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milk, kundalini, our relation with animals

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Sat Nam !!


I'm vegan for 2 years now. I'd like to know what's your opinion about

organic cow/goat dairy products. I have read some ayurvedic and yogi

information about the use of these products and i was wondering if

anyone has anything to share about the use of milk and the

relationship with animals in this yoga scene.


1) From the ayurvedic point of view milk contains some precious el

nutrients for the brain. Wich ones ?


Since we are doing a lof of breath of fire, they also said that we

need to replace the mucus with milk.

I also heard that milk helps to asimilate nutrients as well as soft

the irritation of the colon when we eat spicy food.

Others said that it's good for lubricatoing articulations while doing



2) I also understand that in India, the whole cultural ans spiritual

situation around the cow and its meaning is quite deep.


However, i do not drink milk for many reasons but what i was

interested to know from kundalini yogis here what you think about it.


I feel that the milk is for the baby cow, not for me, it is designed

for human beings ?


Do you think we are using cow as a mere economic resource ?

Do you think that drinking milk is stealing the milk from the cow ?


i'd like to know if the cow is giving me her milk because she wants

to give it to me voluntarily.





Ajai Singh

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Sat Nam Ajai S aka Luis.,

Ayurveda teaches that milk (along with ghee and almonds) is an incredibly

healing food so I have had to question some of info I have been

thrown since I stopped putting sugar on my cereal way back in the seventies.

The way cows are raised in the West is very different from how it's done in


An animal that is raised with love and respect is going to produce milk that has

nurturing qualities. That alone may be enough to offset the other

issues of whether adults (with teethe) should or shouldn't "eat" milk and of the

molecule size of cow vs. goat milk. Here in Millis I am a 7

minute drive from Briggs Dairy Farm. I can get from them non BGH milk that has

the cream on top, which means that it has not homogenized. Natural

foods stores have non BGH and organic milk but it has still been homogenized.


To eat foods that you know are not prepared with love is a crime against the

self and against one's wisdom. It's just more stuff we have to deal



Gotta run....good questions,





"luispalado " wrote:


> Sat Nam !!


> I'm vegan for 2 years now. I'd like to know what's your opinion about

> organic cow/goat dairy products. I have read some ayurvedic and yogi

> information about the use of these products and i was wondering if

> anyone has anything to share about the use of milk and the

> relationship with animals in this yoga scene.


> 1) From the ayurvedic point of view milk contains some precious el

> nutrients for the brain. Wich ones ?


> Since we are doing a lof of breath of fire, they also said that we

> need to replace the mucus with milk.

> I also heard that milk helps to asimilate nutrients as well as soft

> the irritation of the colon when we eat spicy food.

> Others said that it's good for lubricatoing articulations while doing

> yoga.


> 2) I also understand that in India, the whole cultural ans spiritual

> situation around the cow and its meaning is quite deep.


> However, i do not drink milk for many reasons but what i was

> interested to know from kundalini yogis here what you think about it.


> I feel that the milk is for the baby cow, not for me, it is designed

> for human beings ?


> Do you think we are using cow as a mere economic resource ?

> Do you think that drinking milk is stealing the milk from the cow ?


> i'd like to know if the cow is giving me her milk because she wants

> to give it to me voluntarily.


> Thanks


> Ajai Singh

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Concerning milk... for myself I found that in spite I am

almost vegetarian when I drink milk I get severe

constipation.. many people claim that milk is for babies

since there is no one single animal that drink milk after

they are just grown. Also there many elder that cannot

stand lactose... and after all, you can find many of the

milk components (like calcium) in many kind of food... and

last but not least you can eat substitute milk things like

yogurt, cheese.. etc

Sat Nam

Luis Martin


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Dear Dharam


Thanks for your answer. I like the point you made about raising the

cow with love and i'm agree with that.


Even in the case that we have raised the happiest cow, how do you

know she wants to give you her milk ?


And if you raise that lovely cow, which would be your initial

pourpouse for raising her ?


Do you have more "scientific" information about the healing

properties of the milk ?


Thanks again


Ajai Singh

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Hola' Ajai Singh,

Below are answers to some of your questions. This can be a very debatable


Do you wish you could drink milk without problems? If not, and you never want to

drink milk again, just go to http://www.notmilk.com.


"luispalado " wrote:


> Dear Dharam


> Thanks for your answer. I like the point you made about raising the

> cow with love and i'm agree with that.


> Even in the case that we have raised the happiest cow, how do you

> know she wants to give you her milk ?


Once the cow has given birth and the calf has grown she will normally stop

producing milk. If you keep milking her she will continue producing

milk. I haven't looked too deeply into the soul of a cow so I don't understand

whether she enjoys this continued milking process. I have heard

that the milk creates a lot of pressure and that in the short term she is more

than ready to milked every morning. I hear that the dairy farm is a

very loud place in the morning as cows are in pain. Of course, in time she gets

over than "pain" if you stop milking her.



> Do you have more "scientific" information about the healing

> properties of the milk?


I trust Ayurveda and I trust nature. I will be taking a correspondence course in

Ayurveda. I hope to understand of this in the near future. I do

know that milk has tryptophanes which has a direct and positive effect on sleep.





