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Hecate Dark Mother

Hecate is one of the misunderstood and feared goddesses today. There are talks

about her being a demon, Satan's wife, queen of evil, and other such

nonsense.When people think of Hecate they think of the boogie man that was in

their closet when they were a child or things that go bump in the night.I have

a close connection with The Dark Mother and because of this love for her I wish

to clear her name of the damage that Christianity and ignorance that has been

imposed on Her throughout the centuries."Oh Lady of wisdom, Queen of

Magick,look beyond the ignorance, for theyare what they are, and you are

whatyou are. Dark mother Hecate, enlighten us with your wisdomI revere and

honor you Motherfor you are within me and I lovemyself as well."Hecate was not

always the goddess of the Underworld. At one time she was an Olympian.The one

goddess who she had problems with was Hera. They would always argue about


One day Hera pissed Hecate off so Hecate stole Hera's makeup. To hide from

Hera's wrath she took up shelter and hid in a woman's hut. The story gos that

Hecate became "unclean" because she was near a woman who was giving birth. (can

you see the patriarchal influence in this story?) Anyway when the gods found out

she was unable to return to Mt. Olympus she had to reside in the Underworld.

There has to be more to this story for it is a total gigantic crock of crap

that being near a woman giving birth makes you dirty! How can such a beautiful

act such as giving birth be "dirty"? I guess a woman's blood scared the crap

out of men.No i am not a man hating feminist. We are all equal I just don't

like hearing that crap about woman being "dirty"now in this page I will be

giving a lot of information on Hecate, my experiences with the Dark Goddess,

prayers and invocations, and how to make Her oils and incenses.Hecate is a

Tripple goddess meaning Meaning Maiden, Mother,

and Grandmother.Because of this she was also given the name Triformis. Her

secret name is Ororiouth. This name should be properly vibrated give examples

on how to vibrate on my other web page The Middle Piller. Hecate is known by

some as.....Artemis, Selene, HecateorArtemis, Aphrodite, HecateorArtemis,

Demeter, HecateHer times of celebration is August 13the same as Diana. The dark

moon and Samhain. December 31 and Nov. 16Hecate has been said that she is more

masculine than feminine this is another blind created by the patriarchal

society. You see when a male god is receptive kind and lovinghe is feminine

(weak) when you have a strong take no crap outgoing force of a goddess she is

male (strong) do you see how even the goddess are used to make women appear

weak. One of Hecate's epithets is Favored of Zeus(no wonder why Hera hated her

and we do know Hera is mighty as well) so I think that the story of Hecate


near a woman giving birth is a later version of the original story of how Hecate

became the goddess of the underworld.) I know we are not dealing with Santeria

but if you ever heard of the patakis of Yemaya and Oya. you would know that

Yemaya used to be the Orisha of the graveyard and Oya was the Orisha of the

oceans. It was through Yemaya'strickery that made Oya the dark mother of the

graveyards and Yemaya the ocean mother. Now as for calling Hera and Hecate at

the same time I would not advise that.Hecate is known by some people as another

Amazon goddess indeed she is! she is a take no crap goddess, the Dark Mother is

serious and to some she can be stern but not to me.Hecate's places are the

graveyards, cross roads, and caves. She is the Great Goddess of Nature. Hecate

is a wild goddess. She is a huntress, she is the wise one, the ancient one, She

is a master of herbs, she is the goddess of transformation, she is second to

none in

magick, she is given the title Queen of Witches, she is used for removing or

bring forth spirits and hauntings, she is the knower of death, she is death

life and rebirth, she is used for healings, she is also a mid-wife, she also

know of the past and knows the future, she is used for banishings, cursings as

well as removing them, she is also used in protection spells, she is a

nocturnal goddess. I personally called on her during the day and her power was

there but it was not intense when I called on her at night it was way more

powerful, she is a lunar goddess, she is a fire goddess, she is a patroness of

priestess, she is the Lady of mysteries, she can reveal karmic events to

anyone, she is used in victory spells, she is also a goddess of reincarnation,

she is Good when you are having trouble making a choice in life, she is also

the goddess of regeneration and renewals, she can also be used to give good

counsel in times of stress, she is also good to call when there is an animal in

distress. she also rules over hauntings good and bad.For a woman Hecate can be

easily accessed during PMS and during your period.She is called by many titles

the Distant one, favored of Zeus, Lady of the Wild Hunt, goddess of the moon,

Dark Mother, Lady of Enchantments, Guardian of travelers, silver-footed Queen

of the night, Hecate, Ororiouth, She who works from afar. Granter of the hearts

desire, as Hecate Trevia she is Hecate of the 3 ways this is her aspect of the 3

way cross roads and offering were left there by the ancients. she is known by so

many other names and titles.Her symbols are the cauldron, arrows and quiver,

