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numerology, astrology and psychology tests

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Sat Nam everyone!

Today I went to the 3ho.org website and did the on-line numerology

profile 'thing'. I've never been into any of this stuff before. While

I thought there was probably a basis for some of it, I think a lot of

people offering these services tend to be more familiar with money,

than the service they are selling. At least that's my own opinion.

And thus have been somewhat skeptical about all of this stuff. But I

found something interesting occuring.


For one of my jobs years ago, we were required to have a psychology

test done. Basically it was a study on personality traits and current

job responsibilities. It was based on the Myers-Briggs

categorization. My particular 'classification' was ENFJ (Extravert,

iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging), also referred to as the Teacher. This

was derived from my responses to a series of multiple choice

questions. But basically, it was saying that teaching or counseling

would be very good for me to do (I'm not in anything remotely related

to those two fields right now). A lot of the traits (both positive

and negative) that were attributed to this category also fit me

pretty well. Not everything, but enough to feel like the category was

pretty accurate.


Earlier this year, I received a free Natal chart from a website when

I ordered a book. I wasn't too interested in the chart, but had never

really thought much of those types of reports. (Sorry GRK - no

offense intended) Again, a personal bias based on family, news, and

society in general. But when the report came, I read it, expecting to

just laugh with a 'just what I expected' comment and then file it in

the trash can. But I was actually surprised. Much of what was in the

report re-iterated what was in the psych profile that I had received

years ago. And it also mentioned Teaching or counseling throughout

the profile as good professions, which really surprised me. I have

since gone back and ordered their "Karmic Astrology Report" and

really was impressed at how much of it rang true.


Well when I got the numerology report from the 3ho site today, guess

what?! I have a Gift of 5. What does that mean you ask? "Gift of 5:

Your gift is the ability to teach. You will find it easy and

pleasurable to teach others through your actions and words." So,

needless to say I'm no longer skeptical about what can be obtained

from qualified procedures/people who can do these types of reports.


I just now have to figure out what I'm supposed to be teaching. I'm

not feeling pulled in any one particular direction. So I'll keep

doing what I'm doing until something starts to stir. But it looks

like at some point, I need to begin to teach.........just don't know

what yet.


However, that numerology report also had a strange Path that I'm not

quite sure how to interpret. "Path of 8: It is through your joy and

compassion that you will become successful in this life. It is

through sacrificing your own life so that others may live that your

purpose in life will be fulfilled." I'm assuming this is not

necessarily a literal translation. I've never been involved in

anything that could be remotely described as a life or death

situation. So either that's still yet to come, or this sentence is

more of a metaphor for sacrificing my personal wants/desires/drives

so that others can live their goals/dreams. Would this be a correct



Very interesting. The more I open my mind and read, the more things

appear to be inter-related.



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Kundaliniyoga, "spatialagent1" <spatialagent1> wrote:

> However, that numerology report also had a strange Path that I'm


> quite sure how to interpret. "Path of 8: It is through your joy and

> compassion that you will become successful in this life. It is

> through sacrificing your own life so that others may live that your

> purpose in life will be fulfilled." I'm assuming this is not

> necessarily a literal translation.



I would simply interperate it as it reads(literally), due to your

gift being teaching... Teaching is a very self-less profession. You

give up your desires(sacrifice of self) in order to help others find

a better way of living(teaching). Thus you sacrifice "your" life so

that others may live that your purpose in life will be fulfilled...


Joy and compassion are also necessary components in being successful

with teaching. And whether you realize it or not, through your posts

these qualities have already been coming through loud and clear. You

very often give of yourself(personal experiences/emotion/etc...)

thereby trying to help others gain insight. This in my opinion is a

mark of a great teacher, you guide, but do not lecture. Knowledge

alone is not enough, Wisdom must be gained through personal

experience. I can tell you the stove is hot, but until you touch it

will you understand hot? So continue guiding those around you, we are

all made better by your efforts.


Hope this helps,


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> You give up your desires(sacrifice of self) in order to help others


> a better way of living(teaching). Thus you sacrifice "your" life so

> that others may live that your purpose in life will be fulfilled...


Thanks Chris! I honestly hadn't thought of it that way.


I read your reply last night. You really threw me for a loop with

your comments in the last paragraph. I had to let them soak in before

I could respond. I had never thought of myself as 'teaching' on this

list. In fact, just writing that last sentence makes me feel very

strange (a kind of 'in your dreams' type feeling).


I always simply hoped that others were having similar

questions/interests and would learn from the responses that my posts

generate. If you do benefit from it, (and maybe sometimes get a

chuckle at my sense of humor) than that makes me very happy! So while

I appreciate the compliment, I think the real teachers on this list

are the people who post and share with everyone else. And I'm VERY

humbly one of the many, definately not the exception. I've learned

more from everyone on this list than I can possibly describe.


Thanks all!



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Hello Christa Rush!


spatialagent1 wrote:


> Well when I got the numerology report from the 3ho site today, guess

> what?! I have a Gift of 5. What does that mean you ask? "Gift of 5:

> Your gift is the ability to teach. You will find it easy and

> pleasurable to teach others through your actions and words."


