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meditation/dream images

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I know we had some posts a month or so ago about ky affecting dreams.

I'm curious though, has anyone noticed the intensity or realism of

dreams increasing, not just content changes? Also, not just in

dreams, but during meditation as well.


What I'm noticing, is that in addition to more frequent spiritual

dreams, which I never had before, my dreams sometimes feel very real.

And lately, I get similar realistic images during meditation. My mind

still wanders, but it is improving (I keep telling myself 'baby

steps'). But before, when it wandered, I would get thoughts coming up

and knew them to be thoughts. They were annoying, but not necessarily

distracting. I have been improving my ability to 'watch' them and



Now, however, I'm getting less thoughts and more images. This may not

sound coherent, so let me give you an example. Last night, my mind

began to wonder and I don't know why but the image, not thought, of a

lion in the jungle popped into my head. The difference is I actually

saw the lion. It was full color, in motion image of a lion just as if

I were looking at it for 'real'. It startled me so that my eyes flew

open for a second. I then realized it wasn't real and closed them

again. My assumption, which could be completely wrong, is that as we

begin to gain better control of our thoughts, the mind fight's back

by creating realistic images to try to 'be heard' and stop from being

stilled. Is this the process? I hadn't read about this anywhere

before. So I'm curious if others experience this as well and whether

or not this is part of the progression to stilling the mind.



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Sat Nam Everyone!


I too have noticed my dreams seeming more "real". The difference

being that when someone is talking to me, I understand and remember

every word even upon awakening. I believe this is my conscious self

communicating with me. Sometimes it will be just one word other times

huge speaches, but mostly they are reassurances.


As far as meditation, I've noticed just recently that I will get an

image of someone walking towards me. And yes, sometimes it's so real

I have to open my eyes. I'm not so sure about this.


Thanks for bringing that up Christa and thanks to everyone

for "listening".


Many Blessings,


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You might find the following of interest. As usual....LOL...I read a book that

answers a question or questions. This type of synchronicity happens to me all

the time! So today, it was a few answers, yours included, from the book,

Energies of Transformation, A Guide to the Kundalini Process by Bonnie

Greenwell, Ph.D. I prefice the quote by saying that my sleeping dreams totally

changed the first night I slept on my property in New Mexico. That was nine

years ago. For the last number of years I've seen faces and heard voices, not

only in the hypnogogic state, but during meditation and evening normal waking

hours. Lately meditation has taken me to places in far away mountains or a

desert, not the high desert where I live. So here's the quote from Chapter

Four, Western Physiology: Pleasure and Pain in the Brain, page 98:


"4. As we learn new practices we create expanded neuron networks and

interconnections in the brain. If we do nonlinear practices that particularly

stimulate the right brain (such as visualization, concentration on lights,

chanting and the like) we increase the possibility for greater varieties of

right-brained activity, such as creativity, vision, dreams or merging into sound

or space."


Also Christa, while I've said before that I'm a novice in the Yoga department, I

do know that "stilling the mind" or stopping the wandering as you say, is an off

and on thing for me. We're only human! And human beings have how many thoughts

a day?? A minute? Deepak Chopra delves into this topic in his latest book, How

to Know God. I find that if I concentrate on my third eye, actually "look"

there and "adjust" my vision (so hard to explain!) so that I feel a shift, I am

more able to simply watch the scenery, take note, and move on. I hope that

makes sense to you.


I just noticed that RKShankar answered your question as well. Welcome

RKShankar!! You'll certainly receive a wonderful and knowledgeable answer from

him Christa.


Sat Nam,




What I'm noticing, is that in addition to more frequent spiritual

dreams, which I never had before, my dreams sometimes feel very real.

And lately, I get similar realistic images during meditation. My mind

still wanders, but it is improving (I keep telling myself 'baby

steps'). But before, when it wandered, I would get thoughts coming up

and knew them to be thoughts. They were annoying, but not necessarily

distracting. I have been improving my ability to 'watch' them and



Now, however, I'm getting less thoughts and more images. This may not

sound coherent, so let me give you an example. Last night, my mind

began to wonder and I don't know why but the image, not thought, of a

lion in the jungle popped into my head. The difference is I actually

saw the lion.




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I'm not real clear from this quote. I'm interpreting what she's

saying as the mind creating more images for distraction and not

stilling, which is what I initially thought was happening. Is that

your interpretaion Hety?


>I find that if I concentrate on my third eye, actually "look" there

and "adjust" my vision (so hard to explain!) so that I feel a shift,

I am more able to simply watch the scenery, take note, and move on.

I hope that makes sense to you.


Actually it does make sense. <<smile>> This is exactly what I do. But

lately I find myself focusing more on where I'm looking at and not

going as far as I could/would/should. So now I begin by staring into

my eye, and then as images/things appear, I try to soften my gaze and

just let them 'wash' over me. That seems to be working for me now.

We'll see what happens in a month! ;)



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You wrote:


I'm not real clear from this quote. I'm interpreting what she's

saying as the mind creating more images for distraction and not

stilling, which is what I initially thought was happening. Is that

your interpretaion Hety?



No...Here's the excerpt again:


"4. As we learn new practices we create expanded neuron networks and

interconnections in the brain. If we do nonlinear practices that particularly

stimulate the right brain (such as visualization, concentration on lights,

chanting and the like) we increase the possibility for greater varieties of

right-brained activity, such as creativity, vision, dreams or merging into sound

or space."


Christa, somehow there seems to be confusion about "stilling" and "distraction."

I don't believe one turns off thought process, it simply moves into a different

state. Here, Greenwell is talking about brains and brain functions. By

chanting, visualizing and other such activities, she is describing how this will

stimulate certain "creative" facilities within a human being. And that may

signify "more" for you.


I, personally, have experienced two ways in which right brain activity is

enhanced, simply, actively and passively. I experienced the passive ability

first. By that I mean that I did absolutely nothing and visions, colors,

lights, etc. came to me without meditation, breathing techniques or chanting.

Then when I began to actively participate in the above activities, my Kundalini

energy was stimulated to a far greater degree.


Greenwell is saying that we all have the capacity for greater creative abilities

that seem to be stimulated from the right side of the brain. Whether you might

interpret that as more distraction, I don't believe it was her point. The

active practice of stimulating the right brain <may> produce a greater ability

than what previously had been experienced, as a "normal" human being. A

Kundalini awakening will do this automatically (lol!) without any effort!!


So what I've given you is the technical version, while RKShankar gave a more

spiritual interpretation. Put them together, and I suppose you've got something

to think about! ;-) BTW, alternate nostril breathing produces amazing results

for me.


Sat Nam,










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  • 2 weeks later...

spatialagent1 wrote:

"I know we had some posts a month or so ago about ky affecting dreams.

I'm curious though, has anyone noticed the intensity or realism of dreams

increasing, not just content changes?..."


Well I just wanted to share with you the realization of some of my dreams !


As a matter of fact in May 2002 I had for several times seen tibetian people

taking me in mountains trips and going from a bare strange mountain (for me) to

another each with different shape and outstanding ...


What hapened is that I went in August to India without any intention of going to

Himalaya mountains there I met a group going to Leh in Jamu and Cashmire

department which were going tracking in a Jeep. OUr guide was tibetian. When I

entered the mountain area I exclaimed :


"I have seen all these in my dreams 3 months ago ..."


and everyday I was going from mountain to mountain visiting Budhist monastaries

of different sects.


It was a premonition dream. I saw the Dalai Lama.


An event I didn't taught about in reality !


I thank God for this beautiful gift.


What I tell you keep dreaming beautifully and with Love one day sure all your

dreams come true !


Sat Nam








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