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physical attractions (life, liberty and the happiness of pursuit)

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Well Linda,

I hope it feels good just getting this out..........It is spring and all.

Sexual energy is a gift. It's your right to have rightness in your life. (I

wont even begin to try to explain why one person makes us weaker in

the knees than another).

Some folks do have a 13 in pretty strong position in their numerology and that

can have an interesting pull on things. These people's projection

tends to raise the Kundalini of those around them and they are exciting to be

around. However, if your nervous system is even a little "weak" you

may feel this as purely sexual. When your channels are open you will feel this

"energy" in other ways and in other aspects of your being. You may

have great warmth or other sensations in your heart, face, head. This is a very

real blessing as this is your energy circulating within you. Be in

it as fully as you can but stay grounded......for real. 90% of sexual energy is

used for creative and regenerative functions. Do a lot of strong

ginger tea with honey and milk. This is a golden opportunity to raise your

energy. I like doing Kriya for Pelvic Balance but anything from

"Sexuality and Spirituality" (go to ) will be a

beautiful practice.

By the way, real love never hurts............


read on for more.....and enjoy


"Male - Female Relationship in View of the Ten Bodies


Making someone feel loved is a beautiful gift and is making you totally

radiantly together. In this intercourse of the radiant body fulfillment


An instance when a woman should never have sex is when she has mixed herself

sexually with a second man's aura. If she goes back to the first man,

his constitution goes totally berserk. No man can survive that auric injury; it

penetrates his total behavior and temperament. In this way he is

very delicate. Even when a woman has been impure in thought, though she has

remained very pure and loyal to that man, the man experiences still a

kind of shock. That is why with some women, men are very potent and with others

they are impotent. This potency and impotency depend on the mental

frequency and auric strength of the woman.

Auras do merge. It is a fact that the imprint of the male aura on the female and

the exchange of energy is tremendous. That is why when the female

has a relationship with a male, and if she goes to another male due to

circumstances, she feels very heavy guilt consciousness. Her consciousness

confronts her every step. In a male, it doesn't exist much.

Woman's aura is imprintable, man's is not. Her aura conceived the male aura. His

aura doesn't have the film, it is like an empty camera. In his

camera there is no film, and in her camera there is the most sensitive film. Her

aura has sixteen more antennae per square millimeter which is

called "electro-magnetic antennic vibratory effect". The imprint in a man's aura

is only temporary; the imprint of the woman's aura is permanent,

it makes a pattern. That is why the men always get the women, whether the women

like it or not. Why? The woman has an arcline from ear lobe to ear

lobe. Plus: she has an arcline across her breasts. Because of this any imprint

in her aura, any change in her aura when she has stimulated herself

is permanent. In the case of a man, the colors in the aura get messed up, which

doesn't mean a thing.

Man doesn't need a woman. He doesn't need her physically, mentally, or

spiritually. He only needs her for her aura that has to be positive for

him. Even in physical intercourse she just acts like a stimulant. It is the

benchmark of the man that he needs nothing from a woman. Except her

positive aura, and he only relates through her arcline. This is his basic


When the arcline of the female receives a subtle radiated message from the

arcline of the male, her arcline responds by increased radiation of its

energy. Her arcline creates a halo or a globe of light. That globe projects out

energy in the form of beams, which attract the male to her. That

moment when the mind of the female it totally centered on the male and man's

arcline touches that globe, incentive for sexuality starts. Otherwise

the man is impotent to begin with.

Each male and female relationship is not physical at all. The physical

relationship is the culmination of the relationship. First the arcline

gives the incentive. This sensitivity goes out into the auric body and then it

is initiated by invocation through the auric body. The auric body

transforms the energy in the pattern of extension and feeds the pranic body and

vice versa. Then the pranic body goes into the radiant body and in

the radiant body it envelops this subject called the polarity that is a woman.

