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burning palms

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"while reading this message about burning palms etc."


I am very sorry I missed the info on burning palms. I have a former

sculpture professor who took a year off from teaching and his palms

have been on fire, they blistered horribly and have been peeling for

months now! He has been to medical professionals, it is not caused by

a pathogen. There does not seem to be any scientific reason for this.

What from a KY perspective is going on with burning palms?


Devinderjit Kaur

aka Peggy Sue

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We have minor chakra in the center of our palms and in the center of the

ball of our feet. When I do Tai Chi or qi gong exercises or do healing work

with my hands, the center of my plams become white. They don't burn, but I

can feel energy emiting from there and the tips of my fingers. I

personally think it is the hand chakra, but I don't know the authoratative

answer. The sculptutor uses his hands not only physically, but his

attention is also concentrated on his hands. Possibly there is a

concentration of energy there. I don't know about the blistering.


Does he have burning in other upper parts of his body? Especially the upper

body would be significant. As we have been discussing in other messages, it

is possible to send the qi (prana, energy) down. Similar to getting a

headache from sending too much energy to the head, he may be sending too

much energy to his hands. If he can learn to ground that energy and to

circulate it, he may feel better. He can do that by cooridinating the

breath and body awareness. Send the awareness to the hands, emitting energy

as he breathes in or out and then bring it back up the arms and then down

the spine with the out or in breath. Also, I would think that nabi Kriya

would help to strengthen the energy to pull the energy down. I am just

guessing from my personal experience.


Sat Nam Gian

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Dear Peggy Sue,


At 10:57 AM 8/2/2002, you wrote:

>"while reading this message about burning palms etc."


>I am very sorry I missed the info on burning palms. I have a former

>sculpture professor who took a year off from teaching and his palms

>have been on fire, they blistered horribly and have been peeling for

>months now! He has been to medical professionals, it is not caused by

>a pathogen. There does not seem to be any scientific reason for this.

>What from a KY perspective is going on with burning palms?


One of my colleagues experienced something like this several years ago. He

was working with a method, which he had developed, for making the ORMUS

materials. The ORMUS materials are the precious metal elements in a form

which can be thought of as being half way between spirit and matter. Hindu

alchemists made ORMUS mercury but Western alchemists generally preferred to

work with gold and silver.


This colleague was responding to a question from another colleague. The

relevant portion of this dialogue follows:


>>>Are you taking any of your product yet?

>Yes. I take a combo of the new batch, older batches. It varies.

>I take between 20 and 40 mls/day.

>I am very sensitive to energy changes in my body. Been meditating for

>years. I hear the sound. The stuff makes the sound louder in my head.

>I initially feel a stronger energy rush in my chakras, right after

>ingesting it. (Particularly the heart and 3rd chakra and 3rd eye chakra.

>Those three. Other than that, i cannot say i have been feeling much

>different taking this stuff. Except for one thing... When i close my

>eyes, i feel like i am rushing or falling into a vortex... falling down

>a deep space into an energy vortex. I like the feeling... almost as if i

>am being shuttled. Now that i think of it, perhaps this is quite a

>significant effect (although i have experienced this before in my life)

>Perhaps i should take more...

>Or maybe, since this is only "our mercury" that we're making, it is not

>philosophically desirable or beneficial until maybe the elixir or PS

>stone. Or the white oil stage. How is that made?


I don't think this is "our mercury". I'm convinced it is Red Gold or First

Stone, but I hope you'll study this and come to your own conclusion.


The Red Gold has the same effects on me as you mention above, but I have

had some difficulty with it. For a long time it caused such a tremendous

energy flow that my head got hot and my ears turned blood red. Very

uncomfortable. I had to immerse myself in water to remove the excess. Now

I have discovered a switch in the base of my brain that allows me to divert

the excess flow into my vagus system so it is absorbed by my stomach and

radiated from my hands. The stomach part may lead to the possibility of

absorbing this energy as food and I'm studying now the diversion into my

lungs. When I divert to my lungs, I can hold my breath 25% longer (under

water). Very interesting.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>end of quote<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


It sounds like this gentleman was experiencing a similar situation to that

of your friend except that he diverted the kundalini flow from his head to

his hands while your professor might want to divert it from his hands to

his head. I belive that for my friend the blockage was in his sixth or

seventh chakra and he temporarily shunted the extra kundalini energy to his

hands by closing off his throat chakra.


