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Sat Nam Anand and all,


What a wonderful Destiny! Bliss! I have friend who recently

received the name Ananda, which was also translated as Bliss.

Spiritual names are one of my favorite subjects or should I say my

favorite subject is "how will I live my destiny?"


The question that pops into my mind right away is, is there a

correlation between spiritual names being given right now and the

times were in? Were the names given 20-30years ago of a different

theme? (Not that they would be totally different!) But subtle... I

think I'm asking about evolution.


My experience is that people don't want to discuss their spiritual

names. I completely grapple with mine so I find myself wanting to

know of other people's experiences with theirs. (anybody want to

share?) I wonder if people not wanting to discuss it is a reflection

of their own discomfort with their name? Or if it's just so personal

that it's like asking someone how much money they have in there bank

account? Can anyone comment?


I waited 3 years to ask for a spiritual name because I knew if I was

conscious of my destiny, I'd have to go for it! And that really

scared me. After I met Yogi Bhajan, then I knew I was ready to

begin going down that road. Although in hindsight the first thing

that happened was my ego got wrapped up in it. I began to fantisize

about what name might show up in my mail box! By the time my letter

finally arrived I had convinced myself I was already living my

destiny and this would just be the stamp of approval from the big



If there is one thing I've had in my life, it's humbling

experiences! I read my letter (name) and I felt like someone had

hit me upside the head. I never saw this name coming and I could

not relate to it at all. Thus began the crying...


Well long story short, 15 months later, I attended 3 white Tantric

yoga's in that period, really wanting to work on living this destiny

and I can say my life has taken a right hand turn in another

direction since receiving my name.


I still have trouble using it outloud but I can now comfortably use

it in emails! So that's progress! Ha! Ha! Everyday I gain more

insight into the nuances of what this name holds and means for me

and how to live it. And when all else fails, just do your best,

right! Keep up, what else can I do?


All Light and many blessings,

Sat Sangeet Kaur

(True Divine Music)

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Dear Sat Sangeet,


It's very interesting to hear how you relate to your spiritual name. I

had terrible probems with mine - I was so upset about it I didn't even

think about it for ages and didn't want to know about it. Mine - Avtar-

means incarnation of god and I couldn't believe I could possibly have

such a name, much less live up to such a destiny. It seemed like



I'm not a Sikh and at the time wasn't even sure I believed in

reincarnation, so that was a comfort. But I knew in my heart of hearts

that God was saying to me through this name from Yogi Bhajan "be ye

perfect as your father in heaven is perfect'. In other words , just get

on with it. I also felt it is a huge responsibility and accepting the

name meant accepting that respnnsibility


These days I use it online - I didn't even use it at the Master's Touch

very much. I was still conflicted about it. I'm slowly gaining

accpetance. As time goes on I realise it isn't so much about the gifts

one is given, but what one does with those gifts. Gururattan has often

said that many of us were saints and sages in previous lives, and how

terrible would it be to get to the end of this one and have messed up !

Because we always have the choice. I think about this a lot because I

know someone who was given trmendous gifts, and abused them. Turned into

a false teacher. The price for this is very high. It's almost as bad to

simply not use the gifts.


We're very lucky we've been given a fabulous technology to steer us in

the right direction.


Love and blessings,




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Dear Avtar,

Thank you for sharing with me. I feel very touched by your response

because all of a sudden I don't feel so alone in this spiritual name

struggle I experience. When I was at summer solstice everyone I met

practically had a spiritual name and they didn't seem to be having

problems using it either!


I felt like how can I use this name if I don't fully embody it? But

I realise in my own way I do live up to it as best as I can in this

moment and as time passes my capacity to live it more fully

unfolds. Otherwise I end up waiting for a bus that never arrives.

I'm trying to be in the process instead of thinking there's a finish

line I have to get to.


I remember my teacher saying once a few years ago,"having knowledge

of the cosmos and not bringing it back to share and uplift etc is

worse than never having had it". It's better to be unconscious then

to have knowledge and not use it appropriately.


There's a line in the movie Spiderman: With great power comes great

responsibility. And I love this line because it reminds me of

humility and service in the face of power. KY gives me a framework

in which to live this.


I too think we're blessed!

Sat Sangeet

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Sat Nam Avtar,

Many years ago a teacher of mine explained something to me. In the Bible it

says we are made in the "Image of God". That doesn't mean God has 2 arms and 2

legs, it means that we, like God, have the ability to create beauty out of

nothing. To spontaniously create from within ourselves something new. We

compose, we sing, we dance, we cry; that is the "Image of God" - to create life.

So "every day in every way, you're incarnatin' better and better! Sure it's a

responsibility, but I'd rather answer for that than for a life uncreated and


You have nothing to live up to - it's already there.


