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bloated and windy stomach

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I have a very windy stomach as also bloated !!

I have reduced sugar - and remembering my Mother's advice I have tried

garlic (not tabs but fresh) to no avail.

Can I have some advice please




Warm regards










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Start by making sure you don't drink liquid of any kind while eating or

after. Drink 20 minutes or so before you eat. This will actually

strengthen your digestive fire. Liquid taken with food will dilute your stomach

acids. Also, citrus is good 20 minutes before a meal. Just before

you eat do Sitali** breath 108 times. This will relax your digestive system and

especially balance any emotional connections one is having about


When eating, make sure to chew well, especially grains. You may want to avoid

any foods that exacerbate Vatta.

Afterward, digestion is helped by Rock pose (sitting on your heels and doing

right nostril breathing).

I wonder, too, are your joints creaky? Tell me more about basic physical


Sat Nam,





Sriyani Tanner wrote:


> I have a very windy stomach as also bloated !!

> I have reduced sugar - and remembering my Mother's advice I have tried

> garlic (not tabs but fresh) to no avail.

> Can I have some advice please


> Warm regards

> Sriyani





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Dear dear Dharma

Thank you ever so much.


Yes, my joints - specially the knees get stiff quite often. I cannot kneel

it hurts and having my knees bent for longer periods.


My daughter always tells me to chew my food properly - to relax when eating.

So now I got it. Yes, I tend to drink a lot of water just after eating.



Warm regards







----Original Message Follows----

Dharam Singh <dharam



Re: bloated and windy stomach

Fri, 01 Nov 2002 11:18:32 -0500



Start by making sure you don't drink liquid of any kind while eating or

after. Drink 20 minutes or so before you eat. This will actually

strengthen your digestive fire. Liquid taken with food will dilute your

stomach acids. Also, citrus is good 20 minutes before a meal. Just before

you eat do Sitali** breath 108 times. This will relax your digestive system

and especially balance any emotional connections one is having about


When eating, make sure to chew well, especially grains. You may want to

avoid any foods that exacerbate Vatta.

Afterward, digestion is helped by Rock pose (sitting on your heels and doing

right nostril breathing).

I wonder, too, are your joints creaky? Tell me more about basic physical


Sat Nam,





Sriyani Tanner wrote:


> I have a very windy stomach as also bloated !!

> I have reduced sugar - and remembering my Mother's advice I have tried

> garlic (not tabs but fresh) to no avail.

> Can I have some advice please


> Warm regards

> Sriyani









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In a message dated 11/2/02 1:22:36 AM Pacific Standard Time,

slst33 writes:



> Sriyani





You should try Yogi Bhajan's recipe For Golden Milk, it is said to help

alleviate joint pain. The recipe is as follows:



1/8 tsp. of Turmeric

1/4 cup of water

8 oz. of Milk

2 tbs. of Raw Almond Oil

Honey to taste



Boil Turmeric in water for about 8 minutes until it forms a thick paste. If

too much water boils away, add a little more. Meanwhile, bring milk to a boil

with Almond Oil. As soon as it boils, remove from heat. Combine the two

mixtures and add honey to taste. Enjoy!





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Sat Nam Sriyani,

There is aHomeopathic prodect put out by BIORON called LYCOPODIUM

CLAVATUM that I found relieves that bloated, trapped gas feeling within

20-30 minutes, faster for some of my friends.


Sat NAm, Leo

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Sat nam. Could you explain why creaky joints and poor digestion are related? I

am quite curious.


With gratitude,

Shiv Antar Kaur


I wonder, too, are your joints creaky? Tell me more about basic physical


Sat Nam,







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Hi Mark

Immense thanks. I am going to use Soya milk, as I do not take diary





Warm regards







----Original Message Follows----




Re: bloated and windy stomach

Sat, 2 Nov 2002 14:17:59 EST


In a message dated 11/2/02 1:22:36 AM Pacific Standard Time,

slst33 writes:



> Sriyani





You should try Yogi Bhajan's recipe For Golden Milk, it is said to help

alleviate joint pain. The recipe is as follows:



1/8 tsp. of Turmeric

1/4 cup of water

8 oz. of Milk

2 tbs. of Raw Almond Oil

Honey to taste



Boil Turmeric in water for about 8 minutes until it forms a thick paste. If

too much water boils away, add a little more. Meanwhile, bring milk to a


with Almond Oil. As soon as it boils, remove from heat. Combine the two

mixtures and add honey to taste. Enjoy!










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Sat Nam Leo

Thank you - my hoemopath tried giving me various tabs, but nothing worked.

I will keep the name you mentioned with me and ask her if she did prescribe

this for me - as I cannot remember.

Sat Nam







----Original Message Follows----

"Leo Miller" <gr82bme



Re: bloated and windy stomach

Sat, 2 Nov 2002 09:15:23 -0600


Sat Nam Sriyani,

There is aHomeopathic prodect put out by BIORON called LYCOPODIUM

CLAVATUM that I found relieves that bloated, trapped gas feeling within

20-30 minutes, faster for some of my friends.


Sat NAm, Leo






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Sat Nam Shiv Antar Kaur (CC: Sriyani),

Issues of bloatedness indicate a possibility of a Vatta imbalance but the

presence of creaky joints pretty nails it down. This is Ayurveda 101.

Vatta relates to the air/wind element. It is movement that is drying in it's

overall effect and so her joints will have "air" and there will be a

lack of lubrication. her skin will be dry and her nerves made be sensitive or

raw. Her diet and habits need to be of a such that pacifies Vatta.

She cannot take foods that cause any gas. Fermented foods such as vinegar and

breads (yeast fermentation) are definitely out. Soy may also be out.

I don't remember the list, but if you can stick to it you will feel results in a

very short time.

Western culture, in general, is very conducive to Vatta problems. The ways are


For a bigger discussion (5 minute read) please go to

http://www.ayurveda.com/info/ayurintro.htm or any of a number of links (do a

search) for

Ayurveda and you will be feeding your understanding and your Soul, I am not too

shy to say. Seeing yourself from the perspective of Nature is in

its essence very freeing.

There is a very nice and short description of the 3 Doshas (or faults).

Ayurveda and Yoga are flipsides of the same coin. Yoga balances the body,

Ayurveda covers just about everything else. I know I didn't say that

right but if you will "go out of your way" and look into this system will know

what I am trying to say. Any books by David Frawley, Robert

Svoboda's books on Ayurveda or Vasant Lad would be good.

Svoboda has a trilogy on Kundalini but they're way out there for the "novice".

There you have it,




"Angie C." wrote:


> Dharam,

> Sat nam. Could you explain why creaky joints and poor digestion are related? I

am quite curious.


> With gratitude,

> Shiv Antar Kaur


> I wonder, too, are your joints creaky? Tell me more about basic physical


> Sat Nam,

> Dharam





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