skulls, torch, brass sandals, snakes, hounds of the hunt, The cross roads,

tombstones, trailing draperies, the alder tree, the distaff, the spinning

wheel, caves, any black crystal or rock, I also use a bowl of fire to represent

her as well as to honor her and scry along with my black scrying mirror, grave


crematoriums.You can use these colors for her black, mauve, purple, & silver.Her

attendants are: the hounds of the hunt also known as the hounds of hell, the

dead,the empusae (they are succubae) the eumenides.Now does Hecate sound like

an evil oldhag that goes out of her way to causemisfortune and ruin?Her

libationsgarlic, red wine, grapes, myrrh, honey,cooked game animal or free

range chicken,also cooked goat meat, fire, give her anything out of love, corn

cakes, black candles, in ancient times wolf entrails were given to her as well

as dogs and black ewe lambs,Hecate's color is definitely black and silver.Her #

is 81 and her base # is 9.9 is a pure number that never loses its dignity.the

quality of 9 is that all its multiples, havethe sum of the digits equaling

invariably to 9.example 18, 27, 36, 45,

54.1+8=9....2+7=9....3+6=9.....4+5=9....5+4=9you see the #9 never

losses its dignity.you cant do that with 7 or 8 or 1.Kabalistically I put Hecate

on Yesode as wellas on Binah. Not only is Hecate a lunar goddess (that is not

why i put her on Yesode)she is also a Saturn like goddess.if you are into

Hinduism you would also know that one of Vishnu's incarnations of Ram is also

has a destiny # of 9.the number three represents Her as well. I call her during

Midnight, the planetary hour of the moon and of Saturn (after sunset) or when

ever i have need of Her.There are images of her being pulled in her chariot by

dragons, some say they see her in a shimmering headdress. Here is an image of

her as 3 ladies together holding a viper, a knife and two torches. Each of

these has a symbolic meaning. The torches meaning is that not only is she a

fire deity but she can see her way through the dark and can see her way in the

realm of the dead, The snake equals wisdom and the ancestors, the dagger is

liberation as well a

death. the 3 aspects are the maiden, mother and crone.another image of her is an

old lady (not bent over old!) all in black.another image of her is a mature,

strong but beautiful woman.as the image of Noticular Hecate she can be seen as

old.another image of Her is an old statue dating back from around the 8th

century BCE that shows Hecate with wings and holding a snake.Hecate is a Greek

goddess of the Underworldat one time she was only a minor goddess now she has

grown to such power and popularity that she is now a major goddess and the

Queen of the wise and magick.Sometimes when I call Hecate I call Her with the

Dark Lord Hades as well. But sometimes I just call on

Hecate...........................PATH WORKINGS........................One of my

path workings that i do with my self or other people involves using a cave and

hen in this cave you find out who you are now the meting with the goddess

and then seeing what changes it brought about by meeting the Dark Mother.After

invoking Hecate i sometimes do this meditation that i ave created and that is

dedicated to the Great Goddess HecateThe scene takes place outside a cave at

night. You have the ability to see everything as if you had natural night

vision. here is a cave that is connected to a high mountain. Is there a lady is

black beckoning you to follow or is there no one there, still you feel drawn to

that cave.you walk a natural path to the cave upon entering the cave you see a

torch that is lit take it it was meant for you. walk through the narrow path of

he cave. This part of the cave for now has a low ceiling. On your left side you

will see a rock sticking out it is hollowed int a neural bowl. in it is clear

water look deeply into this water, what do you see? How do you see your self?

if you wish ask it a question what do you get as a answer? is it a word, a

symbol, a scenery? after receiving your

answer it is time to move on. to your right side there are torches light them if

you will. as you go on you will start to feel different also the place gets

darker. Now in front of you the cave is in all darkness. Do you dare to go on?

if not turn back and leave the cave put the lit torch where you found it before

leaving. You are deep in the in he womb of Mother Earth. go on and go forward.

as the cave changed? is the ceiling higher? In front of you is a strong and

mighty figure. she is the Dark Goddess Hecate. Do you see her? or do you only

see the darkness of the cave? What does she have to tell you?does she give you

anything? You may honor her here if you wish. Now that you have seen the Dark

Goddess it is time to go back. back the way you came. Do you feel different? If

you lit any torches extinguish them. on the way back go back to the bowl of

water look into it. what do you see? have you changed? you may ask it a

question. What do you get as an answer? You may also thank

Hecate by this water as well. on your way out put back the torch and leave the

cave. Go down the path from where you stared from. PATH WORKING #2This one

deals with Hecate the Dark Mother of departed spirits.The scenery takes place

in a grave yard. ll around you is mist and in the mist are the departed. Beyond

the graveyard is a tornado and a fierce lightning storm. and in the grave yard

stands the Dark Mother and beyond the mother you hear the call of the hounds.