Since your professor's hands are already too hot, the blockage, in his

case, may be the throat chakra. Others on this list may be aware of

techniques to open the throat chakra but your friend may wish to go slowly

as there may be some blockage in the two higher chakras.


The colleague who wrote the passage above made the alchemical oil of

various metals and intuitively determined which of these ORMUS elements was

associated with the opening of which chakra. I have put this information on

a web page with other chakra information. This web page is at:




Read the "M-state" column for the association of the ORMUS elements to

their respective chakras.




With kindest regards,


Barry Carter


2319 Balm

Baker City, Oregon 97814

Phone: 541-523-3357

Web Pages:

Forest - http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/bmnfa/index.htm

ORMUS - http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/whatisit.htm


"The heart always brings new life to any situation and opens up

possibilities that would have been impossible without it. Sometimes a 1

percent change is enough to make all the difference, because that's all it

takes to reposition a situation which seems to be absolute and to

demonstrate that it actually is a relativity. Only God is absolute. All

else is relative. That's why a man who judges becomes imprisoned within the

deadlocks of his mind."

--From "Love Without End - Jesus Speaks" by Glenda Green

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My palms too, generally be hot, even in winter and

chilly days.


Sometimes it is so hot that I could feel it and in

such times my body is warmer than it was normally.


Is there any cause for concern



Warm regards






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Sat Nam,


The hands are an extension of the heart chakra. So working with the heart

chakra could be useful. Energy in the hands can be used for healing others

and oneself. Perhaps hands on the heart would help heal wounds in the

heart, especially anger. This could be proceeded by running in place,

punching to release anger and then placing the hands on the heart and

nurturing oneself with this energy and love.


SAt Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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A few weeks ago, someone addressed the problem

of carpel tunnel syndrome, and I had writted up

some response regarding this with my experience

with the hands getting warm and how I dealt with it.

I am mailing the same info below.

There were some mails from others regarding hand

exercises and similar stuff. I think those might help



I have another suggestion this time. Dip your hands

in salt water ( the water should be made using

sea salt and should taste quite salty --

about a handful of salt in a bucket of cool water ).

The science behind this is salt removes the excess

heat or latent heat from any substance. After about 5

mins of dipping in

salt water, rinse the hands with plain water.

You can do this as often as you get your palms to

become hot. This is an excellent technique to remove

excess body heat and you can also try a similar

salt water bath.




Earlier Posting on Jul 4



Additionally, it might help to rest the wrists on the

desk and cup the

palms( so that there is air gap between the center of

the palms and

the keyboard), and

use the finger tips to type gently whenever necessary.


not rest the palms and the finger tips on the keyboard

for a considerably

lengthy period of time. This blocks the minor chakras

at the finger tips

and at the center of the palms, resulting in blocked

and(or) inadequate

energy circulation ( and, maybe blood circulation


The key, I guess, is to be aware of the sensations

around your hands

and to keep lifting the hands periodically off the

keyboard. This helps in

keeping the hands airy and cool, such that the skin

and the chakras on

the hands can breathe well.


A few years ago, I had this problem of feeling the

hands to be a little

too warm and quite weak all the time. It was while

learning to heal

by taking in the air prana through the hands during

a course on Pranic healing that I felt my hands

becoming more cool

and strong. I subsequently realized that I might have

been blocking out

the chakras on my hands by placing them flat on the

keyboard for most of the

time, and this could have caused my palms to become

quite hot. I tried

the above idea while using computers, and, since then,


have always felt my palms and hands to be cool and








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