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Receive the Blessings from Sai Dattatreya

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Published Bi-Weekly

Issue 10/2004



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May 1913: Waman Rao Patel (Swami Sharanandji) visited Shirdi again

and this time he stayed for eleven months.


May 1917: Lokmanya Bala Gangadhar Tilak arrived at Shridi with Dada

Saheb Khaparde for having Baba's dharshan.


May 1990: Foundation stone was laid for Sai Baba Bhaktha Niwas

Samsthan in Shiridi.






These messages are the outcome and essence of the dream sequences of

Saibanisa as given by Lord Sainath, which reflect the Sai Philosophy

and his high thinking. They carry a sense of deep meaning and are

generally thought provoking, enough to set one¡¦s thinking process.

Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY


86) 19th December 1996:Give up the foolish pride or Ahankara that

you know every thing about saints¡¦ lives. Partake in spiritual

gatherings for gaining more knowledge and wide exposure. That is the

best way to earn the good will of GOD.


87) 30th December 1996: It is not proper to run away from the bonds

of worldly attachments and suffer mental agony. Conquer EGO and

develop a feeling that there is a lot to be learnt. March ahead,

always remembering the Creator and the purpose, is to earn his grace.


88) 24th January, 1997: To attach a price to your home is

foolishness. The art of living in your home with peace and happiness

is wisdom not evaluating it monitarily.


89) 24th January, 1997: Friends and relatives can rob your physical

belongings but not the blessings of the "GOD" with which alone you

can live peacefully.


90) 29th January, 1997: Practice "CHARITY" early to avoid developing

greed for others wealth later.





For answer please browse: http://www.saidarbar.org/saidarbar1.htm




Madhusudhan Nori, Hyderabad, India



SAI IN LETTERS (Saibanisa's letters to his Son)



Translated from the Telugu original into English by Sri Sai Devotee

Madhusudan Nori.

Secunderabad - 28 February 2000.

I request the readers to read first Sri Sai Satcharitra in English

by Late Sri Nagesh Vasudev Gunaji, before reading these letters.




09 February 1992

Letter - 35 (Chapter - 37)

Dear Chakrapani,

Sri Hemadri Pant described Sri Sai's attributes and details of the

procession to Chavadi (one of the 2 places in Shirdi where Sri Sai

used to sleep) in this chapter. Sri Hemadri Pant writes - HE was

never lazy, never dozed but was ever alert and was always present to

the Aathma (Inner spirit)-. HE himself mended his worn out Kafnis (a

type of robe worn by him) during afternoon hours when HE had free

time from his devotees. HE never permitted his devotees, who

volunteered to take on this task, to mend his old robes. In doing so

HE has set an example to his devotees to give up laziness. We must

understand, from this, that HE did not mend old torn robes but

mended the broken lives of HIS devotees. Sri Hemadri Pant writes

further - Let the knowledge, gained from association with HIM; be

with us till our last breath! Let us forever serve HIS feet with

devotion from bottom of our hearts! Let us see HIM in all living

beings! Let us LOVE HIS name forever-! How fortunate was Sri Hemadri

Pant, who put into practice each word said by HIM in his life and

became an ideal to be followed by fellow Sai Bandhus (Sai devotees).

If you can truly follow the path shown by him you will become a true

Sri Sai devotee. We are all born after 1918 and hence were not

fortunate enough to witness the procession to Chavadi of Sri Sai.