Any relationship that doesn't develop from that extension will end

up in argument in, frustration, and in pain. It goes from one system of the body

to another system of the body. It is the relay of the energy

through the physical body to the auric body to the pranic body and to the

radiant body, in which the situation ripens up, matures and gives

everlasting fulfillment.

If a woman has sex with a man who eats up her aura and damages her radiant body,

then the next day she gets up feeling like a squeezed lemon. And

that is the problem. Normally when two forces are joined together in sexual

intercourse, and it is properly done, they give each other the

equivalent of five years of energy, one year per tattwa. But we do not know. The

only art of sex we know is very ignorant and ridiculous. Any

sexual activity in which the radiant body is not involved with the physical body

is highly damaging. Any connection between our magnetic psyche

and another magnetic psyche in which there is no grace, no respect, no worship,

is totally draining to our energy. It will bring us pain. It will

bring us death. It will bring us depression. Depression of a high quality, a

sophisticated super-depression. Free. Any relationship where the

total psyche will not flow will dam up and burst out and destroy our valley.

Also remember that a woman is a stimulant and she needs an internal stimulant.

The internal stimulant is her Infinity. She also needs a mental

stimulant. The mental stimulant is the direction towards Infinity. Then she

needs also physical stimulant; that is in her sexual and sensual life

in which she needs to be totally brought into tides and tides and tides and in

that way in physical intercourse brought into the tiding nature she

will start saying "Oh God". Her auric and astral body shall not be left out. For

when the physical trip is over, the man wants to turn around ,

snore or run around to do something. This is wrong. There needs to be

companionship, more positive nature, more talking, more interrelated

relationship than ever before. So the intercourse should start weeks before the

event and it must end weeks after.




It is a state of consciousness that is imaginary and sweeter than reality. It

is creative. It comes from the akashic tattwa, the ether. It has a

personality that is very subtle. The romance has a relationship with the subtle

body and the subtle body is that body through which the soul has

to leave for the call of the God. Don't think that romance is no good. It is

wonderfully bad. In the state of romance we are so expanded and we

are so one pointed that it is complete in itself. Romance is microscopic and

macroscopic and complete. Three people belong to the same category: -


- lovers

- and lunatics


Mental expansion beyond reality makes you loony and romance does that.

What happens is this brain and this mind work their scene together. It can go

beyond space into non-reality. When we are in romance and we don't

get it, it gives us a pain that we cannot even describe. Love never gives us

pain. We need to keep these two things separate and don't mix them.

Love is never painful. It is the romantic extension of our personality and it is

the overwhelming power of our subtle body on the pranic body and

then the pranic body starts suffocating. Then the pranic body leaves and subtle

body takes over. While we are alive the subtle body grows and the

pranic body shrinks. And no shrink can help. A person is in love, in full

romantic love. This person is in pain, excruciating pain. He or she has

fallen in love. We know, we can tell them anything. They don't listen. We show

them anything. They don't see. We ask them to hear. There is

nothing. We tell them to say something. They are silent. Then they start crying.

It is a kind of hysteria. Lunatic hysteria of romantic love.

Because the passion, the computerized passion of the glandular system is out of

control. We call it love. In the yogic science it is called

nonsense. Madness.

Then what is the difference between romance and reality? There is actually no

difference at all. Reality is a practical balance between romance

and non-reality. Reality is a middle stage.


The Kundalini Yoga set Awakening Yourself to the Ten Bodies is a typical example

of what I call a classical kriya. It starts with the wake-up

series and then moves up the spine stimulating the chakras and balancing the

tattwas. In this process it balances the ten bodies and increases

your awareness to your ten bodies.





linda kirby wrote:


> Sat Nam Everyone:


> For several years I have know a person, that

> is quite opposite from me in many ways. However,

> for both of us there is an extreme physical

> attraction, to the point when I first saw him

> I saw a bright light and felt like I had been

> electrically shocked. We remain friends at

> a distance, for if we are in the presence of

> each other, the tension is so strong, it can

> be felt by others. The type of person

> he is has been in my life before with bad results, and

> I therefore think it would be a bad idea to pursue a

> "relationship" but the pull is so strong, it is

> amazing. Any insights, metaphysical or what on what

> is the cause of such strong physical reactions between

> people? Any meditations to

> make things clearer for me on to direct my

> actions?


