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Sat Nam, Lanzone, I am sorry for your loss. I want to

tell you a stroy, this really happened, my little

girl, who is now a young woman, at the time she was

seven years old, we had a beautiful cat named Shiva,

she had big green eyes, and a beautiful slick black

fur and a wonderful thick black tail, my daughter

found her on the street as a little baby cat, and we

raised her from that day, she became a part of our

family. One day there was a fire in our building,

smoke began filling the rooms so fast all I could

think of was getting my little girl out of there, I

thought Shiva was already out, by the time we got

outside flames were shooting out the top of the roof,

we looked around and could'nt find Shiva, my little

girl tryed to run back inside to see if she was still

in the house, I had to hold her back, the smoke was so

very thik and black, if she went back into the

apartment she would of been overcome, we both just

prayed and cryed, and hope that Shiva got out, after

it was over we found out that Shiva died in the fire,

we were both heartbroken, but my daughter looked up at

me and said Mama, cats have nine lives, Shiva will

come back to us, I just looked at her and gave her a

big smile, and said yes she will baby, we found a new

place to live and went on with life, but my little

girl kept saying mom when do you think Shiva will be

back, not really knowing what to say, I just told her

when its time for Shiva to come back she will just

walk through the front door, time passed, she still

kept asking me the same question and I replied with

the same answer. One day, she was getting ready to

leave for school, now I want to tell you about this

little house, it had a screened in porch and then the

front door. Now I just opened the front door, the

screen door was still closed to the front porch, I was

calling to my daughter, come on honey we have to go

you will be late, I had the front door open, I looked

at my daughter and she was laughing, what is it I ask,

she said look mama look down, and there she was, a

little kitten, right under me, my daughter cried its

Shiva, you told me mama when she was ready to come

back she would walk through the front door, what could

I say, only this time she was all white, with one big

blue eye and one big green eye, you could never tell

my little girl that was not Shiva come back to us, she

said she even had one of Shiva's eyes just to let us

know it was her, "out of the mouth of babes" who knows

I just know that, that little kitten brought as much

love and joy to our life as Shiva, we never forgot

Shiva in her past life, but we certainly did enjoy her

in her new life. I just wanted to tell you this

little story, and to let you know we understand your

loss, but you never know, one day when you open your

front door, just who might walk in...peace and healing

to your heart....from Valerie





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