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Mother Goddess as Kali - The Feminine Force in Indian Art

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Mother Goddess as Kali - The Feminine Force in Indian Art

Article of the Month - August 2000

The worship of a mother goddess as the source of life and fertility has

prehistoric roots, but the transformation of that deity into a Great goddess of

cosmic powers was achieved with the composition of the Devi Mahatmya (Glory of

the goddess), a text of the fifth to sixth century, when worship of the female

principle took on dramatic new dimensions. The goddess is not only the

mysterious source of life, she is the very soil, all-creating and all

consuming. Kali makes her 'official' debut in the Devi-Mahatmya, where she is

said to have emanated from the brow of Goddess Durga (slayer of demons) during

one of the battles between the divine and anti-divine forces. Etymologically

Durga's name means "Beyond Reach". She is thus an echo of the woman warrior's

fierce virginal autonomy. In this context Kali is considered the 'forceful'

form of the great goddess Durga.

Kali is represented as a Black woman with four arms; in one hand she has a

sword, in another the head of the demon she has slain, with the other two she

is encouraging her worshippers. For earrings she has two dead bodies and wears

a necklace of skulls ; her only clothing is a girdle made of dead men's hands,

and her tongue protrudes from her mouth. Her eyes are red, and her face and

breasts are besmeared with blood. She stands with one foot on the thigh, and

another on the breast of her husband.

Kali's fierce appearances have been the subject of extensive descriptions in

several earlier and modern works. Though her fierce form is filled with awe-

inspiring symbols, their real meaning is not what it first appears- they have

equivocal significance:




Kali's blackness symbolizes her all-embracing, comprehensive nature, because

black is the color in which all other colors merge; black absorbs and dissolves

them. 'Just as all colors disappear in black, so all names and forms disappear

in her' (Mahanirvana Tantra). Or black is said to represent the total absence

of color, again signifying the nature of Kali as ultimate reality. This in

Sanskrit is named as nirguna (beyond all quality and form). Either way, Kali's

black color symbolizes her transcendence of all form.




A devotee poet says:

"Is Kali, my Divine Mother, of a black complexion?

She appears black because She is viewed from a distance;

but when intimately known She is no longer so.

The sky appears blue at a distance, but look at it close by

and you will find that it has no colour.

The water of the ocean looks blue at a distance,

but when you go near and take it in your hand,

you find that it is colourless."

.... Ramakrishna Paramhansa (1836-86)

Kali's nudity has a similar meaning. In many instances she is described as

garbed in space or sky clad. In her absolute, primordial nakedness she is free

from all covering of illusion. She is Nature (Prakriti in Sanskrit), stripped

of 'clothes'. It symbolizes that she is completely beyond name and form,

completely beyond the illusory effects of maya (false consciousness). Her

nudity is said to represent totally illumined consciousness, unaffected by

maya. Kali is the bright fire of truth, which cannot be hidden by the clothes

of ignorance. Such truth simply burns them away.

She is full-breasted; her motherhood is a ceaseless creation. Her disheveled

hair forms a curtain of illusion, the fabric of space - time which organizes

matter out of the chaotic sea of quantum-foam. Her garland of fifty human

heads, each representing one of the fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet,

symbolizes the repository of knowledge and wisdom. She wears a girdle of

severed human hands- hands that are the principal instruments of work and so

signify the action of karma. Thus the binding effects of this karma have been

overcome, severed, as it were, by devotion to Kali. She has blessed the devotee

by cutting him free from the cycle of karma. Her white teeth are symbolic of

purity (Sans. Sattva), and her lolling tongue which is red dramatically depicts

the fact that she consumes all things and denotes the act of tasting or enjoying

what society regards as forbidden, i.e. her indiscriminate enjoyment of all the

world's "flavors".

Kali's four arms represent the complete circle of creation and destruction,

which is contained within her. She represents the inherent creative and

destructive rhythms of the cosmos. Her right hands, making the mudras of "fear

not" and conferring boons, represent the creative aspect of Kali, while the

left hands, holding a bloodied sword and a severed head represent her

destructive aspect. The bloodied sword and severed head symbolize the

destruction of ignorance and the dawning of knowledge. The sword is the sword

of knowledge, that cuts the knots of ignorance and destroys false consciousness

(the severed head). Kali opens the gates of freedom with this sword, having cut

the eight bonds that bind human beings. Finally her three eyes represent the

sun, moon, and fire, with which she is able to observe the three modes of time:

past, present and future. This attribute is also the origin of the name Kali,

which is the feminine form of 'Kala', the Sanskrit term for Time.

Another symbolic but controversial aspect of Kali is her proximity to the cremation ground:

O Kali, Thou art fond of cremation grounds;

so I have turned my heart into one

That thou, a resident of cremation grounds,

may dance there unceasingly.

O Mother! I have no other fond desire in my heart;

fire of a funeral pyre is burning there;

O Mother! I have preserved the ashes of dead bodies all around

that Thou may come.

O Mother! Keeping Shiva, conqueror of Death, under Thy feet,

Come, dancing to the tune of music;

Prasada waits With his eyes closed

.... Ramprasad (1718-75)

Kali's dwelling place, the cremation ground denotes a place where the five

elements (Sanskrit: pancha mahabhuta) are dissolved. Kali dwells where

dissolution takes place. In terms of devotion and worship, this denotes the

dissolving of attachments, anger, lust, and other binding emotions, feelings,

and ideas. The heart of the devotee is where this burning takes place, and it

is in the heart that Kali dwells. The devotee makes her image in his heart and

under her influence burns away all limitations and ignorance in the cremation

fires. This inner cremation fire in the heart is the fire of knowledge,

(Sanskrit: gyanagni), which Kali bestows.

The image of a recumbent Shiva lying under the feet of Kali represents Shiva as

the passive potential of creation and Kali as his Shakti. The generic term

Shakti denotes the Universal feminine creative principle and the energizing

force behind all male divinity including Shiva. Shakti is known by the general

name Devi, from the root 'div', meaning to shine. She is the Shining One, who

is given different names in different places and in different appearances, as

the symbol of the life-giving powers of the Universe. It is she that powers

him. This Shakti is expressed as the i in Shiva's name. Without this i, Shiva

becomes Shva, which in Sanskrit means a corpse. Thus suggesting that without

his Shakti, Shiva is powerless or inert.

Kali is a particularly appropriate image for conveying the idea of the world as

the play of the gods. The spontaneous, effortless, dizzying creativity of the

divine reflex is conveyed in her wild appearance. Insofar as kali is identified

with the phenomenal world, she presents a picture of that world that underlies

its ephemeral and unpredictable nature. In her mad dancing, disheveled hair,

and eerie howl there is made present the hint of a world reeling, careening out

of control. The world is created and destroyed in Kali's wild dancing, and the

truth of redemption lies in man's awareness that he is invited to take part in

that dance, to yield to the frenzied beat of the Mother's dance of life and


O Kali, my Mother full of Bliss! Enchantress of the almighty Shiva!

In Thy delirious joy Thou dancest, clapping Thy hands together!

Thou art the Mover of all that move, and we are but Thy helpless toys

....Ramakrishna Paramhans

Kali and her attendants dance to rhythms pounded out by Shiva (Lord of

destruction) and his animal-headed attendants who dwell in the Himalayas.

Associated with chaos and uncontrollable destruction, Kali's own retinue

brandishes swords and holds aloft skull cups from which they drink the blood

that intoxicates them. Kali, like Shiva, has a third eye, but in all other

respects the two are distinguished from one another. In contrast to Shiva's

sweet expression, plump body, and ash white complexion, dark kali's emaciated

limbs, angular gestures, and fierce grimace convey a wild intensity. Her loose

hair, skull garland, and tiger wrap whip around her body as she stomps and

claps to the rhythm of the dance.

Many stories describe Kali's dance with Shiva as one that "threatens to destroy

the world" by its savage power. Art historian Stella Kramrisch has noted that

the image of kali dancing with Shiva follows closely the myth of the demon

Daruka. When Shiva asks his wife Parvati to destroy this demon, she enters

Shiva's body and transforms herself from the poison that is stored in his

throat. She emerges from Shiva as Kali, ferocious in appearance, and with the

help of her flesh eating retinue attacks and defeats the demon. Kali however

became so intoxicated by the blood lust of battle that her aroused fury and

wild hunger threatened to destroy the whole world. She continued her ferocious

rampage until Shiva manifested himself as an infant and lay crying in the midst

of the corpse-strewn field. Kali, deceived by Shiva's power of illusion, became

calm as she suckled the baby. When evening approached, Shiva performed the

dance of creation (tandava) to please the goddess. Delighted with the dance,

Kali and her attendants joined in.

This terrific and poignant imagery starkly reveals the nature of Kali as the

Divine Mother. Ramaprasad expresses his feelings thus:

Behold my Mother playing with Shiva,

lost in an ecstasy of joy!

Drunk with a draught of celestial wine,

She reels, and yet does not fall.

Erect She stands on Shiva's bosom,

and the earth Trembles under Her tread;

She and Her Lord are mad with frenzy,

casting Aside all fear and shame.

.... Ramprasad (1718-75)

Kali's human and maternal qualities continue to define the goddess for most of

her devotees to this day. In human relationships, the love between mother and

child is usually considered the purest and strongest. In the same way, the love

between the Mother Goddess and her human children is considered the closest and

tenderest relationship with divinity. Accordingly, Kali's devotees form a

particularly intimate and loving bond with her. But the devotee never forgets

Kali's demonic, frightening aspects. He does not distort Kali's nature and the

truths she reveals; he does not refuse to meditate on her terrifying features.

He mentions these repeatedly in his songs but is never put off or repelled by

them. Kali may be frightening, the mad, forgetful mistress of a world spinning

out of control, but she is, after all, the Mother of all. As such, she must be

accepted by her children- accepted in wonder and awe, perhaps, but accepted

nevertheless. The poet in an intimate and lighter tone addresses the Mother


O Kali! Why dost Thou roam about nude?

Art Thou not ashamed, Mother!

Garb and ornaments Thou hast none;

yet Thou Pridest in being King's daughter.

O Mother! Is it a virtue of Thy family that Thou

Placest thy feet on Thy husband?

Thou art nude; Thy husband is nude; you both roam cremation grounds.

O Mother! We are all ashamed of you; do put on thy garb.

Thou hast cast away Thy necklace of jewels, Mother,

And worn a garland of human heads.

Prasada says, "Mother! Thy fierce beauty has frightened

Thy nude consort.

.... Ramaprasad

The soul that worships becomes always a little child: the soul that becomes a

child finds God oftenest as mother. In a meditation before the Blessed

Sacrament, some pen has written the exquisite assurance: "My child, you need

not know much in order to please Me. Only Love Me dearly. Speak to me, as you

would talk to your mother, if she had taken you in her arms."

Kali's boon is won when man confronts or accepts her and the realities she

dramatically conveys to him. The image of Kali, in a variety of ways, teaches

man that pain, sorrow, decay, death, and destruction are not to be overcome or

conquered by denying them or explaining them away. Pain and sorrow are woven

into the texture of man's life so thoroughly that to deny them is ultimately

futile. For man to realize the fullness of his being, for man to exploit his

potential as a human being, he must finally accept this dimension of existence.

Kali's boon is freedom, the freedom of the child to revel in the moment, and it

is won only after confrontation or acceptance of death. To ignore death, to

pretend that one is physically immortal, to pretend that one's ego is the

center of things, is to provoke Kali's mocking laughter. To confront or accept

death, on the contrary, is to realize a mode of being that can delight and

revel in the play of the gods. To accept one's mortality is to be able to let

go, to be able to sing, dance, and shout. Kali is Mother to her devotees not

because she protects them from the way things really are but because she

reveals to them their mortality and thus releases them to act fully and freely,

releases them from the incredible, binding web of "adult" pretense,

practicality, and rationality.

We hope you have enjoyed

reading the article. Any comments or feedback that you

may have will be greatly appreciated. Please send your

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Nice Article. Jai Mata Kali. I want to ask all the members criticizing Mother

Kali and proclaiming that christianity is a better religion.

1) Is death not a reality? It is as real As Birth. WHy are you so afraid of death.

you give a too good picture of Flying angels and White clouds.

i Think death is something we have not fully understood.

2) Is christianity all Peaceful. Christians have anhiliated more civilizations

than any other people. Ranging rom Inca's to many religions. you have killed

many religions and exotic cultures and anything opposing your belief is


3)Hinduism has been there when there was no christianity and when no Bible

existed. Still we survive. We dont have a command and control system like Pope

and the church. We dont spend billions of dollars on conversions and send

missionaries to every remote place of this earth.

4) we did not spend billions of dollars on court cases to cover molestation

charges. you will talk about discrimination and untouchability. we Hindus

accept it as a crime done by old ruling hierarchy and are trying to compensate

it. What about all the lost cultueres and civilizations killed.- prasad

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R.P.2...u sound most intruiging...i wish u can mail me back personally and fill

me if u can of those so many unspoken words...yes....u r right....so many of

them really don't know what they r talking about....take care..

WOW WHAT A GREAT SITE...and pretty emotional comments too..:)

this indian kali's daughter had tears in her eyes going through that amazing article...- alpana

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well put!- Nicole

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Wow... I don't know if i'll ever have time to read these all, but this is quite nice.

For any of you who are sincere and live in the orange county area there is a

great place to come and see Ma. If you like you can bring a flower or flowers

and they most assuredly will be offered.

if you want to know more about the temple check out the website.


It's neat randomly finding sites like this on the net. Peace everybody.

Jai Ma Kali,

Sri Ram- Sri Ram (daniel.shultz (AT) cox (DOT) net)

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Interesting article. Coming from a Catholic background, I've always found it

interesting reading about other beliefs. I enojyed reading about the different

symbols used in depictions, and am glad that not all religions are rigidly

literalistic (fyi, have no interest in Catholicism anymore. Just not for me). I

like how the hindu deities I've read about seem more human, as opposed to the

idealised, black and white God vs Satan.

Kind of sad to read all the negative comments, some people need to get a life,

and worry more about what they are doing then what everyone else is doing.-


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Every once in a while, I come to this website hoping people would stop posting

hateful, degrading and just pure evil comments about Kali Ma & her devotees.

First off, those of you who sit there & persecute other individuals beliefs

about Kali Ma, take a look at yourselves & determine if your prefect. The same

way you sit there & think of ways to insult other peoples' beliefs, is the same

way you can sit there and try to find out why her devotee love her so much. This

is just one story about Maha Kali, out of the thousands. Also, this story just

barley scratches the surface of who Maha Kali, really is. Here's a little

lesson for all the people full of hatred towards Mother Kali.

As the story goes, Parvarti Ma or Mother Uma, was asked to battle against Sumbha

and Nisumbha (just a little info. those are the real demons) b/c they had

received a boon (wish) that no man could destroy them. As she was agreeing to

go into battle, Sumbha announce he was the ruler of the whole universe, which

enraged Lord Shiva and the other Gods. From the 3rd eye of Shiva & the

foreheads of Vishnu & Brahma a light sprung forth surrounding Parvarti Ma,

which transformed her into Durga. The form of Mother Durga only had 8 hands,

which held different weapons from each of the gods

As the battle went on b/w the Mother Goddess & the demons she killed Sumbha and

Nisumbha. Mother Durga changed her form again into Durga Ma. In this form she

has 18 hands. This is before she took her Nav Durga form, which means

nine-forms of Durga. Eventually, Durga Ma faced Mahisasura (demon), who

transformed himself in a bull, which she killed. Then she faced Raktabija

(demon), who had gained a boon, which was that when his blood fell onto the

ground 1,000s of replicants will appear. As, she fought him, and constantly

kept cutting him, more and more forms of Raktabija came.

