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Om Mahaakaalyai Ca Vidmahe

Shmaashaana Vaasinyai Ca Dhiimahi,

Tanno Kaalii Pracodayaat


Om We meditate upon the Great Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness,

comtemplate She Who Resides in the Creamation Grounds (the ultimate

form into which creations dissolves). May that Goddess grant us





( Wave Light )




Om Agnir Jyotish Ravir Jyotish Chandro Jyotisth

Tathaiva Ca /

Jyotish Samuttamo Devi Dhupo-yang Pratigrhyatam

Esa Dipah Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah


OM The Divine Fire is the Light, the

Light of Wisdom is the Light, the Light of Devotion is

the Light as well. The Light of the Highest Bliss, Oh

Lord, is in the Light which I offer, the Light which I

request you to accept. With the offering of Light Om

We bow to Kaali, the Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness




(Wave Incense)




Om Vanaspatir Rasotpanno Gandhatyayi Gandha

Uttamah /

Aghreyah Sarvadevanang Dhupo-yang Pratigrhyatam/

Esa Dhupah Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah


OM Spirit of the Forest, from you is produced the most excellent of

scents. The scent most pleasing to all theGods, that scent I request

you to accept. With the offering of fragrant scent Om We bow to

Kaalii, the Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness




Om Bhuur Bhuvah Svah Tat Savitur Varenyam /

Bhargo Devasya Dhiimahi Dhiyo yo Nah Pracodayaat /


OM the Infinite Beyond Conception, the gross body, the subtle

body and the causal body; we meditate upon that Light of Wisdom

which is the Supreme Wealth of the Gods. May it grant to us increase

in our meditations.


(Flower Placement)




Ete Gandhapuspe Om Gaang Ganapataye Namah /


With this scented flower Om I bow to the Lord of Wisdom, Lord of the



Ete Gandhapuspe Om Adityadi Navagrahebhyo Namah /


With this scented flower Om I bow to the Sun, the Light of Wisdom,

along with the nine planets.


Ete Gandhapuspe Om Shivaadi Pancha Devataabhyo

Namah /


With this scented flower Om I bow to Shiva, the Consciousness of

Infinite Goodness, along with the five primary deities (Shiva,

Shakti, Vishnu, Ganesh, Suurya).




Ete Gandhapuspe Om Indraadi Dasha Dikpaalebhyo

Namah /


With this scented flower Om I bow to Indra, the Ruler of the Pure,

along with the Ten Protectors of the ten directions.


Ete Gandhapuspe Om Matsyaadi Dashaavataarebhyo

Namah /


With this scented flower Om I bow to Vishnu, the Fish, along with

the Ten Incarnations which He assumed.


Ete Gandhapuspe Om Prajaapataye Namah /


With this scented flower Om I bow to the Lord of All Created Beings.


Ete Gandhapuspe Om Namo Naaraayanaaya Namah


With this scented flower Om I bow to the Perfect Perception of



Ete Gandhapuspe Om Sarvebhyo Devebhyo Namah


With this scented flower Om I bow to All the Gods.




Ete Gandhapuspe Om Sarvaabhyo Deviibhyo Namah /


With this scented flower Om I bow to All the Goddesses.


Ete Gandhapuspe Om Shrii Gurave Namah /


With this scented flower Om I bow to the Respected Guru.


Ete Gandhapuspe Om Braahmanebhyo Namah /


With this scented flower Om I bow to All Knowers of Wisdom.



(sipping Water)



Om Visnuh Om Visnuh Om Visnuh /


OM Consciousness, Om Consciousness, Om Consciousness



(Flower to Asan)



Ete Gandhapuspam Om Hriing Aadhaarashaktaye

Kamalaasanaaya Namah /


With this sacred flower Om Hriing I bow to the Primal Energy situated

in this lotus seat.




