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Sodarshan Chakra Kriya

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Sodarshan Chakra Kriya Meditation

12/12/90 Italy, 8/91 Espanola

By Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D.


Sit with a straight spine. Focus the eyes at the tip of the nose. Block

the right nostril with the right thumb tip, the other fingers pointing

straight up. Inhale slowly and deeply through the left nostril. Then

hold the breath by suspending. the action of breathing and lifting the

chest slightly. Keep the chin locked in jalandhara Bhanda (chin lock)-

Mentally chant the mantra "Whahe Guru" 16 times as you hold the breath.

With each repetition of the mantra, pump the navel point three times in

pace with Wha+he+Gu+Ru. This is a total of 48 pumps per breath. Then

unblock the right nostril, place the index or little finger over the

left nostril to block it. Then exhale slowly and deeply through the

right nostril.


Continue for 11-62 minutes. Then inhale, hold the breath 5 to 15 seconds

and exhale. Stretch the arms up and shake every part of your body for

one minute.




This is one of the greatest meditations you can practice. According to

the tantra shastras, it can make you perfect your potential and be a

superhuman human. It purifies your past and the subconscious impulses

that may block you from fulfilling and balance all the 27 facets of the

life and mental projection. It

gives you the pranic power of health and healing. It establishes inner


and a state of flow and ecstasy in life. The kriya never fails.


To gain these benefits requires different efforts from different people.

Each mind has stored up its own pile of negative thought and energy. So

each pit is cleaned on its own time and scale. You decide how much time

you have and you need to invest in this practice. Begin with 31 minutes.

Increase it to 40 then to 62 and finally to 2 1/2 hours a day!. It is

said that if you perfect the practice for 1/10th of the day, it gives

you "Nao niddhi athara siddhi"; that is you will get the nine precious

virtues and the 18 occult powers. It opens your inner universe to

relate, co-create and complete the external universe.


Treat the practice with reverence and increase your depth, dimensions,


and happiness. It gives you a new start against all odds. It saves you


internal pressures have become too great for any external influence or

solution. It

gives you the ability to stimulate your self from inside.

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Sat Nam Preeti, Dharam


Sodarshan is sort of tricky until you've done it a week or so,

especially the number of pumps synchronized with the mantra.


"pump the navel point three times in

pace with Wha+he+Gu+Ru. This is a total of 48 pumps per breath."


I had to get input on the above too, its: pump on 'Wha', pump on

'he', pump on 'Guru'. I always find for myself its easier to count

the number of WhaHeGurus instead of each individual pump.


This was a great kriya for me and I want to go back and do it

for a year, my original goal. Next time, less the distractions.


Preeti, be sure to do more yoga, if you're doing Sodarshan for more

than 31 minutes a day.




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"pump the navel point three times in

pace with Wha+he+Gu+Ru. This is a total of 48 pumps per breath."


wha he gu ru makes 4 pumps not 3...is it essentual?







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Preeti, be sure to do more yoga, if you're doing Sodarshan for more

> than 31 minutes a day.



> Brad



Sat Nam, I love Sodarshan kirya too. By do more yoga do you mean more of

the physical movement yoga?


Gian Kaur

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Sat Nam, Gian


Yes, I distinguish between 'full-blown' meditation, and asanas.

"By do more yoga do you mean more of

> the physical movement yoga?"


Yes, I was even taking a Hatha class (it was free what the...)to get

some more asana, on top of any KY class I took or taught. For me it

wasn't really a choice, you may be different.






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So full blown meditation is the holding of a posture (asana?) for a longer

length of time? Or the repetition of the same movement over a long period

of time. During teacher training Yogi B. laughed when someone else asked

this question. He implied that they are all the same, or so I thought at

the time. It's all a matter of how you do them??


"ajana6chakra" <sixthchakra


Tuesday, May 21, 2002 9:35 PM

Re: Sodarshan Chakra Kriya



> Sat Nam, Gian


> Yes, I distinguish between 'full-blown' meditation, and asanas.

> "By do more yoga do you mean more of

> > the physical movement yoga?"


> Yes, I was even taking a Hatha class (it was free what the...)to get

> some more asana, on top of any KY class I took or taught. For me it

> wasn't really a choice, you may be different.


> Blessings



> Brad






> - Yogi Bhajan


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I see I'm coming across clear as mud, Ellen. No I consider yoga asanas to be

different completely from meditation. I do yoga so I can do my



Some lump alltogether under KY, thats fine I just look at it differently. I

also do

Vipassana (watch the breath) meditation. So to me there's yoga and there's



My original point about yoga and Sodarshan, or any powerful meditation was this:


we do yoga to prepare for meditation, so you might find you'll need to do even


for Sodarshan, I did.