Eventually, the millions of forms of Raktabija attacked Durga Ma, throwing her

to the ground & ripping her clothing off, which is the most degrading situation

a Hindu woman could had been through. As she laid there on the ground, the

Trinity of Gods stood before her, shaking their heads in disappointment.

Meanwhile, the Naga Deotha, came and told her "Great Mother I can't bear to

look at you in such a Condition, let me cloth you" & sprayed his venom upon her


Then she arise from the blood filled ground & looked at the Trinity of Gods she

told them, "What you've taken from me, I will take back...what they had taken

from me, I will take back and cloth my body." Meaning she was taking back

Shakti, the ultimate female force in Hinduism from the gods. This is when she

transformed into Maha Kali, having 20 hands, and 10 heads. Also, she had

transformed herself again in another 11 different forms. Maha Kali, then went

into battle cutting of the heads, arms and other body parts of the demons to

cloth her body. As the battle went on she faced Raktabija and killed him by

drinking his body dry of blood.

By drinking his demon blood she got intoxicated & started to dance wildly

threatening to destroy the whole world. This is when Shiva laid down on the

battle field like a dead corpus, tricking Maha Kali. When she had step on his

body & realized what she had did, she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

The reason is because she considered Shiva to be her husband and no Hindu woman

would ever place their foot upon their husband. At this time, she said, "The

battle is over, what is my purpose now?". He told her she would return in the

age of Kaliju and be placed upon an alter where her devotees can worship her in

a peaceful form. Again, Maha Kali changed form into Sati Kali, a light

complication and 4 hands. Then she said, "I will only take this form if you

promise me that all of the demons that were killed in the battle were brought

back to me in a form of a cawu, therefore their souls can eventually reach

heaven." Agreeing to the arran!

gement, Sati Kali, is now worshipped in today's world, as a healer & a mother.

As you can see, this is just another shorten version of Maha Kali story.

Remember as that battle was going on, there was 9 forms of Durga Ma fighting

and 11 other forms of Maha Kali fighting, so there are many different stories

involving that battle. Also, those forms of Kali HAD to drink the blood in

order to prevent Raktabija from creating more of himself. For all of you who

say Maha Kali is evil, remember she was the one who was fighting against the

demons, she wasn't one of the demons (as I pointed out in the story). Pavarti

Ma had to take the form of Mother Durga in order to fight the battle, and Durga

Ma had to take the form of Maha Kali inorder to finish the battle. Therefore,

all of you who worship one Hindu goddess and comment about another one

hatefully (remember I said comment hatefully), relaize that all of them are

connected and the same goddess, just different forms. Also, if Maha Kali was so

evil way would she asked for the demons to be brought back t!

o her in a form of an animal, in order to be saved?

We all are here together in this world, whether or not you want to accept her,

she will always accept you as her child. She never once said, "Worship Me,

praise me." She was placed in the position of a worship b/c this is the Age of

Darkness & no other God or Goddess can understand the suffering of mankind

better then her. She is the one who, accepts you for all of your fawls & do not

degrade you b/c of them. However, she will help you better yourself, to become a

morally right person

And for those of you would want to question the existence of God or of Mother

Kali, I asked that you'll e-mail me if your ever in NYC. I will be more then

glad to bring you to Mother Kali's temple where you can face her murti (statue)

and speak all the hateful comments you want to her face. And as you do that,

look straight at her face. You know what you will see, a smile.

So I'll leave all of you hatefully, disrespecting people with a smile.

Om Krim Kali Ma

- Devi (devi005 (AT) aol (DOT) com)

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jai kali mata -- thank you kali mata- bad wolf (therealbadwolf )

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thanks to kali mata my wife can walk. doctors took my money and did nothing.

kali mata puja solved the problem- bad wolf

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What a beautiful contribution to this site. A lot of posts on this site have

been downright nasty and prejudiced-some can even be described as evil and

hateful- your post was a pleasant change. Your devotion to the dark mother is

obvious and heart-warming to read. Bless you Ada, and I hope that you shall

find fulfillment on your spiritual path and your journey through life.-


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This was certainly an interesting read for me. I am a devout Hindu and I always

appreciate sites devoted to our beautiful gods. I have to say that the goddess

Kali is not a personal favourite of mine, my god is Ganesha and he always

watches over me. I feel safe to put my destiny in the loving hands of Lord

Ganesh, who cares infinitely for all of us. I also pray often to Vishnu and

Rama, who are both beneficent and wise. This article was intelligent and

well-researched and I am pleased to have read it. What does not please me, is

to have seen so many negative posts in response to this article, with so many

vicious, spiteful messages to others. I think that nobody should post messages

on this site if they are trying to 'push' their religious beliefs onto others.

Of course Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc are welcome to post here. But if

you come here to mock, criticise or hurt others, you are not welcome here. If

you come here to push your beliefs onto !

others, or post savagely negative remarks about Hindu

beliefs/culture/people/customs, you are unwelcome and please stay away. This is

a great site, with great info, let down by a selfish, childish minority of

posters.- Raji

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please can you sent me the picture. thank you very much- sarandha (sarandhamishra )

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It's only been a few years ago since I broke away from a religion that was

killing me inside: a sect of Christianity -- no offense to the good Christians

out there (as opposed to the fundies and trolls).

I'm currently agnostic, and I don't think I'll ever believe in an organized

religion again, but I do enjoy studying different faiths, and of all the other

deities, Kali Ma has struck me as the most impressive. I feel a strong sense of

spiritual purity from this beautiful, amazing goddess, and while I'd stop short

of calling myself a follower, she is a great inspiration to me. Thank you for

this informative and refreshing site. To all the trolls out there who cannot

accept another religion or culture, give up your hateful, ignorant little

attacks. They won't deter those of us who take comfort in this loving Mother

goddess. - Yami Megami (yoru_negai )

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I do not know if this is the correct place to ask this but I would really

appreciate the Hindi characters for Kali Mata if anyone can supply them.- Emma

(madbeach428 )

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Shree Kali Mata, I worship and adore the supreme goddess Kali-Ma, black queen of

death, destruction, rebirth. I place my offerings beneath her lotus feet and beg

her blessings. O Black Mother, please give me the strength that I need to endure

day-to-day life, to deal with troubles and troublesome people, to overcome

trauma, grief, and emotional/physical pain.

Ja Kali-Ma.- Daniella

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I come with awe and grattitude before this mighty woman , this dark mother made

manifest , I offer to her through this post my grattitude and thanks that she

has shown herself to me and brought her presence in to my life , I thank her

for unlocking my tongue , and teaching me the power that i as a woman posess,

that can stop demons , and stand its ground , that doesnt have to collapse with

pain in to the eternal victim of my drama , that I can still stand and walk

beyond the wounds and the shame , that ignorance flees before me as I stand in

her words of truth , Kali I am an honoured to be your servant at this time and

may the blocks in my life and the world around me be transformed by your love ,

because this is the truth of your destruction , the heart of love that seeks to

move that that needs to be moved, again thank you , and I await your

instruction , help me to use your power well and with integrity.- ada

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everyone has a right to believe in what ever they feel most right for them

.....and no ones religion is stupid even if it is science...- Ishbel

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Kali is a goddess who epitomises strength, character and sexuality. I like her

strength of mind, her intelligence, her fearlessness, and her savage survival

instinct. I think Kali is a role model for the modern, empowered, independant

woman.- slathervaginamaul

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She smiles.......they burn.........war is her sweet garden of metal and tears...

Kali-ma we kiss you, stroke my breast kiss us....dance her dance of life and

fire. mmmm no more P-O-T 4 me - Lady Death

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I loved the kali article and am interested in learning more about her- stephanie chernish

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I am goddness!kisss to all my sister kali.- kaly

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I don't believe in Shadrack. Shadrack doesn't exist, and there is nothing

anybody can do to prove otherwise. Believing in Shadrack is even more stupid

than believing in scientism. http://www.neopagan.net/Scientism.html- Vølva

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I love the goddess Kali. The goddess I pray to is Shakti, of which Kali is an

aspect. She is powerful and will blast obstacles from your path, if asked to.

You need never fear anything ever again, if Kali is on your side.- Terri

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Beautiful. but u did embellish child. still nice of u.- n.

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i liked the page and all the information it contained. It truly gave me some

great insight into what my name means and why i feel like i do sometimes.- kali

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Who would wish to pray to Kali you ask? I am named for Her, and I can tell you

She is not evil. You are expressing the Western view of this Deity, and you do

her a diservice by calling her evil. Again, Western culture divides all things

into good and evil, but it is a matter of opinion and your viewpoint. Is the

Ocean evil when she capsizes a boat and all aboard die? No. Is a tornado that

rips through a town leveling it evil? No, it is the constant process of change

that is normal and natural, and the very order of the Universe. Even the

Christian texts say one must die in the spirit and be reborn again. It is the

constant ebb and flow that allows life to continue. Yes, Kali is not one to be

approached if your slate is not clean, she will make you face that part of

yourself you do not like, or is dishonest. She will burn out of you the impure,

but She is not evil. I am glad you found comfort in Laksmi, but there is no

light version of a Diety, because the Vedas r!

ecognize that all Goddesses are One, as are all Gods, and the God and Goddess,

are One. Please do not denigrate something you might want to research further.

A few Hindu's who fear Kali are no more a representation of a greater religion

than the Klu Klux Klan is of Christianity.


Kali Chandi- Kali Chandi

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hello, I'm a religious studies major in canada and i took a course all year on

religious traditions of india....you seemed a bit interested.. it's absolutely

fascinating, espcially when you find paralells with christianity. there's a

trinity in Hinduism, Buddhism, neopaganism.. it's all good. if you want to

learn about us westerners findings on kali and others, our student website is:


all our reports from this term are there.. and if you want more just back up a bit.. - amanda c

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kali is a goddess of destruction yes, but she is also a goddess of creation,

birth etc... if you look into the hindu saint Ramakrishna you might learn a bit

more about her.. She didn't dance on siva till he died. He threw himself under

her so that she wouldn't destroy the earth in her fury and she stopped..and

called him husband.. in fact she has quite the relationship with him as a

consort. she was created in every account to save the world and in some

accounts she got a little carried away, but she was created to save the world

because she was the only one who could. in some accounts siva appears as a baby

on the battlefield and she stops fighting and breast feeds him and he sucks the

anger out of her.. it's rather beautiful really.. she did not massacre

thousands in india, she is a mythological figure to represent more spiritual

persuits.. I've been studying Hinduism for a couple years now in university and

I don't know much, but I think you need t!

o do more research..- amanda c

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she knows you well and shall feast on your weakness.


You are her heart she destroys with...You are her twisted rampage of fire, war, chaous and ruin.

from war she cries a thousand deaths.


you are her smoked victorey, A powdered wisk of her whims.

Mother Kali-ma we summon you....do your bidding. - Lady Death

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Dear Lucia,

If you read about what Kali(above)about then you would understand that she is

not an evil being.Kali represents the destructive force of nature.Something you

should understan is that without darkness there is no light and without light no

darkness.Keep an open mind.

- Beau (beauricci )

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This article was so enlightening. While I do not exactly believe in the goddess

Kali, I do believe in a greater force encompassing of all the powers she is

believed to hold. I do respect your beliefs, of which I would like to explore

more. Thank you so much for sharing your religeous views with the world. Peace

be with you.- Leslie

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Listen you anonymous wimp, I'm fed up of people criticising spiritual beliefs on

this site. If you don't believe in Kali-Ma, can I ask why you are on this site?

Why did you go looking for this 'crapola' in the first place? Because you are a

bigoted, opinionated idiot, that's why.

I do believe in Kali-Ma. I believe she is the same goddess known throughout many

cultures as: Ishtar, Inanna, Sekhmet, Anath, Astarte, Hecate, Enyo, Bellona,

Freya, Dana, Morrigan, etc. The dark mother, war-goddess, and witch.

This is my opinion and belief, she is a goddess aspect that I revere and

worship, and I don't like your narrow-mindedness and ignorance. You might

dismiss all this as superstition, hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo, crapola (is that

even a word), etc, but that is your opinion only, and that does not mean that

you are right.

I know that you are wrong, because I have seen Kali-Ma and felt her energy and

presence. There are many enlightened, spiritual people on this site who revere

and respect Kali, and then there are assholes like you, who don't know

anything. I'm not just aiming these remarks at you, Shadrack is also worthy of

mention at this point:

Shadrack, what the hell is your problem? Why can't you just leave people alone,

and keep your nasty opinions to yourself? You are ignorant and silly and

immature. If you don't like the site and the beliefs expressed here, then

push-off and go somewhere else instead of arguing and hurling abuse.- Morgana

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Dear Kat,

You really are pathetic. Some shit happened in your life, so instead of clawing

your way out of the darkness and into the light, you embrace the darkness and

the goddess who epitomises it.

I'm not saying that Kali Ma is not a powerful goddess-she is extremely powerful,

which is why I warned all of you to not invoke her power. She can cause

devastating destruction and evil.

Some Hindus who have been wronged in life, decide to invoke the goddess Kali for

vengeance or cursing, to bring destruction to their enemies.

It worked, their enemies had terrible things happen to them. But all their evil

prayers came back to them eventually. The dark power that they wielded, left

them later. Their Karma came back to them, and they were punished for cursing

their enemies.

You, foolish girl that you are, have decided to embrace Kali and her darkness.

She is the mistress of demons, a war goddess, temptress, she-devil, and

sorceress all in one. She is dangerously powerful, and you should steer clear

of her. You will only sow the seeds of destruction in your own life, if you

choose to serve Kali and utilise her power.

You have been warned, Kat. If you choose not to take advice, then that is your choice.- Lucia

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Why did you choose Kali as a patron goddess? Don't you think there is enough

darkness, destruction and evil in our world at the moment, without you invoking

a demonic goddess like Kali?

She IS an evil figure. She is bloodthirsty and hideous, a garland of skulls

adorns her neck, and in her many hands, are the decapitated heads of her

enemies. She is a goddess of war, destruction, darkness and sexuality. She is

fearsome and malevolent, all of the gods fear her name, and she danced on top

of her husband Shiva, until she killed him.

Her wild dance of war-victory, nearly destroyed the entire universe with it's

whirling chaos. Is this the sort of goddess you wish to worship? A goddess of

war, carnage, death, and murder.

You say that Kali is your patron goddess, please don't forget that she was also

the patron goddess of the Thugee Cult, which massacred thousands in India. You

stupid, foolish trollop, what the hell are you doing?- TrollMother

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Thanks Matty 4 showing me this site!!

Wonderful article!!I would like to see more on Durga as well!

Shadrack(if your still around)there are bigots in every country and religion and

there is no rationalizing that in any form thiers or yours! It isnt the god or

goddess in any particular pantheon who commit the evil, its the people Man is

responsible for mans pain and suffering man has made religion what it is today.

the good and the bad. maybe you should go to a sitemore suited to you GO AWAY

TROLLS!!! im sorry you cant handle women who are content in thierselves and

thier own personal power. religion is for all sexes I find it ironic that

ignorance abounds on a site that is supposed to promote wisdom.

thanks for the article!! keep them coming

ps i hate golf- but i could hike 10 miles and still kick your ass! I stand on my

own too i dont need a crutch i look to my religion for its beauty and a chance

to further my own spirituality - lupustheurge

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she is the lord of mother, her name kali is so beautiful ,, no words or actions

can describe her looks,.?- balugopalan (Balugopalan )

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Oh Yeah the article..