(Sankalpa Mudra flower on left hand)



Visnuh Om Tat Sat Om Adya Jambuudviipe (Country) Deshe (state)

Pradeshe (city) Nagare (name of house or temple) Mandire (month)

Maase (shukla or Krsna) Pakse (name of day) Tithau (name of) Gotra

Shrii (your name) Krtaitat Shrii Kaalii Kaamah Puujaa

Karmaaham Shrii Kaalii Puujaam Karisye


The Consciousness Which

Pervades All, OM That is Truth. Presently, on the Planet Earth,

(Name) Country, (Name) State, (Name) City, in (The Temple of The

Divine Mother), (Name of Month) Month, (Bright or Dark ) fortnight,

(Name of Day) Day, (Name of Sadhu Family) if Known, Shrii (Your Name)

is performing for the satisfaction of the Consciousness of Infinite

Goodness this offering of worship.


(Ring Bell)




Om Shaanta Dhyau Shaaantha Prithviing, Shantam

Idamurvantariksam /

Shaatham Uurdhwam Vatiraapaah Shaantaang Nah



Peace in the heavens, Peace on the earth, Peace upwards and

permeating the atmosphere; Peace upwards, over, on all sides and

further; Peace to us, Peace to all vegetation;


Om Shaantaani Puurva Ruupani Shantaang No-stukritaa

Kritam /

Shaantang Bhuutang Cha Bhavyang Cha Sarvameva

Samastu Nah /


Peace to all that has form, Peace to all causes and effects; Peace to

all existence, and to all intensities of reality including all and

everything; Peace be to us.


Om Prithving Shaanthir ,Antarikshang Shaantir Dhyau /

Shaantir Aapah, Shantir Oshadayah Shaantih,

Vanaspatayah Shantir Vishwe Me Devaah

Shaantir Brahma / Shantir Aapah, Shaanthi

Sarvam,Shaantiredhi, Shaanthi,Shaanthi.

Sarva Shaanthi, Sa Maa Shaanthi, Shaantibhih


Let the earth be at Peace, the atmosphere be at Peace, the heavens be

filled with Peace. Even further may Peace extend, Peace to all

vegetation, Peace to All Gods of the Universe, Peace to All Gods

within me, Peace to Creative Consciousness, Peace be to Brilliant

Light, Peace to All, Peace to Everything, Peace, Peace, altogether

Peace, equally Peace, by means of Peace.


Tabhi Shaantibhi, Sarva Shaantibhi, Samaya Mohang,

Yadhiha Ghorang,Yadhiha Krukrang, Yadhiha Paapang,

Tachchhantang Tacchivam, Sarvameva Samastunah,


Thus by means of Peace, altogether one with the means of Peace,

Ignorance is eliminated, Violence is eradicated, Improper Conduct is

eradicated, Confusion (sin) is eradicated, all that is, is at Peace,

all that is perceived, each and everything, altogether for us,


Om Shaantih,Shaantih, Shaantih.


Om Peace, Peace,Peace


Om Aadhaara Shaktaye Namah (left up)


Om I bow to the Primal Energy


Om Kuurmmaaya Namah (right up)


Om I bow to the Support of the Earth


Om Anantaaya Namah (right down)


Om I bow to Infinity


Om Prthivyai Namah (lefft up)


Om I bow to the Earth


Sthaang Sthiing Sthiro Bhava Phat



Be Still in the Gross Body! Be Still in the Subtle Body! Be Still in


Causal Body! PURIFY!



(Fill pot with water)



Om Gange Ca Jamune Caiva Godaavari


Narmade Sindhu Kaaveri Jale-asmin Sannidhim



Om the Ganges, Jamunaa, Godaavarii Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu,

Kaaveri these waters are mingled together.



(Offer flower)


Ete Gandha Pushpam Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah (three times)


With this scented flower Om We bow to Kaalii, the Goddess Who Takes

Away Darkness


(wave hand in Matsya,Dhenu and Angkush Mudra)


Om Gange Ca Jamune Caiva Godaavari Sarasvati

Narmade Sindhu Kaaveri Jale-asmin Sannidhim Kuru


Om the Ganges, Jamuna, Godaavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaaveri

these waters are mingled together.


