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Narada Bhakti Sutra Verse 5

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Namaste Nurcarnation,


Verse 5


Yat prapya na kincid vanchati na socati na dvesti na ramate notsahi



Yat prapya (having obtained which)na kincit(nothing) vanchathi

(desires) na(does not)socati(grieve)na(does not)dvesthi(hate)na (does

not) ramate (rejoice)utsahi(do not feel encouraged) na (does not)

bhavathi (does not feel)



Having obtained, does not desire anything , does not grieve, does not

hate anything ,does not rejoice anything does not feel encouraged


Which means by attaining devotion the devotee is free as now he has;


1) No Desire –Desire arises from a sense of imperfection or

limitation which is the characteristic of the man who identifies

himself with the ego. Once ego is transcended and perfection is

attained this characteristic disappears


2) No Grieve – Secondly what he has obtained could never be lost


this love is internal and forever and grieve would only come when

something we hold dear is lost but if this love is forever and cannot

be lost thus why grieve anymore ?


3) No Hatred – Hatred manifest only there is obstacles to the

attainment of the objects of desire Now the devotee see the hand of

God in everything and the divine resides in everything thus he do not

hate but love everything


4) No Rejoicing –rejoice means feeling of elation which will only


present when we get something which we have not got and which we

wanted to have , As the devotee is immersed in love for Divine Mother

he has got everything and there is nothing to elate him anymore


5) Do not feel encourage –means does not have the desire to


anything anymore or enthusiasm (inspire us to do something) because

what is there to achieve when you have achieved the highest thus

desire cease to exist


In short the devotee have removed the biggest obstacle in his path to

his realization of his divinity – the word "I" or known

as ego .By

removing the desire to achieve something, hatred, rejoice and grieve

for himself he have removed the plague of selfishness within.


Thus he is self contented and engage in activity for the sake of

others, he does not desire anything-does not desire anything for

himself, he does not grieve for lost of anything-means loss to

himself, he does not feel joy or elated at any kind of gain for

himself and he does not feel interested to act for his own personal

gain thus he remains without any kind of selfishness within him.


He loves all as he do not hate anything and lives merely to show

others the path (this is not done because he desires so but because

others desire for the same).His actions are different from an

ordinary man because it is not prompted by ego and hence not affected

by the consequences of attachment like others .He is beyond both

pleasure and pain arising from merit and demerit of one's action


beyond all form of grief


Here the non attachment is spontaneous and not the result of any

effort unlike in other path like jnana and karma yoga .



Jai Maa!!!!

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