Very imformitive...lots of many different looks into Kali, A kabol of insightfull folkglore. - Matty

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wow.... shadrack what can i say matey you got some real issues there boy,

i dont follow any paticular religion,

like yourself i assume, but never the less

i have an intrest in metaphysical subjects, and enjoy reading about certain

religions, orders etc.. and have learnt much about myself and others through

doing so and while i feel at the moment no urge whatsoever to practice wholly

one paticular religion it does not by any means stop me from learning about it

and applying some of them practices into my own personal belief system, and i

must stress that, that belief system is my own as much as everyone else on here

has and is more than entitled to,just as i am not going argue or disagree with

your own beliefs or veiws even though i do not agree with the ones i have seen

you posted here, whatever way we all learn, evolve, is down to each indavidual,

yes religions are all grasping the same idea and more or less saying the same

thing in diffrent contexts but most importantly they all lead to the same

conclusion, and some personally may find some read better than others which

comes down to our 'own' choice yet again, if you do at some point manage to

read some more spiritual literature whether that be hindi based or jedi, please

take into account the symbolism involved in the story, yes they come across as

twee fairy tails on the offset, but look a little past your ego and i have a

notion you may be pleaslantly suprised, they are presented in a way we can

easily understand, and it doesent have to be gospel im sure they will be lots

in there you will disagree with thats healthly, when you find summat you dont

like ask your self why you dont like it maybe or give a valid argument or at

least a statement with an ounce of intelligence buried in there somewhere cos,

statements like thats shit or thats 'crapola' sounds like some!

thing my prepubesant 14 nephew would say if someone happens to have an opinion

that is somehow different from his own.Remember, you cannot change another

person. You can’t change the way the world reacts to you. The only thing you

have control over is how you react to situations. so stop getting so worked up

about what other people believe an concentrate on yourself, unless of course

you have summat intresting,constructive or a valid argument to contribute. if

not do us all a favour an fuck off....ahem....excuse my french ;)- nicky

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Excellent and interesting article! For all the God fearing Christians that are

feeling compelled to share the beauty of their viscous religion, I urge you to

check out http://www.nobeliefs.com/DarkBible/DarkBibleContents.htm and then

come back and talk to us about why anyone would convert to such a scary

religion.- Amy (amaralasong (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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Amy...as the article says, why have any beliefs at all? Religon is alll crapola

anyway, and look at all the evil which has been done in the name of some god!

Look at Iraq...Shites and Sunnis slaughtering each otherand I guess they are all

,oslems! Religion is bullshit!

Loki - shadrack

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HELP i have this spell book and me and my friends were playing around and saw a

spell called the "the hyhm of kali" and it hads 2 do w/ the goddess and we did

it and now two of the four ppl who did it with us r in the hospital. i really

need help! if any info plz contacted me at my mail address.! ps we did the

spell cuz my real name is cali!- cali (punki3_monkie )

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I knew it! I knew Shadrack would make another posting. He's so obsesed with Kali

that she's coming out of his ears. He'll never be able to pull away from this

web page.- R.P. 2

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There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with the M.O. of a certain goddess. If

her powers don't work for you, then of course she is not for you. But it is a

contradiction to say that you are not judging people by telling them not to

pray to a goddess that holds so much personal power for them. Choosing a

goddess you identify with is completely subjective, and it is a total

imposition of your own values to tell an entire group of Kali-worshippers that

you pray your goddess will help us realize our mistakes. It starts to sound

like the whole good versus evil battle- one is better than the other. I wonder

if your parents are Christian?

At any rate, I despise judgment, and I suppose I'll give you a little anecdote

in telling you why I identify with Kali, so maybe you'll accept that although

she is not the goddess for you, that certainly doesn't take away from her

powers for others......

Destruction has been a part of my life since I was 12. My father was a speed

addict and drug dealer who was murdered, probably in a drug deal.... I was

guilted by my step-father over not saving him. I naively wound up getting

involved with a non-addict who was nevertheless a drug dealer in a weird

unconscious attempt to try to clear the karma I had assumed for my own when my

father was killed. I became co-dependent on this man, going with him on his

drug deals, getting held up at gunpoint togeterher.... my own trauma over the

hold-up made him re-evaluate his dealing, so he quit dealing and went on to a

better path. We eventually broke up and shortly after, I was date-aped by

another man. Not to mention I've been through a clinical depression and an

attempted suicide.

Now my intention is not to tell you the sob story of my life, but to merely give

you a personal account of how Kali has helped me. Granted... when it came time

for my healing, there was a lot of dark, nasty shit to excavate from my soul.

Perhaps because I have seen so much dark, disgusting shit, I do not fear the

darkness. It has become a part of my reality, and by choosing a patron goddess

Kali, I am recognizing the reality of my life. However... Kali is not all

dark... and certainly not evil. She will drop her sword the instant someone

needs her kind mothering- she assumes the role of divine mother. She is the

destroyer of the negative ego, not of all things beautfil and holy. In my own

meditations after yoga asanas- I have had incredibly emotional, anxiety-ridden,

fearful bubbles pop up to the light of consciousness- bubbles I was forced to

repress because they were too much to deal with when I was younger. I sob

sometimes when these things come up- and for awhile, the pa!

in Kali inflicts is fully felt as bits of negative aspects of my ego our cut

away. But a curious thing happens afterward- I feel so amazing, feel as if I

have been freed that much more. And so I come to accept the pain because in

making it my own, I no longer play the victim as I use to so readily do. I take

responsibility for my pain, and Kali grants me relieve when I confront the

difficult emotions. Kali has been a source of strength for me in my journey

through healing.- Kat (Cantaloupejello (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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Good grief, Kat! How can you be so naive? Only children believe that sort of

nonsense! That makes about as much sense as believing in psychics...not a

single one of them saw 9/11 coming!

It's all smoke and mirrors with a liberal

application of bullshit , but it does pull in the suckers!!

- shadrack

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This is so strange, my name is Kali, and it is pronuced the same way. I act

almost just like this goddess. I think that i was her in a former life. And

it's wired too, the kids at school, call me Queen Kali...i learned about the

Godess Kali in 8th grade from a friend. And now i'm a sophmore in High School,

because i'm drawn to power, and well, everything about her, i releate to...-

Kali Shaffer

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What a wonderful article, and so well researched. Fantastic. I am very drawn to

the goddess Kali, she is so powerful.

I know that this awesome goddess holds all of our destinies in the palm of her

hand. She is all-powerful and all-knowing. Shadrack, likened a belief in her

power and worship of her name, as an act of Voodoo. He is not entirely wrong.

The religion of Voodoo embraces the dark aspects of life, as well as the light.

Kali is a goddess of light and darkness, an angel and a demoness.

She is good and evil, love and hate, life and death. She is a goddess of

contradictions, she is in herself-a contradiction. We all love her for that.

She is not an unapproachable deity, we know that she is dark, but we also know

that darkness serves a purpose in the world. Evil is as necessary as goodness.

Without this essential polarity, there would be no balance in life. Life would

not exist.

Despite his intelligent observation, Shadrack is a great fool. He disbelieves in

the power of Kali, and her ability to change, transform or destroy. What a pity.

One day, perhaps Shaddie will come to see how stupid he was. Perhaps Kali will

teach him a lesson in life.

Real life, harsh reality, is sometimes our greatest mentor. And through life's

hard lessons, we discover the reality of Kali Ma, our dark mother.- Marianna

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Hey guys, this all dangerous stuff. Yes, the goddess Kali is a real personage.

She is a goddess of evil and destruction.

If you want to worship, and pray to a benevolent mother-goddess then try

Lakshmi, Sarasvati, Parvati, or Uma.

Lakshmi is my patron goddess, and she is a loving, kind being. She never

punishes or inflicts pain, and she can bring you closer to spiritual truth and

knowledge. Forget Kali, she may be a face of Brahman, and a form of Shiva's

wife Parvati, but she is dark and terrible.

Evil and vengeful. Who would wish to pray to such a deity? I know a lot of

Hindus, they fear Kali and her inevitable destruction. She is only called upon

to bring destruction, she never brings good.

If you need a strong goddess to give you strength and courage to face one of

life's many battles, then try DURGA. She is a lighter goddess than evil Kali


Never pray to such a dark devil-goddess, she can only bring evil and

destruction. I pray that Lakshmi will enlighten all of you, and cause you to

realise your mistakes.

I am not judging people here, I am giving some advice from personal experience.

Avoid Kali, she is not a goddess you should pray to.- Lucia

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As I begin a project thesis for a dissertation of this subject, I am happy to

find such a well-written article without even leaving home! Thank you and the

comments are intereting as well. Isn't it wonderful tha we live in America

where there is freedom of speech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mazeltov, o, Merci, Danka, and Namaste to all.

Thank you all for your comments, rude, hostile or otherwise. As I learned from

the article on Kali --- Kali would be happy to encompass all the contradictions

of the human and spiritual condition.

(-:- Goddess Jeanne (BJHGray (AT) aol (DOT) com)

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If I am way off, then your condition is even worse. That makes you a sociopath.

To find a discussion board about a subject which you know or care nothing, and

then to start insulting the people who have posted other messages is just sick

and malicious.

Unless you've read the books on Kali and Hinduism published by U. of Chicago

Press, U. of California Press, and State U. of New York Press; AND spent at

least a year in Calcutta learning Bengali culture and visiting Kalighat,

Dakshineswar, Tarapith, etc..., you don't have a clue what is going on. Without

that you have nothing intelligent to say.

Why don't you just find a discussion board about the W.W.F. or about TV sitcoms

or something? That might be more on your level. - R.P. 2

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Hey Shadrack --

You can't seem to pull yourself away from this website. How many times do you

come back each day? How many postings have you made?

Face it, you're obsessed with Kali. You probably have a fetish for her lotus

feet. You can't keep yourself away from this stuff.

No doubt you'll be back again soon and post a reply to this. Which just proves the point... - R.P. 2

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Shadrak's many frantic postings appear to be the work of someone who is badly

conflicted. People don't fight so vigorously against things that don't exist.

People like Jackie don't need to post threats back to him about divine

retribution. Shadrack is likely struggling seriously, trying to deny the

existence of Kali in the hopes that it will make her go away. Kali has probably

been running roughshod through his psyche and he doesn't know how to deal with


Males who appear extremely opposed to Kali are often struggling with an

underground mystico-erotic attraction to her. It freaks them out, so they begin

fighting her, not recognizing that she's a goddess of the battlegrounds and that

they don't stand a chance.

Eventually Shadrack will either completely submit to her, or will completely

walk away from her. In the mean time, Kali will slap him around between her

left and right hands, terrorize him with her sword, and lure him with her

breasts and yoni.

Ultimately, Shadrack's battle is not with Kali or with Jackie or anyone else. He

needs to instead face the truth about himself.

I fought against Kali for years on a level way beyond that of Shadrack. I paid a

heavy price, learned a lot, and eventually told her goodbye. - R.P. 2

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P. T. Barnum was absolutely correct when he said "There's a sucker botn every

minute". But, the numbers have changed..it"s more like 1000 now and I suppose

that is because there are a lot more people in the world and the

percentage of naive people has risen

dramatically...just look at Mel Gibson's

new film. Maybe Mel is the much

ballyhood "Second Coming"?

Well, back to Kali..don't want to make her mad do we?Heh.- shadrack

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Shadrack, you are a fool. You are the type of ignorant imbecile, that would not

believe in a demon if it sank it's teeth into your arsehole. Kali Ma is real.

That I know. I have felt her powerful and destructive energy in my magic

rituals, when summoned she is a fearsome creature. Queen of War and Witchcraft,

she is mighty indeed. I have summoned her presence to this post, so that she can

judge your remarks for herself and then punish you accordingly. You should be

afraid boy. Kali has no mercy. She will deal with you through karma, and fate.

You will be sorry, very sorry.

Kali is almighty and governs the entire universe with her sword. How dare you

blaspheme the holy goddess, the demoness of ages. The queen of destiny.

The great and powerful Kali Ma.- Jackie

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I don't give demonstrations to disbelieving swine like you. I'm not a dumb pair

of boobs either, I've got more qualifications than you, I bet. You seem to have

some real issues with women as well. Instead of just criticising my post, you

blew this up into a gender issue. Why should anyone listen to your opinions,

when they are coming from a fascist, sexist pig?- Jackie

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Shadrack, get a life why don't ya. Can't anyone express an opinion on a new-age

subject, or a belief in a pagan goddess without harsh criticism and mockery? So

Jackie believes in the existence of a hindu deity, does that automatically make

her dumb, stupid and superstitious? Of course not.

I know that lots of bible-bashers troll these sort of sites, I suspect you are

one of them. Criticising anyone and anything, that disagrees with your

narrow-minded and patriarchal philosophy. Stick it up your ass, where it

belongs Shadrack.- Steve

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The Hawaiians used to believe this crapola, too, until they noticed that the

European sailors in the islands were breaking all their taboos and nothing

happened to them. Then the

Hawaiian religon fell apart.- shadrack

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Excellent article. Can you write more about her birth - and her association with

magic and voodoo.- shabana (shabana_soomar (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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If you cannot give something constructive, atleast dont write stupid thing which

as a little brain you wont understand. Its not your fault its you up bringing,

which is making you think the way you think abt other people, culture and

religion. You think you are the best apart from everyother person on the planet

(and that i think is your major problem). Just the way you could not accept the

article on the goddess, you wont accept what i just wrote, because you are in

the illusion that you are correct in every way ur little brain can think.

- Shaz (erramshetty .au)

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Kali is a wonderful, beautiful and powerful goddess. She is not a demon. People

judge by appearances, and this is wrong. Her appearance is symbolic, she might

appear sinister, but to her devotees she is beauty itself. She is both good and

evil, creator and destroyer, mother and demoness. Rick, you are bigoted and

severely lacking in intelligence. I just want you to know, that when you die

Rick, I am going to rip off your tiny little dick and feed it to Kali-Ma! That

will teach you to blaspheme the goddess Kali, and a religion that you just

don't understand.- Jackie

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I would just like to say how amusing I found SD's comments. You were possessed

by Kali and your tongue lolls like hers whenever you say her name. I suppose

your tongue was sticking-out like a snake when you posted your remarks? The

only blood-sucking demon from hell is you, SD. Oh, and your friend Rick of

course (Go Jackie!). I also find it strange that if you were possessed by Kali

and she has ruined your life, how come you typed her name into a computer

search-engine and started visiting sites devoted to her. You have been reading

too much Nicky Cruz, and spending too much time loafing around on the doll, and

visiting porn sites whilst stuffing hamburgers and Coca-Cola into your greedy

fat gob. - Angela

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Superstition is a great enemy of man, but bigotry is worse. Why does a Christian

go to church? Why is the cross holy? Why is the face turned toward the sky in

prayer? Why are there so many images in the Catholic Church? Why are there so

many images in the minds of Protestants when they pray? My brethren, we can do

no more than think about anything without a mental image than we can live

without breathing- By the law of association the material image calls up the

mental idea and vice versa. This is why the Hindu uses an external symbol when

he worships. He will tell you. it helps to keep his mind fixed on the Being to

whom he prays. He knows as well as you do that the image is not God, is not

omnipresent; finer all, how much does omnipresence mean to almost the whole

world? It stands merely as a word, a symbol. Has God superficial area? If not,

when we repeat that word "omnipresent", we think of the extended sky. or of

space - that is all.

As we find that somehow or other, by the laws of our mental constitution, we

have to associate our ideas of infinity with the image of the blue sky, or of

the sea, so we naturally connect our idea of holiness with the image of a

church, a mosque, or a cross. The Hindus have associated the ideas of holiness,

purity, truth, omnipresence, and such other ideas with different images and

forms. But with this difference that while some people devote their whole lives

to their idol of a church and never rise higher, because with them religion

means an intellectual assent to certain doctrines and doing good to their

fellows, the whole religion of the Hindu is centered in realization. Man is to

become divine by realizing the divine. Idols or temples or churches or books

are only the supports, the helps, of his spiritual childhood; but on and on he

must progress.