Hence please read this chapter with full devotion and concentration

fill your heart with Sri Sai and get a feel of the procession to

Chavadi by visualizing the same. Sri Hemadri Pant describes the

blessedness of Sri Sai's chillum (earthen smoking pipe) thus - Even

the inanimate Chillum becomes blessed by coming into contact with

HIM. Initially it had to undergo much turmoil's and travails. The

earth was subjected to trampling by the pot maker, was dried in hot

sun, was baked in kiln to finally become a Chillum and then became

blessed by the divine touch and kiss of Sri Sai Baba-. I was

meditating on Sri Sai and HIS devotees of those days, thinking about

HIM. I then heard these words uttered by an unfamiliar voice - Your

life is like a molten lump of iron, let it be beaten by sledgehammer

on an anvil and then quenched by dipping in a liquid called Sai. See

the form and color taken by that lump of iron-. That unfamiliar

voice belonged to my ardent GOD Sri Sainath, the lump of iron is my

life, sledgehammer blows are experiences of my life and I am eagerly

waiting for that day for me to be immersed in a liquid called Sri

Sai and thus become blessed. After completion of ritual worship of

Sri Sai at the end of the procession to Chavadi, all devotees

retired to their respective homes. At that time Sri Sai used to call

Tatya and tell him - Take good care of ME. If you feel like you may

go home but come once in the night to attend to my needs-. It is

hard to hear these words of Sri Sai and comprehend them. Aren't you

wondering that Sri Sai, who takes care of millions of people, is

asking Tatya to take care of HIM? Now I will reveal a small secret.

Sri Sai never slept at any time, even during night. He left HIS

gross body at Dwarakamayi or Chavadi during nights (seemingly to be

sleeping), and traveled millions of miles in HIS ethereal body to

save and take care of those devotees of HIS earnestly requesting for

HIS succour. At that time HIS gross body was in deep meditation. One

should never speak to Sri Sai, when HE is in deep meditation.

Erroneously if someone speaks to HIM at such times, Sri Sai's

meditation gets disturbed and may result in harm to Sri Sai's

devotees. Sri Sai sought help of Tatya and Mhalsapati to ensure that

no one touches the gross body of Sri Sai or speak to HIM at such

times when HE is in deep meditation. This aspect has amply been

described in an English book titled The Incredible Sai Baba written

by Mr. Arthur Osborne. I will write such details in my forthcoming

letters. Shall I take leave then?

In service of Sri Sai,

Your father.







"SV.SWAMY" svswamy1 & swamyswarna

4/27/2004 09:52:01 -0700

Sai Ram. Before we take up the Spiritual Gems from Chapter 11 of Sai

Satcharitra, let us discuss some more aspects of a point in Chapter

10.Baba's Wonderful Bed-Stead


Sai Ram. We have seen how Baba suspended the wooden plank using worn

out and fragile clothes. It was indeed a wonder how the clothes

supported the weight of the plank, let alone that of Baba when He

got on to it. We see similar incongruities in our Puranas where

Ganesha is seen riding a mouse, Skanda a peacock and Vishnu an

Eagle. Actually there is a lot of esoteric

significance in these symbols. The mouse, the Peacock and the Eagle

are actually empowered by the Gods who ride them. Without the Divine

Grace, they can¡¦t support even themselves let alone the Gods. Sai

also conveyed a similar meaning when he suspended the heavy wooden

plank-using flimsy, worn out clothes. The clothes bore the weight of

the plank by Sai¡¦s grace. Similarly when He lay upon the plank too,

it was His will and Grace that supported the plank. Sai Ram.


Now let us take up Chapter 11.


Sai as Sagun Brahman ¡§There are two aspects of God or Brahman: (1)

the Unmanifested (Nirgun) and (2) the Manifested (Sagun). The Nirgun

is formless, while the Sagun is with form, though both denote the

same Brahman. It leads us to the worship (meditation) of Nirgun

Brahman.¡¨Sai Ram.

We too are made of the same Brahman. We do need to worship the Deity

with an image or form for some time for the realization to sink into

us that the container is different from the contained. ¡§So let us

start with Sagun worship. Image, altar, fire, light, sun, water,

Brahman are the seven objects of worship, but Sadguru is better than

all these. Let us, on this occasion, bring to our mind the form of

Sai, Who was non-attachment Incarnate, and who was a resting-place

for His whole-hearted devotees.¡¨ Guru is One who shows us the Truth.