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I've never practiced just meditation, but I know that during "meditation"

you are not supposed to move. I stop and look at the clock, move my neck to

get a crick out of it, etc. I know it would be better if I would not give

in like that, but I am rarely perfectly still... except when i have plenty

of time and after the prescribed meditation, I just continue to sit. Having

to time the practice is useful in that I get it done in a predictable time

frame. The problem is I always have time on my mind.


"Brad Greenstreet" <sixthchakra


Tuesday, May 21, 2002 11:57 PM

Re: Re: Sodarshan Chakra Kriya





> I see I'm coming across clear as mud, Ellen. No I consider yoga asanas to

be different completely from meditation. I do yoga so I can do my

> meditation.


> Some lump alltogether under KY, thats fine I just look at it differently.

I also do

> Vipassana (watch the breath) meditation. So to me there's yoga and

there's meditation.


> My original point about yoga and Sodarshan, or any powerful meditation was



> we do yoga to prepare for meditation, so you might find you'll need to do

even more

> for Sodarshan, I did.


> Blessings



> Brad






> - Yogi Bhajan


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thank you brad

i also do vipassanna and am new to KY-some friends are hestitant to try

KY and they are some difficulty with vipassanna-what do you consider the

best basic book on vipassanna.

thanks, again





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Hi Ellen,


The problem is I always have time on my mind.


Go deeper, do Sodarshan for 31-62 minutes. Mind goes through phases.



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Sat Nam Susan,


The vipassana I meet with a group, who are far more into Buddhism. I will


them and get back with you on the book.


There's absolutely nothing to fear over KY. In fact after you start you will


as I did and probably others on this board, that fears will come up from time to


in different kriyas, or meditations and you'll realize they really have no basis

no power, except in our minds. But thats what KY is about

letting the kundalini gently

open the chakras, clear blocks.


Every week practically there is someone new posting similar comments about

wanting to try KY but being fearful usually because of all the BS

floating around in

print and on the web. Yes, I read the horrifying accounts too. Stephen King

should use it as material for his next movie.:-)


Start with some easy KY kriya from kundaliniyoga.org, like basic breath







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That's hilarious!....Stephen King indeed. Actually I have this well done

sci-fiction story somewhere is storage entitlted the "Serpent of

Kundalini". I was actually a real mindblower and about an hour's read. If I find

it I'll let folks know...but don't forget to keep Sat Nam, Wahe

Guru in mind.

Sat Nam,




Brad Greenstreet wrote:


> Every week practically there is someone new posting similar comments about

wanting to try KY but being fearful usually because of all the BS

> floating around in

> print and on the web. Yes, I read the horrifying accounts too. Stephen King

should use it as material for his next movie.:-)


> Start with some easy KY kriya from kundaliniyoga.org, like basic breath



> Blessings


> Brad

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Sat Nam Brad,


62 minutes is a challenge for someone who feels there is not enough time.

I'll try it for the Memorial Day week-end. I spend that much time moving

from one Kriya to another. Dabbling. That's kind of how I live my life,

busy. Concentrating on one kriya would be more effective, huh? I can't do

the 48 pumps of the lower bandha, but Sodashan is the easiest and the most

appealing of anything I have ever done. When I am not thinking of doing

anything, I find myself doing Sodarshan. Is that a sign that it is good for



I so much appreciate being able to communicate with the yogi(nis) in this

group. People who share the yoga passion are not just everywhere. Just

being able to communicate passing thoughts helps with the isolation. Why is

it not enough to just be closer to the divine? Why is the company of the

"holy" so important? It's all the same isn't it? The divine=the company of

the holy in all of us. Getting a thoughtful response the way I usually do,

is outside the normal range of experience. Thank-you. Sat Nam.


"Brad Greenstreet" <sixthchakra


Wednesday, May 22, 2002 11:10 AM

Re: Re: Sodarshan Chakra Kriya





> Hi Ellen,


> The problem is I always have time on my mind.


> Go deeper, do Sodarshan for 31-62 minutes. Mind goes through phases.


> Brad






> - Yogi Bhajan


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> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



> kundalini yogaclasses.html


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Hi Ellen,


"62 minutes is a challenge for someone who feels there is not enough time."

I'm sure you have alot of demands on your time, children, husband, work, or

whatever. The post Dharam made about the times and what they effect

is telling though. Try for 31 minutes at least.

"Spend most of my time dabbling, going from one kriya to the next." The


flightiness that manifests itself in your meditation it sounds like. Stick with

Sodarshan, make it a goal to work up to 31 minutes, if you can

find the time go to 45 or 42 minutes. The only way you will realize the effect

of meditation on your consciouness is if you can slow your mind,

your flirting with it but not giving it a real go it sounds like. You have to

give sufficient time IN the meditation itself and over a period of

AT LEAST 30 days to see real LONG-TERM benefits from it.

On the pumping, your not pulling any bhandas, just pumping the navel,



Your a soldier, you just have to realize it. Keep up!



