your yoga like you once did. Hey – it was hard for me to do my daily

yoga in the first 5 years as a yogi. It was hard for me start to do

my yoga before I went to bed last night. Sometimes it is hard for me

to get up at 4:00 am. It is real hard for me to take a cold shower

at summer solstice in the morning!!!!!! Hardness is the door to break

down before the ecstasy flows.


What would I do --- I would find cancer experts who used both the

traditional and alternative treatments- but mostly alternative. I

would not pray for my health or to be healed – I would pray for

pure consciousness in God. I would pray to be ONE IN GOD. If not now

in this life then when I am in death. (that moment between this and

the next world)



You see i believe that god gives us illness to bring our attention to

HER. God is calling. Be joyous that God is calling. Respond back to

God and become one with HIM. Nanak says God is ONE but ONE. Become

one with God.


Christ suffered but offered it up. "Into your hands (GOD) I

commend my Spirit"



As an old yogi told me once. your last thought seeds your next life.

One can be One with God their entire life but if at the final moment

they lose sight of their target- they mis fire and have to start

allover again.


You are now in you're Olympic Gold round of your life. Everything

that you have done in your ky has prepared you to play in this go for

the god game-go for the gold game. All the teaching and doing of

Kundalini Yoga has prepared you to now go for the GolD. Go for God.

You can do it. You can do it. You can win.You can win the oneness

with god. You have no competition. God gives freely, just ask HER

for IT. You have ONE. You have won.



just thought of something else. the famous juiceman - jay K. had

advanced cancer. they told him it was over and to make his final

arrangements. he refused to do so. He went on a special organic

juice diet with the right doctors and healed himself. he was in his

20's when he was told life was over… now he is maybe in his 80's.

after he was healed with juice and a lot of other forces, he spent

the rest of his life telling his story.


You say you expected a certain spiritual buoyancy. It is within you

= just have to dig deeper to find it. The more work it takes to find

the more buoyant it will be.


my heart goes to you. you so kindly inquired about yb's health.

your pure sensitivity came through in your post. my heart goes out

to you!!! Stay connected to us. We will help you!!! You are helping



wahe ru

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Guest guest

Can you check the website www.sadastkaur.com

you mentioned, to make sure it is correct? Keep getting

"this page is not available" Also unable to get the Hippocrates institute

website. .Thank you, Ruth



"ecstasywahe" <ecstasywahe


Friday, March 08, 2002 2:58 PM

A response to your need with cancer



Personally I would put on the new cd by Sada Sat Kaur and play it as

many hours per day as I could stand it. Her voice is as close to the

sound of pure consciousness as I have ever heard in a cd or tape.




- Yogi Bhajan


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