Unity in variety is the plan of nature, and the Hindu has recognized it. Most

other religions lay down certain fixed dogmas and try to force society to adopt

them. It places before society only one coat which must fit Jack and John and

Henry, all alike. If it does not fit John or Henry he must go without a coat to

cover his body. The Hindus have discovered that the absolute can only be

realized, or thought of, or stated through the relative, and the images,

crosses, and crescents are simply so many symbols - so many pegs to hang

spiritual ideas on. It is not that this help is necessary for everyone, but

those that do not need it have no right to say that it is wrong. Nor is it

compulsory in Hinduism.

Idolatry in India does not mean anything horrible. It is not the mother of

harlots. On the other hand, it is the attempt of undeveloped minds to grasp

high spiritual truths. The Hindus have their faults, they sometimes have their

exceptions; but mark this, they are always for punishing their own bodies, and

never for cutting the throats of their neighbors. If the Hindu fanatic burns

himself on the pyre, he never lights the fire of Inquisition. And even this

cannot be laid at the door of his religion any more than the burning of witches

can be laid at the door of Christianity.

By Swami Vivekananda's at the Worlds Parliament of Religions- son of Kali Maa

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Rationalizing, rationalizing, rationalizing. No one does it better than a

religious fanatic. Most people seem to feel the need to have something to

worship, be it pot or 3x 10(8) gods, an elephant, cow, monkey, crocodile, rat(I

draw the line at rats), swami, untouchable,a 1948 Buick

and the list goes on and on.

It's really quite rediculous..we're here alone and on our own...what has your

god ever done for you...be honest, tell the truth and no rationalizing!-


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The burning of witches should be laid at the door of the stupid pope...wouldn't

you expect a little more common sense from a guy who is in direct communication

with God? But, what the hell...popes have done even more stupid things, like the

Inquisition and have never been long on common sense. Now, don't

blame any of this on the members of the church..they are just a bunch of

sinners who get their marching orders from the stupid pope and a bunch of

pedophile priests who demand to be called "father"(that's the equivalent of

Swami in Hinduism I think). - Englebert

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We cant see the professors brain (except with x-rays and autopsy), but we can

see the effects of a brain. the creation of deities. Two words...PROVE IT.

Faith is a waste of time, as far as applying to some form of afterlife. And

what about the Thugee? Hmmmmm... Religion is the cause of humanities suffering,

and enabled the slavery and oppression of the entire planet. HOORAY!!!-


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Christianity (a man made religion just like all the other religions of the

world) has something for almost everyone..if you don't like protestants be a

catholic, if you don't like catholics be a protestant,

if you don't like to go to church on Sunday be a 7th day adventist, if you do'nt

like medicine and doctors be a christian scientist, if you like to rock and roll

be a holy roller, if you are into hypnossis be a Benny Hinn follower, go

with Oral Roberts if you like to wrestle with the devil, snake handlers can go

to appalachia...I tell you folks, we have almost as many cults as the

Indians..and I'm sure I've left out a bunch of them..oh, yes there'she

mormonsho loke their bible printed on gold sheets(anyone who can swallow that

one can swallow anything, and do,t forget the jehovas witnesses who like to

rewrite the bible(which by the way was wrtten by camel drivers and goat herders).

Religion is a basic and direct cause of many of the world's problem!- Shadrack

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The info about Kali at the beginnung of this website reminds me somewhat of the

Arabian Nights which I really enjoyed when I was a child...but, just a fairy

tale; I have a problem with so called adults who go in for this drivel! But,

I realize there are people who live in a dream world. I read somewhere that

there are 300,000 recognized deities in Hinduism..does anyone know if this is

true? - shadrack

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A clear, informative and fascinating review. It's hard to find so much

information on any goddess, in particular Kali... thank you for sharing your

knowledge with us.- Gem

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Hi there folks.

As i feel empowered as a woman, i feel drawn towards Kali, the shakti within all of us.

I as a Hindu feel comfortable with all the instincts that I possess, be they

ones that are to create and also ones that are to destroy, symbolized by Kali.

It is interesting to me that Christians, who have created a duality within their

world through the creation of Christ and Satan, have brought about such an

amazing destruction of our peaceful world. Colonization, slavery, destruction

of whole civilizations of Africa and Americas, robbing and impoverization of

the Ancient rich lands of India and China, wiping out whole species of wild

life, child molestation amongst their clergy, mass murders of races... what is

going on here?

Keep patting oneself of the back about being the followers of the one true God

and act out a Satanic life?

- Gita Arunima

And how can you be so good, so perfect? As though you or any religion has never

done anything wrong. How ignorant a comment for you to even speak. To apply

every persons action in one religion to every member of that faith, as you did,

truly shows how shallow you are. Rather than speak of good, you focus on the

negative. Maybe Kali will remove your veil of ignorance.- :)

(whitefronz )

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It may be so that caste system was a calamity to the indian society for many

years. It harshly created a cyclical effect on the people where it kept them

strictly binded to a particular class and it unfortuantly became a way of

distinction that carried on. However since Indias independence and since they

began a democratic government the people have realised the horrors of this

rigid and devastating system and have for many years been ridding themselves of

such practices(dont get me wrong, many of the down trodden still live and act in

this way but thats because they dont know any better and theres too many

millions of them who are uneducated) THese people are poor, uneducated and


They are only living the way they know how. Similar to you, for instance, you

have been so wonderfully conditioned to believe all the bullshit you watch on

TV and from the media that you dont know any better and you think its all real.

The National Geographic spent a couple weeks moving from place to place picking

bits and pieces of info it got, they stuck it all together and they showed it

to you...and sad enough you walk around thinking your Albert Einstein, you

watched 1 freakin show and you think you have a clue about daily life in a

village? ....why dont you go live there for a while and find out how it really

is, its quite different than on tv. Youve got to understand that when people

have been accustomed to living a certain way for hunderds of years its not

going to change over a fortnight, it will definitly take time and many

dedicated people to spread the message.

Strangely and ironically enough, the people you refer to as 'wretches' are

realsitically more content and at peace with themselves than you. They live

with the bare minimal and anything more in their minds is a gift from god.

Their vedic scriptures revealed many thousands of years ago that all matter and

all things are made up of the one same energy that manifested itself into

millions of different forms(modern science has just recently in this century

been able to prove that the age old vedic theory is true) Saying that all

matter is ultimately made up of the same light particles that are flashing at

high speeds), from the grossest(like a rock) to the subtlest( such as frequency

energies) So to a a Hindu and the poor 'wretched' villagers, all things are but

the same part of a whole energy...thats why they can see god in a monkey or a

elephant, a tree or a rat....Their BELIEF is so firm and unshaken that they

accept their tragic lives and they are still grateful for wh!

atever comes...Do you know that these poor starving communities would rather

build temples(when they get dontaions and charity) where they can practice

devotion to god while they are lliterally starving to death...this is called

BELIEF at its purest, you should learn something from them about selflessness

and love...to you it may be a stupid thing and they may be a stupid people but

who are you anyways? Who are you to judge their lives and what can you

contribute to make their lives better?

Its so CONVENIENT for you to sit on your ass and talk about the 'wretches' but

what else do you have going on in your pocket...Nothing besides your swolen ego

and the nonsense that your feeding yurself to make yourself feel special. Are

you so blind to see that you yourself are living in an class sytem yourself,

though you dont even realise it. W-2 forms a.k.a. Working Class 2 and all the

other stupid pieces of paper that denote what CLASS you belong to, and what

you're worth based on your income, taxes and other such ways to classify

you...ohh its all painted so pretty that you're too conditioned and too

gullable to even realise it, thats why this country has became so great, theres

people like you who have no choice but to go along with it...you just made out

lucky that you ended up living life so comfortably, like a baby with a

paccifier in your mouth when you cry. All the best to you!

- Vik

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I apologise if I ofended anyone, I lived there for a few years so I spoke of that experience.

This article is wonderful, and so descreptive. Thanks for such a thorough

explanation of the symbolic aspects. Keep up the great work! Looking forward to

more.- vik

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John, there are no doubt scam artists in every corner of the world who

unfortunately take advantage of thriving and prosperous situations wherever

there is opportunity to. It is pretty lame of you to use a couple examples and

knock on a whole country and its years of contributions to spiritual science

and practice. Your ability to focus on a few rotten individuals combined with

your weak knowledge on the subject very clearly portrays why its so easy for

you to speak so ignorantly, similar to your like minded friend Wally who seems

to be a bitter person himself(you know you are bitter or just close minded when

all you have to contribute is negative senseless crap) ....If Wally had the

capability to open up a book and keep an open mind to something he has no

knowledge about then he would maybe(with gods grace) be able to appreciate the

vast culture and ancient scientific methods that were practiced and passed on,

that thrived for thousands of years culti!

vating truley enlightened beings who cared neither for public attention nor did

they care for acknowledgement from people like you or me. And Wally if you

think that the old man has survived off of BS especially after panels of

american doctors and doctors from every part of the world scrutinized over him,

then your life must be really tough because you are truley stupid and it was

pleasure showing you how stupid you are...hey I have nothing against you but

when you speak so ignorantly with such arrogance you deserve to get BS'd on. -


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what understand hinduism is brought from Iran to india it is not form in india

because of the history.- Sivakumar (jayasiva (AT) pacific (DOT) net.sg)

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i am agree with the student view about lord Kaali.everyone should have faith

with GOD.no live without faith- suriya

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hey sd

your comments suck, btw Satan was invented by xtians to scare mamby pamby twats like you

do have a nice day wont you

An excellent article spoiled by posts by ameobic brained idiots like sd- chris

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I am amazed at your ability to see angels. Are they only beautiful in your eyes?

Becuase I know of some angels myself, and they aren't all that pretty. Have you

ever seen a gargoyle, or do you even know what one is? I suggest you look

inside yourself and ask how you judge an angel.. Would you like to be judged

simply by your looks? Do you think this is fair? I hope that you are judged -

finally - in this way.- Michelle

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we shall see who is right.

you all suffer anyway,

and you have no way to stop it.

continue filling your mouths with

greed and animal flesh

you shall all become what you have


blessings,cursings- kali maa

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Dear all, below is a follow up article to the one previously posted, describing

the utter confusion doctors are facing in India. Once again, you will see this

'understanding' will prove to become a very important one in the many years to

come--->for all you scientifically driven, need-proof or else I wont believe

kind of thinking people...LOOK DEEPER and meditate upon yourself.

Through the 'finite' i.e. technology and human 5-sense organs(external

searching), it is impossible to gain answers or even comprehend that of the

divine-all pervading and all creating, infinite energy that created us. Can

something of finite nature understand something thats infinite?

The below mentioned individual was blessed by mother many years ago, now all he

performs daily is his breathing(pranayama) and yoga asanas...Now people around

the area of Rajastan accept him as a divine devout of mother Kali and

'godlike'. SOUND familiar...we accept people who have attained the highest

levels of human divinity as 'godly' individuals simply becuase they have the

ability to lead us from ignorance through their union with the divine

energy...Krishna, Christ, Buddha, St. John, St. Paul, Babaji, Sri RamaKrishna

Paramahans, Patanjali and many many other masters. Like all rivers leading to

the same vast ocean, so do all paths lead to our creator...DISCRIMINATE wisely,

taking the pearl and discard the non-sense.

love, son of kalimaa.

Saturday November 22, 9:20 PM

A dilemma for doctors!

Ahmedabad, Nov. 22 (ANI): Doctors in Ahmedabad are unable to explain how a man

has survived 66 years without food.

Prahlad Jani, the 76-year-old man, says the last time has had food or water was

when he was 10 years old.

After that he has been surviving on Yoga, a system of spiritual and physical exercise.

A panel of doctors have confirmed that Jani did not eat or drink for the last

six decades and that he has not passed urine or stools since then.

Jani has, obviously, become a wonder for the doctors' community. "It's

surprising that all his body systems are normal or more than normal. We are

unable to explain this phenomena. At this moment we do not have any working

thesis. But it's very obvious that he is not surviving himself on calories. So

he is on something else like some energy mechanism. It's difficult for science

to understand at the moment," said Sudhir Shah, the head of research at

Sterling hospital.

Jani has been undergoing tests by a battalion of doctors since November 12.

A devout follower of Goddess Mahakali, Jani dresses up like a woman and

attributes his ability to the blessings of his deity.

"It's the grace of mother Goddess... everyone survives on food...but I am on

yoga. I lived in a forest for seven years. Earlier I used to work also...Now

the doctors checked me and said I am perfectly healthy," Jani said.

Jani, a native of Gandhinagar, the capital of Gujarat, has hundreds of thousands

of followers, who call him "Mataji" or Mother. However, Jani has never claimed

that he has any miraculous powers.(ANI)

- Son of Kali Maa

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An atheist professor of philosophy speaks to his class on the

problem science has with Kali ma asks one of his new students to


>> > > >and .....

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Professor: You are a Kali devotee, aren't you, son?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Yes, sir.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: So you believe in Kali?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Absolutely, sir.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Is kali good?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Sure.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Is God all-powerful?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Yes.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to Kali


>> > > heal

>> > > > > him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But


>> > > > > didn'! t. How is this Kali good then? Hmm?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > (The student is silent.)

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: You can't answer, can you? Let's start again, young fella.


>> > > God

>> > > > > good?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Yes.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Is Satan good?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: No.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Where does Satan come from?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: From...God...

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Yes.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Evil is everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything.

>> > > >Correct?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Yes.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: So who created evil?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > (The student does not answer.)

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these

>> > > >terrible

>> > > > > things exist in the world, don't they?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Yes, sir.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: So, who created them?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > (The student has no answer.)

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Tell me, son. Do you believe in Kali?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Yes, professor, I do.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and


>> > > the

>> > > > > world around you. Have you ever seen Kali?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student No, sir.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Tell us if you have ever heard your Kali?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: No, sir.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Have you ever felt your Kali, tasted your Kali, smelt


>> > > > > Kali? Have you ever had any sensory perception of Kali or


>> > > for

>> > > > > that

>> > > > > matter?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Yet you still believe in Her?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Yes.> >

>> > > > > Prof: According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol,


>> > > >says

>> > > > > your Kali doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Yes. Faith. And that is the problem science has.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Professor, is there such a thing as heat?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Yes.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: And is there such a thing as cold?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Yes.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: No sir. There isn't.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > (The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of


>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat,


>> > > mega

>> > > > > heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don't have


>> > > > > called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat,


>> > > we

>> > > > > can't go any furth! er after that. There is no such thing as


>> > > Cold is

>> > > > > only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot


>> > > >cold.

>> > > > > Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the

>> > > absence

>> > > >of

>> > > > > it.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > (There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre.)

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as

>> > > >darkness?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of

>> > > something.

>> > > >You

>> > > > > can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing


>> > >

>> > > >if

>> > > > > you have no light constantly, you have nothing and it's called

>> > > darkness,

>> > > > > isn't it? In reality, darkness isn't. If it were you would be



>> > > >make

>> > > > > darkness darker, wouldn't you?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: So what ! is the point you are making, young man?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: Flawed? Can you explain how?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You


>> > > there

>> > > >is

>> > > > > life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God. You are

>> > > viewing

>> > > >the

>> > > > > concept of God as something finite, something we can measure.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity


>> > > > > magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either


>> > > To

>> > > > > view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact


>> > > >death

>> > > > > cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of

>> > > life:

>> > > > > just

>> > > > > the absence of it.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Now tell me, Professor. Do you teach tour students that they


>> > > >from

>> > > >a

>> > > > > monkey?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process,


>> > > of

>> > > > > course, I do.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes,


>> > > > >

>> > > > > (The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning to realize

>> > > where

>> > > >the

>> > > > > argument is going.)

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution


>> > > work

>> > > > > and

>> > > > > cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavour, are


>> > > >not

>> > > > > teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a


>> > > > >

>> > > > > (The class is in uproar.)

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the

>> > > Professor's

>> > > > > brain?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > (The class breaks out into laughter.)