> Thanks.

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I'm really ignorant of Kundalini Yoga, and am only

familiar with the practicalities of Hatha Yoga. So,

far be it for me to elaborate on the "esoteric"

descriptions found in your article(s). This article is

rich and offers powerful insights into the male/female

dynamo. I do however feel that liberties in broad the



"Man doesn't need a woman. He doesn't need her

physically, mentally, or spiritually. He only needs

her for her aura that has to be positive for

him. Even in physical intercourse she just acts like a

stimulant. It is the benchmark of the man that he

needs nothing from a woman. Except her

positive aura, and he only relates through her

arcline. This is his basic nature."


Many can charge that "a woman doesn't need a man" or

even, simpler, the "individual" (i.e., recluse,

cave-dweller) or single spirit-soul needs "no other".

MOre to the point, the quote to emphasizes that Man

only needs woman for stimulation, so I assume the

Reverse is negated (Woman "needs" man for more than


Again, the content in the article is powerfully

insightful, yet there is that spot that seems "sexist"









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This is channeled from entity named Bartholomew



25 September 1983

Albuquerque, New Mexico


In order to sensibly discuss the subject of sexuality, we will have to travel

back in time. It will come as no surprise to you that sexuality is

not a modern phenomenon and the problems that have arisen around it are ancient,

varied, and very exotic. To gain a vaster perspective, we will

look at what your sexual obligations are. I am not here to lay down 'laws' for

sexual behavior. You are responsible for this, just as you are

responsible for every law under which you operate.


So, to travel back, we come to a time, past time, as you know it, when your

species came to the earth plane, took form, and decided what it wanted

to do. At that time you were given 'powers'. The powers you were given are those

energies, which you relate to the seven chakras. You have now

come to see the energies moving in certain organized patterns, but the powers I

am referring to move constantly through your Being and were

designed to do certain things. One of them is to think, and one is to feel. When

we speak of sexual energy, we are speaking of one of these

powers. You were given this power and this energy to be used as you each,

individually, chose to use it. In the beginning, it was not at all

separated from the other bands of energy; there was not much difference between

the drive that impelled you to go out and hunt your prey, and the

drive that impelled you toward a sexual relationship. There was not, in the

beginning, much differentiation.


When the energies moved through all of you many lifetimes ago, each one of you

made your own choices, choices that seemed in harmony with who you

were and who you wanted to be. Please understand that this lifetime is not your

first experience on this planet. You have been on a journey for a

very long time. So you have come with certain built-in tendencies from other

lifetimes which are "outpictured" through your own being, your own

consciousness. These tendencies have produced certain attitudes in you toward

sexuality and have become a part of who you are. As you moved

through time and space, this energy became a part of your expression and you did

with it whatever you willed to do. Sexual energy, like all of the

other energies, was meant to be a personal responsibility. It was to be a part

of your Beingness of which you could be acutely aware. You were

intended to experience your own rightness of feeling and action.


By observation, you learned that your thoughts can bring harmony or disharmony

into your life, and you are responsible for what you think. So also

are you responsible for how you use your sexual energy. But the days of

acknowledging those responsibilities are long gone. Man has constructed

codes of behavior on every level of consciousness and you no longer accept your

own responsibility. You go to the law, to your rules to tell you

what to do, and you think in that way that you can avoid responsibility. Has it

worked? Have the sexual codes laid down in the 'dark ages' (under

which you are still operating) given you fulfillment? I would suggest that you

become aware of your own sexuality, claim your own reality; do the

things that make you feel creative, dynamic, alive, loving, positive, exciting,

excited. This is your responsibility! If you look to a code to

tell you what to do, you will end up being conflicted in your desires. You

believe that God cares, in the most minute detail, what you do with

your sexuality. But He doesn't care. That is your business. He does not care any

more than your neighbor should care. He has only one concern, and

that is the quality of your awareness, your power, your love, and your

compassion. If you have been following the rules and find yourself being

angry, negative, resentful, or judgmental, do not think that you are in harmony

with the Divine.


