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miriad of sparkling atoms

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I've been hesitant in sharing this hoping I would see it mentioned by someone

else. Some of you have talked about light but not in specifics.


Several weeks ago, while meditating I felt a not unpleasant tingleling

sensation going up my feet, then my legs. Thinking my legs might be going to

sleep I decided to ignore it. The sensation continued up my torso....at which

point I looked down and found myself sitting in a tornado like, whirling

funnel, with my lower self dematerializing into a miriad of sparkling atoms. I

sat and watched in wonderment and fascination as the tingeling sensation crept

upward turning my physical self into evermore luminous, sparkling atoms. When

it reached my ribs I became slightly concerned and wondered how it would effect

my breathing. With that thought - Everything ceased instantly.


I'ld like to know what would have happened had I not been afraid. -- I'ld like

to know what I should have done, --how to go back to that state, and --what it

was. ---




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Sat Nam Ruth or John (?)

I have experienced a similar sensation to what you are describing,

but I'm not sure it was the same thing. What I have experienced, is

an energy 'rush' soon after I began to practice KY. I was meditating,

and a rush of energy (it almost felt like a flood of water, but it

was tingling like you are describing) come through the bottom of my

feet and pulsed up both of my legs until it got to the sacrum and

stopped. My entire body felt tingly afterwards. I was also very hot

and broke out into a sweat. But I never opened my eyes during that

time, I kept them closed but was conscious of the sensations. So I

don't know if it 'looked' like what you are describing or not, but

that's the closest that I personally have come to what you have



I'm sure there are others on the board who have a better

understanding and explaination of what you have experienced.



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Sat Nam,


I sat and watched in wonderment and fascination as the tingeling sensation

crept upward turning my physical self into evermore luminous, sparkling



Being present and the observer is essential


When it reached my ribs I became slightly concerned and wondered how it

would effect my breathing. With that thought - Everything ceased



THere you have it. When the mind gets mixed in, it stops. This is why we

keep emphasizing to be with the experience and not try to explain it,

analyze it, figure it out etc.



> I'ld like to know what would have happened had I not been afraid. -- I'ld

like to know what I should have done,


Simply BE with what is happening.


--how to go back to that state,


Humm. Can't program these things. They just appear as they appear. Stay

conscious, in a loving, relaxed, allowing and aware state.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Re: miriad of sparkling atoms


> I have experienced

> an energy 'rush (it almost felt like a flood of water, but it

> was tingling like you are describing) come through the bottom of my

> feet and pulsed up both of my legs . My entire body felt tingly

afterwards. I was also very hot.


Christa, thank you for sharing. -

There was no heat involved for me, just the tingeling sensation, utter peace

and love for all there is, wonderment and fascination with what was going

on. I could see the room through the vortex of what appeared like whirling

dustparticles, and saw the brilliance of atoms where my lower physical self

should be, as it approached my rib area and I became concerned how it was to

effect my breathing with my lungs about to dematerialize (for want of a

better word) There it ended. ----Ruth

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"Gururattan K.Khalsa" <rattanak


Tuesday, June 25, 2002 2:41 PM

Re: miriad of sparkling atoms



> Being present and the observer is essential


> Humm. Can't program these things. They just appear as they appear. Stay

> conscious, in a loving, relaxed, allowing and aware state.


Sat Nam, Gururattan Kaur,

Thank you, You've triggered in me what led up to this.

..... I began my meditation thanking God for his love, the beauty of his

magnificant creations throughout the cosmos and conciously opened my heart

to all there is. ......(loving)

then basically stayed concious, aware, and relaxed (up to a point)

I haven't done the first part since, being too concerned with all there is

to learn. It is all quite new to me I'm grateful for your on-line

training lessons and your books.

Sat Nam, Ruth

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Dear Ruth,



You've triggered in me what led up to this.

.... I began my meditation thanking God for his love, the beauty of his

magnificant creations throughout the cosmos and conciously opened my heart

> to all there is. ......(loving) then basically stayed concious, aware,

and relaxed (up to a point)


Great. This is the beginning, middle and ending point.


> I haven't done the first part since, being too concerned with all there is

to learn.


Oh that curious mind. One day it will be so curious to connect with the

infinite and explore the unknown that it will go back to part one.


It is all quite new to me I'm grateful for your on-line

> training lessons and your books.


You are most welcome.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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