Truth of our real nature. And He who shows us our divine Nature, is

He not to be worshipped? The visible Sun is also called as Aditya.

And in Valmiki¡¦s Ramayan, there is a beautiful hymn called as Aditya

Hridayam. In that inspiring and uplifting hymn, Aditya is worshipped

as Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara and all other Gods. And Aditya is the

destroyer of Darkness. Guru also means Destroyer of Darkness. Sun

sheds light. In light we see things as they truly are. Similarly

Guru lights the lamp of knowledge in us and dispels the darkness. So

let us worship that Jnana Bhaskara, Sai Baba. SaiRam.


¡§Our faith in His words is the seat or Asan; and our Sankalpa

(determination to start and finish the Puja) is the abandonment of

all our desires. (A great devotee), but to us He is God Incarnate.¡¨

Whether He is in the body or outside of it, He showed His divinity.

Even now, He is helping Sadhakas like us from His Samadhi. Sai Ram.


¡§Lord Krishna has said that 'the Saint is My soul, My living image,

I am He or He is My pure form (Being).' This in-describable Shakti

or Power of God, known as Pure Existence, Knowledge and Bliss,

incarnated in the form of Sai in Shirdi.¡¨ To me SAI represents

Spirit, Absolute and Infinite. Sai Ram.


¡§Baba respected the feelings of His devotees and allowed them to

worship Him as they liked. Some waved Chamara or fans before Him,

some played on musical instruments, some washed His hands and Feet,

some others applied scent and chandan, some gave betel nut with

leaves and other things, and some others offered naivedya.¡¨ Sai Ram.


While it is true that Baba respected the feelings of His devotees

and allowed them to worship

Him as they pleased, He still threw away the Puja materials and

scolded some devotees. Not them but their pomposity and falsehood.

Their ego. Where the devotee was true to His own Sadguru, Baba

accepted the disciple as His own thus establishing His oneness with

all other Gurus. We will explore Dr.Pandit¡¦s worship in the next

article. Sai Ram.


Wishing you a (W)holistic health,









(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

"Shashi": shashi_31

61. If you keep your mind in Me and rest in Me, you need not fear

anything for body and soul. If one sees Me and Me alone, listens and

talks about Me, he will get Chaitanya. He progresses further. I

bring My men to Me from long distances under many pleas. I seek them

and bring them to Me. They do not come of their own accord. I Myself

bring them to Me. However distant, even thousands of miles away, I

draw them to Myself, just as we pull a bird that has its feet tied

to a string that we hold.

62. He who withdraws his heart from wife, children and parents and

loves Me is My real lover and he merges in Me like a river in the


63. If My devotee surrenders completely to Me leaving mundane

desires, I shall be with him in this and in future births that may

befall on him and I will never part from him.

64. Whoever worships Me alone, he reaches Me as Nitya Suddha.

65. Those who perpetually repeat My name reach their goal. Simply

say -¡¦SAI SAI¡¦ with heart overflowing with love. I care not for show

of respect and forms. I rest in such devotee. Repeat My name. Seek

refuge in Me. But to know ¡§Who I Am¡¨, have Sravana and Manana. I am

formless and everywhere. If one casts his burden on Me and thinks of

Me, I take care of him.

66. Why do you fear when I am with you? You go and rest yourself.

67. Treat Shiridi as your home.

68. All are My children. I am your father. You will get everything

from Me. Why are you anxious? I take care of you. Sit quite,

meditating on Me, I will do the needful. I will take you to the end.

69. I will not allow My devotees to come to harm. I have to think

about My devotees. If a devotee is about to fall, I stretch out My

hands and thus with four hands, at a time, to support him. I will

not let him fall. (It shows that with four hands to save His

devotee, He is Dattatreya Avatar)

70. I shall never forget My devotees. I will always remember them

even if they are 2000 miles away. I will eat nothing without My

devotees. How can I allow My children to starve.