Sat Nam, Leo




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Dear Sat Sangeet and Avtar,

You are both very special and your names are an

indication of this and are meant to help you realise who you really are. If you

try to be anything other than who you are the internal conflict will bring

stress and pain because of your resistance to the flow of your own spirit. It

took me a long time to discover the meaning of my name and also to be

comfortable with it and use it. Often our own families will not accept our new

names and this is the most painful. However it is a real blessing to receive

your name and to get some idea as to your destiny and how you should live. I

really feel quite honoured now when people call me Hari Sant. My prayer is that

in time you will also feel the same.


Sincerely yours

Hari Sant Singh


Give up your sense of mine and yours and become the dust of the feet of all. God

resides in every heart.



--- Avtar Kaur <avtarkaur wrote:

>Dear Sat Sangeet,


>It's very interesting to hear how you relate to your spiritual name. I

>had terrible probems with mine - I was so upset about it I didn't even

>think about it for ages and didn't want to know about it. Mine - Avtar-

>means incarnation of god and I couldn't believe I could possibly have

>such a name, much less live up to such a destiny. It seemed like



>I'm not a Sikh and at the time wasn't even sure I believed in

>reincarnation, so that was a comfort. But I knew in my heart of hearts

>that God was saying to me through this name from Yogi Bhajan "be ye

>perfect as your father in heaven is perfect'. In other words , just get

>on with it. I also felt it is a huge responsibility and accepting the

>name meant accepting that respnnsibility


>These days I use it online - I didn't even use it at the Master's Touch

>very much. I was still conflicted about it. I'm slowly gaining

>accpetance. As time goes on I realise it isn't so much about the gifts

>one is given, but what one does with those gifts. Gururattan has often

>said that many of us were saints and sages in previous lives, and how

>terrible would it be to get to the end of this one and have messed up !

>Because we always have the choice. I think about this a lot because I

>know someone who was given trmendous gifts, and abused them. Turned into

>a false teacher. The price for this is very high. It's almost as bad to

>simply not use the gifts.


>We're very lucky we've been given a fabulous technology to steer us in

>the right direction.


>Love and blessings,




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Dear Hari Sant Singh, Leo and Sat Sangeet,


Thank you all for your replies. I no longer worry about the name, because

that in itself in self concern. But having been raised in a staunchly

catholic culture it was hard to accept such a name , as it seemed

sacriligious and against everything I had been taught. Now I have a

different understanding, which I can accept. It just took a while ! I

used to be involved in a spiritual group that went very wrong and a lot

of my group buttons were being pushed at Master's Touch , which had a lot

to do with not using my name there. I'm grateful for that experience

because I clearly saw what I needed to let go.


Like you, Sat Sangeet, I just do the best I can, and accept that the

experiences I need to learn the lessons I came here for are being sent to

me evry day. All we need to do is keep up !


I often think of a great quote I once heard at mass " a saint is a sinner

who kept on trying ''


Love to you all,




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Sat Nam!


I want to talk more about spiritual names! I love mine!


Ranjit Kaur: princess who is victorious over battles.


Just receiving one, I felt so lucky and blessed. When I saw its

meaning, I nearly freaked out because it is so absolutely right on

for me. Serious, it's crazy how perfect it is! Since my Kundalini

yoga practice has intensified, it becomes more and more obvious this

is my identity as well as destiny through the sets & exercises that

feel the best to me.


I wonder why some people are secretive or choose not to use their

spiritual names. Maybe it's just too foreign at first? I have always

used pen names, sobriquets and other alternative names in life for

various reasons. My current legal name is made up in fact! Since I am

already comfortable taking on these new identifiers, I never had a

problem adopting Ranjit for use in my yoga community.


In Yogi Bhajan's letter, he asks us to meditate on our spiritual

names. Has he ever given specific directions on that? Is there

a "Meditation on Your Spiritual Name" set out there anywhere?!


Sat Nam

Ranjit Kaur

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Sat nam Ranjit!

That's great! that you love your name. You know i'm beginning to

see a whole new perpective on this whole name business. I think i'm

beginning to lighten up abit around it. Thank you all for sharing!


I've never heard of a specific meditation to do for your name. I'm

always working on the intention to embody this name and remove what

ever obstacles stand in my way, so in the process of this during

meditations etc. I often recieve direct information that pertains to

it and living it.


I later wrote YB a letter of gratitude thanking him for blessing me

with this name, because although I really struggle,working with this

name has been very transformational and has taken me in a direction

I probably wouldn't have willingly gone on my own accord, becuase in

my limited vision, I couldn't see it as a possibility.


All Light,

Sat Sangeet

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Sat Nam!


> I wonder why some people are secretive or choose not to use their

> spiritual names. Maybe it's just too foreign at first?


He he...I feel like your post was directed right at me! Thanks for

kicking my closet door in. ;-)


Mine is Siri Hari Singh: The lion who is the creativity of God.


I'm not exactly sure what it means so I meditate on it whenever



> In Yogi Bhajan's letter, he asks us to meditate on our spiritual

> names. Has he ever given specific directions on that? Is there

> a "Meditation on Your Spiritual Name" set out there anywhere?!


I too am wondering if there is a special meditation for one's

spiritual name.


Many blessings,

~Jeffrey er I mean Siri Hari Singh

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