The issue of sexuality often comes up and I always find the same dilemma

presented: If you all started to do what you wanted to do sexually, what

would the world be like? If you take away all the rules, what will happen? The

answer to this is where you and I part company. I have absolute

confidence that if you were to drop your outer rules, you would find your own

inner rules to be so much more humane, spontaneous, loving, and

kind. I believe in you where you do not believe in yourself. You seem to think

that you are like caged animals, and that if the cage were opened,

the rules gone, you would become some kind of sexual beast. My friends, it is

not like that. You are a part of the Createdness that carries with

it an awareness of what is most beneficial should you choose to do it. But when

you turn to a rule instead of to yourself, things become unclear.

The law within your own being is absolutely predictable. I know that, because I

know the Law upon which you rest. Do you not realize that you did

not create yourself? You are a 'given' Creation! You have been given the wonder

of you. There is a Law within you that you did not create, and

which is absolutely dependable. It is much more dependable than any law that man

has ever made. When you decide to trust your own Being, you will

find there all the virtues that you have been seeking: compassion,

understanding, harmony, courage, wisdom, all! Your own nature, your essence of

Being, is part of the Source. Where do you think this raw material came from in

the first place? In the moment of your creation, you were given

incredible gifts; and one of the most important is the gift of sexuality!


You become confused when you move out into the world. You have certain feelings

and emotions that you try to harmonize with other people. You have

different opinions; you are different. If you wish to understand sexuality, do

not view it with your thinking mind. You learn lessons from that

Power when it is in motion. The energy itself is as pure as any energy that you

could possibly imagine. The perversion comes in your mind. The

Power rises, and the mind then takes over and makes judgments as to 'right' and

'wrong.' Ask yourself what purpose you use sexuality for. Some of

you use your sexual power to manipulate other people; you become very 'good' at

it, and use it to control, and some of you use your sexual power

to punish other people; you become very 'bad' at it, and use it to control. Some

of you don't use it at all.


If any power were to be placed in your hands, you would ask what to do with it,

whom to share it with, how to affect your life with it. You cannot

see your sexuality, but you can feel it as power within you and so you must ask

these questions of yourself. What do you wish to use your

sexuality for? That is an individual question which must be answered by each one

of you in the deepest part of your Being. Do not be afraid to

address that question, you will not become the wild animal that you fear. What

you will find through a deep probing into the issue is the greatest

ally the physical body has. You use allies from the so-called spirit world but I

am talking about an ally that is right here. Sexuality is your

ally because it gives you an opportunity to better understand yourself through

being part of your own naturalness. And it takes a great deal of

courage to become introspective enough to look at that area with honesty. Any

one, no matter what their age, who has feelings of sexuality that

are in some way distorted, or physical desires that make them unhappy or

uncomfortable, should recognize them as areas of 'unfinished business.'

If you do not have sexual expression in your life, it is because you have

decided that you did not want it. When sexual desire is expressed, if it

is in line with your beliefs, it will find a match. If you are sitting on your

sexual power because you think you are too ugly, or too fat, or too

old, or for whatever reason, then that is the belief you project into the world,

and that is what you will experience. Some feel that avoiding the

sexual issue entirely will solve their dilemma, only to find that it keeps

reappearing. People sometimes have operations so that they will not

have to deal with their sexuality, only to find that the energy is still

present, still moving in their bodies. You are not going to get rid of

the energy, for it is a part of the physical body. Sexuality can always he an

ally because it is one of the strongest drives of the physical

vehicle. Deal with it now, or deal with it next lifetime, but you will

eventually have to face this issue. You need only clarify how you are going

to use this great gift, and when you do, your life will begin to change. You

will find that many of your experiences will be different. Things

will enter your life that had not been present, and things will leave your life

that have been in it. Your responsibility is to ask and answer the

question-What do I wish to use this amazing power for?