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student: Is there anyone here who! has ever heard the Professor's

>> > > brain,

>> > > > > felt

>> > > > > it, touched or smelt it?.....No one appears to have done so. So,

>> > > >according

>> > > > > to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable


>> > > > > science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect,


>> > > how

>> > > >do

>> > > > > we then trust your lectures, sir?

>> > > > >

>> > > > > (The room is silent. The professor stares at the student, his


>> > > > > unfathomable.)

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Prof: I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.

>> > > > >

>> > > > > Student : That is it sir.. The link between man & god is


>> > > > >

>> > > > > That is all that keeps things moving & alive!!!

- Maran

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I sincerly hope the article has not offended any1 in particular.If it has done

so......mi apologiessss ;)- Maran (maran (AT) elvis (DOT) com)

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"the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up

into everlasting life. (John 4:14)

all the thirsty drank, and were filled with wisdom, having their habitation with

the righteous, the elect, and the holy. (Enoch 48:1 {48:1}) "

- samira

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i believe in god and jesus christ too. i also believe that just like it says in

the bible if you're healing the sick then you are following me. and goddess

kali is killing demons and helping people. so who is anyone to judge her?

andanyone who helps the good and righteous are good too!- -samira

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i was moved with what Mary Sivalingam said. We are here not to condemn anyone.

For no one stands above us all except God. Jesus is my Saviour & Master, the

Creator of heaven & Earth AND all that is within it. God loves all of us BUT

there is one being who plans to move us away from God's love - that's Satan! He

device many form of strategy & plans to divert us from God to many things,

people, thoughts, beliefs, anything which trigers that gives pleasure, riches,

satisfaction, or mystery to humanity.

I believe that all religions TENDS to lead people to one path BUT this is man's

way. Man is not perfect and so his ways. God is perfect and wants lead us to

that ONE perfect way.

"For God so loved the world (including you & me) that He gave His one and only

Son (that's Jesus) that whosoever believes in Him (in Jesus) shall not perish

but have everlasting life"

God loves you Mary so much. The things He did for us & keeps on doing, showing

goodness eventhough we sometimes turn our backs on Him BUT He never turned His

back from us.

God bless you all & may the peace which passes all understanding be with you

all, leading you to the ONE path...to that ONE Name given to us to call upon

and be saved - Jesus Christ.- PJ O. (pgolegario (AT) greendot (DOT) com.ph)

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Dear all, below is an article that will describ to you the graciousness of maa

kali, my beloved mother who looks after all...for those fo you who chose NOT to

believe, its okay, god appears in any form you want...YOU JUST HAVE TO BELIEVE

and want to see them, to the rest of you please do not accuse or insult our

friends who are simply unaware of certain aspects of inner-self realisation,

they have simply been conditioned to believe certain things that they have not

challenged personally to see if TRUTH be that.

Please remember Jesus was a realised soul... a master of himself, similar to

many other Indian rishis and yogis who are so intune with that divine energy

that they can perform any kind of 'godly' act simply thru self control of the

mind and having control over subtle pranic energies that compose us, we are

simply not attuned to these subtle energies that make. PLease read the below

article about my gracious mother who has blessed yet another soul. Have fun!


By Sukrat Desai, Ahmedabad, Nov 25

Doctors here never stop gaping at 76-year-old Prahlad Jani, who claims not to

have taken a drop of water or a morsel of food for the past 65 years.

His amazing lifestyle has transcended the boundaries of medial science and

become the talk of the town in the principal city of Gujarat in western India.

Doctors at Sterling Hospital here have kept Jani under observation for 10 days

and found to their astonishment that he lives without consuming food or water.

"Neither has he put a morsel of food in his mouth, nor has he demanded water.

His body too does not perform vital functions like passing urine and stool,"

said Urman Dhruv, secretary of the Association of Physicians of Ahmedabad.

"On November 12 we put him in a special room and kept him under constant

observation with the help of video cameras, but this man seems to have some

superhuman strength to defy hunger and thirst."

The association, a body with over 400 members, in association with the New

Delhi-based Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Science, is heading the

research on Jani at Sterling Hospital.

Doctors say Jani's ability to live without food or water is superhuman, but he

says his strength springs from the blessings of a goddess.

"I was blessed by Goddess Amba while visiting her cave in Ambaji when I was

eight years old," he claims.

Call it fantasy or faith, Jani claims to have seen Goddess Amba in one of the

caves at Ambaji, a Hindu pilgrimage site near Rajasthan border, 120 km north of


Since his childhood, he made that particular cave his home.

According to Dhruv, nearly 100 doctors of the association have examined Jani in the past 10 days.

"A panel of doctors -- including physicians, cardiologists, neurologists, a

neurosurgeon, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, a diabetologist, a

nephrologist, an uro-surgeon, an ENT surgeon, a psychiatrist, an

opthalmologist, a genetic counsellor, a radiologist, sonologists and many more

- have examined him," said Dhruv.

"We have deputed a team of doctors and security personnel on round-the-clock

duty around his room," said V.N. Shah of Sterling Hospital.

Jani agreed to avoid bathing during the examination period but was given 100 ml

of water every day to wash his mouth that was collected and measured.

According to doctors, Jani has not passed urine since his admission to the

hospital and lived without food or water.

"Jani has not passed urine since he was brought here on November 12. He has not

taken anything by mouth or by any other route - not even water during this

period," said Dhruv.

"All his body parameters are within the normal physiological range. Initially,

the project was to continue for seven days but his health allowed us to extend


Tests have showed that Jani's body has shown evidence of formation of urine,

which seems to be reabsorbed from his bladder wall.

"Through studying the various functions of his body, we are trying to understand

a new dimension in medical science and help mankind," said neurologist Sudhir


The committee of doctors is yet to conclude their research.

"We hope to come out with our findings into the causes of Jani's resistance to

hunger and thirst very soon," said Dhruv.

- son of kali maa (kanchepr (AT) shu (DOT) edu)

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Dating back to Neolithic times, the most ancient images found were always female

and depicted fertiltiy. Look back(pleae do some research before you talk so

haphasardly), you will find that many goddesse's were black and very closely

related to the symbolic relevence to Goddess Kali. We find Kali in MEXICO as an

ancient Aztec Goddess of enormous stature. Her name is Coatlicue and her

resemblence is striking...she creates and destroys, in different aspects she is

'Goddess of the Serpent Petticoat", "Cihuacoatl, The Serpant Woman" ;

Tlazolteotl,"Goddess of Filth" and Tonantzin,"Our Mother" who was later

sanctified by the CATHOLIC CHURCH as the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Dark faced

Madonna, la Virgen Morena, la Virgen Guadalupana, the patroness and

protectoress of new Spain; In the statue her head is severed from her body, and

from her neck flow two streams of blood in the shape of two serpents. She wears

a skirt of serpe!

nts girdled by another serpent as a belt. On her breast hangs a necklace of

human hearts and and hands bearing a human skull as a pendant. Her hands and

feet are shaped like claws, her statue embraces both life and death as

one...the symbolic representation of life and death as not a separate entity

but ONE whole process, an understanding that we are not SUPER IMMORTAL beings

but transient in nature.

THere are many many other examples that are so similar in representation of

Goddesses Kali all over the world...understand the concept of what she

symbolizes and forget your NONSENSE of whose god or whose belief is

better...they are all different paths of realisation leading to the same

ultimate TRUTH...divintiy, bliss. Master ONE path whatever it may be.... and

you will see that they are all beautiful and leading to the same treasure!

Knowledge-self-Bliss! Love you all!- Son of Kali maa

(PrashantKancherla )

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There is no difference between man

and woman. Kali can be either one and

she is still Kali. She is first White, then

Red, then He is Black. And she is pure.

Her form was called out of hiding from two different places and put on the third.

She was called out of the highest heaven and is the greatest mystery there.

And she was called out of the deepest hell, and she is the greatest mystery there.

And she was brought to earth incarnated, and she is the greatest mystery there.

She is extreamly beautiful coming out of heaven. So lovely so kind.

She is so terrifying a presence coming out of hell, that you don't even notice

how very beautiful her surface is. She is on the earth right now.

Her influence spreads to all 4 corners of the earth, like tentacles, or as they

are known as arms. Be aware. Be not ignorant. That is what she wants you to do.

And look into yourself. As you do outside at others. She is a whole nature, not

dual the way the Western civilization

thinks. There is no duality only wholeness of all things within and without. And

that is something all must learn.

- Kate

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I would like to mention that if anyone is interested, you could learn more about

Kali by reading in the "Nag

Hammadi Library" -"The Thunder Perfect Mind" There is much to be known about

this Goddess and some of the mystery can be explained there.- Kate

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And for all you bible thumping, mindless

literal readers. Kali is written in the Catholic Bible. She is The Rose of Sharon

Lily of the Valleys. I suggest you go and read and re-read again and again until

your mind blossoms like a lotus and you see. She is in the Old Testament!- Kate

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I want to make clear to some of you who

think you are professional Christian or Catholic Bible translators.

Her beloved is Black, White and Red.

She is not the Queen of Sheba. And this beloved of hers is Lucifer who

translates here, to Shiva. Also what you

see of these pictures is NOT what SHE looks like. Nor HE. They are like the

words in the books. Representations of them. They are in fact spiritual. The

words are also spiritual. So sorry for all you literal translators. At the same

time, there are physical aspects in the spiritual words as well. Quite complex!

- Kate

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no u must not be scared off this goddess.

becoz she only does good for u and the reast of us.

do not say things that are horrible about her coz one day u will die just like

everyone else and turn into a pig or even a worse creature.

u do not kno the truth about her so keep wat u think is wrong to urself.

she has helped me in many ways eg. gave me strength wen i was down and more

happy than ever. and i thank her for that and as a woman she is oue womanhoods

strength.- Yentl Naidoo

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Hi there folks.

As i feel empowered as a woman, i feel drawn towards Kali, the shakti within all of us.

I as a Hindu feel comfortable with all the instincts that I possess, be they

ones that are to create and also ones that are to destroy, symbolized by Kali.

It is interesting to me that Christians, who have created a duality within their

world through the creation of Christ and Satan, have brought about such an

amazing destruction of our peaceful world. Colonization, slavery, destruction

of whole civilizations of Africa and Americas, robbing and impoverization of

the Ancient rich lands of India and China, wiping out whole species of wild

life, child molestation amongst their clergy, mass murders of races... what is

going on here?

Keep patting oneself of the back about being the followers of the one true God

and act out a Satanic life? - Gita Arunima

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Dina - If you truely believe what you say, what on earth attracts you to read

websites on other "pagan" deities? What is wrong with you? Can't you simply

enjoy your religiosity without attacking others'? Or does attacking actually

add to your fervor?- Heathen

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your god is a false an evil god there is no other god but jesus

christ...repent...repent....- nelson mercado

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amen to all....please read the holy bible and you'll shall find truth and

happiness...repent to all who follow this satanic god keli..

- nelson mercado

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No religion has ownership of spiritual reality - that is the sad act of humanity

attempting to control (through limited knowledge) those awesome things which

ennervate reality... it is close to a psychotic mentality to deny any point of

view other than one's own... and those who do so would probably find their

intolerance would have manifested just as powerfully if they were born Hindi,

Islamic, Jewish, or whatever....

God is really not something that can be bureaucratised away - as is so often

attempted by organised religions... spirituality lives in the holes in logic...

not in the defined and limited text-bound minds of the world.

- Graeme Wallace

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Geeze, "Mad for God", just why the hell did you come to look upon mother Kali?

Please keep your narrow religious views to yourself.- Wosha Nagi

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I have read this page, and must say that have tried to give this quite catchy

look, but this godess KALI looks scary to me. And such creatures are predicted

as children of devil from human race. This is what i felt after reading about

this hindu godess. And one last thing, i really think that these creatures were

tearmed as godess etc during the time when earth was ruled by darkness. God is

just one, their no other God than the God of Abraham, Issac and Jaccob. And all

such false gods are nothing but illusion of human mind. THEY ARE CHILDREN OF

DEVIL.- Dina Rays

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Interested - what you say is valid - however - the fact that most of this page

has become the response to the description of the goddess is not an erroneous

truth. It is in the cultural melting-pot of communication that the concept of

deity is manifest, and through this - the instantiation of our own unconscious

or spiritual faculties.

That this subject has inspired such a lot of writing (both garbage and valuable)

is symptomatic of the Goddess herself... love (value) and death (loss of

value)... the schism proliferates... recursive... reiterating... and Kali's

cremation ground is certainly composed of Cantor's dust.- Graeme Wallace

(bitstorm (AT) bigpond (DOT) com)

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I liked yr Article very much, it is very interesting.

Well, if I dare say, I missed some Pre-History of MA KALI, as I know, HER image

were found in many countries etc.

I'm trying to get such information, but till now they were not upto my satisfaction.

Well, if you have such info, why not add to your Article ?


Satyajit Sanyal ( A "MA KALI" BHAKTA)- Satyajit Sanyal

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I have been interested in theology from around the wold for years. Hinduism has

always confused me a little, so it was nice to find an article that explains

some of the points of the individual deities. The article was interesting, and

repiqued my interest in Indian culture and religion, as well as served for

research for an art project.

On another note to reviewers: only one fifth of the length of the article is the

actual article; the rest are reviews. Although I know everyone would like to

assert or defend their beliefs, this is not really the place for it. I myself

am sorry for adding to the plethora of meaningless postings, but for the sake

of keeping the site easy to maneuver, please leave religious squabbles and

fluff to yourself, or find another outlet.

Sorry for being rude and contributing to the problem, but please think before you post. - Interested

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Kali is similar to the "hanged man" in the Tarot. it is the start of

enlightenment not death as one might think without really understanding it. The

symbolism looks to be bad but that is what is wrong about only looking on the

surface of things and not into the center of things.

Also, I would bet without having read all of this that no one here has mentioned

that Kali is being in charge of the Great Library where all of the knowledge of

the universes is available. She goes by another name there but it is Kali who

runs the Great Library.- Janetta (lucerules (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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Hey all, I'm not here to bash anyones beliefs or anything like that, but have

you all considered that there is only one true God. The Father, in Heaven. If

you take time to read the Holy Bible I'm sure you will all find that it is

undenyable truth. There is no Kali, Satan and God are to separate entities. The

Father, So, and Holy Spirit are the only true way to Salvation of the soul.

Please, I urge you to take a look at the Bible. It alone will lead you to the

path of true salvation- Mad For God

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I wrote this for the goddess.



her lips no answer but question bound

as time and moonlight splinter down

clothed in space and black undone

withdrawn or bare or base in truth

in death,

in love,

inside, all round, all emptiness abide

darkness' heart resolved

her pearly sphere and waxing light embrace

in fluid grace from flight into concupiscence,

naked form transgress

this graven arch and veil unloosed or lost

in bliss or wind or flame combined

untamed she wanes once more defined

on warlike perch - this ashen ground,

and draws me in a circle round

my own incineration

------------------------------ Graeme Wallace (bitstorm (AT) bigpond (DOT) com)

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If that is your feedback so be it! But pls think of the others who have very

high hopes of her and their beliefs of her are extremely GREAT! Be

considerate!To me, she is a mother with supernatural powers.Simply she is a

mother to the GOOD and DEMON to the EVIL!!- Chandru!

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I found this article to be very interesting about the different beliefs of Kali

Ma. Eventhough, it give basic explanations and doesn't go into her different

forms, it's still informative.

But I was reading some of the post and I was disturbed by them. How can an

individual purposely look up information about a God or Goddess, then insult

them or their devotees? I can understand a devotee of Mother being upset about

some of these simple minded individuals but if we expect tolerance from them

about our beliefs, shouldn't we do the same for them? Regardless of what some

hateful people say about Mother, her name is being spread all over the world,

in all different forms, names, and religions. If any individual can't realize

this then, I feel sorry for them. My reason is because if your mind and eyes

are closed to someone else's beliefs or values, then your mind and eye is close

to all the beauty in the world.

