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Dark Moon Ritual

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I thought this would be an excellent post for someone who may wanna do a dark

moon ritual but would like to something different ritual format.


Contacting the crone

Caileach ritual

Caileach is pronounced Coyluck (luck is pronounced as if you are clearing your

throat). This ritual will put you in contact with Caileach and the crone within

you. It will help you accept age and aging. this will help you remove stuff from

your life and also bring in new influeneces.for this ritual you will need a

black alter cloth or skull pattern alter cloth. Wear black. on your alter have

the representation of the 4 elements or your elemental tools. Also have a bowl

of soil to represent Caileach as the black earth. have pictures of skulls or

ceramic skulls or even skeleton candles or candles holders. Pictures of the

elderly, pictures of the mountans. Pictures of ancient ruins, a representation

of Caileach (this can be a figurine of an elderly woman or a stereotyped

witch), a cauldron or a pot, inside the cauldron or pot place an empowerd

candle for the purpose of banishment, if you have it dress the candle with the

oil from bottom to wick. also bring this

oil into the ritual. also you will need a pen or pencil and parchment paper.

Parchment paper is better to burn as it is not smokey. Also you will be needing

two alter candles they should be black. bring in a libation bowl and some fruit

like an apple and some drink like apple juice, wine, grape juice or apple

cider, a tweezer, don't forget the fire starter. If you would like to utilize a

besom (broom) for this ritual go right ahead.This should be done close or on the

dark moon at night. you want the room dark but not to the point where you cant

see. if you wish make yourself look old. gnarl your fingers. wear a gray wig or

you can visualize all of this as i do.relaxBanish the area.light your alter

candles, if you need more light then use it.cast your circle and call in the

elements.Let yourself feel old. look at all the represenations on your alter.

let yourself feel old. visualize your gray hair, the wrinkles etc. now say this


chant"Old WomanDark MotherGoddess of the black earth"Chant it, sing it. slow

than fast, build up the energy. call to her from your very being with this

chant. look at the alter, close your eyes, feel this chant, flow with it, think

of skulls, the black soil, the tall and lofty mountains, huge boulders, the

dying, death, the elderly, see a young woman become old, chant and chant "Old

Woman, Dark Mother, Goddess of the black earth." When you feel it is time to

stop then stop or when you feel contact is made. if you want say another

invocation to her. Give her praise, tell her you wish to except your inner

wisdom, ask her if she will help you deal with your hurts and any repression

you may have, tell her you accept the fact that you will age the aging comes

wisdom and experience. Ask her to place some of herself inti your doll or

figurine or statue of her. Welcome her. Now get used to being old in this

ritual.Now place your hands above the cauldron and call out

while sending energy down to it "cauldron of transformation, I call you to take

away this misery and replace it with something positive." now take your pieces

of parchment paper on a small piece, make it small, and write what you want to

get rid of, concentrate hard on it. rub some of the banishing oil on it. Now

place it into the canldes flame see this negativity burn away,be happy about

this. you may wanna hold it with the pair of tweezer then when its fully aflame

drop it into the cauldron. Visualize the negativity gone and something better

has come into your life. like if someone gossiped about you see yourself

vindicated and their lies are seen as just that; lies. One negative thing per

piece of parchment paper. only banish up to three things as you don't want to

scatter your energy. when you are done with this part dance, jog, or walk

around the circle counter-clockwise ; you can use a broom, or our hands, sweep

while you are diminishing the negativity you want out of your

life. while you build up energy. when you start to feel the energy big time or

when you're ready STOP. send out your requests to the heavens above. ground it

out. Now this time walk, jog or dance clockwise around the circle. sweep your

hands towards you (do not use your broom). do all of this with joy. Visualize

the positivity coming into you life. see your self with the positive things you

want. Act like you have them already. Build up the energy. when you cant do this

anymore or when you feel that its enough. STOP. send out the energy to do its

work and now ground.Now come back to your alter and consecrate the food and

drink with a prayer to Cailleach. if you wish bless both food and drink with

incense and water go ahead. Hold athame or wand in right hand and chalice of

the drink in the left hand or you may do the Great Rite use either your wand or

athame and say "as the wand/athame is to the God so is th chalice to the

Goddess."Now place the wand/athame inside the

chalice and say "together they bring joy, abundance and life."Now take a sip of

the drink. Now place your athame or wand on top of the food and say a prayer of

blessing.Offer some of the food and drink to Cailleach. You may now commune with

the goddess more or if you are with other coveners you may talk about how you

feel about the crone, the ritual, and what you experienced or you may all

commune with Cailleach. when all is finished thank and release Cailleach. then

thank & release the elements and uncast the circle. Take the remaining ashes

and scatter them to the winds. It is finished. Try not to keep remembering what

you did, let the powers that be do the work that is needed to be done. Otherwise

you will dilute the energies. You may adopt this for coven use.The ritual above

was created and written by Kalimir





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