I would like to be outrageous enough to suggest what might have been the Divine

hope with regard to this power. Let us use an analogy. You have a

teenager, and it comes time to give him or her a car-perhaps a Porsche, a

wonderful and beautiful car. And as you present the keys, you are

thinking, "Oh my God, oh my God!" because there is the awareness that incredible

power can be used to take incredible chances and the teenager is

so young. And so, when the Divine gifts of Power were bestowed, there was also a

ringing in the consciousness, "Oh my God!" The hope was that the

power might be used in different, conscious ways. One was for your pleasure! For

the sheer wonder and pleasure of it. Another was to give you an

awareness that power is, that it exists, and it moves, it creates, takes form,

is dynamic and changeable. Can you think of any power, besides the

power of your mind, that has that capacity? And finally, a higher use for this

gift. There is gratitude, great gratitude for the physical

pleasure, and gratitude for the feeling of being alive, of being more, more than

the physical body. But after experiencing the pleasure, and the

aliveness and the wonder of the feeling as it comes in from outside, and fills

and moves you, is it not possible to see that same power as being

reversible? Let me explain. You now feel sexual energy as coming to you, or

arising within you. The hope was that one day you might see that it

could also move in the other direction so that you could 'ride' that power back

to the Source from which it came. Energy moves both ways, so if

you could 'ride' it back, you would be connected with the Source from which that

energy came!


There are many ways to do that, and there are no rules to riding that bridge

back. The difficulty is that you all believe there are. You have all

read the 'right' books, had the teachers, and have followed the 'right' path.

Those of you who have had even a glimpse of the bridge now find

yourself in a dilemma. And it has to do with your belief systems. Now you feel

you are not qualified to ride that bridge back, or that in order to

cross that bridge, you have to pay a toll. Therefore, you do not pay attention

to the lessons that the sexual energy is trying to teach you every

moment of your sexual experience. You 'leave'; you do not stay in that

experience. Many things distract you. Guilt comes in; you feel that you

should not be doing it, and you hope that God is not watching, or that your

teacher is not watching. So you are 'not there,' you go on

semi-automatic, and you fail to feel the wonder and the movement. Sexual energy

is an ally, but no ally, no matter how powerful, can help you if

you are not there, if you are not listening. You must be there, paying attention

to everything that is going on, to your responses, your feelings,

how the energy moves, how it liberates, where it is stuck, and what to do with

it. If you are not there, you are lost and you have lost the



When you are not happy in your sexual life, many of you think that the answer is

to add more people to your experience. Then, if you still have

any energy left, you realize that you are still not happy -but have added a lot

more trouble to your life, for now you have more egos to keep

satisfied! Or you may decide that the trouble is with your present partner, that

if you found a more sensual person you would be happy. So you

find another partner only to discover that you still feel unfulfilled. Sexual

energy will fulfill you only when it is used wisely on all levels.

Anything short of that and you will remain unsatisfied because the energy was

never meant to stop at any level of gratification.


How then, to open to these deeper experiences? Just as some of you sit in

meditation, very aware of the energy patterns as they move through you,

thereby learning that these energies are not of the limited self, so will the

awareness of sexual energy bring you in touch with its 'triggering

effect.' If you wish to use your sexual expression in such a way that it will

nourish you on all levels, you will have to listen, and pay

attention to what is happening inside and around you. You will have to become

very quiet and very intense. You will need to be aware, and you will

have to feel and come to know the movement of that energy. With observation, you

will find that the genital area is very close to the trigger

point of the kundalini. When your awareness is totally present, you will find

that you have the ability to 'pull the power up' and to raise it

from your lower chakra to your highest, igniting them all along the way.


