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changes in my life

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Dharan Singh, Sat Nam, You ask about changes that are

going on in my life at this time, a great deal of

things, first my dear mother became very ill a few

mths. ago, she can barely walk and can not care for

herself, so I chose to come here and care for her, my

husband is in the northwest doing ceremonies and

helping the people prepair for the fasting and the

sundance, I miss him very much. But it is during this

time here at home that I discovered KY on my computer.

It has helped me so much during this very difficult

time with my mother. Also, I have been praying for

something I could do at home to make a little extra

money, we make do with her social security and umw

checks, but I have worked all my life, so I wanted

something to do to help myself while I was here, so I

filled out lots of information on the computer about

home base business, keep in mind I needed something I

could do from home on the phone and the computer, and

did not cost to start up. I thought I was looking for

a miracle, I got lots of calls and lots of emails from

people telling me about this and that programe, but

found nothing I was interested in or could afford.

But one day, about one month into my meditation I got

a call from a very nice lady, she just introduced me

to something she was doing from home, cost next to

nothing to start , and it was something that I

believed in, being an environmentalist and an activist

for causes and things to do to help save the earth

from pollution. Basically it just envolved changing

my home over to products that were environmentally

safe and physically safe for my family, I was in

heaven, doing something I love and just introducing

others to these wonderful products, and getting paid

for it, I also introduced the lady to KY and we have

become friends. and now she is doing KY. Anyway, I

truly believe that my meditation has helped open the

way for these wonderful things to come into my life,

or unlocked something in me that has opened the way

for all these wonderful things to take place, even

during such difficult times with my mother. Oh yes,

you ask for my age, well, since most people that read

this will probably never meet me in person...(or just

my luck things will go really well and I will be able

to to to new mexico for world peace day, and I will

meet everybody) but, hum, my age, ok, but remember I

look much younger people say I look 35, but im 49,

will be 50 this September 28, I usually never tell the

truth about that, not that im ashamed of my age im a

great 49, have a very young heart, but I have to blame

my cherokee grandmother she lived to be 94 years old,

had 14 children, out lived 4 husbands, and her last

husband, well he was 64 and she was 73 when they

married, and she made the entire family swear not to

tell him her real age, poor man went to his grave

thinking she was younger than him, and my mother told

me that if she had not taken to her bed at 91, she

would of been out looking for husband number

five....Well a little bit of my history, thankyou for

everything, and many blesings to you, im still

learning and growing, love and peace....Valerie




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Dear Valerie,

Keep moving in the affirmative! and, allow for your own needs while taking

care of your Mom and doing your part in caring for the Great Mother

that kindly bears all of us. You are doing a lot with less "support" than you

are accustomed to and I feel that your practicing Kundalini Yoga at

this time is awakening to you a deeper instinctual self in this newer context.

Keep the songs in your day. Sing to and with your Mom. You can keep

mantra (www.yogatech.com) or some of that new Robbie Robertson playing in the

background. Singing is right brain and most of us don't make time

to "do" right brain things because we are too busy "doing" rather than being.

Right brain is being...it's in our depth and breadth. Even yoga can

be left brain especially if we don't know how to flow within while in posture

and between postures. Yogiji has given us a perfect Sadhana in that

he has us chanting for 62 minutes after we've done the yoga. Make sure you give

yourself enough private time for this.

Years ago ('77) I lived with a small group of folks....a mixture of different

nations in the Nevada desert. Yaqui, Cherokee, Shoshone,

Athabaskan and we would rise with the sun and make an offering to the fire

everyday. We would then sing and drum before food would touch our lips.

There was a rightness in that place and time. Rolling Thunder was my teacher


Keep young!

I asked of you your age to see if it resonated with experiences of mine in

younger years. That you were close to family is one thing we had/have

in common.

My mother is 75 and not one grey hair on her head even though her health is

completely failed.

Blessings to you

Running late,



"Meditating is a sort of eating, a consumption of subtle energies which

are digested by the mind's subtle digestive fire. Meditation is a

critical element of all daily programs because it satisfies the mind's

hunger. In-sufficient or improper meditation keeps the mind hungry, and

makes it turn outward through its sense organs to seek satisfaction from

sense objects, including especially physical food.

Use of food to satisfy the mind alone without consideration for the body

always leads to disease. Good meditation nourishes the organism so

thoroughly that the body can maintain itself on less food. Control of

desire, which is mental hunger, is the key to longevity and


Anything can be a meditation, as long as it is sincere and heartfelt."

----Robert Svoboda from "Prakruti"




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