As for some individual that question what Kali Ma did for us, or say that shes'

evil. I suggest you learn more about who and what she is before you make


Devi- Devi (dds005 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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I noticed in this post some described Kali as evil. Kali is very good for good

people very bad for bad people. That is God for God Devil for Devil. I received

her power in 1994. When I received, I was so happy that I can save the world by

using my power. But what I get, all shown their evil face including my own

mother. Now I am in the position of pay back. Hello Roy sit back and think how

did you behave and what you done to the girl to broke your heart a million

times... then you will find whose fault. God and Devil does not exit separately

with branding I am God I am Devil, both exist in all the life being in the


http://www.angelfire.com/ns/suganya/index.html- Suganya (greatteaching (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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What a nice article. I do not know why people must say so many negative things.

Kali is Brahmin the one God. Same as Moses god ,Jesus god, Allah and Lord

Brahma Vishnu and Lord Shiva. We have different names but Kalika Devi is the

destroying aspect of the one god. We waste to much time in ignorance instead of

helping one another.

Om Tat Sat- shan

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The Devil is as Real as a cloud of smoke or a Reflection of Light. There is no

physical form yet Energy still Exsists. Trust Your Instincts and Be Aware of

what u are really feeling because even the Strongest can become the Weakest

when the devil wants it to be. By tha Way"Smoke Weed Everyday"- Shane

(ruins_of_chaos (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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The article itself is inspiring and gives me a sense of peace. After reading

some of the responses I did want to share some thoughts. I believe some

admirers of the site have the notions of positive/negative confounded with

good/evil. Kali is a Goddess and is always good, even though She deals with

some of the negative aspects of life. Though She can be depicted as terrible,

this does not mean evil. (Is the Old Testament Jehova any less terrible? But no

one would ever attribute Him as evil!) I believe this confusion is part of our

Christian heritage, where death is evil and its source being in original sin

(and this is perfectly acceptable within the Christian cosmovision). Death for

a person who truely believes in reincarnation is simply another chance, another

shot at realization. And other negative aspects of life, for the Hindu, can been

seen as corrective measures. When these negative aspects are meted out by the

Goddess they are always fo!

r the Good. An interesting observation is that in Hindu mythology, demons

(Asuras) have been depicted as being very attractive and seemingly benign,

granting gifts, thus aluding that even some of the positive, feel-good aspects

of life can be used for evil. I am basically saying that I believe that it is

important to understand that while the positive/negative aspects of life go

hand-in-hand, its important to recognize that good/bad are irreconcible

opposites (ie, the presence of one indicates the absence of the other, not the

presence of the other).- Student

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Well, I come here to find out a little information about Kali... what do I get?

A wonderful 2 1/2 page article and probably 5 pages of worthless responses that

have nothing to do with it. Think what you like, but try not to make everyone

else dig through your feces to get to the real topic. The world is big enough

for more than one religion, contrary to what some people think. If you don't

agree, you need to look around you - we live in a world full of many religions,

cultures and people, and until there are no more people, this will always be a

fact. Embrace your differences, rather than slaughtering diversity. You'll find

living a lot more enjoyable.

Thanks very much to the author of this article - it was enlightening and

interesting. I hope to find more things like it in my future search.- Bethie

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Satan doesn't exist, Im sorry folks but he was invented by Judeo-Christian faith

who took the earlier Pagan gods such as Pan, Hecate, Dionysus and many others

and appropriated them and bastardised them to keep people in spiritual bondage

(as well appropriating Pagan holidays such as Halloween, Easter and Christmas)

for their own ends. Rique in an earlier post said "The Jewish/Xian

ever-confiscating macho-god made the other gods "evil".", unfortunately very

very true, if you don't worship Christ/Bible then they believe your on a one

way road trip to hell. The real reason why they hate kali, Hinudism, Buddhism

or any other pantheistic religion or its believers such as pagans, wiccans,

witches etc? Because the more diversity and tolerance in the world spread by

the respect and love towards other faiths combined with self-respect, & Gods &

Goddesses the less control their churches have over you, your own spiritual

destiny and the!

shorter their chains of bondage over you decrease. This is by no means a dig at

Christ or Christianity by any manner of means (there are some beautiful

spiritual christians out there who hold the belief that all humankind are ALL

destined to goto the source but by many different roads), its just the ones who

fuck it up for everybody by using a book (the bible, koran or talmud) to control

and make people fear that raise my wrath up. Believe in your own spiritual path,

whatever that may be as long as it harm none, and leave the conversion crap by

the door, and you won't go wrong my friends. Peace, Love and respect to you all

no matter who or what God or Goddess you walk with.- Love In The Light &; Dark


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you go marc! i was going to say all you said but u did it for me!- krissy

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People should not forget that this phylosophy IS satanic. And its pretty

retarded to call it simply "evil". There is lots of signifigance between

Shiva-shakti and Satan.


The word devil is related to the Indian Devi and Deva...

The Jewish/Xian ever-confiscating macho-god made the other gods "evil".- Rique

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Uniting as divine yoga is She the ascending Ascended above ego;

Cut free Becoming the lamp above the navel As Shakthi, She is the joyful mother of the yogin

In the pleasure realms of seedless bliss, Detached, the enlightened sing of Maha Kali!

True tantra, in grace, as love She lets be! Him merged as Her in surrender.

Aum Shanthi !!

visit Her in www.nandhi.com- nandhi

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sita ram all, this is an excellent site for the promotion of sanathan dharma.

i found it very enlightening.

although i found many childish bickering about other religions.

there is only 1 race- the human race.

there is only 1 religion-the religion of love for god

be tolerant friends. - satesh

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Kali the great mother Goddess destroyerIm sure is happy to know of your admiration of her

May Nag watch you

Semyazad- semyazad

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I read about the Mother Kali Ma in a vampire book. It said that Mother Kali Ma

had a daughter named Kali Ka, queen of death. Is that correct?- Kali Ka

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Ok, SD, you need to get some help. The goddess is not a demon of Satan I was

born and raised Pentecostal, but I was drawn to the beleif in the goddess and

they are NOT demons of Satan. You need to understand that others do not feel

the way you do, so keep your comments to yourself! - Rocia

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I came here to find what's behind the name of the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. Amaizing.

The descreption of the godess almost identicly fits the girl who has broke my

heart a million times...- roy (roy_dayan (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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I found this article interesting. I've always been a fan of theology, and Kali

is one of my favorite dieties to read about. I'm a born again Christian but I

can also respect other's beliefs. Criticising them and harassing them does not

convert people to Christianity, it pushes them away. You'd think people

would've realized that by now.

Anywho, once again I think this article is excellent. I'm glad to hear that she

has positive aspects to her. I just wish I had known that when I had a report

due about her last year :)

I saw a comment that compared Satan to Kali. That's where I must disagree. While

Kali has positive aspects, Satan doesn't. He's a trickster. He's malicious. And

he knows what his end will be. His whole purpose is to take as many people as

he possibly can with him when the End comes. He's also powerless (in the book

of Job, Satan actually has to ASK Jehova for permission to "tempt" Job).

I saw that some people gave up on Christianity. While that's your choice, you

should also realize that sometimes we have to go through the bad to get to the

good. Sometimes our hard times are just a test of faith. The Bible says that

God will never put you through anything you can't handle.

I don't mean to ramble, but I just felt it necessary to say that. Once again,

great article. Keep up the good work. And God Bless.- ebonykz

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hey all,

how u doing. well thanks rajesh for your comments. i would ask you if you would

ever have the love to go on a cross and be nailed in your hands and feet, have

a crown of torns beated into your head. take 39 lashes on your back untill it

looks like plowed field. well man Jesus did that for you and me and everyone

else. the bottom line is not about what a person can withstand eg walking in

fire etc it is about love. how did you god show love for u. well Jesus showed

us love in that while we were yet sinners he came and died for us so we don't

have to live in the curse of sin. what is the price your God paid for the sin

of man. as for walking in fire and piercing my tongue why should i want to do

something like that. what would it profit me to have my feet burnt and a acing

tongue. remember the love of God conquers all. the bible says that love covers

a multitude of sins. God loves you. he showed that by sending his son to die on

the cross for YOU. bye for now !

- sd (sdookhan )

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you know sd your mother should have given you the name Sick Donkey .in my

opinion like your god is still a milk drinking baby you also you are like your

god.come and see if you can walk in fire

can your god do that.

can you pierce your tongue without blood coming out of you

try this small baby

there are a lot to tell but i dont want to fight with babies my mother can

become the baby sitter of your god.she can make him come out of his nailed


dont put your hand in the mouth of the lion if you understand that good baby

- rajesh

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This site is fantastic, particularly the goddess kali part. For several months

now I have been a pagan (whos deities include greek, roman, norse and hindu

gods/goddesses) but still was trying to find the right goddess for me. For

several weeks the name kali was going around my mind (I remember seeing a

picture of her in one of my fathers books when I was 8 and was fascinated by

her image), almost like a calling, and I'd recently started to investigate

about her. This website to me was my final proof, Kali was the goddess that I

had been seeking, particularly the part about Kali being the goddess and mother

of the fiery truth (the truth which cannot be hidden). I now have several

pictures of Kali which will be placed on my altar for worship so strong have I

felt she has reached out to me. As for some of the repellant articles coming

from the fundamentalist christian element on this website, hey what do you

expect from these people? Nothing they say !

or do surprises me (I have several tolerant christian friends and I have respect

for christianity as I do all religions), its just the fundamentalist ones that

get my back up!! One of the major reasons why I turned away from christianity

when I was 13 was because of the dogma (particularly their homophobic stance),

however I am delighted to see some christians with their comments here about

tolerance for other religions. At the end of the day, if you cut every single

one of us, don't we bleed?- Alan (Scottish jazz musician)

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I'm glad that I'm named after a goddess, I do some of the things that she does

but in my own little way. Just to read about how powerful she was when she was

a live. It just so exciting to read about her. I want to learn more about her,

if u have any more information please send it to

Flirt_2002_19 .

Thanks!- Kali Johnson

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I found this excellent, and deeply moving, the poems were especially

enlightening, and have inspired me to search out more! Thank you very much for

the beautiful illustrations.- Catherine Walton

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well done G. You have made alot of sense in a few sentences. Some people are

born to be an ignored and there is no point ridiculing them. If one is happy

with one's beleive ....why argue....- a s birch

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Rick...why don't you just grow up a little. I went to the Sunday School and I

painted Jesus in brown. I still respect other religions because no teachings

from any religion has said hate, kill or shoot...it only says love one another.

When you start to offer love there is no god in this world will reject you or

me. I feel that you have to read the bible once again because the big G wants

all of us to love our neighbours. Please try to love yourself first before

critising everybody and Kali. whether you like it or not she is playing in your

mind. No doubt about it. She infact is using YOU as a tool to test every of us.

I bet Jesus is sitting next to Kali and having a good laugh looking at their

children for competing for their love. May the big G and KALi be with you...

ASB- asbirch

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hey all,

how are u. well to answer some of the viewers comments, i must say that demons

affected and came into me because i gave them an opening in my life. space does

not permit me here to talk about it. but if anyone wants to know more and why i

said what i said please mail me ok.

i am sorry if i have offended any of you. i realise that u firmly believe in

your god as i do mine but your gods give me hell in my life and i nearly died

because of them. so if u have been through what i have u would think different


oh and how could Jesus stop them from comming into my life if i allowed them

huh. i gave the devil a legal right in my life so he had right over me even if

i have Jesus.

as for isis, i am so sorry about your childhood and your experiences. i am sure

that you would not even listen to me but please email me and i will share with

you my life story and how Jesus changed it ok and please if u want share with

me your life and we may become friends(lol) bye.- sd (sdookhan )

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I was searching for a non-mainstream god for my novel and I found a plethora of

knowledge in this article. Very well written and insightful, i would suggest

this article as a source in any research paper or just a good source for

personal interest.

- Rachele

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Om Sakti! hi i am a Amma devotee.I always do prayers 2 amma.I never think her

as a god but think her as my mother.Some people thinks that i pray 2 Kali amma

is something not right cause of her reformation but she is still a mother i

don't care what people think of me cause praying to her she is still my

mother.Pls if there any book about amma i will like 2 buy.Now i am studying

medicine at Ukraine.Jai Kali Maa- Vicky

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very interesting article.Thank you.- Destinee

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sd, I just wanted to respond to your alleged demon possession by Kali...B.S.! If

your God hasn't protected you (a devotee) from the "evil" of Kali, then maybe

he's not watching over you,or he doesn't care. I came to this reolization as a

little girl who loved Jesus more than anything. And I cried out to him day

after day of physical and sexual abuse by my step-father who would read me

bible stories after he was done. I found no peace in the hypocritical,

destructive God of the bible; only harsh judgement and guilt. Remember that

your "loving, forgiving" creator started punishing almost as soon as he created

and NEVER STOPPED! He unjustly punished Job(who loved him as I did when my

innocence was stolen)Not until he has destroyed the entire world, will God be

satisfied (just read revelations)! So, I ask you, WHO is really evil? A father

who destroys his children, all the while claiming to be only good, or the

mother who embraces i!

n life and death. Personally, I have studied quite a few religions of the past

and found a healing appreciation for the world around me as well as my fellow

humans. I've learned NOT TO JUDGE someone by appearence, culture or religion.

There is too much beauty out there to spend your time calling someone's

salvation "demonic" especially since it doesn't affect you. Jesus (who I

believe was a great man) would not have cared what religion you were, because

with his inner peace and love he could have led by EXAMPLE and made others WANT

to be a part of him. You are a perfect example of the lack of love and tolerance

in christianity today and why so many people are fleeing for something that will

except and love nomatter what....a mother. - Isis (shivaNshakti (AT) aol (DOT) com)

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Dear Sd,

I am a devotee of Mother Kali and have been one for the past 18 years. I am sad

that you think we all drink the blood from the animal sacrifices. The shocking

truth is that I am vegetarian and don't eat meat. I have never made an animal

sacrifice to Mother Kali.

I believe that all religions lead to one path - our maker.

Jesus says in the Bible "Why fear when I am here". If Jesus is your Saviour -

then how can a so called demon in your opinion affect you. If your faith is as

big as a mustard seed - you would be able to move a mountain. Be steadfast in

your spiritual path and move on amidst your fears. You will reach the ultimate

which is realisation of life.

God bless you. A devotee of Mother Kali!

MBS- Mary Sivalingam

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I was bored one day too, and decided to look up my name. I have always heard

bits and peices from my mother about the meaning of my name but it was nice to

read this article and receive more detail.

While in college I had an instructor from India who also provided some great

insite into the meaning of my name. On the first day of class as he took

attendance he stopped at my name and said "your name is Kali?", with a smile

and thick accent he said "you're the ugliest goddess we've got!" =)

I am proud of my unique name and find all stories and pictures about the goddess

very interesting wheather they are good or bad. - Kali

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0k- dave

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Jai ma!

Kali ma or Shakti ma or Dhurga ma is truly powerful, it's nice to see reviews on

her. She never ignores a prayer and is always there- Bavani

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Very well done!.I too am interested in other cultures and religons and the

goddess kali is one of them..Ver well written...Thank you- Lady

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Hello all!! I love to read about other cultures and what they believe... Just

recently I have fallen in love w/ Ganesh and drawn to the stories of kali...

Don't waste your breathe on Rick and others as him, they (like him) will always

hold onto what was taught and never see the beauty in other cultures and what

they have to offer... Always to fear what they (like him) don't understand...

Lost in their own belief. Follow your heart not a crusade as the heart is an

organ of fire... a crusade is for sheep to the slaughter. If they (like Rick)

had real faith maybe other things would not appear to be so intimidating...