To be continued¡K



Sathyabhama Sharma, Potomac, Maryland, USA

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Dwarkamayi, I have been debating

in my mind this morning if I should reveal this beautiful experience

or not. Than my mind said that if one does not have Ego then writing

down ones experience becomes the glory of ones SadGuru. Overwhelmed

as I am, I have no words to describe that person like me can be dear

to Baba. My husband and I were not feeling well to the extent that

we had to take one-week leave.


It was a bad case of flu. I attended my office yesterday. As I

reached home, I felt severe pain in my right ear. As I could not

sleep and did not want to disturb my husband, I went downstairs in

the family room. But the pain was getting more and more. I did not

want my husband to take me to emergency as he is also not feeling

too good and I myself could not drive anyway. My husband suggested

me to go take Baba's Udi from Poojaroom. I invoked Baba's help and

keeping Udi at His Feet, I took it with water and little of it I

rubbed on my infected ear. I came upstairs, within few minutes I was

sound asleep and around 1.45 AM, I got up from sleep and felt my

ear. I was amazed that there was no trace of pain. Before this I was

crying with pain but now I turned on the light and putting my head

on Baba's Feet in the picture in our bedroom, cried tears of joy

remembering His merciful nature. Baba knew that with this ear

infection and pain, his daughter would not be able to complete the

Sai SatCharitra Parayana. Dear Brothers and Sisters, to tell you the

truth that I could not sleep after 145 AM till this morning. I kept

on repeating his name. I have come to the conclusion that when one

have full Faith in ones Guru, He makes it sure that all the

spiritual observations are taken care of nicely. This becomes His

dear responsibility. Reading of Sai SatCharitra made me earn His



To my utter surprise, even during this illness, Baba made me sit in

poojaroom quiet calmly and without any aches or pains and let me

read assigned 7 chapters of Sai SatCharitra regularly. My daughter

teases me that I stay happy with Baba and when I come upstairs to

them I get sick. It is all His mercy. Please always beg for His

name, everything comes to you with it as blessings. Where there is

Baba's Name and Leelas Shravanam and Mananam, there is no place for

sickness. Please keep on remembering His name in your heart always.

If you are observing any spiritual event at home, He will make sure

that it is performed smoothly. I have experienced this many times.


Shabnam Sanyal, New Jersey, USA


Dear Sai family, Sai Shiva! This is regarding Baba's murti that

is in Bridgewater, NJ. When Baba first arrived here on 5th Oct.

1998, Baba's eyes were closed, that is we could not see the pupils

at all. Since that time, whichever saints visited from India, were

asked the question why Baba's eyes were closed, and they all said

that for some reason Baba is unhappy here. We were all eagerly

waiting for Baba to move out of this place so that all of us could

take darshan. But of course Baba has his own plans. Then on Monday,

that is the day after Dattatreya Jayanti, Baba called me and my

family and another couple to Bridgewater, NJ, we reached there at

about 9.30PM. The moment I entered that area I was stunned, Baba had

opened his eyes, you could see the pupils etched in clearly, he was

wearing completely green and it was very cold in there, so we put a

shawl for him. He was very happy, we lit Diya and then did the

aarti, I have seen miracles in my life but this is beyond my



We offered naivedya, and they have a life-size picture there of Baba

in Dwarkamayi, we all looked at that picture and we all could see

Baba laughing, he was very happy. When we took his leave, I told

Baba next time I see you will be in your Mandir and he smiled. Then

I had a conversation with one of the committee members who was

instrumental in bringing Baba here and he told me that Baba will be

out of the Bridgewater place by end of February and we will all be

able to take Darshan. I just cannot wait, I know Baba will tell me

have Saburi, Baba I am trying, I am so excited. Baba looks so

majestic in pure white the idol is slightly bigger than the one in

Shirdi. I have seen the plans for this mandir, when the plans are

implemented we will have a mini Shirdi in NJ. So lets all rise up in

prayer and beg Baba that this happens soon. Thank you and Sai bless







Smt. MadhuGopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. I have told you