I should have added to my previous email that Golden milk is a very healing way

to bring dairy into your life.




Golden Milk is a drink, which is a great help for stiff joints, and is a source

of lubrication for the system. This is the recipe used by

practitioners of yoga who have creaking joints, lots of cracking, and pain in

the knees and back from sitting in a cross-legged position. It is

also really great for those who simply have a need for a deep, healing sleep.

Your sleep may be so rejuvenating that your voice may be deeper and

more resonant in the morning. It is prepared in two parts:


(1) Prepare a golden yellow turmeric paste by taking a 1/4 cup of turmeric

powder to 1/2 cup of pure water and simmer for 8 minutes. It will form

a thick paste. There is an important reaction that takes place at 8 minutes.

This paste will be used for the next 40 days, so store it in a jar in

the refrigerator. Buy the powder very inexpensively at an Indian grocery.


(2) After the paste is made, once daily for 40 days, for each cup of

Golden Milk you want, blend together


1 cup of raw milk (preferably non-homogenized or pasteurized)

1 teaspoon of almond oil, sesame or any vegetable oil,

1/4 teaspoon of the turmeric paste as prepared above

and honey to taste.


While stirring on a low heat, bring the milk just to the boiling

point. The mixture may be then blended in an electric blender to make a

beautiful foamy drink. Serve now with a little cinnamon or nutmeg sprinkled on

the top.



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Hello Dharam


Thanks for the answer.


I have read lots of info and about the disadvantages of dairy

proucts, that's why i'm vegan since 2 years.


But i have not found usefull information about the ethical reasons

for kundalini yogis to use dairy products.


I know golden milk and some interesting KY recipes with milk,

however, even with the greatest healing properties, i have not found

any evidende already that the dairy is a product free of animal




once you study that ayurveda course, please let me know what you

find. thanks a lot


Ajai Singh

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Sat Nam Ajai,

It is becoming clearer to me that your reason for wanting to avoid dairy are

both digestive and ethical.

I can relate to both. Many years ago while in San Blas, Mexico I pondered

what it take for me to not do any harm and be in a perfect state of

Ahimsa. I considered giving up leather shoes, and belts. Eating only fruit and

so on. But then I reminded that driving a car is a harmful act to

the environment. Should I go barefoot?

It is important to examine our actions on all levels and ask one's self "am

I contributing to the sum total of peace on the planet or am I

contributing to the sum total of violence". You can reduce the sum total of

violence but you can never totally eliminate it. What you do with the

rest is give yourself to a life of Seva, or service to others. That way the

Karma is neutralized. An example I remember was Gurucharan Singh

saying that an aggressive driver can level his Karma, if perhaps, he got a job

as an ambulance driver. He might save life with what had been

previously considered an incourtesy.

And what about the northern people's, the Inuit people. There is almost nothing

of a vegetative nature to eat on the Tundra. The have a few

berries in the summer but have that's it. They live on fish, caribou and seal.

Incidentally their livers are larger so as to be deal with that

diet. Also, in that intense cold (I lived in Fairbanks, Alaska for 12 years)

you need the fat to stay warm. You pretty much needed dairy in your diet to keep


In San Blas, Mexico I could get by without animal in my diet.

One's Consciousness determines much.

Sat Nam,

Dharam S.


"luispalado " wrote:


> Hello Dharam


> Thanks for the answer.


> I have read lots of info and about the disadvantages of dairy

> products, that's why i'm vegan since 2 years.


> But i have not found usefull information about the ethical reasons

> for kundalini yogis to use dairy products.


> I know golden milk and some interesting KY recipes with milk,

> however, even with the greatest healing properties, i have not found

> any evidende already that the dairy is a product free of animal

> exploitation.


> once you study that ayurveda course, please let me know what you

> find. thanks a lot


> Ajai Singh

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Hello, and Sat nam---


I enjoyed the thought-provoking questions concerning animals and

taking of milk.

My opinion: I do not believe a cow can "give consent" to being milked.

What would it look like for a cow to give consent?


A cow does not have the cognitive ability to give consent, nor the

communicative ability to let us know.


I reminds me of this: I have heard people interpret Native American

thought to say that when they kill a deer, the deer has offered

itself to be killed.


How do you know a deer has offered itself to be killed?

A human can decide to sacrifice his or her life - for a cause, for

another person. That is freedom of choice. An animal that is killed

by a human does not have freedom of choice and cannot choose to

sacrifice themself. Why in the world would an animal sacrifice

themself for a human?! Because we treat them so well? haha.


I think we should be honest about it and say, if we are going to kill

an animal or take its milk that is what we are doing. Let us not try

to salve our conscience.


Kartar Kaur

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Sat Nam Dharam


Thanks again for your explanation. Very appreciated. I like it.


SO, when you drink organic milk, golden milk, etc,etc in a enviroment

where they are alternatives to dairy, How do you ethically and

personally justify it ?


on the other hand, as new information somehow contributing to harm

the planet is presented to you, do you integrate it in your daily

life sooner or later ?








Ajai Singh

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