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Nabhi and meditation, soul talk

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This turned out to be a longer mail than I imagined, my soul suddenly spoke to

me half way through the email and I just kept on writing! I started pondering

about why sometime Breath of Fire feels too stimulating and some very intersting

things came up.


First, in regards to some of your points:


"I only do three excercises and it takes about 8 minutes or less.

Stretch pose for 3 mins., spinal flexes (108), and frog squats (26). The first

2 really 'set' me I feel. The important part on the stretch pose is, I believe,

consistency." - By consistency do you mean daily? It's easy to count to 26 for

the frog squats, but how do you manage to keep track of the sacred number 108,

and not lose the flow of experience in the movement? I lose track after about



"to keep a meditative mind, at least for me (rush hour traffic is the real

challenge). But where I've had success is taking the observing, labeling, and

witnessing from I learned in '1 minute breath' and use it during my day, IT

WORKS!" - What do you mean by the observing, labeling and witnessing in relation

to the 1 minute breath and your day?


"I still react sometimes but its a concious ego-choice when I do it, and I'm

completely aware when I do it (thats probably the most irritating part)." - Yep,

know that one. It's like your watching yourself on T.V.!


You mentioned a while ago, that you use/used to use folded towels to support

your back in Stretch Pose. Does this help you stay up longer? I think that

this is the problem for most people when they first attempt stretch pose, the

lower back can really strain. Where do you place the towels? The other reason

I tend to avoid it, even though I know it's good medicine, is that I used to get

bad neck strain too, any advice for that one?


"Check out the #1 meditation on bottom of pg 11, that looks helpful." - Do you

mean the one with Inhale, Mulbhand then exhale, with the focus on the navel? Do

you retain the breath after the inhale? The book doesn't mention a time, so

I'll give it a go for 11mins.




How does the Breath of Fire manifest as stimulating? I feel like it sometimes

over stimulates my mind and thoughts, my whole being really. Like it's

scratching away at something and I feel too delicate. It didn't always feel

like this. The first two years of my practice, I was almost in a meditative

state, completely calm while doing BOF. However, I'm going through some deep

transformations in my life, I have been for the last 1 and a half years, (

basically since Saturn has been in my Sun Sign Gemini, slowing down my preferred

air-quality tendancies.. and drilling me to look deeper and become more real and

conscious, purer).


I've reached this crossroads in my life, where the old has no attraction, and

I've been dabbling in the new for years, but haven't totally committed myself on

ALL levels. The anxiety that comes up is because I can't stand in the two worlds

any more, and I'm really starting to know it, and feel it. It's too hard to

straddle the old paradigm and the new. This is most likely a result of being so

far into my 31minute Kirtan Kriya. I know I have to consciously make a choice,

which at the moment I kind of equate with loneliness, since I seem to be the

only one near me who is completely soaked through to the bones with my burning

fire and passion for yoga and meditation and the love of all things divine. I

see so many others who dabble, but it's just a head thing, and I realize that

that's where they are, very necessarily on their path, but feel sad because I've

noone to connect with at this level. Not since I left the USA and my inspiring

teachers in PA, who live the teachings through and through.


Often when I do Breath of Fire, I feel like it's moving things deep down in my

being, perhaps sometimes too much. It can make me feel slightly anxious. As I'm

writing funnily enough, I'm having insights that I've not had before on this

subject. I'm thinking that the reason it can make me feel anxious, is because

it sometimes feels invasive. I know I'm holding on to something, I can't quite

let go into it all.

I feel like if I do, I'll fall, or go mad or something.


And when I do breath of fire it's like someone scratching at the bottom of a

dirty saucepan with a wire cloth, grabbing hold of my hand and telling me to

transform, purify, change. I think there's a little someone hiding in a corner,

who see's and understands alot, so much that at times, it's too much. The

glimpses of the way things could be, the power and brightness of our REAL

beings. I think it actually all quite scares me sometimes.


Basically I've reached a stage in my practice, where dabbling isn't enough, the

practice has to merge with every dimension of my life and being or it's not

complete. Like I said, old paradigm energy, leaves me feel very empty very

quickly, so why do we hold back? Strange. We pray and pray for change and

transformation, and when it comes knocking, suddenly the old way of being, seems

so comfortable, even though deep down we know, it doesn't really make us happy!


I guess this is what the transition between the ages of Pisces and Aquarius is

about. Out with the old, embrace the new. Shame, that at the moment, I'm only

peaking out from behind the curtain, to make sure all is safe, rather than

standing in my powerful, radiant being, bringing more light into our amazing

universe. I know I am, in my little way. Here and there, sharing, uplifting,



Wow it's funny what happens when you start writing sometimes, your soul just

spills onto the page.


In reference to the tightness in the diaphragm and stomach muscles that I

sometimes get you advised tp.."Do Savansana after your navel work." I always do

deep relaxation. I kind of feel like I need to strech out my diaphragm, but

don't know how to. Perhaps there is a type of massage that can help, funny how

it's usually the massage therapists, that are most in need of massage


I'm wondering if there isn't a connection between everything I just mentioned

above, and the diaphragm / stomach tightness when breathing, me thinks perhaps!


May we ALL realize and experience our ONEness....

