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Could you resend the 2 Yoga Manual introductions you posted?

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Dear Brad,


Can you please send me or repost the quotations from the 2 yoga manuals you

referred to a day or 2 ago?


The 2 postings spoke about the 2 aspects of "watching" and "discarding

everything to remain as the infinite".


As the Watcher is the Universal Being/Consciousness (Sat/Chit), for someone

practicing yoga to put aside the mind to watch the posture, movement, breathing

and sound of the Yoga sets,kriyas and meditations is to immediately link True

Seer to the flow of prana generated in the sets, suffuse the affected areas with

the True Light, and draw the limited identity/awareness from the attention to

the sensations of the body and impressions of the mind back into their

substratum. The effect is that the body becomes light as though transparent and

consciousness is felt to be pervasive not just limited to the body field.


With the discarding of attention, there is a sudden dissolution of the mind

altogether, where even the sense of pervasive consciousness dissolves. The

sense of "I" in identity to thoughts, images and sensations, even the sensation

of the flows of prana and shakti becomes sucked into a Singularity in the heart,

which pulses in the major vagus nerve between the synod or pacemaker of the

heart and the crown in the brain (Gurucharan's KRI Yoga Manual calls it the Ik

Tar [One Star] and the pulsing the soundless sound of Anahat). The substratum

of Being and Light inundates one's vision from within and only Self remains

abiding singly as Self ... unconditioned, unborn, without time or space with out

ideas of limit or no limit finite or infinite.


While the ability to apply awareness, to watch, to link seeing singly to images,

is relatively easy, especially with the practice of Kundalini Yoga, where the

energy vibration naturally rises above the frequency of thinking and into

intuitive consciousness, the ability (or Shakti) to discard attention remains

only with the True Being Itself.


As the mind becomes pure there is a reflection in the mind of the satvic

essence, the single pervasive awareness - the seer. At that time, with the

slightest mention of the Truth of one's being, the Self "hears" (sunia, sravana)

It's Name and awakens. With this awakening, a transformation of consciousness

emerges, and the mind becomes transfixed in the Absolute and abides as That with

a radical force.


It's like a recollection out of an amnesia or coming out of a stupor. The

clarity of the experience is so strong and deep that one feels as though one is

standing in a Singularity with Light streaming everywhere released from the

dissolution of trapped images, thoughts and impressions of one's identity, from

the surface to the depths, while the infinite core pulses "I as I" - Light seems

to stream from behind every atom of the body.


Neither of these experiences is limited to time or activity of the body and

mind, active or inactive, practicing yoga, meditations or involved in other

activities or no activities.


The experience of watching evolves into chit/ananda as though one was witnessing

the moment by moment emergence of creation and the flow of beauty - a state of

beatitude. The body seems to be caught into a pillar of upward streaming light.


The experience of hearing, discarding and abiding is the sudden and radical

awakening of one's True Identity, True Name as sat/chit - one abides in the

Dissolution, near and far, time and space, having become entirely meaningless.


All this happens by itself when one can hear the words of the Saints and

Saviors. Through watching the flow of awareness becomes linked to It's core and

the mind becomes pure, with hearing the mind dissolves and the Self abides as

Itself, beyond .... everything, as the substratum of Being a Light in which we

all and the universe in all its dimensions appears - undifferentiated.







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