The time is Midnight and its the Dark of the Moon.These two meditations

describe very two different aspects of the Dark Mother Hecate.When I call the

dark mother I face North. THE RECIPES....Hecate Oil....3 drops Myrrh oil2 drops

Cypress oil1 drop Patchouly oil1 dried Mint leafMix up the essential oils in a

base of Sesame seed oil. Add the mint leaf. Wear during ritual of defensive

magick. also wear to honor Hecate during the

wanning moon. Also can be used for protection and can be used to anniont candles

with.It is wise to times this recipe at least 10 times to get a good amount of

oil.This recipe comes from one of Scott Cunningham's book Incense, oils and

brewsIn my opinion it is a most excellent book dealing with the creation of

oils, brews, baths, incense and other such recipes.Another recipe from

Cunningham's book is....Hecate Incense....3 parts Sandalwood (not the white

sandalwood)2 parts Cypress1 part Mint....Hecate Incense....1/2 teaspoon of

dried bay leaves1/2 teaspoon of dried thyme1/2 teaspoon of dried mint

leavespinch of frankincense resinpinch of myrrh resin3 drops of essential

camphor oil13 drops of essential cypress oilIts best to times this recipe by

5-10 timescrush the bay, mint & thyme till almost powdered add the oils and

stir well.Let this incense sit for 2 weeks in a dark

placebefore use. Empower before use. This is a great incense to use to honor and

invoke Hecate also it is a great incense for scrying. Empower before use (thats

my suggestion.)This recipe came from the bookWicca Craft by Gerina DunwichYou

can also add a Greek flare to your Wiccan rituals or what ever tradition you

practice. I'm a Thelemite and I also do my own magick.Well i will talk about me

later right now I want to stay on the subject of Hecate.The Call to the 4

winds.In your circle call unto Eos the dawn andAstraeus the starry sky the

ancient Lord andLady they had 4 sons they are the 4 winds.go to the east and

call upon Eurus, go to the south and call upon Notusgo to the west and call

upon Zepyrusgo to the north and call upon Boreas.also when calling upon Hecate

haveher image or a representation of her between 2 black candles. If you are

outside you can make use of tiki torches. Or you

can build a central bonfire in Her honor, or a pot or cauldron of flame. You can

use alcohol for fuel ( when indoors do be careful!) Use long matches to light

the cauldron of flame. You can also make use of a black scrying mirror as well.

Also you can out line your circle with coal, black rocks, or black crystals.

Since it is the dark of the moon you can make the alter as gothic as you

wish.The call to Hecatethis one is written by me HECATE, HECATE, HECATE, Thee I

invoke!I call unto you Maiden, Mother, CroneORORIOUTH hear me! I adore thy

strength and wisdom. Goddess of magick and wisdom hear me. I (state your name)

call unto thee. Teach me prophecy, teach me magick. Lady of the cross roads I,

I invoke thee. Goddess of the hunt. Ancient Lady HECATE. I invoke thee (make

the signs of invocations) Come on to me on this night. Oh HECATE I call thee.

Praise Hecate for She is here!You may if you wish and if you know how to

vibrate her

name.My experiences with Hecatewhen I first started calling on Hecate it must

have been around 10 years ago I'm not too sure, but from then on I have been

calling on her. During hard times in my life she has helped me. I get kind of

defensive when I hear people who hardly know nothing about the Dark Mother and

accuse Her of being wicked and evil. It would seem she has become the pagan

idea of the Christian Devil. But when I hear this I try my best to bestow my

knowledge and wisdom of Hecate to them. There are times when I pick up a book

dealing with magick and I get a bit upset when I see authors write about how

Kali and Hecate and other goddesses being labeled as evil doers and wives of

Satan. Give it up! Its stupid to say these things! Well I know for a fact after

working with Hecate that she does have a dangerous side but she also has a

beautiful and wonderful side to her as well. No She is not all fluffy bunny,

happy go lucky Goddess but she

is not a vicious, cruel, menacing demoness out to get everybody eighter. Its

allright for a male god to be dark and have mighty power but its not all right

for a goddess to have the same power as well? Oh well to each their own.To tell

you the truth I have never felt threatened or scared by Hecate, nor has she ever

done me wrong.During the month of late Feburary 2001 During the Dark Moon phase.

I did a ritual one of many to Hecate. My goal was to learn more magick and gain

more wisdom (It was a success that was great!) I used The Sphere circle ritual

which I described on my other page Rituals and circles and the method of

blasting open the gate ritual which has its own web page. The ritual was to say

the least had things that went bump in the night, if you get my meaning. I was

alone in my grandmothers apartment she was in the hospital and I checked up on

her apartment like a sweet grand daughter LOL!! I had decorated the alter with

skeleton candles,

black plain candles, Plaster skulls, on candle was a pile of skulls (which i did

not light) a gold brass cauldron for the spirit fire, a scrying mirror, another

cauldron (black) with Hecate's incense, libations for Hecate. The gate had red

wine, water, Hecate oil, a bit of fresh juice from a grape. This place was

great for this type of ritual those who know me know why.No nothing drastic

happened there. Any way during the middle of the ritual while I was scrying

into the mirror The mirror became deep as if I were looking into a deep cave. I

have never seen my scrying mirror in this way I use this same same mirror for my

High Ceremonial evocations. Well in the mirror i saw the spirit flame (the fire

was not even lit yet!) out of the fire came a Phoenix. I knew what it meant for

it and it came to pass. Then I saw a face of a woman an older woman with eyes

that I will never forget. After the vision I lit the fire and did the rest of

my ritual. I have many wonderful

experiences with her.Even when I was upset and ignored Her she was always there

for me when I called to Her.And I thank Hecate so much for that.Her days are

also November 16 and December 31st sorry i forgot to mention this before.


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