Sat Nam

Krishan Shiva Kaur



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Dear Krishan Shiva Kaur,



'. I know I have to consciously make a choice, which at the moment I

kind of equate with loneliness, since I seem to be the only one near me

who is completely soaked through to the bones with my burning fire and

passion for yoga and meditation and the love of all things divine'


I have found in my own life that while the company of like minded friends

is a great treasure, there comes the time when we all have to walk alone

on the path to the Divine. When you need the company of friends they

will come knocking on your door, but it's wise to accept the essential

lonelisness of the path to the Divine. We need to rely on the Divine

Source and not on other humans, as it is about personal transformation.

At the end the rewards are great.


Love and blessings,

Avtar K.




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This post started out simply to let you know that you are not alone

in your spiritual quest/growth. But I, like you, ended up writing

much more than I had originally intended.


You are not alone in your search. I think there are many people who

feel as you do, but you may not realize it or know them. I,

personally, can relate to what you are saying.


While I'm not nearly as far along in my study of yoga/meditation, I

have been 'dabbling' into spiritual matters for a few years now.

Basically re-evaluating (and questionning) a lot of what I grew up

with. For some reason, this search has really intensified for me

lately (past 6-8 months). I stumbled on to KY purely by accident. And

have thrown myself into it as much as I can, without sacrificing time

with my family or job responsibilities. I've been voraciously reading

numerous books on spirituality (both eastern and western). Although I

am married, my husband is not nearly 'as adventerous' as I. He is

not interested in being exposed to any other type of religion/belief

beyond his own (he's christian).


My mother and other family members have always considered me somewhat

esoteric. So they'll make jokes (usually about meditating). I don't

mind the jokes at all. I know they are not trying to hurt me, joking

around is just something that my family does with each other.

However, I need to have a serious conversation regarding spirituality

with my mother soon. She's been 'hinting' at the fact that I should

be attending church regularly, with my children. And from her

perspective, I agree with her. However, I'm not convinced that

attending church is what I personally need right now. She feels

strongly that she needs to attend church. There is a noticable

difference in her when she does. I recognize that and respect her for

that. She's doing what her soul needs her to do. And I think that's



I've attended church many times since childhood, and I have never

really felt a sense of fullfilment or change or connection during or

afterwards. I have a different viewpoint of church (and probably most

organized religous services). I believe that all religions are

essentially teaching (or perhaps more appropriately 'preaching') the

same concept: unconditional love. This one concept has numerous ways

in which to manifest that one lesson, including: service to others,

respect for individuals, kindness, etc. All of these concepts are

simply ways of explaining how to live that one concept. I think

church is great to teach/explain this concept, as well as provide

guidelines for how to live this concept. However, I feel deeply that

once the concept is understood, it should be practiced. Attending

church is not going to allow me to live in unconditional love. That

is something that is an on-going effort on my part and a key factor

in my soul development. It is only going to be achieved, I feel, if I

can apply this lesson in my daily activities. And I fail in this

area more than I succeed, I'm sad to say. However, I'm making

conscious efforts to do so. And I have seen significant progress for

me in the past few months in this area. I think KY has really been a

big help to me in realizing this and living it. I feel more

spiritually in tune when I meditate and aftewards than I have ever

felt in attending a church service. In fact, I feel more connected

and at peace with myself most of the time. That's a feeling I've

never had before. And I'm anxious to expand that feeling as I



But my mother does not have quite the same viewpoint of religions as

I do. I understand what she is telling me, but I don't feel I'm on

the same path that she is. This list is the only place I've found

with like-minded individuals where I can ask questions and share

experiences and get responses that are sincere, advice that assists

me on my way, and a sense of connection with others who are along the

same path (but perhaps different places along that path) as I am.


So hopefully you will not feel so alone in your journey now. I, for

one, am always hear to listen/talk when you need to. Although I won't

be able to contribute much regarding yoga advice. I'll leave that to

the other more experienced people on this list. ;)


Sat Nam



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Thank you for sharing this post :-)


I have felt exactly the way you have felt, where it would be more

comfortable to turn back on your path to dicovering yourself and

understanding the world around you. That moving 'forward' (if there's

even a direction) could make you go mad. Although, I have felt this not

through yoga or meditation, but through intense bouts of introversion

(maybe this is not unlike meditation? I guess I'll find out!)


I have come to a sort of crossroads where analizing and experiencing my

mind and the abstract can only take you so far. I realize now that I

need to experience the connection between my mind and my body. I'm

hoping that yoga and meditation will help me do this. I don't want to

get too off-subject, but I went to a meditation/healing circle a while

back. The woman who was leading it sort of took us on a journey through

our chakras. At the end she said 'Welcome home'. I'm not sure if my

interpretation of this is on par with what she meant, but over the last

several months I've thought a great deal about this phrase and how it

relates to my desire to connect my mind and my body. It actually makes

me feel wonderful to think that my body is the house of my soul. It

makes me feel like a whole person and I can open my heart up more to

myself. The more I love myself, the less alone I feel. Not to mention

the easier it is to love and try to understand others. So, I guess my

point (hopefully not being too presumptuous) is that I hope you will

find this love and trust yourself to move forward and discover!





PS-- Thanks for the suggested starting point Brad -- I'll definitely

check it out!

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