Ignorance is bliss. And this my friends will never change...... May you find

happiness in your heart where ever adventure and curiosity may take you. - Marc

(poisonapple321 (AT) prodigy (DOT) net)

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Geez ...alittle hostile!! Maybe you need to dive into that Bible your so proud

of and seek some comfort or humility. Why is it that most everyone that brags

about jesus is so hostile...you'd think that there would be a little more

love...instead of hostility. And speaking of drinking blood ... remember when

you go to church and symbolize the act od drinking blood (wine or grape bjuice)

or eat the flesh ( bread) maybe you should think before you speak. And don't get

me started about american religion "hiding the truths"... Religion is a freak

show. Spirituality is bliss... look inside yourself and you'll find more

answers than you've ever been taught... use the mind that whatever diety you

happen to believe in, gave you. Peace.- Marc

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An eight armed ELEPHANT is no more hard to believe than angels or the parting of

the sea. They are all stories that each individual takes to their heart and soul

differently. Wether it's a four armed Goddess or a huge boat carrying animals

two by two... Everything isn't literal. I realize that your pretty humble as

you don't really ever think for yourself. Most ignorance is taught. I just

thought that while your looking up the correct spelling of Peace and

Christianity ...you could also reread the definitions... Peace Out Dude! - Marc

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I have been trough alot. I had lost faith in the religion I was brought up in

and embraced Wiccan. After a few years I returned to my religion of birth, but

I have never forgotten all the beauty that each and evry single religion has to

offer and hold the outmost respect for them. If you are truly blessed by your

god or gods, if you feel you have been truly enlightend them share it with the

world. You should however never talk down to someone else just because he or

she does not share your beliefs. I applaud the author of this article for

describing with truth and love aspects of Kali that some people are not

comfortable with. She sounds to be a wonderful mother and fierce warrior. For

all those who have come here to bash these people for their faith; I have but a

few words DO ON TO OTHERS AS YOU'D HAVE THEM DO ON TO YOU. No matter what

religion you belong to this applies to all of us as humans.- M.B.

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Hey sd! (please forgive me everyone for taking a art/spiritual commentary up with a challenge).

I wouldn't mind hearing on what you have to say - I don't suppose you could

email me, could you? I'm just skeptical that you claim to see Kali Ma as a

demon. I'm sorry for blurting at you; but you strike me as one of those people

who would pop onto a gay/other group forum on Beliefnet and say something

insensitive and malicious like:

"Hello, i just thought you'd like to know that you're a bunch of filthy sinners.

God hates fa*s, so you're all going to rot in hell. thank you."

You may have experienced some sort of fluid imbalance in your brain, which made

you think you saw Kali. (on beliefnet, some Christians experienced that but

proved it was bodily fluids imbalance). It wasn't her, when you get to know

her; she is loving, protective and dispels your fears. I thought Jesus would

make you more tolerant, yet you pin your problems on others and have an

slightly paranoid "us-versus-them" mentality. You should open your heart more;

and become like the man whom you follow.

If you judge a face of the Divine on what they *appear* to look like, you must

be a shallow person to judge on appearance.

Well, thank you for the praise about us being intelligent, I already knew I had

120 IQ anyway - which is above average! Hurrah! Honey, Most major faiths

including Christianity have a blood-soaked history. Some followers of Kali get

too obsessed and can't feel her love, or for that matter, god's love and


You are aware of the atrocities some so-called Christians have done in the name

of Jesus/god? The Holocaust, the "witch-hunts," WW2, child-molesting, and a

whole lot of others in the past - they still happen, but they are silenced in

the media. These fatalies amount to a horrific number compared to the twisted

people who sometimes kill people out of a fanatical obsession who *claim* to

follow Kali. I'm not saying their deaths are more important; all are important

because they mean everything to someone, including god/dess.

Please do NOT condemn peoples' beliefs on a misinterpretation of a

psyche-problem. It's not clever, it's not honest, and you're carving a bad

reputation for people who think like you.

I have OCD, belief in your faith did NOT make it better. I know you mean well,

but saying I need Jesus in my life - I tried to follow him with my heart and

soul, but I felt inclined to stick my mum's kitchen knife into my heart more

than a few times while in Christianity. Kali/Shiva have enhanced my life, have

you ever asked any Hindu/Buddhist/Pagan how they see Kali and what she has

taught them? Or any other gods for that matter?

Interesting fact for you, sd, about the actual historical recording of Jesus. No

other historians mention him at the time, despite people of that time being

fanatical about recording important people. Don't make unreliable claims and

expect to get away with it; real knowldege and facts will catch you out. I

accept there were many people called Jesus, as it was a popular name around

that time. It meant "Saviour of God/Yahweh." I don't believe in the Christ

thing, but he may have been a kind and thoughtful Rabbi.

I respect you and your beliefs, even if what you said about the divine Mother

was highly offensive and prejudiced. I hope to hear from you about what you

went through, and don't spam me with hate-mail, please. :) Talk to you soon.-

Isana (darkfaery_mistress (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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Fundie Xianity is Fundamental Christianity - mg

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You guys need to relax a bit... Jesus is as real as Kali and as all other

deities, prophets etc... The human mind divides that which the God created as

One. Truth is revealed in myriad forms to all people of the earth. No one can

posess the Only Way. If you think your ''God'' is better or more ''truthfull''

than another, you are simply expressing the false consciousness in which you

live. Whether prophets and deities are fact or fiction is irrelevant. The soul

of Man is the soul of God. - x

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sd, everyone has a darker side, just because no one has heard of you gods darker

side doesnt mean that it doesnt exist. without evil, there would be no good.

everything has an equal opposite to it. - Kali Vergeront

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who is Fundie Xianity???

and by the way isana, you don't even know me and what i am going through so

please don't judge ok. you need Jesus because he is alive. you are the first

person that i have ever heard that said Jesus never existed. historically he

was proven to exist and biblically.

even athiests believe that Jesus existed, even though they do not believ in God.

you should talk to all the persons whose lives he has changed.

oh and by the way the people who is incharge of this web site i know a person by

the name of ss who posted here

i see that what he has said had some effect on you cause you have taken off his message.

he said about the blood drinking that kali worshippers do. i can attest to that fact.

they drink the animal blood they sacrifice.

you guys are really smart. you really hide the truth. you present what seems to

be a good side of kali but exclude the horriffic details your religion has.

are you going to take off this post too.????- sd

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Whoa, Sd, sounds like you need to see a psychiatrist (been possessed by demons,

Okaayyyyy), no doubt you've been exposed to all that Fundamentalist Gibberish.

Sounds as though you had rabies, or some sort of psychotic episode.

Honey, let me tell you something about your so called Jesus, he NEVER existed.

Don't call our loving, and truthful Mother "so-called"; because quite frankly,

if I still believed in your god/Jesus, I would have committed suicide out of

the heavy burden of guilt Fundie Xianity is so good at promoting.

Kali Ma has helped me confront my fears, not run away from them. If your god

makes you run away, both he and you are cowards.- Isana

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I'm very sorry to everyone on this board for spitting bile and poison against

people who may not see eye-to-eye on the same things, as well as giving the

children of Kali a bad name.

Its been a year since I posted that hate-filled comment, I admit I was lost from

the Goddess, but I think now I have embraced Pagansim again, tolerance is

starting to come back to me.

My sincerest apologies to everyone, whether Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Neopagan/Wiccan, etc.

- Karisia

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Excellent article. Though I'd never claim to be a fan of any particular

religion, Kali's two-sided coin role in mythology is refreshing in comparison

with most gods or goddesses portrayed as either good or evil. And as for

critical Christians, well, Kali may be a bloody death Goddess in one form, but

she had nothing to do with the Inquisition. Three guesses what divinity did.-


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I believe in Faith; that's why I believe in one truth as many together- Oddin

(akira_178 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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Excuse me Rick, but you have a very closed mind. You should be open to all

religions, because not just one is right. It depends on the person. Just

because you have a difference of opinion doesn't mean that the other person is

wrong. You shouldn't force your beliefs on anyone because in the end no one

really knows whether they are right or wrong with their beliefs. - Kali V.

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i just want all u kali worshippers to know that your so call goddess is a demon

from satan. i know this because i have that nasty demon in me. my tounge come

out just like kali ans that demon manifests when i call it by its name "kali".

kali came in me through laying of hands of a demon possed person who worsips

kali ok. but Jesus has promised to take it out of me. the so call goddess of

yours is nothing but a blood thirsty demon who afflicts people rather that

loves then. thankyou- sd

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Marc, you're so closed minded. You talk as if your so called christian god ever

showed himself. If you have the Discovery Channel look out for a program

they're showing every proof that your god is only a myth. - Leviathan

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thankyou - there is such beautiful meaning- kali

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Ain't it wonderfull to watch those enlighted beings calling themselves humans

and true believers spitting and biting each other? Makes you really proud being

a human, doesn't it?- Nebelmond

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i feel sorry for people like u karisia, who belive in god who never show

themselfs, chritianity it the biggest religion in the world and makes more

sence than this crap.

who ever heard of an 8 armed eliphant and believed in it must be on something.

piece out

a humble marc- Marc (johnbarry100 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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This is a brilliant page on the Dark Mother; portraying our brilliant Goddess as

She really is. I am Wiccan, and Kali Ma and Lord Shiva helped me a lot in

confronting my fears about death and so such.


I feel very sorry for people like you, who whine and grovel like dogs before

your god. Your Jesus is just a vulgarised version of Mithraism, Lord Krishna

(and other Sun-Gods).

You say the Dark Mother is a demon, what do you know?

- Karisia

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Excellant Features with exquisite graphics- Kate Ryczek

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Thank you so much for this wealth of beautiful information on the Goddess .What

a contemplative "tool" the picture is for anyone interested in divine

truth.Explained beautifully too.

Sending you my love and respect

acorn- acorn

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Kali, Sophia, Jesus.- Word Light

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Nice article, just know that Mother Kali is not an "evil goddess".Everyone out

there whose name is Kali, be proud of your name and honor your namesake

everyday because it s through her we all live. Jai Sita Ram- Kumarie

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actually americans dont always leave the r out of 'car'...i have a major chicago

accent and i just say caaaar...but the r is always there- linda

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Kali B--Used to? Duh fool, people still do! And She isn't evil.

All--Great article!- Reverend Beautiful Pyre

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It would be more nicer with more Kali amma Pictures(Lively)...- Priya Dharshini

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I am American, but i can relate to this goddess. Reading this article has helped

me think about my life and how i am the one that controls it and no one else.

The fact that is a thorough piece helps too, as long as it is i still read it

all.- Signed

Not the same now

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hey Rick, stop being a jerk. Let me clarify to you that KALI is not a demon. She

is a Goddess, who though looks fiersome but is tender at heart. I have nothing

against Jesus Christ, as history has proven that that man was humiliated and

slain. i'm not sure if he's God, but i will not degrade myself by calling him a

Demon. Keep an open mind, Rick. If u are opposed to others beliefs, just walk

away. never criticise them. - d.k. (d28kali (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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I was bored one day on the computer so I decided to look up my name since it is

so uniqe. I found out that I had the same name as a evil goddess. After I read

the selection I laughed. I am also glad that I have the same name as a goddess

people used to worship!!!- Kali B

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Thank you for an insightful and educated interpretation of Mother Kali. Her

beauty and symbolism was so adequately protrayed by this article that I am sure

you will receive her grace.- Shalini

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at least there is one "religion" that accepts a devil-like figure as an aspect of life

there is lots of significance between Satan and Kali and i think Kali's image

will learn us more about Satan, instead of simply calling him/her evil...

intresting... :)

accuallu the word Devil and devi are related!- Rique (narcotic33 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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When I talk to you,

its only you

and I who know

what is in my heart now - Yash (leprinceyash )

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for the person who said that americans don't pronounce the "r" in "car" that's

WRONG! few americans on the east coast have the kind of accent... the rest of

us all say "car" just the way it's spelled- Jo

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Review this article

It was extremly interesting to read othere reviews and find that there are

others named Kali, whose parents did not know of the goddess, who identified

with her so quickly. I am completely fscinated with my namesake, and this is

the most informative source i have found. Thanks! - Kali

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Dear Childrens Of The Divine Mother Kali,

All of us are really blessed for only through Her Grace that we can have

interest in knowing Her. For those of you who have came across to this site by

chance, believe me it's not by chance but only by Her Divine Grace. Even those

fanatical fools from other path who abuse Her is still thinking of Her,not

through love but through hatred, yet they are still thinking of Her. Isn't that

such a compassinate Grace of a Loving Mother?. May the Divine Mother Kali

guide,guard,protect and bring us ever in Her Conscienceness. Om Sakthi.- Gerald


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this is such well written article!! it is very accurate and true in its

depictions of Kali's qualities yet simple enough for lay persons like myself to

really understand and become more interested in Her. Thank you so much for

providing me with the quality and quantity of information on my namesake!!! oh,

and "kali" is pronounced as "car" for the "ka" part (unless you're american, in

which case the "r" in "car" is silent) and "li" is pronouced like the chinese

surname "li". Thank you so much again!!!

K.- Kali

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Thank you.

Good luck,

Katt- Katt

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Mother Goddess she is divine and great she is the greatest of the nine sisters

her big brother Kal bhairo protecs her.

loveswmi roukmini- swami roukmini (www.rmourik (AT) sympatico (DOT) com)

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Wow this is beauitufl I used to be christan. And then i started geting into

wicca and such. Kalima (As I know her better as) drew me. Though it was Shiva,

who I first laied eyes upon on, on my past life cards. He drew me, and i read

more and more. Then I learned about Kalima, she's amazing. I do believe I was a

high follower of her when in my past life. Thank you for posting up such a

beauitufl and wonderful site. Thank you

-In peace, and love may you go

Kylie- Kylie (Sorrowisbliss (AT) wmconnection (DOT) com)

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Kali is pronounced Kal (as in call) and "i" as eat. Does that help??


MoonOwl- MoonOwl

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These are the lyrics for a song I wrote a couple of years ago for Kali. I'm

sending them as a token of my appreciation for your portrayal of Her.


Favorite of kings and poets, untimely mistress

Coquette with a kiss that kills laughter

Thy touch smoothes the brow, dissipating distress

No pretense to please, no morning after

Keeper of the seven veils, Hindi enchantress

Unflinching amidst relentless din and clatter

Thy watchful eyes no emotion do express

Mindless of a head placed on a platter

If in their hearts all men fear and curse thee

Thy nights must indeed be lonely

Kali, enfold me in the four-handed caress of death

Walk with me through halls of incensed oblivion

Knowing full well none escape thy pavilion

Be it thy mouth to take my last breath

Teach me thy myriad secrets, exotic temptress

Reeling in thy poison though I stagger

If truly thou wouldst my soul undress

Show no mercy, drive deep the curved dagger

Kali enfold me in the four-handed caress of death

Walk with me through halls of incensed oblivion

Knowing full well none escape thy pavilion

Be it thy mouth to take my last breath

I think you have captured the Hindu worshipper's utter abandonment to the

goddess in your brilliant article. I welcome any comments at my e-mail below.-

sir trent colquhoun (aguzanieves (AT) terra (DOT) cl)

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Estudos sobre kali- Roseney Rita

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a wonderful and insightful piece....as a follower of the Great Goddess, i know

that once you call Her Name, She will never forget you; you are always Her

child and She will always be your Protectress, your Comforter, your Courage.

Blessed Be.- angelfire (ladyangelfire (AT) email (DOT) com)

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Well written book as if the Divine Mother Herself is revealing Her Mystery. I'm

a humble follower of Kali, what I have learnt so far is that if you surrender

yourself totally to Her lotus feet, there are things that She reveals to your

inner most heart that you can't even imagine. Be like a child, without ego or

individuality, for you will discover Her Presence even closer than your breath.