24 stories during the year 2003. Baba told before He took His Maha

Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to play in Booty Wada

(Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So I started Krishna Leelas with

effect from the first issue of New Year 2004. Study well and learn

good manners. Tell your parents to read the Glory of Shirdi Sai -

Fortnightly E-magazine and narrate Krishna Leelas from this





After tying him to a mortar in the courtyard, Yashoda went

inside the house to finish her work. But Krishna could not do

without a mischief. It was very difficult for him to sit at one

place. He gave a jerk to the mortar, which fell besides him as the

ropes loosened up. He then crawled on all fours and started pulling

the mortar behind him. When he saw two trees of Arjuna he decided to

pass through them.


Actually the two trees of Arjuna were the two sons of Kuber, the god

of wealth. Once upon a time these brothers named Nal Kuber and

Manigreeva were so busy with their wives that they did not pay

attention to sage Narad when he arrived. Narad felt insulted and

cursed them to remain as two trees in Gokul forever. When their

wives heard this curse they pleaded with Narad to forgive their

husbands. Narad replied that the curse cannot be undone but its

impact can be lessened. So he told them that the two will be

liberated by Lord Vishnu when He takes an avatar in Gokul as Krishna.


As Krishna passed between the two trees the mortar with which he

tied up stuck up between the two trees and stopped Krishna. When

Krishna applied a little force the two trees were uprooted and came

crumbling down. Out of the trees came two divine beings dressed in

costly dresses and jewels. They bowed before Krishna and thanked

him. They then left for their heavenly abode with Krishna¡¦s

permission. The two sons of Kuber were thus liberated from their



Hearing a loud crash outside Yashoda and other neighbours rushed

to the place. Yashoda feared that this sound might be connected to

Krishna somehow. When they reached there and saw the two trees

completely uprooted and Krishna tied to the mortar they were baffled

and were left wondering how could the huge trees might have fallen.

However, they were content that Krishna was safe, at least.

¡K¡K..To be continued.




Thu, 6 May 2004 12:41:24 -0700 (PDT)

Aum Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai


A number of temples of Sri Shirdi Saibaba are being built around the

world. These are not just temples but the branches of ever expanding

wonderful tree of Sri Shirdi Sai devotion. These temples should not

be limited to mere places of Sri Shirdi Saibaba's worship and

bhajans, but should branch into anchors that instrument the

awakening and spreading of the unique Sri Shirdi Sai tradition.

These temples should develop into the abode of invaluable spiritual

principles that Sri Shirdi Saibaba stood for and not mere places of

convenient ritualistic formalities. One should not indulge in

wasteful deliberations such as whether the temple built should be a

replica of Shirdi Mandir, if one should install Dhuni like in Shirdi

or how to perform all aartis like the way they are performed in



Sri Saibaba's temples should imbibe the idealistic path of Sri

Shirdi Saibaba and glorify the significance of sacred Sri Saibaba's

tradition that made Shirdi into a place of pilgrimage. To accomplish

this awareness requires Sri Shirdi Sai Baba's grace and our efforts

should be to earn the grace by knowing and imbibing the values Sri

Shirdi Saibaba represents. There should be a strong sense of

community and everyone should feel that the temple belongs to all.

Everyone will have comforts and inconveniences when it comes to

managing a Sri Saibaba temple. However, if we get rid of the

feelings of ours and yours, most issues do not sprout into problems.

Such a sacred, goodwill seeking, happy and fulfilling transformation

is the result of Sri Shirdi Saibaba's grace and His grace alone.

With that awareness, we have to pray to secure Sri Shirdi Sai grace

that fulfills our wishes.

Bow To Sri Sai - Peace Be To All

May Baba Be Always With You


Sai Ka Laadla



Thu, 6 May 2004 17:13:43 -0700 (PDT)

"n sivanandam" : vasuki_mahal


"It is to be noted here that doubts and difficulties

surround us, just to move us and confirm our faith. We are tested as

it were. If we only hold on steadily to Baba, with full faith, and

continue our endeavors, our efforts will be ultimately crowned with

success" - Sri Sai Satcharitra Ch.XXIX.

