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There was a request for help with blurred vision a while ago. I have just come

across a most interesting video "YOGA FOR YOUR EYES" By Vasanthi Bhat who needed

glasses up to 15 years ago.

I also would like to mention that for vision problems you might like to try

bilberry, lutein, eyebright, a good multivitamin with lots of Vit.-C, A,

B-complex and ZINC. STAY AWAY FROM SUGAR, and foods that are depleted of

enzymes. You can ask your healthfoodstore for help. Fondly, Ruth





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  • 9 months later...

I wear glasses. I'm unable to see clearly starting at 3 inches away

from my face. People keep telling me I should get laser eye

surgery, but I keep telling them I'm holding out for a miraculous

healing! KY has "healed" me in so many ways I find it hard to

believe it has yet to affect my eyesight?


It's interesting to hear that eyesight requires a relaxed brain. I

recently attended an eduK course called Vision Circles and they

asked me to not where my glasses throughout the course. The course

involves setting goals for healing and then doing "Brain Gym"

exrecises to hook up pathways in the brain and body. Having my

glasses off brought up so much emotional crap and some crazy thought

forms I wasn't even aware I was harboring! I realized there is some

definite "tension" in me around not seeing clearly. What's most

interesting is that with having my glasses off I realized that my

hearing in some way is impaired. I never realized it before because

I compensate by watching lips and gestures etc. but with the glasses

off I was unable to see any of that.


In the last 6 months hearing or listening has been coming up

strongly for me during my meditations, trying to hear the naad and

hear within myself, but these pathways are very blocked for me. So

I just continue to work on it and I believe as my hearing improves

and I release some of this tension in my brain and hook up a few

more pathways Maybe my sight will improve!


Vision Circles did not improve my physical sight but I experienced

an increase in insight! I have a feeling that not having clear

eyesight is the tip of an iceburg that will take some uncoiling

before I get down to experiencing physical changes in my sight.


But, I'm encouraged to hear that other people are experiencing

changes so quickly!


Sat Nam,

Sat Sangeet

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Wilhelm Reich apparently addresses this in one of his books. I had

purchased another book by someone who utilized his technique. Her

name is Janet Goodall (not sure I have the last name spelled

correctly). But the principles they both describe match Dharam's

post. Although they don't tie it to yoga. They basically say that

tension and stress in the eye muscles as well as mental/emotional

blocks creates poor eyesight. And the use of eye glasses simply

creates a crutch for the underlying issues causing the problem,

eventually making the eyes worse. Her book has a bunch of exercises

in it that you can begin to do. Some massage the muscles around the

eyes. Others are stretching exercises for the eyes. And then there

are exercises that work on eye movement and so on. But a big part of

it is just feeling good about who and what you are. They don't

address how to do this or to what level like ky does. So I don't

think people have as much success with that as they could. But I

began doing some of those exercises in that book about the same time

I started ky. Which is why I'm not positive if it was one, the other,

a combination of the two, or none of the above! But I'll keep doing

what I'm doing and whatever happens..Great!




Kundaliniyoga, "satsangeetkaur

<satsangeetkaur>" <satsangeetkaur> wrote:

> I wear glasses. I'm unable to see clearly starting at 3 inches away

> from my face. People keep telling me I should get laser eye

> surgery, but I keep telling them I'm holding out for a miraculous

> healing! KY has "healed" me in so many ways I find it hard to

> believe it has yet to affect my eyesight?


> It's interesting to hear that eyesight requires a relaxed brain. I

> recently attended an eduK course called Vision Circles and they

> asked me to not where my glasses throughout the course. The course

> involves setting goals for healing and then doing "Brain Gym"

> exrecises to hook up pathways in the brain and body. Having my

> glasses off brought up so much emotional crap and some crazy


> forms I wasn't even aware I was harboring! I realized there is


> definite "tension" in me around not seeing clearly. What's most

> interesting is that with having my glasses off I realized that my

> hearing in some way is impaired. I never realized it before


> I compensate by watching lips and gestures etc. but with the


> off I was unable to see any of that.


> In the last 6 months hearing or listening has been coming up

> strongly for me during my meditations, trying to hear the naad and

> hear within myself, but these pathways are very blocked for me. So

> I just continue to work on it and I believe as my hearing improves

> and I release some of this tension in my brain and hook up a few

> more pathways Maybe my sight will improve!


> Vision Circles did not improve my physical sight but I experienced

> an increase in insight! I have a feeling that not having clear

> eyesight is the tip of an iceburg that will take some uncoiling

> before I get down to experiencing physical changes in my sight.


> But, I'm encouraged to hear that other people are experiencing

> changes so quickly!


> Sat Nam,

> Sat Sangeet

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Laser eye surgery is still too new to be proven entirely safe.

I wouldn't even think of it yet.



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Sat Nam Sat Sangeet,


I would recommend reading a book by Dr. Robert-Michael Kaplan called 'Seeing

beyond 20/20'. I never wore glasses, but was supposed to. I had my eyes

tested after noticing that my vision got very blurry by the end of the day

(I couldn't read the licence plates of the cars in front of me while

driving). The result showed 42% loss in the left eye and 34% in the right.

