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Vegetarian,cravings ect

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Satnam there,

You must understand my english is not all that good:). I should have

elaborated on the craving.

I only get the sensation of wanting the meat when I smell the barbecue. It is

not only the meat, it is the association of my family and the fun we had

eating( an animal!!)

Meat to me is just an addiction as any other thing we put in our body that is

not good for us.

The uric acid, the taste ect is imprinted in your genetics from past lives

and your present.I will not eat the meat because I will get sick.

I have eaten some by mistake and have been amazed at how pure my body has

become that a tiny peice can throw my system out for days. I have tuned in

to my consciousness and live in it ...so it protects me. My body however

still has memories.

First comes the smell ,second the memories, then the craving ,then the

reality that it is an animal and lastly how could I possibly go back to

eating meat! I am bigger than my body and it's addictions!!

"Are the thoughts equally important as the act itself.?I am not so deep of a

person to worry about my negative thoughts... I just try to stay out of

trouble!!! In the beginning you will have a lot of thoughts by the way and

these will not be a problem down the road

Most children are forced to eat meat by their parents. I see a lot of kids

rejecting meat but have to eat it.We are conditioned on so many levels to

this lifestyle that involves killing an animal and I applaud any one who goes

against such a social moral, spiritual and health institution that has told

us we have to do this to survive.

We have been brainwashed to eat this way.

It takes a while and some Ky !! to help with this. Ky is internal so we

become aware faster

Being vegetarian is a choice and I am amazed at how much flack you can get

for it.

I get my blood checked because I try to be responsible about my health.

Being vegetarian does not make you immune to every disease and it is not the

only safe guard to perfect health. My husband has been vegetarian for 25 yrs

and recently found out he had diabetes. Someone made a snide remark and said

that being vegetarian did not help him.He is vegetarian for spiritual

reason.. it is against his religious vows.

Some diseases are genetic and being vegetarian will help but not necessary

prevent them. He is doing really well with it because he is vegetarian by the


I do worry about anemia only when I have a busy schedule and I am stressed

out due to big events like a death or trauma in the family because that is

the time we tend to not eat well. If you take supplements,vitamins however

you would not have to worry to much about it. As you cross 40 you should get

check ups.It can prevent major problems

Most of us choose to be vegetarians for many different reasons in the

beginning, like the Yoga and then the consciousness shifts to something

higher.Yoga is physical in the beginning then we start realizing it is making

us closer to our souls. The same with the veggies.

In the end You don't eat an animal because it is not your highest

consciousness and you choose to live that way.

The truth is we don't need the eat meat.When the need ever arises to I will

make the choice.Don't ever think it will unless it is a matter of survival

and even then I might say no

Last but not over!! Have compassion on yourself and realize perfection is not

the issue but higher personal consciousness and the truth for yourself is

what matters.

I love my meat eating extended family ...just don't ask me to eat what you

eat or live the way you do. hope I have helped

S.i.r khalsa




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