Upagrashta Sangamesan met and old Sage in 1941 who told him that

Baba is a divine begin, who would never let down His Devotees, that

he should do Nitya Pooja to Baba. He gave him a Baba photo. The sage

also told him that in the beginning he has to face mental worries,

official problems, domestic worries etc, and not minding these

difficulties, if he continues his devotion, Baba will take complete

responsibility for his welfare, material and spiritual. Sri

Sangamesan began to perform Nitya Pooja and as predicted by the

sage, his troubles came from all sides and became unbearable. At

this point of time, he even began to lose faith in the Sage¡¦s words

and in Sai Baba and in desperation sat on the steps leading to

Kapaleeshwar temple at Mylapore, Madras. He saw opposite to the

temple a signboard, All India Sai Samaj. He went in and met Sri

Narasimha Swamiji, Sangamesan bared himself before the Swamiji all

his predicaments, doubts and misgivings. Swamiji replied as

follows."No difficulties will come by having faith in Sai Baba and

doing pooja to him. One cannot escape the debts of Poorva Karma.

Belief in Baba and pooja to Him will help in liquidating the sins

committed in Poorva Janma in course of time. You have so much dirt

in your mind and on your soul. Hence the difficulties, that you are

facing. When a seed is sown you cannot expect its fruits

immediately. You have to wait patiently. It may take a short time or

it may take some years. You should not cut the tree, which is in the

process of giving fruits. When the tree starts giving fruits, not

only you, everybody in the locality will benefit."Sangamesan

continued his Nitya Pooja to Baba and also met Swamiji several times

there after.

>From 1965, Sai Baba began to speak to Sangamesan. Hundreds of people

began to come to Sangamesan for solving their problems, He says that

Baba¡¦s powers are too many and his miracles can be known only by




4/28/2004 23:45:23 -0700

koduru.y.srinivas : kysri


Thanks for your excellent service about sai



4/30/2004 17:35:56 -0700

praveen kumar : praveenkrsingh


I feel I have unearthed a hidden joy as I come across articles

from Saidarbar and other groups

I am blessed to be a member of this pious cause.

Best regards,



5/03/2004 22:42:34 -0600


Dear Sir,

when I see this site www.saidarbar.org like it very much. Like

others Sainath maharaj is also my GURU. As I am an ordinary man I

don't see God ever. But when I came in contact with Saibaba I

realized what is God. I want to know more about my Saibaba and also

asked many question. So here I request you to show me the right way

to get answer of my questions. Right now I am in difficulty. I

don't know what to do so I request you and my Baba to show me the

right path.

Kaizad R Motawala





Visit http://faith.Ocatch.com/index.html for Saidarbar -Chennai -

India activities.

Visit http://www.angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra/index.html for

SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities.

Visit http://www.viswasaidarbar.com for SAIDARBAR - London


Visit http://www.saidarbarusa.org for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford




Leeladhar¡¨: leedhar

Mon, 10 May 2004 10:59:22 +0530


This book has been written by Ramalingaswamy, Life Member of Shri

Sai Baba Sansthan and with the grace of Baba, I wish to produce the

articles written in this book to the devotees.

For more literature on Sai Baba please visit www.saileelas.org




Anil Kumar Zutshi zutshi

Thursday, May 06, 2004 6:30:27 PM


This is Rita Zutshi from SAI DARBAR _DANBURY( New-Milford) CT USA

By BABA'S blessings we had SAI PUJA & SAI BAJAN on May 2nd . SAI

Bajan's & Puja was conducted by MR. Mukesh Saxena & Goji Chandana

both are visiting from India. This auspicious occasion was

attended by atleast 50 people. The Puja started at 4 Pm & after

initial puja, Saxena Bandu sang Baba's bajan until 6Pm, after this

BAba's Dhup arti was conducted & then Prasad (dinner) was served to

all Sai devotees. Every one enjoyed the bajans & fully participated

in the whole Puja.