May the Divine Mother Kali Bless and Protect Everyone.

Om Sakthi

- Gerald Dharmaraj (gdkali )

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May the Beloved Bless Everysoul.- nista

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thank you

- homero guerra villegas

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Hi ...

Well Kali is pronounced as Ca®lee

the r is kind of silent ..

Ka-li goes in the same way which u pronounce Car , but the "r" is silent and the

"Li" goes as Lee so the final will be

Ka®lee.- Don Wickramanayake

Review this article

How do you pronounce Kali?

Is is "Kal" like in California, or like in the word "call"?

Is the "i" pronounced like and "e" or like and "i"



Glenn- Glenn

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an excellent review!! i'm not hindu but this has been really enlightening. :)- Dell Butler

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- geetha (geethagal (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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Excellent written work. You have expressed your devotion towards Kali in

billiant written work. Some of u here have say Jesus is the way and Prphet is

the way, but u forget that u t the way. whatever religion u r, at the end of

the day u r an indidvidual. To belive this or not is up to u. REMEMBER : if

there is darkness then there is light, if its a lie then theres truth, if there

bad then there is good and therefore if u belive in evil then u have to belive

in god!!!

Am planning to visit or shall i say cover all the temples of Shiva and Kali in

south india or even cover north india at one a time, which ever comes to my

mind first. I would like to gather some people who is interested in tarvelling

together in to see and feel the trfuth and the magnificence of Indian temples.

backpacking will do. I am from UK. The ideal goup should consist 4-6 people who

are adventureous, good-sense of humour and happy go lucky type. Its not gonna

happen soon but considering about going there next year. Its gonna be more like

holiday, fun and all other sorts of things that student does. But at the same

time to share our knowledge. I want to have 3 men and 3 woman, caucasions

ranging from different nationality. Come on people it will be fun just as going

to greece or spain. Anyone interested pelase email me personaly. Cheers.

sabbathmk1 - VIC

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This is indeed a very nice article that sheds light on the philosophy that lies

beyond the fierceful looking goddess. We all have the tendency to think and

commit evil to different degrees in life. Its easier to do that, than fight the

very evil motives, thoughts and tendencies within us. To truly enjoy happiness

and fine tune ourselves to a greater cause, we need to do what mother Kali did,

destroy all that which is evil within our very selves. Destroying individual

demonaic traits is sure way to embracing humanity and living in harmony with

mankind and nature. Jai Kali Ma! - AM

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Jai Maa Kali! Jai Maa Kali!

This article is invigorating, inspirational, and possesses a wealth of

information on the divine mother. - RJ (rj1234 (AT) aol (DOT) com)

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need a friend like you........ . Need a friends who can share with spritual things- ammu

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I have been always aware of MA KALI as being gentle and caring and that it is

our own fear of our selves that causes us to not see it (we're afraid to let

people see our softer side for fear of becoming a walk-over). I thank the

writers and researchers of this article for showing the beautiful & luving side

of MA so that we can all learn from this.- Agatha

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It is in MA'S gentleness that HER Strength is felt...SHE catches us 'flies' with


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Toussaint - I wasn't saying anything about jesus, I think he was a great

philosopher and must have been extremely couragous in the way he sacrificed his

life for others. However I am offended by Rick's comment about demons -Kali is a

murti which is completly different. I was also offended by it being the truth

whether believed it or not - who is he to judge and finally that jesus is the

ONLY way, what if mother teresa had been muslims? would she have not been

saved?- anon

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It is my belief that this has been one of the best websites I have encountered

regarding Kali... I truely appreciated the excerpts from Ramprasad's writing.-


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I would love to see modern depictions of kali. Flash/pop art/cyber: death,

destruction, chaos!- kaoself (kaoself_digital .au)

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If you are interested in learning more about Kali Ma, I strongly recommend

reading "The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna," by "M" (Mahendranath Gupta).

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was an Avatara (divine incarnation) and perhaps the

greatest devotee of our Mother, Kali.




- Hairakhan

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It is quite clear that you guys do not know much about meditation as well as the

history of cali. So if you are a seaker of the true spiritual path, and

interested in meditation you can ask me a "serious" question on my great free

hotmail account :)- laurentio

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Jai Kali Ma-Hail the Divine Mother of Immortal Bliss!! Jai Neem Karoli Baba!

Beautiful article. I was caught in rapture by your definition of the beloved

Mother of all creation. Jai Jai Ammachi!- jeff haley

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Review this article

Excellent - there are two sides (at least) to all of us - thanks for showing

Kali in all her aspects - especially the ones that we have been taught

carefully to ignore and suppress.

Kali at work again!- tigger

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Thiis was such a good description on KALI....but I would to ask Nikki Layne

where is she from..cause I am from Guyana in South America and my parents

sometimes call me Nikki..I was quite puzzled that while going through this site

I found someone with such a name..Nikki if you see this please atleast tell me

where you are from....- Nichelle Layne (nichelle_layne (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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jai ma!- Chandika (Cessbuddha (AT) aol (DOT) com)

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Modern poems for or about Kali to inspire your imagenation:

Funny Words

"Jesus fill me up" - funny words?

But they struck some intimate chords,

"All religions are basically same."

Doesn't this banality sound lame?

True they warship God with pleas

Groveling on their knees.

Their flattery untamed,

Insincerity buys prophets' fame.

Only one voice sounds true:

"Jesus fill me up" - was it you?

Growing old but feeling young,

Being young, but feeling old,

Her beauty streaming from her tongue,

He becomes her Christ, her Lord.

Son of God or son of a bitch,

What's the fucking difference -

Her ambition is to get rich!

Everything else is inference.

House of Rust

Waste away in the kingdom of day!

You, who flee tranquil night's drunken sway,

Like a sleazy dance instructor the night

Swings your searching soul left and right

Gelled hair, wrinkled vests, rouges of lust -

They are dancing Dandut in the House of Rust

Waste away in the kingdom of day,

Where smog from the jeeps paints gray

Schoolgirls lining up holding up their passes,

Soon they will know what's what,

And we will fill their glasses.


Your eyelashes look synthetic

Your hairdo looks pathetic

Your charm is a clowness' charm

Your heart beats like a drum

In the afternoon calm

Inside your velveteen head

A bothersome thought

A restless preacher

Beneath a dome of gold

Sun Lit by the Moon

Fermented woman's tears, the sweetest wine;

While man and woman is the sweetest rhyme,

The sweetest misdemeanor is to tease you

To get a million thrills for just a dime.

Your face is a stain glass profile of the Virgin

A passing ray will color it divine

A cloud veils the sun and you are crying.

The moon, like an inspired carver files

Joseph's shadow on the pale tiles.

Next to it you lie content and full -

A sun lit by the insomniac moon.

- Mr. Lev Kamensky

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In my tarot reading, the Goddess Kali keeps appearing, obviously great change is

about to occur on every level, I thought I'd find out about her more. The

article talked about men finding her and accepting her for what she is and what

she says, I thought that very interesting as more and more of the Sybilla comes

out in me, it seems to scare the pants off of the men that I know. It worries

me less now that I have read this article thank you very much- ki

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its very very nice!!!! - kanageswari (wildgal142002 .sg)

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ANON... Wasn't trying to impose anything on anyone... Just celebrating the kind

act that was from God to send his son to earth to instruct, which is what

Christ did. The Bible has been a book many times vilified, but in truth, it was

passed down to us, by people who cared and were concerneed for our welfare. I

don't take those actions of things lightly.

Christ offered eternal life, and for many souls on this planet, that is exactly

what he did.- Toussaint

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I am reading Rabindranath Tagore's play 'Sacrifice' which is to be presented

soon at the International Township of Auroville, Southern India, founded by The

Mother, Mirra Alfassa in collaboration with Sri Aurobindo in the 1960s.

Despite visiting Kali's temple in Mirzapur on the banks of the Ganges Ma last

year it hasn't occurred to me until just now, after reading your excellent

article on Mother Goddess as Kali - The Feminine Force in Indian Art, how

strongly related are the women who figure in the religions of this world. The

Judao, Christian, Islamic leaders were all brought up in the shade of the veil.

This is well documented and echoes the frenzied beat of the Mother's dance

symbolizing life and death like Little Snow White's step mother when she put on

the red hot shoes and danced until she dropped down dead.

- Roger

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Rick - i would also like to thankyou for your judgemental and closeminded

insight. I could also insult your faith with atleast half a page of ignorant,

mindless abuse, but chose to be open-minded, respectful and tolerant of other

peoples beliefs even if i do not agree. thanks once again.- anon

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I'm not sure why I'm here, but I intuit it has much to do with my present life

'studies.' I'm reading up on Jung and having a lot of difficulty with my anima

and Kali energy is helping to heal that. (I am a male.) She has been with me

for quite some time, so I wish to extend thanks to her energy for bringing me

here and counselling me with further insight into psychic energy.

Just a last thought, she has asked me to pass on a message, which is simply love

and revere your heart, your truest, most loving nature.- Toussaint Tuesday

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Rick- Thank you Rick for that beautiful, life affirming message. I don't believe

in demons, but I do believe that that energy is a warning of the state with

which our minds can become if we unwisely play with it. (It's primarily

trickster stuff you know.)

Marrun-I will pray for you. I know what that loneliness is like and how it

disempowers your spirit. Attend your church and keep trusting in the healing

love of God, his angels and his other devoted servants.- Toussaint Tuesday

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id like to say thanks cos this site has helped me with my project i have to do.

oh and to that deamon worshipper person or whateva what are u goin on about u

freak!!!!!!!- amy

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Last night I gave her an offering and in return she sent me to this site so that

I may know who I am. Thank You.- Magdelina

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I identify with the goddess Kali. She really is more powerful than we all can

conceive.- IvyCallie (IvyCallie (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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your a loser. find a guy who doesnt need to be tricked into loving you. waht if

someone tricked you into falling in love with a guy you didnt even really like

in reality?- kristie

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Wonderful explanation. Thank you.- Thanuja Sugumaran (ishwari29 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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Absolutely beautiful. I have been searching for such a wonderful vision of

perfection when it comes to any articles on Kali. I have painted and felt the

glorious mother herself but i was instructed to show her in blue. She is

magnificent and in my painting i wanted to show the world how i see her, loving

shakti but still show her fierce wild free spirit. I would like to know if you

would like to see my masterpeice, a trubute and the very visual essence of

Kali.?- Goddess Artsy (goddess_Artsy (AT) hotmail (DOT) com)

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demons may not be our freinds,... but there so motherf$#@ing cool though. do you

remember all those old motherf@%#ing heavy metal shirts like iron maden, and all

those other motherf%#$ing bands with all the motherf&%#$ing demons screeming and

stabing stuff all over it it. one word. awsome!!! almost as cool as the thugi

people in indiana jones and the temple of doom.- burl dean

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Demons are not your friends. They promise pleasure and deliver pain. Only Jesus

Christ is good for you. This is the truth whether you believe it or not- Rick

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TO ME TO lachica5 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com THANK YOU SO MUCH....LOVE U ALL!!!- Marrun

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hi.kali. hope your investigation into your name has given you food for thought.

i hope my daughter kali will thank me for the clue. - bobdog (godbob (AT) beer (DOT) com)

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Blessed Be

Mother Kali

Who Shall

avenge me !

- MioDrag (Miodrag (AT) valleyalley (DOT) co.uk)

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do you remember that time, on indiana jones and the temple of doom, where that

hindu preist dude was doing the hindu ceremony, and he pulled that dudes heart

out and it was still beating!!! that was F&$#ING AWESOME!!!- burl dean

(tiffanynaamer (AT) msn (DOT) com)

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Great page. I am a belly dancer, I always like to read about ancient myths and

Goddesses. Thank you.- Tania

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Wow is all I can say. Having been named Kali, though under different cultural

conditions, I must say I found the Mother's qualities curiously and

uncomfortably like mine. This is pure mystery!!!!- kali

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I found this boring ......... I need a myth for my report and no sites have

litterally a myth so I dunno but I get confused readin this stuff.... I'm only

14 that could be the problem though...- bob

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Kali is the goddess inspirational to anyone participating in radical

environmental direct action. Thank you, Mother!- Craig Stehr

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Wow!! I had always heard stories about my name but I am overwhelmed. My father

named me during a time when he was a "medium". Thank you for this article. -


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Hi! I am in college and take a class called "Female Heroes in Religion and Art"

We have to do a project pertaining to a heroic female or female figure, and I

have chosen Kali. If anyone could e-mail me some good sites or any information

I would greatly appreciate it.- Amanda Granger (vsuhickchick (AT) aol (DOT) com)

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in my ceramics class, we have to do sculptures of some god or goddess...

i choose to do Kali...

it wont be easy, but this is the only site that i have found that describes

Kali, and her appearance, and there is the art that shows how she looks...

thank you for these pictures :)- Billah

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Thank you for the super web-page about Kali.. A couple of days ago I had a

healing experience with a lady, and during the healing meditation Kali came.

Her energy was hot and strong and I had to hand back to her a basket of snakes,

which she took and she then gave me a gift of a huge python which entwined

itself around me and I then had to "absorb" it; after doing this I could feel

the serpent energy flowing through me and it was a wonderful experience.

Although I have an interest in Hindu mythology I didn't know much about Kali

and have been trawling the web for pictures and info. Having found your page I

was so thrilled by the information. Thanks and bless you.- Sue

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I have benn researching about Kali and it tells me what I am an the person I am

..My parents named me after Kali .

- Kali Crawford

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That was an excellent article as well as very interesting artwork, thank you

very much for posting it. I was doing a report on Kali for school and found

nothing until this site.- Eli

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When I grow up, I want to be a naked Killer; a dancer like Kali.- Akbar Khan

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this is so cool my name is kali and her description is almost identical 2 mine- kali

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I want to know about how to lift myself into a successful person again.- Anthony

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I have spent two days pouring over the review of Kali, I never knew anything

about her before, she is certainly an awesome goddess and am now truly hooked

into finding out more - Alison

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I LOVE this article! I am presently attempting to creat a sort of online temple

in honor of Kali and Krishna--this article contains wonderful information

concerning this volatile goddess. I would very mcuh like to use this

information in creating this temple. Namaste!- Ariel (brighid (AT) altavista (DOT) com)

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I am very interested in spritualism. Especially in Goddess Kali- shirley

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What a lovely article - it held me spell-bound. Thank you.- poornima

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For the followers of Tantra, Kali is supreme. She is Creator, Preserver and

Destroyer. One of the Tantra keys to life is the knowledge that the Goddess who

creates the universe and the Goddess who destroys it are one and the same. Sri

Ramakrishna wrote - "Maha-Kali, the Great Power, was one with Maha-Kala, the


What a wonderful tribute to the Mother Kali. Thanks for sharing the article and

artwork with me.- Nikki Layne

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An absolutely illuminating article which will inspire spirituality in both

devotees and non-devotees. For once the "Divine Mother" aspect was shown of

Mother Kali.- Devotee of the Mother

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A new light over Kali.Great!- anand

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Finally- Mother depicted as a loving deity and not someone to be feared.

Jai Kali Maa!!!- Vidya

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fascinating - thank you! Best email I've received all week!- Julie

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This was an excellent and well-written article. My favorite Hindu Goddess

remains after forty years, the beloved DURGA. Maybe you will do an article with

illustrations on DURGA at some point. Best wishes and may all good attend you,-


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Great art and article, thanks for sending it, blessings to you in Her holy name,- Cayce

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Thanks for sending me the information. I have painted Kali Ma, the Great Mother

Goddess, but my depiction is of Her before she was recreated by the Indian

overlay. My portrait is of Her as a Primal Force, one of the First Great Forces

that were instrumental in bringing humanity to the Earth. But your rendition is

interesting too.- Anonymous

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A clear and interesting exegesis.- Jim Singer

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