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Hello all,


After doing the 4/4 breath exercise i started to do the smiling buddah or

christ kriya when i was suddenly interupted by my dad even though i had a

sign in front of my door that said "DO NOT DISTURB" with 4 minutes left and

he knows thats when i do my yoga but he kicked it out of the way and started

ordering me around to do a simple task to turn off the light downstairs and

startin going on about it then ordered me to go to bed right now. I was VERY

angry and overcome with it and was very mad at my dad. I went downstairs and

let it out, this has happend to me before after doing the 4/4 breath but

never that much. Could this be related to my karma? I am very confused as to

why i was so angry, could someone please attempt to explain?


Peace and love,





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Dear one,

You seem so committed to your yoga. That is great.

I started when I was 17. I don't recall your age if you mentioned it :)

It is quite frustrating when someone disturds any activity when told not to.

It is even worst when it is yoga because you are creating a sensitive space

for yourself and it is an activity that is most important in your life and

well being.

I heard that the 3 things that should not be disturbed is sex, sleeping and

when someone is eating.I think they forgot yoga on the list.

My husband flips if any body goes in the meditation room if he is doing his 2

hours of Satkriya. Us yogis are sacred beings who are tuned into higher

frequencies so reactions can be powerful. There are great stories in the

Bhagavat Gita about great yogis like Lord Shiva being disturded and the

insensitive unfortunate human getting the lethal curse put onto them! How

dare you unworthy mortal! In the epic tales of the ancient India, great gods,

swamis and yogis have left a history of the wrath of the great meditators.

There is an entire comic book industry on them in the Indian stores.I love

reading them.However it is important to watch your words when you do

kundalini yoga because we yogis start developing Vach siddhi or the power

that whatever you say happens.Ouch!

One must command respect from everyone in our lives and I don't know your

history with your dad.Has he always been this way or is he bothered by the

yoga.Yogis are challenged all the time for we are moving into a spiritual

realm far greater than most. You and your practice will be challenged mostly

and painfully by your loved ones.

Talk to your dad respectfully about it when it is convenient to you both and

work it out. He is probably scared you are doing something weird..He must

love you so much.

In reference to the breath it might be bringing up anger that was not on the

surface and releasing it.. so be careful.The breath work is amazing and you

should continue doing it. Lots of water,Sitali pranayama and dog breath

helps with anger.We all have family karma and this can be painful. Keep your

heart open to them and see what happens.If that does not work find a time

when he is not around to do your yoga and pray to God to create a space for

you as yogi and as a child of God.Pray moves mountains

Keep up





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Hello David,

We are given so many beautiful opportunities to become the best we can be: Sat

Nam. Realize that, Utilize that, and until you do - you will always be that

anger. It/he will continue to disturb you until you do something different -

something different - something different. Take a deep breath as you feel the

anger arise (Before you react) and ask yourself the question: what can I learn

from this - does this anger serve a function, or am I just becoming the anger

over and over and over? You are not anger - You are so much more!

As far as your fathers fear of your Spiritual practice: We can not control

others - only ourself s in becoming the best we can be.

Humbly, Bhagavati


David Weaver wrote:

Hello all,


After doing the 4/4 breath exercise i started to do the smiling buddah or

christ kriya when i was suddenly interupted by my dad even though i had a

sign in front of my door that said "DO NOT DISTURB" with 4 minutes left and

he knows thats when i do my yoga but he kicked it out of the way and started

ordering me around to do a simple task to turn off the light downstairs and

startin going on about it then ordered me to go to bed right now. I was VERY

angry and overcome with it and was very mad at my dad. I went downstairs and

let it out, this has happend to me before after doing the 4/4 breath but

never that much. Could this be related to my karma? I am very confused as to

why i was so angry, could someone please attempt to explain?


Peace and love,





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Anger is a natural response to being violated. To deny it is going to

screw up your wiring. Go out in a field and through rocks or scream.

Keep up your practice. It's a process. If your father is even somewhat

reasonable, try talking to him.

Also, assess your constitution in terms of Ayurveda. Are you Pitta?

Gotta run,


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Your husband really does 2 hours of Sat Kriya every day, or every now and then?

Before all the beginners blow up their insides trying to emulate

your beloved perhaps you could talk a little about how that evolved and how he

manages it and what the effects have been. And he is right!!!!There

is nothing worse than being disturbed while you're doing Sat Kriya. One of the

problems with being disturbed, doing any kundalini yoga and

meditation, is that it is a shock to the system unless done very gracefully.

That shock knocks your navel point and your aura and presto, you got

one pissed yogi because you've got one energetically disturbed yogi.


Seva Simran


P.S. Parents, and children and spouses if that applies, will often get annoyed,

insecure and even obnoxious when they see you doing yoga because

they don't undersrtand what is going on and how to relate to it. Their ego gets

offended and you get what you get.

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Hi David and friends,

SAT NAM! As someone who has been dealing with a great deal of ahger lately

I can very much relate. While I have found positive uses for my anger - it still

sux when you're in the midddle of it all. The info the others have given will

migate some of the pain, but you just have to go through it. AS someone said,

you can only be responsible for your behavior. That's true. That means you can

make the first move in negotiating with your Dad about this


Just act with honor, truth and beauty my friend - in other words, follow your







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In a message dated 10/3/02 12:47:56 PM Central Daylight Time,

ljharris726 writes:


<< David Weaver wrote:

Hello all,


After doing the 4/4 breath exercise i started to do the smiling buddah or

christ kriya when i was suddenly interupted by my dad even though i had a

sign in front of my door that said "DO NOT DISTURB" with 4 minutes left and

he knows thats when i do my yoga but he kicked it out of the way and started

ordering me around to do a simple task to turn off the light downstairs and

startin going on about it then ordered me to go to bed right now. I was VERY

angry and overcome with it and was very mad at my dad. >>


David - My KY instructor once told me something I will pass on to you. I was

very disturbed by a "presence" that I felt was trying to communicate with me

and I "just wasn't getting the message." I experienced a great deal of inner

turmoil. She said "don't lower yourself to the level of the presence. Rise

above it and deal with it on a higher level, not an earthly level". Suddenly

my being upset made so much more sense! Actually, she gave me permission, or

I gave myself permission to "let go of the feelings" knowing I couldn't

intellectualize it into an answer. Hope this helps.....


Love and peace



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