Sat Nam



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When I pump, I think I pull up the lowest bhanda (under the sex organs) and

with the naval point, naturally the diaphram is lifted. No? I often pull

up the lowest bhanda when I am sitting or even during my daily life.

Tucking the sacrum and stretching the neck just get me feeling more



After 62 minutes of Sodarshan Chakra, I went out driving and I was really

out of it. I sat through a green turn signal and went on red. Also, after

I got out of the dentist chair (no pain today), I was dizzy and continue to

be dizzy since then. I should have shook my hands around my head more?


I feel that my neutral mind is working, but I don't like feeling dizzy. I

have done 31 minutes of Sodarshan Chakra for 90 days before. I think I am

pulling harder, just because I am stronger than I was then.


This morning I did 62 minutes with 2 rests where I actually laid down and 2

times when I looked at the clock and once turning off the heater and going

to the bathroom before one of the rests. That isn't 62 minutes is it? At

Tantric, my mind really goes into another realm, but not when I am looking

at the clock etc.


In the evening before I went to bed I did 31 minutes probably looking at the

clock 2 times. I was so tired it was really hard not stopping. I found

that I can do the 48 pumps.



"Brad Greenstreet" <sixthchakra


Friday, May 24, 2002 10:54 AM

Re: Re: Sodarshan Chakra Kriya



> Hi Ellen,


> "62 minutes is a challenge for someone who feels there is not enough


> I'm sure you have alot of demands on your time, children, husband, work,

or whatever. The post Dharam made about the times and what they effect

> is telling though. Try for 31 minutes at least.

> "Spend most of my time dabbling, going from one kriya to the next."

The same

> flightiness that manifests itself in your meditation it sounds like.

Stick with Sodarshan, make it a goal to work up to 31 minutes, if you can

> find the time go to 45 or 42 minutes. The only way you will realize the

effect of meditation on your consciouness is if you can slow your mind,

> your flirting with it but not giving it a real go it sounds like. You

have to give sufficient time IN the meditation itself and over a period of

> AT LEAST 30 days to see real LONG-TERM benefits from it.

> On the pumping, your not pulling any bhandas, just pumping the navel,



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Sat Nam Ellen,


It takes a while to integrate at a new level when you move up in

time. I move up when I began to feel 'normal'. Sounds like you

could get a lot out of this if you wanted.

Whats holding you back? Whats with this looking at the clock?

Are you the person that rolls over and looks at the clock to see if

its time to get up? Tell yourself next time you do Sodarshan, with

intent, that you are doing 62 mins without looking at the clock, and

just do it. Admittedly during some of my meditations, I don't go

very deep and my mind stays active. When I do that usually I find

its because my eyes are focused where they should be. Keep the

focus and keep the mantra, AND THATS ALL.

Yes, I always did the three squeezes at the end and I shook for

at least a minute. Arms, whole body.


If you can get past the superficial levels on this, you may have

some awesome experience. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems like you're

holding back or something.


Congrats on the 62 (almost)! I'm glad to see you REALLY can do the

48 pumps. For me meditations really bring home what YB says about

White Tantric, it tests the limits you thought you had.






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Sat Nam Brad,


I woke up this morning terribly dizzy. I'm going to do the Sodarshan now,

but maybe the dizziness has nothing to do with it. I was laying down as I

had been on the dentist chair yesterday when I felt so dizzy. Please help

me with this. I have a natural and usually comfortable low blood pressure.

I was dizzy before when i was in a very stressful situation (I felt students

were attacking me) I feel attacked now, but I am not shaking at all or

really worrying about the vulnerability so I does not feel the same as the

last time I was dizzy. I am going to do grounding exercises before I start

sodarshan and after. Probably I am pulling up too hard with the first

chakra. I will do it today with less force. I have to teach a class and

give two shiatsus before i get back here so I need some divine help.


You're right I am holding back. This business of doing work (teaching

middle school where I am going crazy) that brings out all of my weaknesses

is a way to avoid doing what I can really do well (teach yoga and do

shiatsu). I'm just holding back from organizing my life so I really do have

time for yoga and meditation. Doing what I can easily do means working from

my strengths. Not looking at the clock and organizing my life so that I can

do what I really want to do is essential. Working on weakness is like the

Christian working on sin. Instead do what I can easily do, (like not

looking at the clock), to pull everything else up. Don't worry about the

weaknesses and put myself in situations where my strengths are leading me.

Strengths are divine gifts (guru pursand). They will cut through difficult

karma (lack of committment to structure and organization, a need to

constantly listen more to my personal guru to know how much to say to people

when. Do most of my communication with people in silence but communicate

the essential structural elements explicitly.)

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Sat Nam Ellen,


If you really feel dizzy, then go carefully or use your own judgment.


"Probably I am pulling up too hard with the first

chakra." No pulling up, you are just gently pumping the navel, like breath of


but much slower, with the mantra.







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