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Fwd: Shree dhurgA sapthaShathi paaraayaNa kramam (Part 1)

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Fri, 26 Sep 2003 12:04:10 +0100 (BST)Srinath Ram Atreya Subject:

Shree dhurgA sapthaShathi paaraayaNa kramam (Part 1) To:

goddessdurgaCC: ,

, mantra_tantra,


|| Jai Sadguru Dutta ||


jayanthee mangalA kAlee Bhadhrakalee kapAlinee |

dhurgA kShamA shivA DhAthree swAhA swaDhA namOsthuthE ||


Navaraathri is the most auspicious time for dEvee upaasanam. Japam of “dhurgaa

or chandee navAkShari mantra” (the 9 lettered mantra of durgA) and paaraayaN of

“sapthaShathi” (a text containing 700 verses) is widely practiced. In mantra

shAstra, “dhurgaa sapthaShathi” is highly revered. It is said that every

“shloka” (verse) in itself is a “kalpa-vrksha”, capable of fulfilling one’s

wishes. Following are some of the rules that has to be adhered to in order to

get benefited from the chanting of “sapthaShathi” :


One should have been initiated into “navaakShri mantra” by a Guru. Without

initiation, results might be disastarous. Also, one should have completed

chanting this mantra atleast 1 lakh times (ideally 9 lakh times) before

starting the PaaraayaNam of sapthaShathi.

All women – young or old should be treated as one’s own mother. Those who fail

in this aspect are said to earn Mother’s wrath and would fall in the “raurava

naraka” (the cruelest of all hells) after death.

“praayaSchittha thaamboolam” and “Guru thaamboolam” should be given to braahmans

and one’s own Guru (or Guru peeTas) before starting the paaraayaNam. Consumption

of “Pancha gavya” is highly beneficial for any sadhana. It frees us from our


The paaraayaNam should be started with appropriate “sankalpa” and “nyaasa”s.

Every single second is auspicious during these 9 days. Hence the mantra should

be chanted as many times as possible. The 3 “sandhyaa” (twilight) periods are

best for paaraayaNam. However, it is also highly auspicious to do the 4th

paaraayaNam during late night (so as to conclude just before 12’O clock).

The sadhak should practice strict Celibecy in mind and body and should not sleep

during day time. Only light, “sAthwik” food should be partaken. Consuming only

cow’s milk helps attaining “manthra siddhi”

After the preliminary rituals and Guru-Ganapathi prayers, A lamp ignited with

ghee (clarified butter) should be installed and worshipped with

“jvaalaa-maalinee manthra” . It is good to have 5 wicks in the lamp. Once

installed, it should not be disturbed for any reason whatsoever until the

paaraayaNam is over.

A book containing the 700 verses should be necessarily used for chanting, even

if one has memorized all of them. Without the book, the ritual won’t bear


The book should be wrapped in a piece of silk cloth and should be treated

sacredly. It should never be placed on the floor or touched by others.

One should never chant while holding the book in his hands. The ‘X’ shaped stand

called “Vyaasa peeTam” should be used.

First, the book should be worshipped by invoking the Mother into it in the form

of “sapthaShathi saraswathi” by the mantra:


“Om namah pishaacha nikarankini thrishoola Khadga hasthE sinhaarooDhE EhyEhi,

AgaChcha AgaChcha, imAm poojAm grNha grNha swAha | “

and the 5 “upachaara”s should be offered mentally and the Divine Mother should

be offered salutions by displaying the “yOni mudrA” in the forehead. It is

worthwhile to note here that the entire ritual is emotional in nature – “BhAva


The “sapthaShathi” should never be chanted mentally. One should chant it loudly

and clearly. But the “navAkShari” should be chanted only mentally.

Scratching, eating, drinking, thinking about others, yawning, changing the

place, shaking the body, laughing, crying etc should not be done amidst the

paaraayaNam. If due to some reason the chanting is stopped in the middle, then

shAnthi mantras and aparaadha kShamaapana should be chanted and the paaraayaNam

should be started afresh.

Chanting uthkeelana mantra 21 times, chandika shApOdDhAra mantra 7 times and the

navAkShari 108 times at the beginning and at the end of each chapter is highly

beneficial. The following “sankalpa” should be uttered at the beginning of each


“mama iSta sidDhi prathibanDhaka dhOSha nivrthyarTham pATAdau thaThA pATAnthE

Ekavinshathi vAram uthkeelana mantram, sapthavAram chadikA shapOdDhAra mantram

taThA ashTOththara vAram navArNa manthra japam aham kariShyE || “

15. At the end of every chapter, “kSheera tharpaNam” (milk oblations) should be

given with the moola manthra, over a lemon held in the right hand with “ardha


INSTEAD “SWASTHI” SHOULD BE USED. For example: “ swasthi shree mArkanDEya

purANE soorya sAvarNikE manvantharE, dhEvee mAhAthmyE, maDhu-kaiTabha vaDhO

nAma praThamODhyAyah | shree jagadhambaarpaNamasthu || “.

R.Srinath srinath_atreya

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