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Sat Nam everyone, lurkers included. I'm a lurker and I'm proud of it! I've

been reading the postings since I d a few weeks ago and I really

look forward to receiving them. At first I was sceptical (remember the

scientist in me from my intro posting?) but I've taken up KY on a limited

basis, for example I've been doing the spinal set virtually every day now.

I've started throwing in a few other things such as Sat Kriya but I'm yet to

convince myself I'm doing it correctly. Notwithstanding the breathing bit, I

have always been uncomfortable after just a few minutes on my heels but I'll

just have to work at that.


Some feedback, (without favouritism) firstly, I really love your website

gayathri, it's nice to see real pictures and not just diagrams. Whilst I

know from hatha yoga the asanas cited, you've inspired me with the

variations of the plough (sorry folks, English speller here!), so keep up

the good work. I'm impressed with your progess Christa and that too, along

with other's including Brad's and Gururattan Kaur's regular contributions

have inspired me to work harder than I have thus far. Gururattan, I've

ordered your book "Transitions to ..." from the London branch and I'm

looking forward to reading it. Meantime, I'd be very grateful if you could

suggest specific KY practise for me in the morning for about 3/4 hrs worth.

At the moment I do Sat Kriya am before a concentration meditation for around

25 mins and my spinal sets are done in the evening. I will make more time in

the morning but there seem to be soooo many things on offer that I'm a bit

confused and I'm flitting about from one thing to another.


Today I feel most chilled, can't say why specifically but despite some bad

news last week I still feel what I can only describe as weirdly happy. I

suspect the bad news probably relates to me sorting out the contradictory

things within myself such as working more on my KY and not indulging in the

bit of smoking I did and alcohol. I guess I'll find that out only by



I'm on a two week business trip to the U.S. starting this Saturday and I've

checked out the KY teachers in New York. You may all laugh but I don't know

NY at all, except that I'm staying around Times Square for the long weekend

before business. That's on Manhattan right? I've never been to a KY lesson

and the UK teachers are all in London area bar one who's still around 150

miles from my region near Manchester. I've not seen any teachers listed in

Manhattan but maybe someone can correct me or send me in the right

direction, I don't mind travelling to anywhere that's recommended. Is it far

from the rest of NY? Should I just go to Sat Jivan Singh/Sat Jivan Kaur? I

want to get to (at the very least) one class so that I can get first hand

flavour of KY, join in with what I believe to be such a communal activity

and to ensure what bits I do practice aren't wrong.


One last thing, my thoughts and prayers go out to you Paula in your time of

distress. To expound on earlier questions, In my somewhat limited

understanding, reiki is directly interlinked with KY, it's just a different

methodology. Prana/chi/ki are all describing the universal life energy and

they are just different labels/languages. Prana is Indian, hence pranayama

etc, chi is chinese, hence hence t'ai chi which I practise and is also good

for healing. We've all heard of acupuncture and these last two deal with

manipulating and freeing blocked chi, either through the exercises or by the

insertion needles into meridians through which the life energy flows. Then

there's ki, hence rei-ki, same stuff, just a different language, Japanese,

which uses other techniques such as hands on to bring positive changes.


There are plenty of books out there on t'ai chi which I can recommend if you

wish but it sounds like you've enough to read in KY. So, we can all make a

contribution to your healing, whatever technique we use.


Keep the faith.






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Sat Nam Matt!


I'm glad to hear you are enjoying ky and already appear to be reaping

some benefits (happy feeling).


I'm glad you are motivated by this list. The people here have been a

great support for me as well. As for classes in NY. Ravi Singh offers

classes there. I've only been to NY a few times (and always on

business). I'm familiar with Time Square, but don't know where Ravi's

courses are offered in relationship to that. However, here's a link

to his website: www.raviyoga.com


He has an 800 number that you can use to call and get directions. Not

sure the number works outside the US though, so you may want to wait

until you get into NY. His website has class schedules as well. I've

never attended one of his classes, but I did buy and use a video he

put out that I thought was pretty good. I believe that the 3HO

website also allows you to search for instructors by city. You may

want to try that too if Ravi isn't near you. Hope that helps!


Hope you have a safe trip over and back!