If you do not feel the wonder of that power, it is because something in your

mind has asked you to turn it off. Please understand that this energy

does not flow in one direction only. You cannot separate, in a 'rod of power,'

one end from the other, for they are joined. Sexuality is God's

gift to you, and every gift that is given has been given for one main reason. It

is to be used eventually for the journey 'home', to be used to

come back to the Source. The teenager can take the car and the money, and do

whatever he wants, but the parents hope he will eventually use them

to drive home. It is no different with God. He allows you to go and play, and do

all those wonderful things that you and the teenagers do; but

eventually He hopes you will begin to realize that you are lonely and want to go

'home'. Do with the energy what you will, in whatever way you

want, in whatever lifetime; but understand, it was given so that you could use

it to make your way 'home'!


Are there any questions?


Q: I have understood that the 'kundalini' as power could be very dangerous, and

to seek it one should have a teacher. Is this true?


If you are going to use various spiritual disciples such as long meditation,

austerities, pranayama, etc., in order to 'get' this kundalini power,

and insist that it rise at your command, then you will need a guide. Speaking

from my own incarnative pattern, I can tell you that I did not have

a guide, that I had no one around who had the slightest intimation of what I was

trying to do. All I had was the movement of the energy itself.

And I will tell you that it was absolutely reliable, it moved in its own way, in

its own good time and it did not take me too fast, or too far,

and everything was all right. When you let the energy lead the way, moving as it

will, it creates its own pathway. It is like a small stream

moving freely down a mountain. But if you break open a dam and release the

energy all at once, the rush could be dangerous. Let it happen in its

own good and wondrous time. Do not think that you need to have a teacher for

everything. The teacher is you! That power is within you, and you do

have a regulatory system. As the energy moves, it will clear the way. Do not

take my word for it-but do not take anyone else's either; play fair

and listen to yourself. Once you try it, you will find you do know something

about your own energy, and you will not have to feel separated from

your sexuality any more.


The purpose of sexual union is to nourish you on all levels. If you have a

partner who is also interested in sexual understanding, I would suggest

that you begin along these lines to investigate the source of that nourishment.

Some of you may want to buy some books on Tantric Yoga, but you do

not need to do that. Write your own book about your own sexual understanding.

You be the laboratory and the subject. Let us suppose that you are

at a party. Someone comes up to you, and you feel the sexual energy begin to

rise. The disciplined one would at once ask, "Would it be useful to

experience this energy now?" If you are on the lowest level of expression, the

usefulness is obvious. Pleasure. So you go and do, or don't, as you

choose. If you are on a higher level (I mistrust 'levels,' but aren't we having

fun!), then you can say, "I will have to think about it, for to

activate this now would create more chaos in my life, and it may or may not be

worth it." If you decide it is worth it, then do it, if not, then

don't and be prepared to accept the responsibility of your action. At the

highest level you might ask, "Would this expression, under these

circumstances, with this person, be maximum in my reaching Divine understanding

or not?" In the end, you will learn something that you might not

want to know; like attracts like. If you are on the lowest level only, it is

unlikely that you will be attracted to someone on a higher level, for

they will appear lacking in spontaneity to you. One step up is where you find

the 'committed lovers,' who are not necessarily committed to higher

awareness, but to each other. On the highest level you will find only those who

are seeking to use everything in their universe to come Home.


Q: How does one move this energy?