This is teaching by example. Being the teaching rather than preaching it.

But the Fifth Body is even more than about teaching. Three other aspects are

integral to a Five. Balance, Sacrifice and the Physical Body.

Balanced enough in your physical, emotional and spiritual needs so that if a

friend/stranger calls on you at 3am in the morning with a flat tire

and he/she needs your help, you can answer the call without a lot of kvetching.

Physical strength and prowess is the other aspect of Five. Were/are you


This is your gift from GOD so for all this to work well, all you need is to have

an attitude of gratitude. See the glass as half full. Yogiji,

when looking at a persons numbers, wants to sense whether a person has that

gratitude and if not, will maybe give you kriya or some prescription

to get a person to where they can be.


> However, that numerology report also had a strange Path that I'm not

> quite sure how to interpret. "Path of 8: It is through your joy and

> compassion that you will become successful in this life. It is

> through sacrificing your own life so that others may live that your

> purpose in life will be fulfilled."


The Eighth body (Pranic Body) is personified by the Eighth Guru and his life. As

a child he healed thousands in Delhi who had been afflicted with

smallpox (?). In doing this he took on all of the sickness into his own body. In

doing this he died. It's the eighth body that is our innocence,

purity, youthfulness....wide open and receptive, healing and powerful. This

energy doesn't know boundaries real well. We know that children often

feel and express what the adults are pushing down. Kids act up and are mirrors.

The 8 is the infinity sign stood up on end. The idea of Finite to

Infinite is what is at work here.

What this means is you are fulfilled by relating your life knowledge, experience

and lesson through a joy and purity. You will pick up "stuff",

and so you may need to learn to clear yourself.


There are many more computations that can be a lot of fun. I like using the

system in trying to understand, on a mental level, what my gut is

already trying to say. This system is very practical for setting up an approach

to healing and maintaining ones self.

Sat Nam,


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> Balanced enough in your physical, emotional and spiritual...


Well, I think I tend to be more one sided on temperament. I'm more

often happy and up-beat (sometimes exuberant depending upon my mood)

than anything else. I'm rarely ever in a 'bad mood'. Is that

considered balanced?


> Physical strength and prowess is the other aspect of Five. Were/are

you athletic?


Yes. I was pretty athletic in high school and college. Of course,

with the advent of kids, my physical exercise was derived

predominantly from chasing after them as opposed to more traditional

methods of exercise/sport. ;)


> See the glass as half full.


This is definately me.


> What this means is you are fulfilled by relating your life

knowledge, experience and lesson through a joy and purity. You will

pick up "stuff",

> and so you may need to learn to clear yourself.


Which would explain why I always feel compelled to respond to people

on this list, even when I don't know what to say. What kind

of "stuff" will I pick up? And by clearing myself, do you mean an

auric cleaning? I've seen kriyas/meds for clearing the aura, but I've

never done any of them. Should I be practicing one of them regularly,

or were you referring to a different kind of clearing?


Thanks a bunch, Dharam. I hadn't even considered these things at the

levels you are describing (big surprise). Are there any books that

you can buy that will give you these types of explainations for each

number/body? I hadn't realize the depths of this stuff and I'm a bit

more intrigued by it now.



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Hello Christa Lush,

Thanks for your interest. Your (and others) questions are like gifts to me.

Responses below.


spatialagent1 wrote:


> > Balanced enough in your physical, emotional and spiritual...


> Well, I think I tend to be more one sided on temperament. I'm more

> often happy and up-beat (sometimes exuberant depending upon my mood)

> than anything else. I'm rarely ever in a 'bad mood'. Is that

> considered balanced?


"Bad Moods" have their place. We say it is important to listen to what your

"Negative Mind", the Second Body is saying...just don't be it. So

until one can refine their experience of their grit or intensity there may have

to be some mistakes......some louder than others. I think they

call it a "life lesson".


> > Physical strength and prowess is the other aspect of Five. Were/are

> you athletic?


> Yes. I was pretty athletic in high school and college. Of course,

> with the advent of kids, my physical exercise was derived

> predominantly from chasing after them as opposed to more traditional

> methods of exercise/sport. ;)


You are well grounded but you can do the etheric very well, also. Kids are easy

for you with a gift of Five. Just be in your element...and in your



> > What this means is you are fulfilled by relating your life

> knowledge, experience and lesson through a joy and purity. You will

> pick up "stuff",

> > and so you may need to learn to clear yourself.


> What kind

> of "stuff" will I pick up? And by clearing myself, do you mean an

> auric cleaning? I've seen kriyas/meds for clearing the aura, but I've

> never done any of them. Should I be practicing one of them regularly,

> or were you referring to a different kind of clearing?


By clearing I mean, you can go play in the mud as much as you want, just so long

as you use the shower. The ability to get back to zero is what I

am talking about. ZERO! In doing YOUR yoga and meditation, part of your process

would be to digest your experience completely and let it enrich

you. The end of the process should leave you open and clear to your Self. The

phrase "Contained, Content and Continuous" applies here. There is no

pull on you from any particular direction and you may even feel supported while

in this perspective.