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Oh yeah, I almost forget. You mentioned questions regarding Sat Kriya

and breathing. I'm now beginning to think that 'getting' the

breathing with that one is a form of initiation into ky. I (still)

have problems with that one as well. I posted a question on that very

subject awhile back. I got a bunch of really good responses. They

helped me a lot, but I still feel a bit awkward. I figure my 'final'

exam for myself will be successfully doing Sat Kriya and BoF! ;-)


Search the archives on that and see if any of those help you out. I'm

sure being one-on-one with Ravi (if you can make one of his classes)

will help you leaps and bounds in that area. I'm pretty convinced

that I need to attend a class myself in order to work out my problems

with those.


Good Luck!



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Dear Matt,


Sounds like you've caught the "KY Bug!" This is probably an interesting and

special time to visit NY City. And yes, most everything is in Manhattan -- the

Island! I sincerely hope you enjoy your visit and I wish you the best luck in

all of your "transportation requirements"...LOL!


Regarding the Sat Kriya: I have joint problems (notice I didn't say the "A"

word) and have trouble sitting in any position for any length of time,

especially on my heels. It's actually my knees that seem to give me the

problems there, so I don't know if that's where you are uncomfortable, but you

can also do this kriya in between your legs. Open your heels and sit in

between. Actually that doesn't help me much, but it may help you. I'm building

up the time sitting on my heels and I even have a hard time holding my arms

above my head, again -- I'm workin' on it!


I seem to be having some success with turmeric, speaking of joints. My

instructor told me about the Golden Milk and I also put turmeric in eggs and

anything else I can. Turmeric is excellent for joints and in fact, comes in

capsules in the health food stores.


Sat Nam!








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Dear Matt,


> ordered your book "Transitions to ..." from the London branch and I'm

> looking forward to reading it. Meantime, I'd be very grateful if you could

> suggest specific KY practise for me in the morning for about 3/4 hrs



Once you get the book. Pick what you like and adjust the times downward

proportionally for each exercise in the set to fit your time frame.


Try all 3 yoga centers if you have a chance.


SAT Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Sat Nam all! Thanks for your feedback and well-wishing re: my last email.

I'm pleased to say I've just spoken to Sat Jivan Kaur at Kundalini Yoga East

and I'm going to two sessions next Sun and Mon, the timing of the lessons

there compared to the other sites I've looked at seem perfect. Hopefully the

jet-lag won't get to me too much. I'm rather excited now; should be getting

at least my breathing sorted out once and for all.


Hety, regarding my discomfort, thankfully whilst I don't have any particular

problems with my joints, I do get a bit of pain in my ankle joints when I'm

sitting on my feet 'cos they're angled flat and they're also uncomfortable

on the tops even though I'm on a soft surface. I've even been outside on my

nice soft back lawn for most of the past week's evenings doing my spinal

flex set despite living near Manchester. For the benefit of those who don't

know, it's the wettest city in England, I don't come from here originally

and I don't mind bemoaning the atrocious weather! I digress; whinging, I'll

carry on.....so, I don't think turmeric (which my Mum's just bought to

hopefully help her arthritis) is needed, just practise, practise practise.


On the subject of tattoos, I had one done some years ago. To put a

scientific perspective on this, (I'm a chemistry graduate) without speaking

to the dye suppliers to get full details, I'd be very surprised if these

contained any metals and they certainly wouldn't be elemental eg finely

powdered metal and potentially interfere with MRI. Some early colours were

based on metal compounds like chromium but most dyes these days are based on

organic compounds. Please don't get confused with the term "organic" like in

food, organic in chemistry just means carbon-containing compounds. Anyway, I

wouldn't suspect any toxicological implications of having a tat, but it is a

bit painful, the worst bit is doing the outline in black. I would also think

having one done at the base of the spine would be pretty uncomfortable as

it's a sensitive area. I think the majority of tattooists are acutely aware

of transmittance of nasties through needles and take appropriate

precautions. I'm not trying to sway you one way or another, just to provide

a bit of science here. As has been said, teach not preach. Can't comment on

the aura bit, so Amanda, you pay your money, you take your choice as they

say! Oh, BTW, tooth fillings are based on metal unless you pay for the white

polymer ones. The conventional ones are mercury amalgams ie mercury combined

with other metal/s. This potentially opens a whole new topic on mercury (Hg)

but I won't go there unless someone wants to and it's not KY. Here endeth

the science spot!







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