So I really needed glasses! But I just couldn't bring myself to it, when I

looked in the mirror with glasses on a stranger looked back. So my search

began for finding the way to get my perfect eyesight back.

I've read Louise Hay 'You can heal your life' where she connects

nearsightedness with fear of the future. Well, that was pretty true for me,

I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. It wasn't a conscious fear,

but I was just drifting.

Then I've found the above mentioned book and was lucky enough to live in

Vancouver (Canada) where Robert-Michael lived. I went to one his weekend

workshop and realized how much my loss of vision was connected with my

emotional state and how I couldn't see the direction I was heading in life

(at this stage I haven't discovered KY yet). In his book he has a 3 week

program, which I followed, and worked beautifully for me, but in my opinion

the biggest difference was honestly looking at my life, my fears and just

accepting, forgiving and working through issues.

This was more than ten years ago, and I had 100% vision for most of these 10

years and when I loose it a bit I immidiately look at issues in my life and

the emotional state I'm in. KY is a daily part of my life now, so I believe

that helps too, but I got my perfect vision back before I started it.

Hope this is helpful.



Sat Darshan Kaur

(princess who is the glimpse of Truth; who lives in the presence of Truth;

true blessing of the Guru)

p.s. thanks for your e-mails on spiritual names, I'm trying more now to live

up to my name.





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I have a similar story about working with Meir Schneider (who's book


was recommended earlier in this thread), except that I have worn pretty

heavy glasses since I was 6 months old!


When my son was an infant and I had some time off from work I took


of proximity to Meir (he lives in San Francisco) to do some work with

him. This

might have seemed hopeless, since my normal correction was huge (20/400

with astygmatism). Conventional wisdom is that the eyes can never


once they begin to see imperfectly, however my Mom has always believed


"eye exercises" would be good for me and I'd already worked off and on


various practitioners.


The work with Meir involved no machines, just "exercising" the eyes by


them to fully relax (in total darkness), allowing them to experience


through closed eyelids (while slowly moving the head back and forth to


over exposure) by alternating focus from distance to closeup and back

to distance,

but mostly Meir provided support when overwhelming emotions bubbled up,

and this happened to everyone who was doing the work.


Turns out that fear, self-doubt and emotional pain completely

contribute to how

the eyes function. We are what we see! This was earth-shattering news


someone who had been told since infancy that her eyes "just weren't

every going

to be perfect". I was able to read tiny 5pt type clearly without my

glasses! I was

able to see the date on a penny! It was tremendous!


But in my case it was temporary glimpse into all the work I would need

to do

to "reframe" myself emotionally as someone with healthy eyes. My

infant turned

into a toddler and I hadn't enough time in my day to spend 3+ hours

working on

my eyes. I returned to glasses. Still my eyes have grown no worse

even after

all these years and when I have time to do the 3+ hours I still always

get the

same immediate relief.


I will always be grateful to Meir for showing me where the real issue

with my

vision lies. Among other positive outcomes, it allowed me to

understand that

conventional medical wisdom tends to steal our power to heal ourselves


also that self-healing takes a commitment and space to change.




On Thursday, December 19, 2002, at 11:52 PM, sat darshan kaur wrote:


> the biggest difference was honestly looking at my life, my fears and

> just

> accepting, forgiving and working through issues.

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Sat Nam christa, Danese, Sat Darshan and all,


Thank you for sharing your stories and feed back. I am aware of the

strong emotional component of not seeing and hearing. When I track

back through my life I can see that when things got too ugly I

closed all my senses down and tried not to sense or feel anything

for a good 10 or 15 years. Actually, it's only in the last 7 years

that I consciously began to relate to havings feelings and

sensations in my body. I plan to look into the books that were

suggested and to continue healing my life one step at a time.


You know, I was at winter solstice, doing white tantric yoga and

experiencing tremendous amounts of pain during the meditations, even

though the exercises them selves weren't really challenging,the

pressure on my system was huge, and I found myself saying things

like, Oh God, why do I have to experience some much pain and

suffering, why won't you just lift this pain from me? I'm here, I'm

holding my arms up, what more do you want from me?


In that moment I had this image of an out house flash through my

sight and it was full. And I mean it was full to the roof! And the

understanding was, "this is how much "crap" or karma there is that

needs to be moved, there's going to be some pain involved" This is

Karma, accept it, create no more and move through it. After that I

realized what I was experiencing in pain was in proportion to what

was being cleared and with that understanding I was then able to be

in the pain and remain connected to my infinite self (thus not being

so attached to the sensations occuring in my body).


Any ways, my point is that I just continue to keep up, unraveling

the emotions and limiting thoughts and beliefs and perceptions until

all these pockets of unconsciousness are brought to the light.


Thank you for the names of those books I've been thinking lately

that I'm ready to work more deeply with my lack of clear vision and

hearing etc. and these will give me some direction to do that.


Sat Nam,

Sat Sangeet Kaur

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