This system along with an understanding of Ayurveda will make anyone's yoga

discipline absolutely complete.

Take Care,


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A lot of what you have said has really rung true. The last part is a

bit over my head. I think I understand what you are saying, but I

don't think I'm at the level yet that I can fully comprehend and

actually implement what you are describing. Getting to zero and full

integration still eludes me. And I believe that this is the reason

they are part of my path. I need to learn and grow in this way, right?


I was actually thinking more about the reading last night. I hadn't

posted my karmic or soul numbers (both of which are 1). They both

basically say the same thing: I tend to lead/live by my head and not

my heart. I'm paraphrasing here, so correct me if I'm wrong.


The gift and the path numbers really hit home with me, so does the

destiny number (which is 6). But I'm questionning the first two. And

maybe a lot of this is relative. I'm not very shy (as if you thought

that was a possibility) and I try to be very open and honest about

the way I feel and how I treat others. So I'm struggling with

grasping the head vs heart stuff. In my mind (oops, maybe that's the

head thing coming through), a person who leads with his head is

neither open to nor mindful of the feelings/emotions of others.

Granted, I'm probably not unbiased in this description, but I don't

feel that I fall into that category at all.


With that said, I also intuitively knew I would have a blocked heart

chakra. I did feel energy at my heart center a few months ago after a

meditation, but that was it. Then about 2 weeks ago, I had an

interesting sensation after completing an asana. I was applying root

lock and had the normal sensations (pressure in my stomach/chest

area). But this time, I felt several 'shooting' sensations up into my

neck. Almost like some energy had begun to break through or escape

through some cracks. Not sure that analogy makes sense. But,

basically I took this as a confirmation that I am blocked in that

center. If so, can someone deal with people through their heart if

it's blocked? Instinct tells me no, at least not fully. If that's so,

why do I get so 'mushy' over stupid stuff or stuff I don't personally

experience (commercials or sad stories -- I actually had tears

flowing while reading the NMB post on Geisha). I'm honestly getting

confused. On one hand, that reading makes sense as my heart is

blocked. On the other hand, I can't conceive of 'feeling' more than I

do. I'm afraid I may just turn into one big water fall!


.........oohhhh wait a minute. Pratyahar (? spelling). Ok, is this the

point where you live by your heart (fully open) but you distance

yourself by only observing the feelings? Ok, the devil advocate in me

is coming out now. If this is correct, then why open your heart

center fully? I would assume the point to opening it is to live by

love and emotions. But how can you do that if you distance yourself

from them?


Thanks SOO much! I don't want to take up too much of your time with

this Dharam. If you feel that others would benefit from the response,

great. If not, I would be more than happy to look this up in a book

on numerology that you would recommend.



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Christa, get gotta the book!

In the meantime do the Kriya for "Balancing Head and Heart" in Gururattan's

"Transitions.....". It'll blow your mind and "curve your spine".

Really get into the beat of your heart and pulse in your system during the

layout. Additionally, the number "One" is also the first Chakra. If

elimination is not strong, then how can we be rejuvenated, and if we are not

rejuvenated, how can we be creative, which is an aspect of

integration of heart and heart.... so you see, they are connected.

Whenever possible, tune into the beat of your heart. Place your fingers on the

pulse points on your wrist and meditate. Mentally resonate Ong, Sat

Nam or Wahe Guru with each beat. Expand your depth!

Sat Nam,


P.S. Regarding Pratyahar, be aware of what and where you are. Chant from exactly

where that is and match the intensity of what you are feeling

with your chanting. Do the Aquarian sadhana chants all the way through. There

are hidden surprises, especially before the chickens get up.


spatialagent1 wrote:


> A lot of what you have said has really rung true. The last part is a

> bit over my head. I think I understand what you are saying, but I

> don't think I'm at the level yet that I can fully comprehend and

> actually implement what you are describing. Getting to zero and full

> integration still eludes me. And I believe that this is the reason

> they are part of my path. I need to learn and grow in this way, right?

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> Christa, get gotta the book!


That's what I'm thinking too. I saw three on the ancient healing ways

website. Is there one in particular that you'd recommend?



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I just heard Kurt Vonnegut speaking on the radio. Ha!

He said "Vomit before you Bomb it!"


Okay Christa,

What you need (especially based on your Head and Heart challenge) are the 2

Guruchander books. He lays it all out and then points a person to a

yoga set that will work for balancing that body. If you wish you can just get

"Numerology" and later on get Tantric Numerology" but after looking

at shipping costs you may want to do it all in one shot.

Nam Hari Kaur's book takes you deep into the numbers but may not give you a

practice. I own it but haven't read it yet. I think when she wrote

it she must have said to herself that "Guruchander has already covered that, so

I wont". That's my guess anyway.

Ciao for now,



spatialagent1 wrote:


> > Christa, get gotta the book!


> That's what I'm thinking too. I saw three on the ancient healing ways

> website. Is there one in particular that you'd recommend?

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