Rita Bhan Zutshi


"Atlanta Sai Temple ¡§: atlantasai

Our tradition of celebrating Sai Vrath on every Second Saturday

continues. Please bring your friends and family to witness this

pooja and receive His blessings!

Atlanta Sai Temple (NASSTA) 700 James Burgess Road, Suwanee, GA 30024



"Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center¡¨: hamaresai


Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center Inc.

A Non-profit, Non-sectarian, Spiritual Learning Center, 725 NE Lake

St, Apt #139, Hopkins, MN

Web Page: http://www.hamaresai.org/

Email: hamaresai


saibandhu: saibandhu

Sai_Parivaar Bay Area, C. A, U.S.A

Contact for further information about activities at the above e-mail




"Shirdi Sai Jalaram Mandir" baba

Mandir Activities & News:

ľ Mandir Patrika is now available online at out web site at


ƒæ Temple timings: Weekdays (except Thu) - 6.15pm to 7.00pm; Thu ¡V

6.30pm to 9pm; Weekends ¡V 9am to 7pm. Dhoop (Sandhya) Arathi

performed on all days and in addition Noon (Madhyan) Arathi on

weekends. All devotees are encouraged to sign up either by

contacting temple committee members or by sending an email to

baba to sign up for weekend volunteer service.



4/21/2004 15:31:47 +0100

ramachandra ramprasad shirdisaifoundation

All India Sai Devotees Convention 2004 at Bangalore

Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir, Near KHB Old Check Post, Magadi Main Road,

Bangalore-560079, Karnataka, India, Phone: 080 ¡V 56685879, 3684567

All India Sai Devotees Convention September 04, &, September 05, 2004

Theme: The Glory of Sri Sai Nama

The objective of the convention is to Promote and Implement Sai

consciousness through Sai Nama Japa.

Call for Write-Ups / Papers / Concepts / Ideas / Thoughts for


The proceedings of the Conference will be conducted mainly through

the medium of Kannada/English /Hindi.

Akhanda Sai Nama Sapthaha from September 06, 2004 to September 13,

2004 at Shirdi Sai Mandir, Sai Snehadhama

Vrudhashram, Metipalya, Sondekoppa Road, Bangalore South.



We will be happy to conduct TeleSatsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar



To Commemorate Shirdi Sai Utsav-2003, Orlando, Florida, USA, members

of Saidarbar - Hyderabad released Saibanisa's Discourses in the form

of three C.Ds of three hours duration containing, the following


1.God is Truth - Sai is Truth,

My mortal remains shall speak from tomb ¡V Baba

2. Sai In Bhagavatham

3.Sai in Ramayan

Those who would like to obtain these C.Ds can contact Sai Sevak

Srinivasa Rao Kasturi on his E-mail id saidarbar and

please give your support to Saidarbar - Hyderabad in spreading Sai

Philosophy across the Globe


Now in collaboration with India in a book ¡§The Glory of Shirdi

Sai¡¨ is available in the form of E-magazine in the website

http://www.ebooks.vijishvanya.com/shirdi/emagazine.htm We hope that

readers will get benefited by going through this Bi-weekly Magazine,

solely dedicated for the purpose of spreading Shri Shirdi Sai

Philosophy across the Globe by the media of internet.



All over the World, Shiridi Sai devotees will be celebrating Guru

Purnima on 2nd July 2004. The Glory of Shirid Sai will be pleased to

publish the activities in this regard from all the Sai centers.

Individuals interested may send reports to Saidarbar

SAIDARBAR,Hyderabad is planning to celebrate Gurupurnima in a humble

way as per it¡¦s established traditions. Further details will be made

known in the next issue.



Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai" -

they may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- a bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will

publish them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative

and also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi




P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shiridi

Sai ", kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.


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