Locate the power in a specific part of your body, then deepen your awareness of

it by staying with it. Since you know that thought creates, you

can consciously decide that you are going to bring it up through your body and

so it begins to move. You do not have only seven chakras, as most

of you tend to believe. There are many chakras located all over the body. When

you begin to move the energy, these centers trigger each other to

'light up.' It is a movement in the synapses, and it is very rapid movement over

which you have little control once it begins. Your job is to be

aware of the energy, concentrate on it and your desire to move it up. Then allow

it to move. The moment that you put your awareness on any area of

your physical body, the energy will move there, so start with the lowest chakra

and concentrate in turn on each of the others. This will move the

energy up through and out of the crown chakra. Try it. And remember, this is one

of the greatest gifts that you have been given! There were no

rules made along with the gift; you have made them all for yourself. Just as you

are responsible for the quality of your speech, for the quality

of your actions, for the quality of everything in your life, so also are you

responsible for the quality of your sexual activities. It is up to

you. There is no 'wrong' and there is no 'right'; there is simply choice!


Q: Do we make rules around sexuality because we are afraid to go home'?


Sexual rules were made by people who did not feel free in their sexual

expression. I am not talking about this modern age, but about the priests

of old. They set themselves apart and decided that sex was an activity in which

they should not indulge. The minute this rule was made it was

imposed on others. When this happened, it became obvious that sexuality would

end up with many restrictions. The rules were adhered to, even in

the face of the fact that many people have become totally enlightened during the

sexual union. The priests felt that if you did not Awaken by

following the rules, then your experience was not valid, just like the prevalent

medical belief that if you are healed by other than medical

rules, there must have been a mistake in the original diagnosis. If you are

following the religious rules, then credence is given to your

'enlightening' experience. Please do not believe that it was God who made the

rules you follow. God does not make you do anything; and I tell you

that much of what is going on is an experiment. Life is dynamic action in

creation. What would be the point of God laying it al I out, and then

you playing it according to a script? Life is an amazingly wonder-filled

creation that is on-going, and you are part of it. And all that you think

and say and do is a part of it. There are no 'mistakes'; there is nothing'

wrong.' It is all Life.


And I have yelled long enough. Thank you all for coming.





Reprinted from "I Come As A Brother"

The Channeled Intelligence of Bartholomew

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Sat Nam Cornelius,

When a teacher speaks from his or her navel you can't expect it to be polite.

It's direct and simple and I understand that can be jarring for

many people. Having one's Kundalini rise can also be jarring. I have had two

teachers and both are/were powerful and jarring. Try to get past the

temperament of the speaker. As you noted there are some good points. I could

have edited out the more PG stuff but I figured we could take this

past that level.

We in the west do like our worlds to be fully in our control and don't like

to be confined by any definition external to our sensory world. To

insure this control we have torn up our roots and become the most extreme

individualists (a label) on the planet but that hasn't changed our basic

nature. We are men and we are women. We both have Shiva and Shakti within and it

is good to honor that dance in all it's forms.....internal or

external but it is important to understand the polarities.

Check out nature!

It is all very stimulating and so was this communication.

Wahe Guru,



cornelius lockett wrote:


> Greetings,


> I'm really ignorant of Kundalini Yoga, and am only

> familiar with the practicalities of Hatha Yoga. So,

> far be it for me to elaborate on the "esoteric"

> descriptions found in your article(s). This article is

> rich and offers powerful insights into the male/female

> dynamo. I do however feel that liberties in broad the

> description:


> "Man doesn't need a woman. He doesn't need her

> physically, mentally, or spiritually. He only needs

> her for her aura that has to be positive for

> him. Even in physical intercourse she just acts like a

> stimulant. It is the benchmark of the man that he

> needs nothing from a woman. Except her

> positive aura, and he only relates through her

> arcline. This is his basic nature."


> Many can charge that "a woman doesn't need a man" or

> even, simpler, the "individual" (i.e., recluse,

> cave-dweller) or single spirit-soul needs "no other".

> MOre to the point, the quote to emphasizes that Man

> only needs woman for stimulation, so I assume the

> Reverse is negated (Woman "needs" man for more than

> stimulation).

> Again, the content in the article is powerfully

> insightful, yet there is that spot that seems "sexist"

> laden.


> Peace,

> cj





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