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OFF TOPIC - Whales & low frequency SONAR; a call to ACTION

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Hi to All


This was in my mailbox this morning - I feel it is something that we need to

react to. I would also remind everyone that any such messages should be run

by me and not sent directly to the list. Please do not reply to this

message - if you feel strongly about this issue go to the links suggested

and lobby the people responsible.


Sat Nam!




"Siri Khalsa" <info




> World Network of Prayer and Positive Consciousness


> Tuesday, August 13, 2002




> On July 16 the US Navy got permission to go ahead with tests for using

> low frequency sonar in our oceans. The tests have begun. The

> high-powered submarine detection system will operate at noise levels

> billions of times more intense than those known to disturb the migration

> and communication of large whales. It has been known by scientists and

> the US Navy as well, that these tests injure marine life, including

> causing internal hemorrhaging.


> . On Saturday 60 killer whales beached themselves off Australia.


> . A few days later it was reported that hundreds of Giant squid had

> beached themselves along the Californian coastline along with unusual

> numbers of (harmless)leopard sharks coming in close to shore

> disorientated.


> . Twelve manatees have also been reported to have died on the Florida

> coast.


> . Now it is reported that another 60 pilot whales have beached

> themselves off Cape Cod.




> All of this within a week of the Navy's go ahead to use this low

> frequency sonar, Coincidence? We think not.




> The sonar is equivalent in decibels to us standing next to a rocket

> being launched. It causes brain hemorrhaging & disorientation to

> cetaceans and other marine life. There are innumerable accounts of how

> dolphins and whales have helped us in life threatening situations...Now

> it is time for us to help them.




> What can we do ? We can take very quick, very simple and very important

> actions !


> 1.Send a letter (already written for you, although you may amend it as

> you like) to Hon. Gordon R. England, Secretary of the Navy at

> http://www.nrdcaction.org/index.asp?step=2&item=1291


> 2.You do not need to be a member of NRDC to send this letter. Takes 3

> minutes or less.


> 3.Register your opinion on a petition at

> http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/129527570


> 4.This takes 3 minutes or less.


> 5.Also, one of the most positive forms of action we can take is positive

> group consciousness or Prayer. The Ancients left us detailed

> information, found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, that for many years were

> kept hidden. This information is about the Power of Prayer.




> The power of the prayer is found in a force that cannot be spoken or

> transmitted as the written word, but is the "feelings" that the prayers

> words evoke within us. Feeling is the prayer! To change the conditions

> of our outer world, we must actually become the conditions of our desire

> from within. Put simply to bring Peace to our world we must become

> Peace. The "secret" to this lost mode of prayer or consciousness is to

> "imagine that it has already happened" and that our prayers have been

> answered.




> In 1998 a mass prayer was implemented on a worldwide basis, as a choice

> of Peace, through the use of the World Wide Web. The mass prayer was

> carefully synchronized. During the prayer, an event occurred that many

> consider a miracle. A US military attack on Iraq was aborted (following

> months of unsuccessful negotiations).




> On Sundays at 9.30am Pacific Standard Time (west coast USA), 12.30pm

> East Coast USA,5.30pm UK -A World Network of Prayer and Positive

> Consciousness is coming together for the manifestation of Peace, for the

> Oceans, the Earth and all her inhabitants. We can effectively change the

> course of our future, we have been given a choice. Think Peace! And act

> accordingly! Please pass this on!



> Much Love, Many Blessings, Infinite Gratitude

> Guru Singh

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Our world is headed for catastrophe, we need to stop these idiot men, who

are in charge of all this pollution, now they are not happy only

polluting the earth but the oceans too...

I am so fed up with our leaders, can't anyone do anything, why do these

idiots have so much power...

We need women balance here, it's the men in charge who are causing all

the problems and it will get worse.

We had a beaching on the Cape here and in spite of some good souls

helping them out to sea, they came back and died....

We are also headed for World War III unless we can make good men who are

peace-makers instead of peace-breakers...

We need to give women their rightful place and so far all I see is women

treated like second-hand citizens not only in other places but here,...

Domestic abuse is alive and healthy and so is rape and killings...

Let's all the good men get together with the good women and make it work,

we need a revolution now...

We now set over 64 new heat records in this USA this day, the idiots are

changing our weather and all the Earth is heating up, yet I hear nothing

about big changes coming along, let's stop it, what do you say?

I am fed up with it all.

Deanna on West Island Massachusetts.


~To give of oneself; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a

healthy child, a garden patch, or a

redeemed social condition...to know even one life has breathed easier

because you have lived~~that

is to have succeeded. -Ralph Waldo Emerson There is no independence,

we are all inter-connected.

Read "The Pleasure Principle" - Dr. Paul Pearsall A ta santa!

@( ~ ~)@ & Nizhoni-Tipsoo

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Interestingly enough there is a kundalini yoga tie-in, re: prayer. There is a

comment attached to one of the sets/meditations in one of GKK's

books that refers to this teaching, which was the tradition in the middle east.

That is to affirm/visualise what it is you are praying for until

you can feel it as reality, then hold and project the feeling for as long as you



Anyone who thinks the world is just fine in respect to its consciousness and

there is not a big big need for people of consciousness, spiritual

people who can walk their talk, just needs to look at these kinds of things to

see how important it is to talk and give a teaching or a blessing

or prayer every opportunity you get.


Seva Simran

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Nothing is going to change until the conscousness of the world changes. The

patriarchy running things in the world isn't changing because in some

cases it has no idea what to do and in other situations it doesn't want to give

up its power and in other cases it is still, believe it or not, in

denial. Ecology is indeed a feminine proposition, but entropy is just reality

and entropy leads to chaos and destruction. If everyone in the world

starts talking about entropy, that is, what is created when we don't do what has

to be done, then maybe the world will start getting it.


Seva Simran

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The purpose in life is to act, elevate and spread the truth with

understanding,wisdom and courage. There are leaders and followers. We need to

support our leaders and educate our followers.Which one are you? Don't

forget... God is watching.Find your role and fulfil it

sir khalsa




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