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Ayurveda Article - Sinus Relief For All

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Ayurveda Article - Sinus Relief For All


Sinus Relief is on the Way


Most of us never think about our sinuses when we take a deep breath

through the nose. For others, these tiny air passages are a source of

stuffy nose, painful headaches, fever and infection, in bouts of

illnesses that last up to 12 weeks at least 4 times a year.


Let's look at why chronic sinus problems develop, and how to help them

through Maharishi Ayurveda.


How Sinus Problems Develop


"Sinus problems are actually caused by an underlying imbalance in Prana

Vata (the subdosha of Vata that governs the brain, head, and the mind)

and Shleshaka Kapha (a subdosha of Kapha, which governs lubrication and

moisture balance)," says Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, Director of Research

and Product Development at Maharishi Ayurveda Products International,



When these two subdoshas are simultaneously imbalanced, another

complication arises. Ama, the sticky waste product of digestion, gets

mixed with Shleshaka Kapha in the sinus area, forming an even more

toxic, sticky mucus called Shleshma. Shleshma settles in the area and

clogs the channels of the sinuses. Due to the restriction and blocking,

Pitta dosha also becomes imbalanced, and inflammation results.


"When all three doshas are out of balance, immunity is severely

compromised," says Vaidya Mishra. "The body becomes a fertile ground

for microbes, allergens, or viruses. Air pollution, stress, fluctuations

of hot and cold weather, and lifestyle patterns such as eating excessive

amounts of cold, sweet, heavy foods, staying up too late, or not getting

enough exercise can aggravate the imbalance."


The Solution, Step-by-Step


Step 1: Pacify Prana Vata and Shleshaka Kapha by following a Vata- Kapha

pacifying diet. Minimize foods that are too hot, or too cold- avoid

extreme temperatures in food such as chili peppers or ice-cold foods and

beverages. Favor cooked, warm meals that are light, nurturing, and easy

to digest.


For example, for breakfast you could eat a stewed apple, and for the

evening meal try kitcheri (a light and nourishing porridge made with two

parts rice and one part mung dhal) and spiced with the following



Spices for Kitcheri or Vegetables:

2 parts turmeric

4 parts cumin

4 parts coriander

4 parts fennel

1 part ginger

1 part black pepper


Roast whole cumin, coriander, fennel and black pepper and then grind the

mixture into a powder. Sauté the spices in ghee and sprinkle on

vegetables or grains, or cook them in vegetables like a soup. Or dry-

fry them, put them in a small jar, and sprinkle them on your food if you

eat your noon meal out.


Step 2 Drink plenty of water flavored with spices, to purify the sinuses

of toxins and to allow the toxic waste that has built up to flow out.

Boil two quarts of water, pour the water into a thermos, and add two

leaves of basil, two thin slices of ginger, four leaves of mint, two

pieces of clove, and 1/4 teaspoon of marshmallow root. Keep drinking

this water throughout the day, but make it fresh each morning.


Step 3 Make sure your bowel movements are regular, to help detoxify the

body and to reestablish a balanced environment in the sinus area. Eat

plenty of organic, fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid eating eggplant,

banana, tomato and bell pepper, because these clog the channels. Don't

skip or delay meals, because that will upset the digestive balance and

cause more ama to be created.


New Herbal Supplement for Sinus Relief


In order to help provide relief from sinus blockage, inflammation, and

infection, Maharishi Ayurveda Products has recently developed a new

product under the direction of Vaidya Mishra.


Note : This ayurvedic information is educational and is not intended to

replace standard medical care or advice. Copyright MAPI, 2002.


For more information on Ayurveda or to to free newsletters,

please visit <http://www.mapi.com>


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