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Kali - Blood Offering

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bluebastt <bluebastt > wrote:

This may sound weird to some of you, but i offer my own blood to Kali, usually

at the dark moon. I simply prick my finger and annoint my Kali statue in the

third eye. Ever since i started doing this, my link with Her has become much

stronger. It is not for the faint of heart, but either is Ma Kali. I will post

a pic of the West quarter with a pic of my Kali statue at our Lughnasadh ritual

to the pics section. We have three members in our circle. I work with Kali at

the West, the others work with Araidne at the North quarter, and Hekate at the

East, South reserved for God, Lugh in last ritual. Kadesh--- In

Kali_Ma, kalipadma@j... wrote:> > I'm having a Senior Moment,

but there's an American feminist who wrote an> essay to the effect that there

is a Western Kali, and an Eastern Kali.

> That so many non-Hindus have been attracted to Kali, that they have built> up

a thought-form of this feminist, women-liberating Goddess who can be>

worshipped in a Wiccan or Neo-Pagan manner. Meanwhile, Hindus continue> to

worship Kali with Puja offerings, and see Her as the force behind Maya> (the

world of illusion), surrendering their preconceptions to the> Goddess.> > As

someone who often teaches Neo-Pagans about Kali (and other Hindu> goddesses),

I've noted a tendancy for Westerners to come to me, saying,> "I'm really into

Dark Goddesses. How do I sacrifice an animal to Kali? > Can I offer Her a

hamburger?"> > My usual response is, "the dark is only part of the cycle of

Life. > Respect is due to Dark Goddesses, but also pay attention to the Light>

Goddesses. I feel that anyone drawn to Kali should also revere Light>

Goddesses like Lakshmi or Durga. Most Hindus worship Durga during the> waxing

phases of the Moon, and Kali during the waning phases."> > So far as sacrifice

is concerned, I recommend sacrificing one's ego,> delusions and misconceptions.

If you haven't been trained in methods of> animal slaughter, don't attempt to

kill anything for Kali. Only male> animals are offered at Kali temples that

perform sacrifice, and no Hindu> will kill a cow or bull -- they are sacred

animals, symbolizing Mother> Earth. The point of sacrifice is not to offer

dead meat to the Goddess,> but to pass life energy. I'd almost recommend using

Aleister Crowley's> offering of "a perfect, unborn man-child" -- i.e., freshly

ejaculated> semen. But that, of course, is also taboo in Hinduism.> > -- Len/

Kalipadma> > > On Mon, 30 Aug 2004

09:00:49 -0700 (PDT) Maha Kali Tara Ma> <jai_ma_kali> writes:> > Quite

honestly I am a witch and I am very devoted to Kali. She comes > > in my dreams

many times and there were times when I needed to > > magickally defend myself

and she came in my dreams and allowed it. I > > had actually become her. So

Charles you do not need to back away > > from Kali unless this is your True

Will. > > I have the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and i dont agree with > >

everything he believed. Do you know he was against women being in > > the work

force? It's there in his own words in the Gospel of shri > > Rama Krishna. But

I still learn from his words, I still loved what > > he did. That does not mean

i have to agree with everything he said. > > Also I read eighter it was in his

gospel or the book called Kali > > that he asked Kali to heal a

friend and offered her green coconuts > > for it. When someone he did not want

near him he would ask Ma to > > send him away and then say but if it's your

will I will see him. > > > > Talking about Bhamakempa now a Saint to Tara he

would heal people in > > the name of Tara and once he even touched a man and

killed him.Look > > at the book called Kali by Elizabeth U. harding its there

in the > > chapter about Tara. So what is the difference if I call Tara into me

> > and do a healing the way i was taught to do so or the way i > > channeled it

from a higher source?> > I do not believe in just letting things go...That is

against my > > True Will, not my will. I have had many conversations with my

HGA. I > > do study the works of Aleister Crowley. I was in the OTO. I am > >

devoted to Kali as well. In fact I believe there was

an OTO lodge > > way back 10 years ago or so named Kali Lodge. > > > > So

Charles you dont need to give up on Kali. > > No one can say anything to

change what I believe in. I know this to > > be the truth, my truth. Remember

one person's truth is another > > person's lie. One person's religion is

another person's heresy. Who > > is right? > > Many Christians say that

basically we are all going to hell for > > being devoted to the Goddess or

believing in many gods. The Muslims > > Koran calls us infidels for not being

Muslims. In fact it says if > > you see an infidel you must kill them.> > In

the old testament there's a passage where they were told by god > > to kill all

the Pagans. Then there are some Christians who call > > worshiping Idols or even

praying to one is the Devil's work. So to >

> them most Hindus and many other religions are doing the Devil's > > work. Do

you see where I'm getting at? Everyone has a belief. How > > can a Wiccan tell

a Hindu you're wrong for what you believe in that > > your devotion is of the

lowest form without the Hindu telling the > > Wiccan the same thing? I have my

own beliefs and I know if I do a > > spell the Goddess has ultimate vito power.

She can say "nope you're > > going to be single for a while" or nope " you're

not going to be a > > famous singer this year" She has ultimate vito power.> >

So yes I do believe in devotion to the goddess and for anyone > > telling me my

devotion sucks is just plain wrong and even a bit > > intolerant. I love Kali so

much, so very very much that I think > > about her all day and all night long.

No one can tell me that I'm > > less devoted to her

cause I dont do it "their way." here's my > > belief as many people so there

are many religions. > > Kalimir> > > > > > > > Charlie <witchatwork03>

wrote:> > I should add that neither of these swamis have any real> > knowledge

of paganism. All their information is coming> > out of the tradtional shakta

context, and it's likely > > that they may have some comment regarding paganism

that> > you may or may not want to hear.> > > >

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> > > > I have followed the

posts of yours when people were talking about > > paganism and Ma. Everyone has

an opinion. > > > > It is odd that this thread has come up now. I have been at

a cross > > roads in my spirituality. I had been considering devoting myself to

> > Kali. Quite honestly.. after reading your posts.. I am not going to > > go

thru with it. This is not meant negatively to you or anyone else. > > But the

blind devotion idea, sorry it is not for me. If I had wanted > > that I would

have stayed in Christianity. > > > > I have come to the point that I realize

what I believe in mostly is > > myself. I have the power and strength to stand

up and control my > > life. I also believe in the idea of Ma. I look now upon

Her as a > > force that is needed in my life. A role model if you will. > > >

> I do not feel your way is incorrect. It is simply not the path I am > > meant

to walk. Nor do I feel that you are more enlightend than I > > because you can

just .. to use a Christian term.. "Let go and Let > > God" Or Goddess in this

case. :) You come to Her in blind

> > faith/devotion..,I come to Her as a Witch who cannot give blind > > devotion

but needs Her strength and love in my life. And the best > > thing is .. She has

both of us. > > > > No.. I might not like to hear what a Swami might have to

tell me > > about being a Witch. I live with that with every day. After a while

> > it makes your skin thick and sometimes makes you start avoiding the > > type

of person that likes to point out how you are wrong and they > > are right. The

Gods and the choices I have made in my life made me > > who and what I am. To

date it has been a grand ride.. I look forward > > to whatever else I am given.

> > > > And why is it that you are typing with a 102 fever? You should be in >

> the bed with lots of fluids and Tylenol. Hope you feel better. > > > >

Jai Ma!> > > > Charlie > > > > > > As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. > >

> > > > > > > > New and Improved

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