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Identities (was Negativity)

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Hi Linda,


Your question is very sensible.... It's about seeing clarity in the

illusion.... our identities are things which we don't see, but see

through - it is essentially what we are being to get by in the

world. There is a whole closet of identities which we carry and when

we *do* release one we usually experience a pure state of awareness

for a while (at least until we fall into the next identity).


So with an identity comes the set of beliefs and karma associated

with it. In each identity we attract certain things into our lives

and have difficulties with certain other types of people that are

opposing that identity. To give you some examples of my own (as a

slave = trouble with controlling people, as a criminal = trouble

with religious people, as a monk = trouble with authoritative



These are not determined by intellectual enquiry. The only way to

see them is to find out what conflicts with what you are being

(there is always one core (key umbrella) item which all of the other

things are a representation of) as that is the only clue that we are

being something. Does this make sense. We can't see what we are

being whilst we are being it. We only get to see that when something

conflicts with this and makes us aware that we are holding on to a

rigid identity. When we let go of the identity the thing that

conflicts with this is no longer a problem and we can move on. It's

often that we attract those situations to us in the first place by

being in the identity.


The end point of this is to see everything as a part of our self. In

other words we are experience unity instead of duality. When we see

things as separate from ourselves then we are caught up in our own



We assume a new identity when our existing one is overcome or no

longer serves us (often between lives or when we are completely

overcome/defeated in some way within a life and we feel we can't

carry on in that way). Each identity also has goals associated with

it and will create a direction for a being which will manifest as

their life.



So to go back to your other question, if we get the identity and let

this go then yes we will 'get it' but the way this tends to work for

people is that they have a moment of clarity / unity / heightened

awareness and then they find themselves picking up their mind/body

again and inevitably taking on the next identity in the series as

they go back into their life. The thing is that there is a finite

number of them and as we let go of them we get better and faster at

doing so each time. To the point that we live more as spirit (or in

line with spirit) and not caught up in the mind/ego consciousness.

Also there are key or major identities which make up a bigger piece

of the jigsaw than others.


Beyond this there are spiritual goals which are for the sake of game

which are then played out in the lower realms (i.e. earth / physical

universe etc.). This is what I mean when I say it can be fun to

suffer from a spiritual perspective when we are not glued to our

mind and body.



Well hope this helps... I've been meaning to write this up more

clearly for a while and get it on the web, so your question has been

a good prompt.



Thank you,




I have a little quote of my own which sums this up, "The structure

of the mind, is that the mind is a structure". When we pull out the

lower pieces then what is on top of that inevitably crumbles

(dissolves) and we become free of that also. The difficulty is to

get deep enough to start with to make the real difference.





> I was reading your response to Rai on the 23rd.

> Question, You say the only way to let go of the drama

> is to get past the fixed identity we assume and see

> what is behind the veil. Two questions,

> exactly how does one get to the point of seeing

> beyond the veil, and if we do get to see beyond

> our fixed identity - wouldnt that indicate that

> we "got it" and our purpose here would be

> fulfilled?


> Just asking.

> Linda





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