MUULA MANTRA (ten times)


Om We bow to Kaalii, The Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness



Amrtaam Kuru Swaahaa

Make this immortal nectar! I am One with God!




(wave hand in Matsya and Dhenu Mudra)



Om Puspa Puspa Mahaapuspa Supuspa Puspa


Puspa Cayaavakiirne Ca Hum Phat Swaahaa/


Om Flowers, flowers, Oh Great Flowers, excellent flowers; flowers in

heaps and scattered about, cut the ego, purify, I am One with God!







Karaalavadanaam Ghoraam Muktakeshiim Caturbhujaam/

Kaalikaam Daksinaam Divyaam Mundamaalaa



The sound of her voice is dreadfully fearfull. She has loose hair and

four arms, She Who Takes Away Darkness, of Divine Ability (or

bearing the Divine Gift), Displaying the garland of heads of impure





Sadyashchinnashirahkhanga Vaamaadhorddhva


Abhayaam Varadanncaiva Daksinorddhaadhahpaanikaam/


In her lower hand is the recently severed head(of the ego), in the

upper left hand, which is raised, is the sword. With Her lower right

hand She Grants Fearlessness, and Her upper right She gives



Mahaamegha Prabhaam Shyaamaam Tathaa Caiva




She shines like a big dark cloud. And She is clothed in space (naked

without any covering). From Her neck dangles the garland of

heads,dripping with the blood af attachment from their severed necks.



Karnaavatamsataaniitashava Yugmabhayaanakaam/

Ghoradamstraam Karaalaasyaang Piinonnatapayoddharaam/


Her two ears are adorned with ring-shaped ornaments, Her body is

withered like a corpse. Her large protruding teeth are extremely

terrifying to the Ego, and Her large upraised Breast overflowing




Shavaanaam Karasanghaataihkrtakaannciim Hasanmukhiing/



She wears a griddle made from severed arms of the corpses of impurity

that She Has Slain. Her Face is filled with laughter. Pouring forth

from the throats She has cut, comes a torrent of blood, the life of

all passion, in a glistening river.




Ghoraraavaam Mahaaraudrim Shmasshaanaalayavaasiniim/



Extremely frightful and greatly terrifying is this resident of the

creamation grounds; this young woman with a figure like an asetic's

begging bowl, with three eyes.




Danturaam Daksinavyaapi Muktalanvikacoccayaam/

Shavaruupa Mahaadevahrdayoparisamsthitaam/


Pervading the South, and filling up everywhere, unattached, She is

resting with ease on a corpse-like form of Mahadeva, the Great Lord

of All, standing upon his heart.




Shivaabhirghoraravaabhishcaturddiksu Samanvitaam/

Mahaakaalena Ca Samam Vipariitarataaturaam/


Shiva, the Energy of Infinate Goodness (Kaalii) emits dreadful roar

which pervades the four directions, and Mahaakaala, the Great

Time(Shiva), equally reverses, or sends it back, with the greatest of




Sukhaprasannavadanaam Smeraanana Saroruham

Evam Samcintayet Kaaliing Sarvakaamasamrddhidaam


If one contemplates on Kaalii, the Remover of Darkness, in this way,

with her face radiant beauty giving pleasure, and its wide expansive

smile, one will become prosperous and fulfill all desires.




Om Kriing Kriing Kriing Hung Hung Hriing Daksine Kaaliike

Kriing Kriing Kriing Hung Hung Hriing Hriing Swaahaa


The Cause Which Moves the Subtle Body to the infinite Perfection and

Beyond, Cut the ego! Cut the Ego! Maayaa! Maayaa! Oh Goddess Who

Removes All Darkness, the cause Which Moves the Subtle Body to the

Infinite Perfection and Beyond, Cut the Ego! Cut the Ego!

Maayaa!Maayaa! I am One with God!





Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah




Om Kraang Angusthaabhyaam Namah




Om Kriing Tarjaniibhyaam Swaahaa




Om Kruung Madhyamaabhyaam Vasat

thumb/middle finger



Om Kraing Anaamikaabhyaam Hung

thumb/ring finger



Om Kraung Kanisthikaabhyaam Vausat

thumb/little finger


Om Krah Karatala Kara Prsthaabhyaam Astraaya Phat

Roll hand over hand front and back and clap



Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah



Om GAANG in the thumb I bow.

Om GIING in the

forefinger, I am One with God!

Om GUUNG in the middle

finger, Purify!

Om GAING in the ring finger, Cut the


Om GAUNG in the little finger, Ultimate


Om GAH roll hand over hand front and back and


with the weapon of Virtue.





Om Kraang Hrdayaaya Namo touch heart


Om Kriing Shirase Swaahaa top of head


Om Kraung Shikhaayai Vasat back of head


OM Kraing Kavacaaya Hung cross both arms


Om Kraung Netratrayaaya Vausat touch three eyes



Om Krah Karatala Kara Prsthaabhyaam Astraaya Phat


Roll hand over hand front and back and clap



Om GAANG in the heart, I bow.Om GIING on the top of the head, I am

One with God! Om GUUNG on the back of the head, Purify!Om

GAING crossing both arms, Cut the Ego!Om GAUNG in the three eyes,

Ultimate Purity! Om GAH roll hand over hand front and back and

clap.with the weapon of Virtue.



Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah (108 times)


Om We bow to Kaalii, Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness



(foot bath)


Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Paadyam Samarpayaami


With this offering of foot bath waters, Om we bow to Kaalii, The

Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness



(milk bath)


Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Payah Snaanang Samarpayaami


Om we bow to Kaalii, the Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness and offer

this milk for your bath.




(yogurt bath)


Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Dadhi Snaanang Samarpayaami


Om we bow to Kaalii, the Goddess Who Takes Away

Darkness and offer this curd for your bath.




(ghee bath)


Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Ghrita Snaanang



Om We bow to Kaalii, Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness and offer this

ghee for your bath.




(madhu bath)


Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Madhu Snaanang Samarpayami


Om We bow to Kaalii, Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness and offer this

honey for your bath.




(sharkara bath)


Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Sharkaraa Snaanang Samarpayami


Om We bow to Kaalii, Goddess Who Takes Away

Darkness and offer this sugar for your bath.




(panch amrita bath)



Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Panch Aamrita Snaanang



Om We bow to Kaalii, Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness and offer these

five nectars for your bath.





(water bath)


Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Ganga Snaanang Samaryaami


With this offering of bath waters Om We bow to

Kaalii, Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness






Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Vastraang Samarpayaami


With this offering of cloth Om we bow to Kaalii, the Goddess Who

Takes Away Darkness



(sacred thread)


Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Yagyopaviitang Samarpayaami


With this offering of wearing aparell Om We bow

to Kaalii the Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness






Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Rudrakshang Samarpayaami


With this offering of rudraksha Om We bow to

Kaalii, the Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness






Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Maalaang Samarpayaami


With this offering of a Maala Om We bow to

Kaalii, the Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness




(red powder)


Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Sindhu Rang Samarpayaami


With this offering of red colored powder Om We

bow to Kaalii, the Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness.








Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Kumkumang Samaapayaami


With this offering of red colored powder Om We bow to Kaalii, the

Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness.




(sandal paste)


Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Chandanang Samarpayaami


With the offering of sandal paste Om We bow to

Kaalii, the Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness






Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Haridraang



With the offering of tumeric Om We bow to Kaalii, the Goddess Who

Takes Away Darkness






Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Akshatang Samarpayaami


With the offering of grains of rice Om We bow to

Kaalii, the Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness




(flower garland)


Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Pushpa Maalaang



With the offering of a garland of flowers Om We bow to Kaalii, the

Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness




(food offering)


Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Bhog Naivedhyam Samarpayaami


With this presentation of food Om We bow to

Kaalii, the Goddess Who Takes Away Darkness


(drinking water)



Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Paanaartha Jalam



With this offering of drinking water Om We bow to Kaalii, the Goddess

Who Takes Away Darkness






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