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Some information about Kundalini Yoga practice and realization for those new to the list and otherwise interested

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I've been practicing yoga since 1968, as a result of a quest to realize god,

that it seemed at the time, everyone was on.


Then in April 1970, I met with Yogi Bhajan, who told the group that was there

that, if we practiced this yoga, that in time there would be a tremendous

transformation, and that I would realize what I was seeking. I took up this

practice and his words turned out to be true.


This yoga is the ancient yoga that was brought to the US from India by Yogi

Bhajan, the founder of the 3ho Foundation www.3ho.org.


This yoga combines postures and movements with various forms of powerful

breathing, and numerous mantras and Laya meditations, practiced with a complete

mindfulness as one comes into the posture/movement/kriya, during and after. In

this yoga, the blood becomes alkali and supercharged with the vitality of the

air and prana flowing in and around the body. the postures and movements put

certain areas of the body under pressure (organs, glands, systems), which causes

the blood to super saturate these areas, which open more and more under the

pressure of time of the Kundalini exersize. The principally vitalized blood is

then able to penetrate these areas, which begin to absorb and assimilate and

charge up the energy

during equally long periods of rest in between each kundalini yoga exercise of

which several make up a specific set with a specific intention.


Certain meditations and mantras follow that allow these areas that have become

packed with energy, so to speak, to dissolve and diffuse the energy/prana

throughout the body, illuminating the mind with light.


Gradually, over time for some shorter than others, practicing many different

sets, on one's own and at kundalini yoga classes of Yogi Bhajan's kundalini yoga

teachers, the whole body comes into an electromagnetic balance. The mind

becomes utterly pure and radiant, as though one was watching a movie and the

light in the projector was turned up to a greater and greater power, such that

the picture on the screen would fade to white, only here one sees with the eyes,

but the light

in the mind pervades inside and outside. At this stage, the pranic voltage is

even throughout the body and mind, and the Kundalini begins to awaken, and one

has experiences of transformation.


As these meditations in motion progress, the mind begins to turn inwards; and

becomes is drawn inexorably inward. The prana having done it's work in

purifying the cells of the body and the nerves, the voltage can now begin to

increase, so that gradually, one will become awake at the subconscious levels,

as the subconscious begins to also dissolve in light. It's at this stage that

the Kundalini will begin to manifest. The Kundalini is the Self Itself, and

turns the mind inwards to experience pure being/consciousness, the "I as I"

without an object. This is called "hearing" (or "sravana" in Vedanta terms and

"sunia" in the Sikh Dharma). It is the moment, when for the first time, and

thereafter the student realizes the possibility that his/her sense of "I" is

single. The Yoga Sutras call this "Isolation of the Seer" which is the sole

purpose of Yoga.


As meditation progresses (and at this level iot is the Self Itself that is the

Meditator), the discovery and earnest quest that takes possession of the mind,

turns into "remembrance" or inner contemplation of the recognized Self (or

manana). It's as though the student is awakening from an amnesia or a stupor,

now realizing that the earlier discovery heard from within and everywhere, is

actually his/her own True Self, single and pervasive. The sensation of

remembrance is like a pulling from within of every atom of the body and a

blazing out from behind at the same time. Thoughts and images cannot arise and

the attachment to subconscious thoughts and impressions and sensations simply

drops away, until one comes into perfect repose (or niddidyasana).


This process of hearing, remembrance (or recollection) and perfect abiding is

the manifestation of Kundalini, which is simply another word for Awareness. The

mechanism unfolds, but the Self has no inerest or attention. It is the single

simple awareness of one's True Eternal Being, but with it comes Knowledge, what

in Christianity is called the Advocate or the Holy Spirit, the knowledge that

one is single and all pervasive Being, that one is the light and life of

everything, and the moment by moment force of creation, yet single,

undifferentiated, absolute, unconditioned, uncaused (non-dual)

consciousness. These words, full of meaning and Truth rise up from the depth

of silence like bubbles form the bottom of the ocean: immutable, unborn, without

time, beyond...


Even though the ego fades, and the power of the mind receeds in use, the

creative force and intuition increases, devotion, purity and feeling of

pervasive satvic weightlessness permeate the body, and yet the idea of a doer

and clinging needs have lost their relivance, because the student abides in

his/her single Truth.


And yogi Bhajan said: "Always abide in the non-dual."


As the awareness that lights of each of us is always the single pervasive Truth

undoubtedly thouse who keep up their practice will realize this unique

experience and abide as That.





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Sat Nam Pieter,


Wow....hard to come behind you Pieter. I bow to your knowledge :-)


"As the awareness that lights of each of us is always the single pervasive Truth

undoubtedly thouse who keep up their practice will realize this unique

experience and abide as That."


--as they say in Tantra and other disciplines, 'we are That'.





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I had to smile at your post Deva. I absolutely LOVE reading Pieter's

posts. Somehow he always seems to post the most beautiful

descriptions of things I'm working on or realizing at the time. (how

does he do that?!)


Thanks so much for the post Pieter. It was truly uplifting.



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